Motorola Droid :: 2.1 Update Constant Sync Icon
Apr 3, 2010I received the OTA 2.1 update last night and now I have a sync icon in the top bar that will not go away. Is there some intense syncing to be done after the update?

I received the OTA 2.1 update last night and now I have a sync icon in the top bar that will not go away. Is there some intense syncing to be done after the update?
I've been having a problem for the past few weeks with my Incredible being in a constant state of sync. I can tell this by the sync icon spinning around and around in the bar up top. There's a rouge app calling for sync somewhere, how can I find it? I've already tried to obvious method of going into settings > accounts and sync and disabling literally everything in there. Facebook, Weather, Google, everything is turned off. Another app somewhere is using sync. The only way to get it to stop is to hit the cancel sync button on that page and then it goes away for a few hours and then it comes right back. I'm sure this is a huge battery suck. Is there an app that monitors other app usage with sync or something?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just got a google apps account at work and added that email to my phone and now my battery drains fast and Google is the culprit according to battery status.Also seems like the sync wheel is on all the time at top of screen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am having a constant issue with my DX freezing when I use it, VZW has replaced my battery, done a hard reset, so I guess the next step is a new phone. It was fine until the update and now it freezes when I do only what it is supposed to.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using a Motorola Droid 1 and have run into a problem. My phone is constantly roaming (the little triangle in the status bar is visible) and I cannot program or activate my phone.
This started after this process:
My phone was rooted, Stock 2.2 with superuser (via clockwork) I accidentally applied the OTA Adobe flash update and became unrooted. I attempted to flash a rooted 2.2 with adobe with RSD Lite and loaded the newest baseband
My phone began not working at this point. I get this message when I try to activate via *228 or *22899: "The number or code you have entered is incorrect"......"Message 7 Switch 441"
I tried manually programming via ##PROGRAM, but to no avail.
I have flashed back to 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2 every version of baseband I could find, but I still am roaming. Under phone status, my network is "Unknown"
Finally, here is what I have right now:
Model number: Droid
Firmware version: 2.1-update1
Baseband version: C_01.3E.03P
Kernel version: 2.6.29-omap-g7fa8788android-build@apa26 #1
Build Number: ESE81
I talked to a verizon tech support guy and he got me as far as being able to make calls on my "unknown" network and roaming status. He thought that he fixed it after that, so I just gave up on that conversation....
I just went from 2.2 leak to 2.1 and then to OTA 2.2.
When I got to 2.2 OTA, I did Titanium "restore all apps with data" (not the option with "all system data").
Now, I have a sync icon in my notification bar that won't go away.
In settings->accounts, I have no accounts at all set to sync (I even unchecked my google contacts and calendar).
I already did one system format (because the first time I restored with titanium I restored system data too and saw in some other threads that could be a cause). After the system restore, but before titanium, I wasn't getting the sync icon.
I can't not use titanium to restore or it'd be a huge task to get things back to the way they were.
My sync icon in the notification bar will not go away. Anyone know why? I'm not sure how to check if my google account is being synced correctly, I don't think it's syncing correctly.
View 11 Replies View RelatedAnyone know how to get the sync icon in the notification bar to go away. I've done everything. Turned off all email auto pull. Turned off facebook contacts. I can restart and if will go away for a few mins and come back. This all started after 2.2 upgrade.
View 5 Replies View RelatedDoes anybody has same problem, or even better has a fix?
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust a simple? the power widget has the little sync icon. Is that for the sync of all apps on the phone like email, facebook, news, and anyother widget that updates and use data. It allows me to turn data on/off to all these programs rite? New to Andriod so please bear with me.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt wont go away.. No idea how to get rid of it.. It sometimes disappears, but only for a few minutes. Read about 6 other forum posts and none have helped..
Its nothing to do with any sort of syncing account, I have it fully turned off, and my accounts removed, but it still shows..
After rooting, the sync icon in my status bar has been stuck. I've tried doing a factory reset as well as removing all my sync accounts.
View 21 Replies View RelatedSince this afternoon, the sync icon (Arrows that point to each other and form a circle) won't go away.
I'm not sure if it's doing anything. I even tried turning sync off altogether but it won't go away.
Tried shutting down twice.
Since the update my Eris has been in a constant loop of trying to power on. It only ever gets to the silver htc on the black screen then it goes completely black and then goes back to the red smear for verison and the little droids then over again. I've already taken out the battery and tried again but no help.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMany times it seems I will get notification that an app (such as chompsms or twidroyd) has updates just a day or two after I just updated that app because I rec'd a notification. I know you can check the version number and some apps even tell you what is being updated, but I never know what the latest build number is anyway so I always just push update anyway. So, I guess my question is, when I receive these notifications on consecutive days like that are they really just the same update and does it hurt to dl the update if you already have?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if it was possible to remove the persistent location icon that takes up space on the status bar. It doesn't make sense to me that the location icon ALWAYS has to be there, whether you enable GPS tracking or not, to let you know one way or another. Especially since the Motorola Droid didn't require this.
