Samsung Epic 4G :: Screen Brightness Seems To Adjust Up On Its Own - Voice Recognition Stops Working
Oct 9, 2010
I have two constant issues on my Epic-I've been ignoring them for a month but there must be a fix & I could really use your help! Also it would be good to hear from others who are seeing the same things so I know I am not completely insane...
1 - My screen brightness seems to adjust up on its own... To increase battery life I have it set all the way down...but, for example, as I was typing this post the brightness increased on its own... Any ideas?
2 - My voice recognition stops working all the time...not with one app either... Resetting my profile seems to fix it for about 5 minutes but it doesn't take long for it to go TU again
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Jul 9, 2010
Just got my Galaxy S 2 days ago, loving it so far but does anyone know any app that works with adjusting the brightness for the phone beyond what default brightness setting . Even on the lowest setting it is still so bright, and on the battery use page it say that the display uses 65% of the battery.
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Oct 14, 2010
When trying to use the voice recognition microphone to dictate a text message, I get a "connection problem" error message. Is there a fix for this?
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Dec 1, 2010
The screen brightness on my epic will jump from 0% to 75%. I have auto brightness off and the power control widget is not on any of my screens. Does anyone know what is causing this and how I can fix it?
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Aug 31, 2010
I have the brightness turned all the way up but when I open a web page it dims down? Then when I exit it goes back to normal bright. Is this normal?
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Jul 17, 2010
I notice that the "white" on the DX is very yellow (i.e. white backgrounds on webpages are yellow/warm compared to the cooler white on the iphone). Is there any way to adjust the color of the screen?
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May 8, 2009
Not sure what I am missing (using emulator not phone). I was trying to get the speech api working, however it gives me the error: No Activity found to handle Intent { action=android.speech.action.RECOGNIZE_SPEECH (has extras).
So then I tried running the 1.5 r1 sample code (api) and tried the speech sample there, but it also isn't running. Indicating I was missing an app or component. So what is the missing link? It seems as if the actual emulator doesn't come with some default apps which make the voice recognition possible.
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Sep 28, 2009
I am pulling my hair on this problem from a long time and haven't found a solution yet. I am running Android demo program - APIDemo which is available in android source. For my dev I am using ubuntu, earlier when I used to run SoundRecording example it created a file on sdcard but there was no recording as such which was done in the file but now it started working suddenly. I am still not sure why it happened. But anyways good news is that Microphone is working with android emulator - as opposed to what I read at many forums that it does not.
On other hand whenever I am trying to run the voice recognition application available in same APIDemo its giving me an error - "Recording Parameter not supported: sampelrate 1600, channelcount 1, samplerate 1". Is it that speech recognition cannot take higher sample rate and if it cannot what is the sample rate it requires? My microphone supports only 16000 and higher sample rate.
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Sep 15, 2010
I was at school listening to music on pandora and it died, went home plugged it in (charger) and now when i try to enter my password it doesnt respond AT ALL! no even the emergency call.. this is pissing me off to NO END as I got it 3 days ago... I tried taking th battery out and that didnt work, i called it with my home phone and she screen changed to the answer/ignor/ignore w/ text screen but the contact didnt move when i slid it over.
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Aug 12, 2010
I know that the new Flashlight App in Froyo allows several levels of led brightness. Is there any way to adjust the camera flash to those different levels of brightness to prevent pictures from looking blown out?
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Oct 6, 2010
Anyone know where to adjust the slot cycle index on the Epic 4g?
I've had a few calls that never rang on my phone. Id like to drop the SCI from 2 to 1, but dont know where to change it.
I've got the MSL for my phone, and tried ##DATA#, Advanced.. but its not in there like most phones.
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Nov 5, 2010
The Nuance program on my Samsung Moment recognizes everything I say except for the word "yes". For example when I say, "Call Candace" it asks, "Did you say 'Call Candace?'" and when I say "Yes", it waits for a moment then goes back to my home screen. If I say, "No", it proceeds to the next name that sounds like what I said. If I say "Yes" to the next name, it closes Nuance and goes back to my home screen. I have gone through the Adapt process. Sprint has tried to fix it and ended up giving me a new phone. Samsung has been stumped by this.
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Oct 27, 2010
Anybody have any idea why this is not working under 2.2? (nexus one)
WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = getWindow().getAttributes();
lp.screenBrightness = 1.0f; getWindow().setAttributes(lp);
And yes, the auto-brightness is disabled under settings.
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Dec 10, 2009
I did a search and didn't find this specific problem mentioned so here it goes.
The Eris in question (isn't mine but I'm trying to help the owner out), has of course, horrible battery issues. So, first thing I wanted to do was see if there was a built-in power-manager app like on the Motorola Droid. There wasn't so I downloaded one of the many brightness toggle widgets.
The first widget, when clicked brought up a small menu to select brightness. While that menu was up the brightness would change as it should have but would immediately change back to what it was when that menu closed.
After that I looked in options, disabled auto-brightness, and installed a new widget. This one is a simple press to change brightness in increments. When I push the button the brightness changes momentarily and then resets to whatever the slider in the Settings is at. I've tried moving that slider and that setting is what it always defaults to.
Right now the only way to adjust the brightness is in the settings menu and nothing else will work even though auto-brightness is turned off. Is there any way around this? I'd really like to be able to get it so it can be easily adjusted without having to go through so many steps.
