HTC Droid Eris :: How To Save Picture Received In Text Message?
Feb 1, 2010If someone sends you a picture through a text message, how can you save it to your SD card?

If someone sends you a picture through a text message, how can you save it to your SD card?
My sis sent me a pic from her Sprint phone in a text msg like anyone would using a simple phone. I opened the text, was given the option to download the pic and I did but CANNOT save the pic. I'm not given the option to save.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI know I did this, but for the life of me cannot do it again received text with picture I want to keep.transfer to photo album. I click on the picture in the message/text and it pops up which program to use, default or astro. I try both, astro force closes and default one loads it, but no option to save it, only share. I want it on my phon's photo album./
View 8 Replies View Related1: why can't I save to my ad card?
2: how do I send a picture sms message?
Also are there any apps out there that will let me download full length mp3's? And did I get a bad battery or does the HTC Eris battery only last a couple hours? Also my phone is an HTC droid eris. Oh and one last question i heard that the eris will be updated from android 1.5 to 2.0 Will that be a software update that I will be able to do with my 2 day old eris when The update comes out?
Im trying to figure out how to or if its possible to save audio received from a text and then use it as a ringtone. All I can do with it so far is just play it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan anyone help me? I need to save a picture from a text message that was sent to me but it won't let me.
View 8 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to save a text msg. containing a .mp3 file as a ringtone. I had an Env2 and was able to send and receive text msg's with .mp3 and save them as ringtones but can't figure it on my new Android.
I am using the stock messaging program on my new Droid2. When I receive a picture message and I click on the picture to enlarge it. It only stays big for a few seconds and then minimizes again. How do I keep it large? Also, How do I save the pictures? I can't seem to save the pictures anywhere.
View 2 Replies View RelatedShould the trackball light up when a message is received with chomp sms mine doesn't i've looked through the settings and all it has is trackball color.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSometimes when I receive messages it makes the notification sound and will show message in notification bar but the text of the message will not appear in the text thread. Used to happen every once in a while, now doing it multiple times a day. I use Handcent but I doubt that is the problem because the messages dont show up in the regular messaging either. Just want to see if i am alone with this problem.
View 8 Replies View RelatedAnyone know how to save a picture that has been sent to you via a text message? If you view the picture and touch the screen, the only option is to save it as wall paper or use as a contact picture?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI cant believe its that hard, why cant I figure it out
View 18 Replies View RelatedRingdroid is great is you have the song. But if I download a ringtone - it comes as an MP3 attached to a text message. There is no media icon I can see that I can click/hold in order to have the option to save the MP3.
So, how can a save an MPS that comes in attached to a text message ?
I want to add some custom ringtones. Ringdroid and Ring Extender both do a nice job, but you need to have the song in order to make a ringtone. I have downloaded ringtones that came as MP3 attachments to a text message.But, I cannot figure out how to save those MP3's. There's no media icon I can click and hold. If I try menu while it's playing - it just backs me out of it, and if I try menu before playing it I just get the usual SMS reply options.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI keep getting the message after every text I send saying SMS received. Tracking has been reset. Not only do I get this message but so do the recipients of my messages. This has only started since I upgraded to Kitkat. I've tried googling it and even spent an hour on the phone with O2 but not had any luck. How I can stop it on my Galaxy S4.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to save a text message thread? I have an ongoing thread with around 64 messages back and forth. Seems like you should be able to send it as an email or something but I don't see it anywhere. Surely there's a way.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have received a picture message. I can open the message and the picture, and I want to save the picture to the Album.
I don't seem to see how to do this.
It probably is a stupid question to ask (once again, Nugget = techtarded), but how do I send a picture message? I usually message through Chomp, but I don't see a way to send a picture message.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if someone could tell me how do i forward a text message i received on my incredible to someone else. For some reason i cant for the life of me figure out how to do it. I would appreciate any help or info on how to do it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm working on an Android app that will send an automated response every time a text message is received. I looked around a bit on android's development site but haven't had anything that points me in the right direction. Does anyone have any ideas on where I should start with this or have any good links that might help? I am a total beginner with developing Android apps so please bear with me if I'm a little slow with this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the Motorola Razor Maxx on the Verizon network. Recently have received text messages I could not download. doesn't state why just "message size: 30KB" ask if I want to download or reject. When I try to download I get the same message "failed to download" is there a setting to change file sizes allowed or something else I'm missing.
View 6 Replies View Relatedmy friend sent me a pic of us through a picture message and i wanna save it to my phone this possible? i know u can set it as your lockscreen, wallpaper, footprint, or phone contact...but i wanna save it to my photo albums!
View 6 Replies View is the final solution to the Droid Eris picture message issues! My phone was giving me a gray "download" box when I got a MMS picture message from ANYONE. I clicked the button and it does nothing but give me an error message.
I went into Verizon with this problem and they admitted to me that there is a KNOWN problem in the HTC Droid Eris line. The early models of the Eris have a hardware problem. HTC was so focused on getting their 3G data right, that they skipped an essential part of the 1x data where MMS picture messages come through over all networks.
Basically, I asked the Verizon rep why they didn't tell any of us users who purchased the Eris from the earliest models and they told me that it was an HTC error, not theirs. All they can do is replace the phone to one of the newer models. I just had this done, and it works perfectly. They could have easily contacted all users with the Eris and said that HTC had a problem instead of leaving us to figure it out on our own. They could have provided good customer service and decided not to do so!!
This is the only solution and the Verizon rep knew about the problem and was very helpful. I told him that I was going to post this online, telling ALL users who purchased the early models of the Eris (I got mine in late-November) to take it into Verizon and have a replacement ordered.
All of my paid apps transferred, contacts transferred, pictures transferred, etc...just had to set up my scenes again and download my free apps again...not a big deal!
but I would like to know if the message sent in a text message can be forwarded to another contact on my phone, and if so, how do you do it? Checked the owners manual, and could not find it.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI read that I have to hold down on the image until the menu bar pops up. The problem is that when I do that, I doesn't pop up at all!! So is there no way to save it then? I have the first DROID and the pictures were sent to me from a DROID Bionic. Would that have any negative effect seeing as it's newer than my phone? I used to be able to save images when it was sent from an earlier model like mine but now I am having issues.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a X10 mini and having a few problems. Could someone give me a good explanation on how to save pictures that I recieve in an MMS pic message? also then a good explanation ho to transfer the picture to my PC via bluetooth? I am struggling to get my phone to connect to my PC.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI would like the phone to alert me approx every 5 minutes that there is an unread text. My phone alerts that I have a new text but I also want it to alert me again if I don't hear the first alert. Is there a way to do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I save a picture that was sent to me via text message?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do you save pic mail from a text with Handcent? I have the Sprint Hero. Do I need to download a separate app? If so let me know.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI dnt know if this was mentioned but u can save pix from default txts app. You have to watch where u place ur finger. Don't press and hold on the picture attachment, press and hold on the whole message. You will see that the message and the attachment will highlight green and a screen will pop up.
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