HTC Droid Eris :: Received The OTA Bug Fix That Was Scheduled For Today
Jan 22, 2010I have not heard of one person yet who got the 1/22 that was scheduled from the Verizon memo back in November.

I have not heard of one person yet who got the 1/22 that was scheduled from the Verizon memo back in November.
I very unexpectedly received an OTA update today. Currently running 2.1 Leak V3 and was under the assumption from reading posts here that I wasn't supposed to receive anything OTA at all.guess not.I don't want to lose/delay potential root capability and knowing Verizon, there's an HBOOT update in there.Can anyone shed some light?
View 49 Replies View RelatedKinda peeved that it's a refurb.I thought I would get a new Droid since the one I purchased Touch Screen crapped out.Is this typical? This is the first time I had to use warranty on a cell phone.
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know what the latest Eris network software update was for? I got one this morning when I turned the phone on.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I returned my Eris today.The battery issues had been pretty much contained.I could get a full day out of a charge, but the lag was terrible.I had it all over the place despite running task killer, spare parts, clearing cache, etc.Then the phone started to get wacky. It would freeze with black screens when switching to home.Sometimes when going to home, I would get a black screen with an HTC logo displayed for about 20 seconds, then it would show Sense UI loading for about 10 seconds (dimmed picture, loading logo, no applications).Also, I would have periods where I could not switch between screens.The dialer was ridiculously laggy as well. I would press end, and the phone wouldn't end for about 5 seconds. Dialing the phone sometimes I would have a 1-2 second delay when pressing buttons.
View 12 Replies View RelatedThe default HTC Weather app isn't working today after I restarted my phone after a test.
The Current location 1/2 says Albuquerque, New Mexico. It says "No weather data available"
The 2/2 entry I programed is Albuquerque, NM and that works.
I just added a 3rd Dallas, TX and that works.
Something is odd. It's using the long spelled out state name for the Current location and that doesn't seem to be found in the Weather server when it checks. Just the 2 letter state names seem to work.
My sis sent me a pic from her Sprint phone in a text msg like anyone would using a simple phone. I opened the text, was given the option to download the pic and I did but CANNOT save the pic. I'm not given the option to save.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI still haven't received the update. I'm in the greater Los Angeles, CA area. I also bought the phone when it first came out but that shouldn't matter. Anyone else not receive it yet?
One thing I'm speculating is 'Background Data.' Do I need to leave that on to receive the update? I leave it off and only turn it on when I'm browsing the Market. All I need to leave on is '3G Mobile Network' right? I don't leave it on 24/7 so maybe I was supposed to receive it OTA but my 3G was off.
It's really bugging me that all the people I know that own a crappy Eris already received the update and I'm still sitting here with an expired 1.5 cupcake...
It's been over two weeks since the update started rolling out. How long does it take?
View 7 Replies View RelatedDid a search, didn't find what I'm looking for. I have only one email account, a gmail account, set up on my Eris. I would have my Yahoo set up as well, but for some reason it says my account info is wrong. Anyway, I get 1 notification for each of the email systems in the phone. 1 seems to be through HTC or a widget or something, 1 is the gmail app or whatever it's called. I've only had this phone for 3 days, and I love it. If it's any help, I'd like to only use the htc one as the keyboard seems more responsive as far as the auto-correction goes, and the layout is more simple and easier for me to read.
View 11 Replies View RelatedAfter fighting the silent bug for a while - I asked for a replacement that I received today. (The box said "Like-new Certified".) It came with 2.1, PCD: 06/28/2010, So I did not do Factory reset. I synced with google, I got all my contacts, with icons, e-mails and calendar back.
I reinstalled googe voice, AK notepad and swype beta.
Most important difference: The Available space (memory) is 131Mb now, whereas on the old phone it was 91 Mb. It seems I have one more bars, but I could be mistaken. (I wish I wrote down what I had before...) How do I check for the 50% bug? I will keep an eye of the silent bug shows up.