EDIT: Playing around with it further, I tapped the widget to go to 100% brightness and of course the screen dimmed back down to 0%. I then went to the settings menu and as soon as I entered the "Sound and Display" menu, the brightness jumped up to what I had set it at with the widget. After that I can hit the Home key or otherwise leave the menu and the brightness will be properly set... until the screen times out. If the screen times out and I wake it up, it's back to 0% brightness.
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Nov 15, 2012
I have a htc sensation xl. My brightness control stopped working and I now I can't change the brightness anymore. It doesn't matter if I set to 30% or 100%, the brightness stays the same.I can only adjust the brightness from 0 to 25%. I already did and wipe and stiched a phone.
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Sep 13, 2010
Whenever possible I always use the landscape keyboard but have noticed that sometimes in messages (and web browser) that if I spot a mistake and use the trackpad or touch the screen to go back and correct whatever I type on the keyboard will not appear in the text. The keyboard still responds as you can see the popups for the keys when you press them but the text doe not go into the box. The only way I found to cure this is to close and reopen the keyboard and everything then starts working. I am running the recent OTA firmware update on a completely unrooted unbranded Desire.
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Apr 29, 2010
Anyone notice that those buttons are really bright? Is there any way to turn them down?
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Nov 14, 2010
I'm sure its been discussed and all but I think that the voice recognition software is capable of being much more advanced.There should be a way to just give your phone a voice command without having to manually open an app. It probably would have to be running in the background the whole time, analyzing everything it hears, so it may use a lot of battery and cpu.therefore it may be easier to have a starter phrase to tell it to listen more carefully. for example: say the said app is running in the background,listening to every noise, but it wouldn't begin to really analyize until you say something like; "hey, phone!" or "yo, droid!" (or whatever tag phrase). I don't know what would have to go into an app like that for it to work but hey, if an app like that was designed, then I think the android would be a really smart smartphone. In the end thanks for all the awesome apps you guys are already developing. be sure to tell me when someone develops something like that though.
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Nov 24, 2010
I love voice command that came with MS and I'm glad to finally get an epic.I figured out how to get my incoming caller id announced. How do i get my Txt messages read outloud?Is there anyway i can dedicate a button to use Voice command that way i don't have it navigate through the screen?
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Aug 31, 2010
I just got my Epic a few hours ago, and my girlfriend noticed that there seems to be no stock Voice Recorder application. Unfortunately thats something that very important because she records her nursing lectures. Am I missing it, or is there not one there. Also, if it is missing one, is there one in the market that works well, and that will work on the Epic?
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Apr 20, 2013
I got my son a Karbonn A30 yesterday, and so far, the auto rotation as well as acceleration stopped working twice. I tried formatting cache but it did not work. the only workaroud is to open the phone, remove battery and restart again. I could not get any solution except the battery removal one.
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Feb 23, 2010
Almost every day when I wake up I check my phone and 9 times out of 10 the touch screen does not work. I cannot make a call or check anything. I have to push a lot of buttons and take out the battery and generally wait a while before my expensive phone to start to work. Is there a fix for this? I've already had to go to sprit to do a hard reset because the phone got, "kicked off the network" for some reason the sprint people could not explain. Any solution for the screen issue?
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Jan 11, 2010
How is it possible to implement voice recognition on android phones? Also to decode the voice and convert the male voice to female voice and vice versa?The voice data input from the user will be sent to the Google site for recognition through Internet, or will be processed and recognized locally on my android phone? if anyone has any idea regarding it.
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Sep 2, 2010
Is it possible to use the voice recognition api in order to handle a known set of commands yet? VR matches this against a specific valid vocabulary containing only "yes & no", and then returns "no". Can you do this yet? Last time I looked you could not. The VR would match against a full vocabulary and user saying "no" would come back with things like "snow" and so on.The other BIG problem was that if the VR got no match a "Retry" dialog was displayed, this needed to be dismissed by using the screen, which meant the the voice control process failed at this point, terminally.
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Jul 13, 2010
Has anyone else noticed that on the Galaxy S, the Wifi will stop to respond after a few disconnects? I usually have wifi off to save battery, but now and then some application will turn it on and after I stop it (either using the message bar or settings) the wifi stops working. Under settings it will be greyed out and say something like "Shutting down..." but you cannot click it again, turn it on or anything else. A reboot works but thats kind of annoying.
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Oct 25, 2010
But now whenever I'm taking a call the touch screen stops working, so the only way for me to hang up is to take the battery out.Has anyone else had the same problem and is their anything I can do to fix this?
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Apr 3, 2010
I figured I would try and use Lock 2.0 on my Moment - and it works for awhile, and then all of a sudden it stops working and my lock screen goes back to the standard lock.
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Mar 10, 2013
It starts, get to the Samsung screen.. and starts again... and again ... and again.I can start it in recovery mode, but wipe cache and wipe data/ factory reset did not solve the issue...
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Apr 25, 2010
Is there way to adjust the screen lock? It seems to be locking too quickly.
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Jan 11, 2010
I am tempted to take my moment back despite liking it so much. Recently, when I was using the browser or anything that uses the 3g connection, it would just stop communicating and nothing would get loaded. If I waited a while (an hour) it would sometimes come back or I would have to do a reboot in order to get back the connection. Anyone else running into this problem? What should I do?
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