Samsung Captivate :: Main Bugs Of Running Leaked 2.2 Build?
Nov 29, 2010Just curious what the bugs are that everyone talks about with 2.2
The only bug I notice is when I disable BT it mentions something about a SIM card.

Just curious what the bugs are that everyone talks about with 2.2
The only bug I notice is when I disable BT it mentions something about a SIM card.
Please sticky if so, and only have problems listed, possible solutions etc.Maybe we can keep the thread from being 12 pages long with people asking the same questions. (Including me).Many of us don't have the time or, patience to look through multiple page threads to find the answer we are looking for.
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Hopefully it'll be ported soon!
I'm using the Cognition build of the 2.2 Leak (beta v5.5) on my Captivate at the moment. Haven't had any problems thus far, and am loving it. But I noticed something odd today. I had to install the .apk of the android keyboard that's floating around the forums. And I noticed that haptic feedback on keypress doesn't work. Anybody else have this problem? Know a solution?
View 7 Replies View RelatedOne thing that I really like about the phone is the ability to play music from my phone to my car stereo via Bluetooth because it has the A2DP. No wires and I can control the music ON the deck itself instead of the phone. I've updated the phone with the leaked froyo about 2 days after it was leaked. I noticed that I couldn't play music from my phone to my car stereo anymore via bluetooth. I am able to take calls fine via bluetooth while I am driving, it just won't play any music.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWith all the talk around the forums about the captivate's materials and build, has anyone actually broken one? Has anyone exerted substantial strain on the phone without breaking it? Tell you're story. Maybe we can lay the issue to rest. My thoughts are that if it feels flimsy, but hasn't had major issues with fragility, who cares what it feels like!
View 9 Replies View RelatedJust posted on XDA by designgears : I897ucjh7 - not froyo, - xda-developers. Looks like it's the final test firmware before the official release. Word from those that have flashed is that they are getting a GPS lock, Indoors. Also, it Looks like updates to the phone will be done with Kies, not OTA. Also has been said that it's pretty quick and the lag issue has been addressed.
View 49 Replies View RelatedI'm doing my usual pushing buttons. I dl'd the manual but can't figure this out. I have on the main screen an option of 5 different things: wifi (on/off), bluetooth (on/off), something, something, screen brightness. I think I toggled it on but don't know how to turn it off now.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis is a minor rant, and I'm not attempting to pick on any one individual. I'm just going crazy reading a new thread every 5 minutes of someone discovering a new issue with their X after installing a leaked and of course UNOFFICIAL build of Froyo. I mean you've already been warned of the potential problems and risks you might face with installing the leaked build; so why take the chance of potentially bricking your phone? Either way, maybe the mods can create a separate Froyo sub-forum for the time being, until we finally see an official release.
View 20 Replies View RelatedI have looked everywhere in the forums and although I know it is in here I can't seem to find the answer to this question. How do I change the home buttons at the bottom of the main screen? I have switched to k9 mail and would like to replace the stock email icon there.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow Do I change the 4 icons on the main screen, the ones that don't move when you slide the screen,
its the ones right above the Samsung logo, right now I have Phone , E-mail , Browser and Applications there , I want to get take off the Browser and put Text in there , How do I do that , I can't seem to find out how.
so i have been wanting to switch a android phone for a while and a bud hooked me up with a captivate, i used it for about a month or two and switched back to my iphone because the android just ran slow as molassas which it should do on the captivate which has some beefy specs as i understand. so i switched back recently the 2.2 release (froyo)popped up on the net and everyone harped about how its 8 million times faster, so i upgrade to the 2.2 release following some instructions on gizmodo or some site similiar, now the phone runs even slower perhaps if i was to strip the at&t 2.2 and put back on just stock standard android 2.2 it would improve? am i not flipping a switch? i am dying to try out a android phone that supposedly can beat my iphone, please any advice, suggestions, smacks upside the head.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm going to exchange my Cappy at bestbuy today. I had 100% battery when I woke up, make an 3 min call, browsed for about 15 minutes and I'm down to 70%. I normally have to charge it 2 or more times a day. The battery usage thing shows display using 70%. That seems a bit high. Its on its lowest brightness setting too
Then the GPS thing. it would be nice if that worked. I'm going to love this phone one way or another!
My phone was built on 7/10/2010, the battery was 7/4/2010. Is there an easy way to tell if its a newer build or not? Does anyone know the IEMI breakdown?
Is there any difference because i noticed that there are a couple bugs(swype is a little erradic, missing apps). So is there a difference and also will i be able to update to the official froyo if already on the leaked version?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI never even actually opened up the att navigator but almost every time I run the app killer its there using up some memory. Anyone else notice this? And can this be stopped without root?
