HTC Hero :: HTC Sync - PUSH Exchange Server
Oct 19, 2009I understand that HTC Sync will allow for syncing with an exchange server (not just desktop client software). Can anyone confirm that it supports push email and not just periodic checking?

I understand that HTC Sync will allow for syncing with an exchange server (not just desktop client software). Can anyone confirm that it supports push email and not just periodic checking?
My HTC Hero have problems to sync the calendar with our exchange server! emails and contacts are all OK!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am new to the forums, hoping someone is able to assist me with some Exchange Server Contact sync problems. We are running Exchange 2007 (w/ SSL) and my mail and calendars sync no problem. But when it does the contacts, I get the error "Synchronization is experiencing problems" with no further message to the error. I have tried over WiFi and with the carriers network. This is on a fresh wipe of the device, I have tried deleting and re-adding the exchange account to the device but with the same error. I get approx 6 of my 325 contacts synced.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've had a quick search and couldn't find any topics exactly the same as the problem I am having.
For the first ten days or so all my contacts were syncing fine on the Hero from my Exchange account. I then added a new contact in Outlook / Exchange and from this point on, every time I sync the exchange contacts it fails with a client / server conversion error in the notifications. I deleted said contact again in Outlook to no avail.
The mail and calendar are syncing fine, and I have an HTC Snap syncing to the same Exchange account on the same network (Orange UK) just fine (I know the latter is Windows Mobile but still...)
Any ideas? Or is there any way I can see a log of some sort to see why it is failing?
I just got my D2 the other day and have it all setup, but something I've noticed differently from the D1 is that all my Outlook/Exchange e-mails take 5-10 minutes to be delivered even with the Push feature turned on. On the Droid 1, the messages were delivered instantly ometimes even before they arrived in my Outlook client at my desk.
I have it setup as a Corporate Sync account with all the same settings, but I feel like they have taken a step backwards with the Corporate Sync settings. I'm running 2.2.20 (rooted of course), but it's just a hit or miss when the messages come in. I did call VZW's tech line and the lady on the phone said there was some memo about this issue. She didn't mention if there was a work around, or if a fix is coming. It's almost as if the Sync button doesn't do anything.
I have a Droid Incredible and my business uses Microsoft Exchange 2003. every few weeks my phone will say that there's a problem with the exchange server when I try to sync. Restarting the server doesn't resolve this error, but removing the account from my Droid and re-adding it does.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there an easy way to add email addresses from the company email directory on Microsoft Exchange to existing contacts already in my phone & have a complete company email directory? I had it on my BB with AstraSync & thought I saw it on my Eris when I had 1.5 but I can't find it on my DINC.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI sync with our corporate Exchange server, and have been impressed with email, contacts, and calendar integration. I am trying to find an app to synch with tasks on the Exchange server. The only one I have found is Touchdown which replaces email, contacts, and calendar also. Is there a good stand-alone app for to-do/task sync with Exchange server?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis is my first post on the androidforums. I usually just read what other people wrote, but I can't seem to find a related post for my current problem.I date someone overseas in S. Korea, and since there's no way to send text msgs in Korean from here, I talk to her using activesync with a gmail account. She can check emails on her phone from Korea, and my phone sends me notification everytime I get an email from her. Basically it's same as texting except it allows me to type in Korean and doesn't cost a dime.For the reasons mentioned above, saving battery life isn't much of an option for me. I need to have activesync or gmail push running instantly. I tried using "check email every 5 minutes", but just imagine having to stay idle for 5 minutes everytime you text with your friends.
As of today, gmail push on android seems to work with 5 - 30 minutes delay (or manual refresh). However, Exchange Activesync will not even allow me to sync gmail (Different errors every time even though I'm putting the same information; gmail address, as server address, username & password). I thought activesync just allows me to use "gmail push" on HTC mail app, so I don't quite understand why gmail app works (despite the lag), but activesync won't even let me sync my mail. Activesync last worked on 06/17/2010.Also, gmail push works with no lag when I'm on wifi. Is this normal?I'm starting to think there's a problem with the Sprint network or my phone. Gmail push also works instantly if my 3G bar is white. If it's greyed out, no emails come until the 3G bar turns white. Now I have to turn on AIM or MSN messenger to keep the data flowing and manually keep the 3G bar white. Then gmail push comes instantly. It's pretty ridiculous because the battery then lasts about 2-4 hours.