My gmail has been weird for some reason the past few days and hasn't been refreshing as set in my settings. Anyone else having a problem like this?
View 10 Replies View RelatedShould the trackball light up when a message is received with chomp sms mine doesn't i've looked through the settings and all it has is trackball color.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I get an MMS video I am unable to view/play the video. I had no issues on phones I have had in the past. I am stumped.
View 10 Replies View RelatedIf someone sends you a picture through a text message, how can you save it to your SD card?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIf you have received the 2.1 OTA from Verizon, can you tell us your baseband version, kernel, build #, and software #.
Just to compare those to the 2.1v3 leak to see if they're the same.
Migrated from multiple Blackberry phones. However, I cant seem to find a thread or app) where it shows my next 4-6 meetings/calendars. I would LOVE to have this app on my home screen. I have no problem paying for the app, I just need it.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI received my replacement Droid today and it came with 2.1 still installed. I have had it running for about 10 hours now and still have not received the 2.2 update. I called Vz this evening and they said they have finished sending out OTA updates for 2.2 and if I want it installed I have to go into a store.
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust saw that the Droid 2 was released today on the Verizon website.Is anyone here going to upgrade? I think the lack of availability to root is a deal breaker for me.What are your thoughts?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis seems like an obvious requirement for a calendar widget, but I can't get it actually show me today's events. For a few days leading up to an event, it'll inform me when it's coming, but when it's here, nada.
So is there any way to actually make the widget show the current day's events?
I can not find it anywhere walmart wireless has it backorder'd amazon won't ship it until september idk where else to look I guess ima just have to go with the droid 2
View 22 Replies View RelatedLooking for a scheduled reboot app with a non rooted phone android 2.1.I noticed that my free memory goes from around 210s to 130s in a day even with ATK running.Don't know where the memory is leaking but maybe someone can fill me in.Anyway with a reboot it jumps right back up to the 210s even though all the apps are running in ATK.
View 20 Replies View RelatedJust downloaded the latest version of Titanium off the market and it now offers scheduled backups (not sure if this is only for the paid version). There are also a handful of other new features that I haven't checked out yet. I am pretty excited about this and just wanted to give my rooted brothers and sisters a heads up
View 5 Replies View RelatedAre there any apps out there that would allow me to have both gmail and exchange switch from "as mail arrives" to "manual" certain times of the day?For instance, I sit in front of my work computer most of the day and don't require immediate email to my phone, same with gmail.So from say 8-5pm I don't really need instant mail. Also, from say 11pm - 6am I also don't need instant mail since I'm sleeping :-)it would be important that this would be controlled by days (for instance, I would like to be able to schedule the instant mail off on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8am - 5pm.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there an application that will turn the power off and on automatically at preset times?I would like to have the power off after a set time (e.g. 2 am) at night and power back on in the morning.I notice that my battery only reaches full charge with the power off.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to have some code execute every 24 hours.But my question has to do with how to trigger the service even if the phone has not been rebooted.In other words, suppose someone installs my application.I would like to make it so that in 24 hours, it executes some code, whether or not the phone has been rebooted.
View 10 Replies View RelatedMy app schedules an alarm,with the alarm scheduled, what happens if I release a new version of my app, and the user upgrades the app? Will this alarm be removed? Or will it be left untouched, and fired as expected?
View 2 Replies View RelatedLooking for an app to turn on data only at regularly scheduled intervals, say every 15 minutes or so.Anything out there? I know juicedefender may do this but I've heard mixed reviews on it.
View 10 Replies View RelatedSo I am having issues pairing my Inc with my Audi. Seems a common issue with several of the German cars and my research indicates it is because HTC loaded a crappy version of bluetooth with the phone, not the true 2.1 version that is in other phones. Has anyone found a workaround/fix for this? is it scheduled to be fixed in Froyo?
View 5 Replies View RelatedAutomatically resets Ur phone at a set scheduled time. My blackberry had one called restart me. I know android has one, Jus can't seem to find it.
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