Samsung Captivate :: Need Better Screen Brightness App
Jul 24, 2010This screen is unnecessarily bright in total darkness- is there a better screen brightness app that can bring the backlight down more than the settings allow?

This screen is unnecessarily bright in total darkness- is there a better screen brightness app that can bring the backlight down more than the settings allow?
I set auto brightness off and turn it all the way down cause the screen itself is bright already. but sometimes my brightness setting keep changing. i think an app does that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI set the brightness to the lowest.i turned off the automatic brightness adjustment and i also disabled the power saving mode on my captivate. however, the screen goes back to the brigthest sometimes. is anyone having the same problem?
View 16 Replies View RelatedI have the Auto-Brightness turned off and am using the Power Control widget but from time to time, the settings on Power Control goes to min. without my actually touching the control (its on a different home screen, not the main one, so its not that Im touching it by accident).
View 3 Replies View RelatedAnyone figured out how to make the Menu, Home, Back and Search buttons brighter or stay on longer? The buttons on my girlfriend's Vibrant are bright as hell!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI set the phone to not set brightness automatically and I put the brightness to the minimum. Every time I bring down the notification bar, the brightness automatically raises nonetheless and it's starting to really p.m.o.
View 11 Replies View RelatedWhen I use one hand to use the phone I often accidentally adjust the brightness by holding down on the notifications bar. Is there anyway to disable this feature?
View 7 Replies View RelatedCurious if any of the captivate owners are experiencing this. If you set your brightness to max, and turn off power saving mode. Have you noticed, when your battery starts to get really low, the phone ignores your max brightness setting, and reverts to a lower brightness?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIf you swipe your finger on the notification bar (with the panel still up), you can change your brightness, anywhere that bar is present! Useful when auto brightness isnt on and you need a quick brightness change. I'm not sure if this is a touchwiz feature or an android feature.
View 14 Replies View RelatedJust curious what brightness setting everyone is using? I'm talking normal, run-of-the-mill settings not what you crank it to when you're outside, and not what you turn it down to for playing games in the dark. I want your normal setting. Anyone have an idea of how much power usage is impacted? (Like, does 100% Brightness use 50% more power than 10%, or does it use 400% more power?)
View 13 Replies View RelatedWhat is the difference between "automatic brightness adjustment" and "power saving mode" which has the description "save power by adjusting image and adjusting LCD brightness"? Which one should I have on to conserve battery? It sounds like the do the same thing.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe screen brightness on my epic will jump from 0% to 75%. I have auto brightness off and the power control widget is not on any of my screens. Does anyone know what is causing this and how I can fix it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust got my Galaxy S 2 days ago, loving it so far but does anyone know any app that works with adjusting the brightness for the phone beyond what default brightness setting . Even on the lowest setting it is still so bright, and on the battery use page it say that the display uses 65% of the battery.
View 14 Replies View RelatedOk so I'm about a week and a half maybe more in with the froyo rom the newst one and while I love it especially the battery life. I'm experiencing some new problems that I don't recall having before. The screen will randomly turn off even though I have the screen delay set to 2 minutes. Other times it will just get dim to about 30 percent regardless of the brightness setting. I'm wondering if this is strict lg a hardware issue or something to do with the rom? I'm just afraid one time its not going to turn back on lol. Also I'm having data lockups where I have to restart the phone at least once a day. I don't recall experiencing this before. A little help and or understanding would be much appreciated on these 2 topics....also does anyone know of any better roms? Like one where wireless tethering app actually works? I have yet to have it work since installing this rom.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the brightness turned all the way up but when I open a web page it dims down? Then when I exit it goes back to normal bright. Is this normal?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have two constant issues on my Epic-I've been ignoring them for a month but there must be a fix & I could really use your help! Also it would be good to hear from others who are seeing the same things so I know I am not completely insane...
1 - My screen brightness seems to adjust up on its own... To increase battery life I have it set all the way down...but, for example, as I was typing this post the brightness increased on its own... Any ideas?