Is this something I have to deal with or is there a setting I'm missing somewhere? Same thing w/ the calendar reminders. I have dismissed them on my phone but they still come up in outlook when I get home.
View 5 Replies View RelatedConnecting to my Exchange server at work with the default client.When I delete an email on the phone, I JUST want it removed from the phone, NOT the server.I don't see a way to specify this in the default client? Am I missing something?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been reading the forums for a bit but I haven't found an answer yet...
I got with our Exchange administrator today to setup my phone using ActiveSync. We just recently started supporting devices that use ActiveSync. To my knowledge the only type of phone we have successfully used with ActiveSync is a Palm Pre.
I go into AvtiveSync manual setup and specify all the settings according to our systems and we require SSL. However as soon as I press next I immediately get "Cannot connect to the Exchange Server"
I have data access and I can access our OWA website using the browser (although I can't seem to log in - I get a bad user name/password error)
I have been provided the godaddy certificates by my Network Admin, but I don't know how to import them. I have them on the internal SD card.
I also don't have any spaces in the user name and I've tripled checked all the typing on the settings. Am I missing something?
I am having the following issue with Exchange. When I setup the phone initially, I was able to synch my email, contacts, and calendar just fine. However, I started noticing that my emails had a delayed vs my computer. My Hero was syncing only every 5 minutes or so (I do have selected the option to get emails as they arrive). Eventually, I went to settings, data synchronization, exchange activesync, and there is an error message that says 'Error occurred on the computer running the exchange server'.
It also seems that it hasn't synced the contacts and calendar in a while, apparently it stops after failing to sync email. The funny thing is that I am actually do getting new emails just not as they arrive, but as I said before, every 5 mins or so. Another thing is that If I click on Synch now. I do not get that error message and it syncs mail, contacts and calendar just fine, but again when it tries to do it on its own, the error message comes up again.
I had no problem setting up my Exchange sync, however I have multiple calendars on my Exchange account (1 account, multiple calendars), but the phone only syncs with one of those calendars. Is there a way to have it sync with ALL the calendars on my exchange account? (And I did go to the calendars selection settings but it only shows one of my exchange calendars.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI've got my email and calendar syncing with my Exchange server every couple of hours, but if I make a change to an appointment from my PC and want to sync my Hero calendar immediately, how do I force an immediate update? I can refresh my email, but I can't see a calendar refresh option? I worked it out. Just go to home screen, menu, Settings, Data synchronization, Exchange ActiveSync and there's a Sync now button at the bottom of the screen that syncs mail, contacts and calendar when you click it. Perfect. Would be nice if it was a little easier to get to though!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering if anyone else is having problems syncing with Exchange 2007 (via wifi)? I connect with our exchange server and can send e-mails, but the contacts/email/calendar sync result in a "Exchange sync error: Sync protocol error".I noticed people were having problems with Exchange 2003 and SSL, but we do not have ssl turned on at the moment.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have a new HTC Hero.I am currebtly syncing with Exchange using the Exchange sync app that come with the Hero.I used to us RoadSync from DataViz on my Nokia which was great.There are a couple of features that I miss.
a) I can't set different sync schedules for different times of day lie I can in RoadSync.
b) I can't seem to access the Exchange Global Address List like I could in RoadSync.
1) Does any one have experience of using the Beta of RoadSync on Android. Is it any good ? Does it have the features above ?
2) Can anyone recommend any other Exchange sync apps ?
Also, is there any way to force exchange sync, roadsync or any app for that matter to use a particular connection, i.e. 3G or wifi only ?
I am today using the Hero to sync Mail and Calender via Exchange using HTC own software. However, i am hesitating regarding contacts. All i want is to receive the adresses in our Company Directory into my phone. But will my phone try to upload my (private) contacts into exchange? I have not found any rules to be set about this. Can anyone shed any light on this?
View 8 Replies View RelatedDoes the Active Sync Exchange calendar allow you to invite attendees?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI updated my HTC Hero yesterday with the new ROM for Orange handsets. After the update i went back and setup my Exchange ActiveSync settings on the phone, it all seemed to work ok. Initial sync downloaded my emails, contacts and calendar, I then went to change the schedule to 'As item arrives', which is how I normally have the phone set for push emails. I found that when i change this setting the phone is constantly syncing with the server, as soon as it completes a sync it will start syncing again. I left it for about 30 minutes doing this over a wireless connection thinking it might stop eventually, but it didn't.