Also, it would be nice if the battery indicator could be changed to a percentage. Right now, I have an app - Battery Indicator - that tells this, but it places an icon in the left side of the status bar, needlessly taking up space as well.
It would be killer for me if I could get rid of these 2 superfluous status bar icons and leave room for other stuff.
I'm running Third Wave, Hydra Kernel 1, but I'm guessing a separate ROM would be necessary to do what I want. MetaMorph doesn't work for me, for what it's worth.
i got the new update and now my gmail will not do i get this to work again?should i delete the account then add it back?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have been very happily using a Sense 2.2 Lite ROM since August, but what the heck. I've heard good things about Virtuous.I cleared the cache and hard all data since this is a new ROM. Loaded fine. Titanium backup etc.I disabled weather updates. Turned off all google updates. Anything I could find.I still see the sync icon in the top bar spinning. If I go into Accounts & Sync I can hit "Cancel Sync" and it stops, even though I have no idea what it is trying to sync.I restored my older ROM but would love to give Virtuous a shot again.Any suggestions on a setting a may be overlooking?
View 7 Replies View RelatedA few months ago, I started a thread regarding the problem that VZW and Motorola both identified as a problem with MS Exchange Server 2003 and 2007 not sync'ing right away.
Corporate Outlook/Exchange Sync - Push
I called and spoke with a tech at Motorola and said with the next OTA for the Droid 2 (which just happened) it was supposed to fix it, however it didn't. Does anyone on the inside have any insight as to what's going on? I'm back to using Improved Email for instant push delivery of my Exchange messages.
I did get the OTA the other day, and the version number did change, but nothing of significance.
Really starting to get pissed with this phone with I mostly use it for my job and e-mail. I shouldn't have to rely on a third party application for delivery of my e-mail. G-Mail works fine, but Exchange works about 5% of the time without me having to go in a do a manual refresh...then 10-20 messages pop up.
Fresh install and no longer rooted.
So when you enter a new contact, if you have your facebook account synced, it will automatically put the contact's picture in there for you...BUT when someone updates their picture (as I know some have) it does not seem to update under my contacts. How do I fix this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhy is it that with "Sync of WiFi" and refresh interval at never, does my Facebook app STILL update and refresh on it's own?
Anyone else notice this? I am only on WiFi at home, but this thing syncs while at work for 9 hours and not connected to WiFi.
Would it be possible to "sync" my apps so that they all connect to the internet at the same time to update, as opposed to each doing them at different times?For instance, my k-9 mail checks for email every hour, but my News and Weather Widget checks every 30 minutes (I think), and my Beautiful Widgets Home Widget checks for weather every 2 hours. I fear that even if I set them all to 1 hour, they'd all be checking at one hour past the time I told them to check, which would still be different times. Is there any way to just sync all of my apps that automatically connect to the internet?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWould you say it's a huge hassle to get back all of your apps after flashing? Im just curious to see what methods people use to shortcut their way back to the way they like their phones most. I would assume tibku would be your best friend here. But are there people out there who get a kick out of un/reinstalling all the time? I just wanna know how people do their thing with the SBF.
View 21 Replies View RelatedI recently rooted my droid, and wanted to increase my phone's speed... so i installed "" via 'ROM Manager. Now, it wont start up, it just starts and a constant red light turns on (same as when battery is low, but constant) It shows the battery empty but it wont let me charge it, so i dont know what to do..
View 27 Replies View RelatedOk so I keep gettin my apps foreclosed on me. It is all apps not just the ones is get from the app plce even the ones that where preinstaleed. Now I am a former bb curve user and I decided on the droid instead of the. Storm 2 and I love my droid. Anyways I have no idea if it is user error or if I should return this droid and get a new one ? Any ideas or suggestions? Also the battery life sux I got 8hrs out of it today on moderate use.......
View 4 Replies View RelatedAll of a sudden my notify light displays a constant blue light when the phone is put to sleep. I've uninstalled Chomp and I do not have any social networking apps installed nor do I have accounts synced to the phone. All messages on my phone have been read.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm rooted and I have a lot of app updates, but I'm getting constant fcs from the app market to update. Is it a root issue or a google/android issue ? I got a droid by the way.
View 7 Replies View RelatedBuddy told me to put kangerade and chevy lv 1.2ghz on it. I'm not new to the root game and i've done it to a few eris phones. I got everything installed correctly two days ago but yesterday and today, the phone seems to soft boot every now and again for no particular reason. It doesn't go all the way to the mas a hard boot would, but it goes to the droid logo and reboots from there. I'm running the newest version of Kangerade with chevy 1.2ghz low voltage kernel.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen visiting a few sites on the Droid, I get a message telling me to install flash. It comes up 3 times before the site finally loads, and I have to cancel each time. What's strange is that even though I hit cancel, everything still loads. Is there any way to disable that notification and just prevent it from attempting to load flash?
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust want to make sure this is normal. Does anyone else's camera make tons of noise while constantly refocusing in barcode scanning apps? I can't remember where I read it but I know I read something about all the clicking noises being a bad sign.
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