2 - My voice recognition stops working all the time...not with one app either... Resetting my profile seems to fix it for about 5 minutes but it doesn't take long for it to go TU again
I have a Captivate that I just brought today.....and everything works just fine except the Contacts App. When I launch the Contacts App the screen is blank and nothing to click on to add a contact.
Is something wrong with just the app or phone? Has anyone experienced this?
I cannot get the recovery screen to come on for the life of me. I hold the volume buttons and the power button and once the AT&T screen pops up, I release the power button. It sits there for a second and the screen goes black. I have tried releasing the power buttons then and I have tried holding them as well.
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo today in glass design I was checking messages when a small ( when i say small i mean you almost can't even see it) piece of glass landed on my captivate. My captivate has the body glove, screen protector and screen protector.When this little piece of glass got on the screen I tried to just rub it off but it cut through the screen protector and put a deep scratch on the actual captivate screen.The screen protector I was using was gadget guard so I definitely don't recommend using that if you plan on it because of how weak it is. I'm also disappointed with the captivates screen. If a small piece of glass barely rubbing on it can leave a deep scratch, I can't imagine what keys could do.You can't really see the scratch, but I'm just super ocd about it and can feel it on my finger every time it's in that area.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI am setting up a co workers phone and I notice that his keyboard is unresponsive.Here are points I notice this.In the Market, when I click on the search button. I also notice when I have the keyboard up and on the tight side of the keyboard it will just do nothing.Is this a known issue?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a confession to make.One of the first things I did when I got my Captivate was tried to De-TouchWiz it.I immediately got a new launcher and used lockbot to change the lockscreen.Well, what I'm finding out is that there are some things about TouchWiz that I really like.For example I love being able to change wifi settings etc. on the drop down notification drawer.I also love being able to change the brightness by swiping the notification bar.The one thing that I decided to come back to as a UI element is the Lock Screen.I didn't even give it a shot when I first bought the phone and today I've been using it and I love it.The puzzle message system is just a great tweak and I love how you can just move the puzzle piece into the puzzle hole to go straight to that application instead of swiping the whole screen to unlock and go to the home page.I also really like that you can kind of swipe any which way to unlock the screen, as well as the fact that it's transparent to your wallpaper/live wallpaper.All around, bravo to Samsung on the lock screen.I hope others are enjoying it as much as I am.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI've only had it for a week, so how do I exchange it?, or what do I do?
In case you wonder how I know, the screen goes to blackness after the galaxy S screen
I have a htc sensation xl. My brightness control stopped working and I now I can't change the brightness anymore. It doesn't matter if I set to 30% or 100%, the brightness stays the same.I can only adjust the brightness from 0 to 25%. I already did and wipe and stiched a phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo, what do you guys keep your screen brightness level at? I never use auto-brightness. I usually keep mine at 40-50%, day and night
View 10 Replies View RelatedAnybody have any idea why this is not working under 2.2? (nexus one)
WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = getWindow().getAttributes();
lp.screenBrightness = 1.0f; getWindow().setAttributes(lp);
And yes, the auto-brightness is disabled under settings.
I use the following code to dim the screen in one of my apps...
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat is yours set on?
View 21 Replies View RelatedI am very anal about the brightness setting. I keep the setting very low to save battery. While indoors this is almost never a problem but when I go outside I can't see the screen. This makes it very hard to change the brightness. How do other people solve this or am I the only one that has this problem? Does anyone know of a way to map a button (like home button) and change the operation of the long press?
View 31 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to control to turn screen off/on. I'm using device HTC G1 (1.6). To turn off screen I write:
WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = getWindow().getAttributes();
lp.screenBrightness = 0f;
But if I want to turn on screen:
lp.screenBrightness = 1f;
Screen not turn on.
if lp.screenBrightness = 0.02f;
screen change bright, but not turn off.
Which right way to control by screen?
To save power I keep the screen brightness down low - what I want to know is - is there any app that overrides this setting when my phone rings so that the screen goes to full brightness so I can tell properly who is calling me?
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