Motorola Droid X : Want To Stop Voice Announcement When Receiving A Call
Sep 25, 2010When receiving a call, there is a recorded voice that says "Call from xxxxx". How do you turn that off. It seems that it started with 2.2, but I'm not sure.

When receiving a call, there is a recorded voice that says "Call from xxxxx". How do you turn that off. It seems that it started with 2.2, but I'm not sure.
Newby here. I have a htc droid eris. I was wondering if someone could tell me how to get my phone to voice announce who is calling me. I upgraded from a verizon boulder and it would announce who is calling.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I stop receiving message notifications while I am on a call.
View 1 Replies View Relatedevery time I make a call, receive a call, turn the phone off, turn the phone on, loose service or gain service, a voice says "Verizon Wireless". This is very annoying and I can't seem to figure out how to turn it off. Changing ring tones and such does not work, still says "Verizon Wireless". Is there anyway to turn this off?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I send an e-mail from my Droid using my GMail account with the default GMail app, it sends me a copy of the e-mail. It does not do this with my other e-mail app. This is terribly annoying. I don't want a new e-mail of the e-mail I just sent in my inbox every time I send an e-mail. Is it possible to turn this off? I looked for a "reciept" option in the settings, but found nothing. The other e-mail app does not do this for my non-gmail accounts.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSince 2.2 upgrade if I do not open or delete any email in my in box I keep receiving new notifications on every refresh. Prior to upgrade one an email was downloaded from the pop3 server there would be no subsequent notifications. What can I do.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you stop receiving notifications from the stock message app when using handcent
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Moto Droid and just recently it stopped receiving e-mails (I assume phone calls and texts, as well though I never tested). I have 2 Comcast POP3 emails setup on my phone to sync every 30 minutes. Randomly, the phone will stop receiving e-mails--I can't manually sync and end up having to turn the phone off and on (not pulling the battery) to receive e-mails again. This happened with my old BB too. Does anyone know of a reason why my phone stops functioning properly?
View 1 Replies View RelatedNot sure if this is an Android setting or a ChompSMS setting but does anyone know how to turn off the voice announcement when I receive a txt message?
It doesn't seem to be tied to the volume rocker as I still get announcements when set to completely mute.
I have a BlueAnt T1 headset that I use with my Droid 2. When you turn on the headset it says "Powering Up" then "your phone is connected" followed by a child's voice that says "Droid 2." For some reason, that kid's voice is getting on my nerves. Is there a way to change (or remove) it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI got google voice and on the settings it has the option to turn off sms forwarding to mobile phone. I have it unchecked but whenever someone texts my GV number, handcent app gets a text. is there some other setting I am missing. It is on a moto droid btw
View 5 Replies View RelatedSorry if this is a dumb question, but does anyone know if you can set Google Voice Lite on my droid to not send so many notifications. I love the program, but when someone leaves a message, I get a text, email, and the google voice icon all in the notification bar.
I am using my old verizon cell number and just using the google voice for the messaging function.
I just would want the google voice icon to light up and then i can go right to the program.
Has any one else noticed a beep after a minute during a call.
this only started happening after the 2.1 update. the beep sounds like i am getting another call. also phone calls seem to be draining battery rather fast lately, a three minute phone call will drop my battery from half to yellow.
My droid X has been sucking down juice something crazy. Looked at the batter manager and saw that 42% of my batter had been eated by voice calls according to battery manager. Anyone else noticing this? Im suspecting I have a dud because my wife was on her X all day with it on vibrate and hers still lasted longer than mine.
View 4 Replies View RelatedEvery time I try to call out on Google voice it says "were sorry we are unable to complete this call".
View 9 Replies View RelatedAnyone know any other ones besides "Navigate To" and "Call"?