I have tried deleting the account and setting it up again and also done another factory reset, but as soon as i select 'as item arrives' in the schedule then it does this.
This worked fine before the update, any ideas whats gone wrong? Is there anything i can do to so that the phone only syncs when there is new mail?
I've read a few "pre-reviews" of 2.1 and have yet to see any comments on better performance as it relates to syncing w/ Exchange Servers.Can anyone who has 2.1 loaded, that also uses an Exchange Server, comment on performance? I know that with 1.5, even though the settings are dictating the phone to sync upon arrival, there are times where it hasn't synced for more than a day.Just curious to see if this has been improved.
View 5 Replies View RelatedThere are alot of Threads/Post on Contacts Sync etc. I haven't found the answer though to my question, so here it goes.
Can i sync my Contacts to my PC and not use Google or the Exchange Sync? Just make a separate folder for them in the event of a phone crash etc. Maybe make a folder to put on my SD Card?
Sorry if this has already been ask before, i couldn't find any threads of it.
How do I turn on Exchange calendar sync? I can't find the option. I have my Exchange email setup and everything is working fine. When I set it up I told it not to sync my contacts and calendar because I usually sync my work calendar with Google Calendar Sync. However, I am now using Office 2010 Beta at work and Google Calendar Sync does not support it.
View 3 Replies View Relatedok heres the deal, i have my work email on my hero. i set it up before i rooted flashed fresh 1.1 and installed gumbo kernal. i installed nandroid backup last night and ever since, i can no trecieve or send and email. it says theres an authentication error. i called our customer support and all my info to set it up is correct. the acct is for yum brands in case anyone has anymore info.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I set my HTC Hero to sync with exchange "As Items Arrive", the phone is constantly synching and therefore my battery drains. Even when I turn off the phone, the phone uis still awake since it is constantly checking/sync-ing with exchange. I was under the impression that by selecting this type of sync, the items would be "pushed" to the device rather than the device constantly checking if there are new messages, contacts, or calendar eventsto sync. Is this expceted behaviour, or is there some other tweak I need to do? By the way, I just updatedmy phone yesterdey to the latest firmware, and the issue still persist.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHas anyone been able to install HTC Sync on Windows Server 2003? That's what I use on my desktop at work...
Currently, when I run the installer, it fails with error 1722. If I look at the logs, it says that it fails because it's not windows xp.
This has been one of only a couple of bugbears I'm experiencing with my Hero. While Exchange syncs perfectly for mail, contacts and calendars, it fails to display Outlook folders in the proper way. Does anyone else experience this?
I have something like 20 folders, most of which have subfolders, and then some of those have more subfolders. In Outlook, it's perfect (naturally). On the Hero, it seems to display them almost randomly - certainly not in the hierarchy they should be, or even alphabetically. With 100+ folders (some with the same name), this is a pain when on the move and relying on the phone to give me access to stuff.
Does anyone have a fix for this?
I've tried the 5 day trial of one of the Exchange apps (can't remember the name) but found it clunky and removed double-quick. Don't like RoadSync either. Plus, I don't see why I should pay for an app when the default one should do the job properly.
Also, on the subject of Exchange, is there any way to get tasks to sync? I'm having to use Gmail to "copy" tasks from Outlook (PITA), and don't really want to add a third party app to manage just those.
I guess it's a case of waiting a few months for some kind of update ... or is that me being a little too optimistic?
I wanted to set up my hero to get my mail from work and calender ect. We use outlook. The question I have is whats the difference between active exchange sync and just setting up outlook like you would set up yahoo, gmail ect... Sorry if this is a dumb question but I just never had to use exchange before so im very unfamiliar with it. What I have been doing is just syncing my phone via usb with my home outlook.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI know there's an EAS thread but I couldn't find a solid answer to this question - Does the Exchange ActiveSync implementation on the HTC Hero from Sprint support advanced security features of Exchange server mainly enforcing Pin Locking and enabling Remote Device Wipe via Exchange? I know iPhone does and the Palm Pre does after WebOS v1.1. I'm very interested in the HTC Hero but need to be able to connect to my corporate exchange server. It's a large company so I cannot have my device added to an exception list or anything.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHas anyone managed to get the Hero to sync with their Global Address Book in Microsoft Exchange?
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