View 1 Replies View RelatedGot a question about some running services i would like to know about. basically i don't know what they are and was hoping for some information on them:
And what about MailService. If i stop this would all my incoming mail just completly stop?
I JUST had to restart my phone for the first time (some weird lagging started). It had been running since two days after launch (when I received it from
View 2 Replies View RelatedAT&T Captivate . First day errors .
Well it keeps likes turning off. Well directing it self to the main screen "locked" once i unlock it. It says on the top internal mass and something else. Randmly does it. As well i can connect it to a pc..
Touchwiz has finally started lagging on my captivate. I downloaded launcher pro for the 2nd time after unistalling it once. Now i cant find how to run it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIt run too hot when making call. I can feel the heat on my ear... anyone has the same problem? do I get a defective one?
View 11 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know why my GPS icon on the top toolbar of my phone would be running randomly? I have no apps running that would require it to come on and the only way to get it to turn off is to power the phone down and then turn it back on. It doesn't bother me.but I do believe it is running my battery down faster then normal.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy gmail app suddenly stopped working. i have background and auto sync on. contacts and calendar syncing without any issue. mail is the only problem. i uninstalled ADW launcher which i updated right before this problem and all related apps for that launcher from the phone. i rebooted the phone (several methods including holding down power and volume buttons down, power off and battery out) but the problem still persists. I am unable to see the gmail app in the android marketplace from my phone. Otherwise, i will uninstall the one in my phone and reinstall the same. Another crazy thing is..when i open manage applications under settings, i dont see gmail app there. i have to app on my tray but not found in the applications list.what is going on?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'll be getting my Captivate tonight, it's on the UPS truck.What's the best way to transfer my data from my Blackjack II, running Win 6.1?Will the Captivate read from the Outlook file?
View 8 Replies View RelatedCan someone advise the am command (for adb shell) to run junit tests in the main thread please? The following shows onStart etc running in the test runner thread. am instrument -w -e class tests.MyTest Ewan Benfield ttp:// .uk tel: 0845 643 5691 (+44 845 643 5691) mob: +44 (0) 77859 26477
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got two text messages from AT&T last night stating that there is an update available. Specifically, it says:
AT&T Free Message: AT&T is providing a free update for your phone. When asked to install the update, please select OK.
Anyone else running Cognition getting these messages? I'm running 2.3 beta (something I forget). Is this just the reminder for the update they sent down a month or so ago?
How do you get running apps to show up in the notification drop down menu?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAddressed to Samsung and to anyone else experiencing these stuff.
1.BUG! when surfing the internet using the in-built browser (or any 3rd-party browser) 10/10 times the Auto-fit function does not work. And this is for ANY website I have tried so far.
2.a way to enhance and smoothen how an app (or an acitivty like playing music or watching a video) closes and goes back to the main home screen ala iPhone. (READ: the way it fades back or a millisecond door closing like the iPhone)
3.a way for the auto-rotate function smoothly and better like the iPhone. The Galaxy S rotates roughly and the 1GHX processor surely should do something like what the iPhone does. And a lot better!
4.a way to boost the in-built wi-fi signal. My router is N-standard and when I go to my room which is 7 steps away (and only blocked by a small thin wall) the signal greatly degrades which In my opinion is odd.
5.a way to be able to use some Google or 3rd party app or when doing another task (like looking through photos) when playing an MP3 file on the background. For example in my experience when I was playing an MP3 file and when I went to Google Maps the music stops playing. Why?
6.URGENT! multitasking please to be a norm! Surely with a 1GHz processor there should me very minimal slowdown when opening and using multiple apps; 4 out of 10 times the phone freezes and goes very slow when doing multiple tasks and the more files (especially music and videos) you put on it.
7.when playing an MP3 file to use the 5.1 channel surround sound function in conjunction or in unison even if the Equaliser and the Effect function are set to a user's preference.
8.on the Main and Applications home screen the ability to sift through each home screen continously. For example if I was on home screen # 7 and I want to go back to home screen #1 without having to press the main center Home button and going back 7 steps why not make sifting through home screens continously. Can you see what I mean by this?
9.swipe sideways to unlock like the iPhone
10.a battery-saving app please! i've charged my brand-new Galaxy S and once I start using it (just using weather, news and watching a video) the battery slowly starts fading away after say 15 minutes. although not overly fading away.
11.BUG? when the 3G/HSDPA signal is too low (between 0 to 2 bars which is beyond my control) the wi-fi is automatically turned-on for some reason.
12.when zooming in on a photo (using pinch-to-zoom) taken from the phone the picture doesn't sharpens itself unlike the iPhone
My application starts a remote service and binds to it. If I close the application with the "back" button there are still some threads running (listed in the Debug View of Eclipse) - main thread, and three Binder threads. In onDestroy() I call unbindService(service_connection) - is there something else to clean up?
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