View 11 Replies View RelatedDid a search and didn't find anything, maybe Im not searching the right words but I want to know how do I turn off the voice when I get an incoming call? I don't want it announced every time I receive a call.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIn some screenshots it shows me someone is calling me from my google voice number (not just my google number showing on the caller ID). Any one know if this needs to be set up a certain way?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have had Google voice for a while now. And yesterday I added a line into my plan and got the Droid. I downloaded Google voice app and everytime I try to place a call it tells me I am unable to make the call. I did set my new number as the phone being used. Any suggestions? Or is there something up with Google voice?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know why Google Voice requires an area code to call? I understand that the number it dials from could be from anywhere, so it may need an area code to complete the call, but how about an option to dial a default area code when the person does not enter one?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have really enjoyed everything about the Droid in the 5 days I've had it, except call quality. I switched from an iPhone 3G and the droid can do everything my iPhone could and more, and then I placed a phone call.
My phone was updated to 2.0.1 right at the Verizon store. I left, made a call, and am now regretting leaving my iPhone. I get horrible choppiness, static, and muffled voice on my end. On the other end everyone I call can hear me great. I have tried the *228 options 1 and 2, changing to evrc-b(or whatever it was called) and 13k, privacy off, basically every setting i could find.
Went to the Verizon store, the saleswoman said it was normal and that all phones do that. I laughed, said I was gonna quit this "awesome network" and go back to "crap" AT&T, then they exchanged the phone no problem. Of course this fixed nothing and here I am making phone calls and repeating, "what did you say?" until I can make out some words.
Don't get me wrong, I like Verizon and I've had them before and I never had any issues with call quality, which brings me to believe it's strictly the phone. I may have gotten the occasional dropped call on the iPhone(once a week at most) but at least my calls were all clear.
I'm wondering if anybody else has experienced this issue. It doesn't happen all of the time, and I can't seem to reproduce it. It only started recently - within the last few days.
On some calls, after talking for a minute or so, the person on the other end will just not be able to hear me anymore. The call is still connected, and I can hear them just fine, but I end up having to disconnect and call them back due to the strange muting problem.
Anyone else experience this lately? I haven't installed any new apps recently - minus updates - so I'm not sure it's an app conflict. Just trying to pinpoint the issue and see if I'm the only one.
How can I make it so my eris makes no noise when receiving a text just vibrates?
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to change Google voice message that people hear when they call from the phone? I know how to do it from the computer but can't find it on the phone.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to find it anywhere..but whenever I receive a call and pick it up, I get a mini-vibrate, as well as when I hang it up.I can't find this setting anywhere.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI use Google Voice (love it) primarily because of it's visual voicemail on my Droid. I do have a Google Voice number, and I'm trying to decide whether to set the Droid app to "make calls using Google Voice" or not.
I have no problem with giving out a different number, and my placed calls seeing the GV number in caller ID.
My question is, does this affect how the call is actually connected, from a quality standpoint? I tired a call both ways, and the sound quality seemed a little bit different. But then, I am an obsessive compulsive weirdo.
Is there any difference in call quality or routing between making a native Verizon call and a Google Voice call on Droid? (Like, does Google voice actual use 3G to connect to Google server over the internetz, then place the phone call?)
I keep receiving a message from one of two numbers that i don't know. They always say KEEP THIS MESSAGE and then gives a IMEI number which is always the same. I don't want to reply to it and i just delete it but it is getting annoying now. Have installed Lookout but says my phone is clean.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen I first setup my Incredible, I signed on to Gmail. Whenever I receive an e-mail, I get two, one Gmail and one HTC. I dragged the HTC mail widget to the recycle bin. Than I went to manage applications and forced stop the HTC mail. This works until I power off the phone. Each time I boot it back up, I need to go to applications and choose forced stop. It is a small pain but still a pain. One is this happening to anyone else and second does anyone have a solution?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI installed handcent but when I get a text I am receiving two notifications one from handcent and one from the default how do I default it to notify me only on handcent?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've looked pretty hard to find an answer to this but only found things about sending multiple page texts, not receiving. As a Verizon customer I loved being able to send and receive 7 page texts to and from other Verizon customers. I recently upgraded to an Eris from that horribly lousy Alias and noticed that when the same Verizon people send me multiple page texts, the Eris splits the texts up. I'm fine with it doing this, but the thing that really bothers me is every time I get a multiple page text from a Verizon user it also sends me (and the person sending the text) a notification saying the text had special formatting removed or something to that extent. Some people I talk to tend to send texts that are 2 or more pages every time and the constant notification can get really irritating. Is there an app or a workaround to prevent this?
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