HTC Incredible :: Get Unrooted Phone On Froyo?
Nov 14, 2010How can I get my unrooted incredible on froyo?
I already did a factory reset and nothing happened...

How can I get my unrooted incredible on froyo?
I already did a factory reset and nothing happened...
Why does the Inc have to be rooted in order to install Froyo? My Motodroid1 was able to install a leaked Froyo without having to root. Is there something more difficult in the software that the Inc uses or is it the actual leaked versions were never designed for an Incredible or what? I really don't understand why we seem to be lagging the Motodroid community in being able to install this. I'm sure someone has a perfectly good explanation and I obviously don't have a clue. I am a newbie with the Inc and I did love my Droid1 until it got run over and no replacements were available. I have to say that so far I am not that impressed with my Incredible. It's slimmer, I rarely used the slide out keyboard on the Droid 1-so I don't miss that, a few things seem to respond a little quicker, but overall I liked my old Droid1 better. The 2.2 I forced on the Droid was a huge improvement over 2.1. The 3d gallery glitches were gone, the mass updates were great, camera worked super. Battery life was always excellent, pics were clear, no dropped calls, always had a signal. Output volume to headphones was a little weak on a motorcycle but I solved that with a nice little pocket amp. I don't mean to knock our phones but... I never had to worry about battery life, poor signal strength,etc. And I miss the 3D gallery after the fix but I did find a thread here to help me install it in the Inc. When 2.2 gets here it should be a nice improvement but I wish battery life wasn't an issue and signal strength was better. I don't feel like spending some pretty good change for a high output battery.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIf I already upgraded my Droid X Unrooted phone to Froyo 2.2 with an earlier version I assume I will have to roll back to 2.1 to get the automatic update tomorrow. Is there a way to wait for one of the android sites to get the latest version, download it and do the upgrade myself? If I have to roll it back, what is the best way to do it?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI was able to change the boot animation before Froyu using the procedure at Froyo, I've tried to push the zip file as and to both /data/local and /system/customize/resource (I can't write to that location, I think it's for rooted phones only). None of these four options worked.What am I missing? That native boot animation is nasty.
View 3 Replies View RelatedRight now I am rooted, and I know I need to unroot. I have purchased several root-only apps from the market and I would like to know if what will happen to them during the process. Of course I know that when I unroot I will lose everything and then not be able to use them. But once I root my new phone will I be able to reinstall them? And will the people be able to view them in my downloads?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI thought I remember seeing a thread about this, but couldnt find it. got a new replacement from sprint a few weeks ago. Ever since, the internet (3g) is horribly slow. Speed tests confirm the 3g will not get above 200kbps ever, no matter where I am. So obviously, I know this is a hardware problem, as sprint has already refreshed my network, and made me do a hard reset.They want me to take it into a store so they can "check it out" before they send me a new one. Problem is, I'm rooted. I used unrevoked, and am still on the stock rom, so it should look normal. The only thing I rooted for is to be able to use wireless tether. So the question is, can I just remove the superuser app and wireless tether temporarily while they check it out? Or should (can) I flash S-on first too? I know how to unroot, but I really dont want to have to spend a few hours re-installing all my apps and settings after.
View 19 Replies View RelatedDo you know of any app (exactly like PicMe Screen Grabber) that I can display my phone on my desktop for an unrooted phone?
View 8 Replies View RelatedYouTube - How To Get MotoBlur 2.1 On An Unrooted Motorola Cliq!
View 26 Replies View RelatedHas anyone else noticed that shootme no longer works with unrooted evo?
View 42 Replies View RelatedI had a Nexus S. Got some games and got pretty far in them. I did not root the phone. Now I have an N4. I want to pick up where I left off on the new phone with regards to the games.. let's say, They Need To Be Fed as an example.
Now, neither phone is rooted, so obviously this complicates things, but it is not impossible. I can easily use Carbon to backup my app data and restore it onto the new phone without requiring a root. However I want to explore alternative methods.
So in a perfect situation, I would like the app data (and/or the app itself) to be backed up into one nice file that can be saved onto the new phone and then opened up to put the saved data where it needs to be. I'm not sure, but do .apk's contain app data as well? Could I save my current progress on TNTBF along with the app itself into a .apk and then extract the file on my new phone to continue where I left off?
What Carbon does is create a folder specific for the app and its data, which is a bunch of files I'm not familiar with, and requires Carbon to restore the data itself. Although this app is phenomenal and will be my last resort, I'd like something that doesn't require the app itself to restore the data. I used to use something called Ultimate Backup I think. When I selected to backup an app, it would save a .apk to the sd card. I'm not sure if it was backing up just the app or the app data as well, but if it did save the app data then that would be optimal.
When the 2.1 update does come out, if I decide that I want to check it out and revert back to the stock 1.5, is that what nandroid is? All I would have to do is reboot, pick the nandroid file and go back to 1.5? Also, if I do revert back to 1.5 will the phone be unrooted as well? Forgive me if these questions seem nooby like but to this forum, I am a bit of a noob. If you don't ask you don't know.
View 7 Replies View RelatedBefore I found out about that adb shell doesn't have the permission to do much with /data/data I was using my unrooted Verizon Droid for development of a content provider. How do I get rid of the database I created there? Is my best option writing a small app that drops the database?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI got a Samsung Galaxy Nexus, its a while since I rooted so I`m not really into how it all works anylonger.
The usb not working is and old problem, tried to shift it out with ha new part, but that didn`t work.
Anyway, a day ago I noticed that my phone is no longer rooted, my guess is that this might have happened during an update?Is there a way I can reroot it without using USB?
I can use fastboot mode, it stands "lock state - unlocked" Is there any hope for me rerooting my phone?
I think it's horrible that Verizon would push out an update that effed up my (and so many other phones). Customers should not be forced to due a factory reset to get things working right. And, after doing a factory reset, my phone still isn't working right!I shouldn't have to spend hours on forums figuring out whats wrong, why, and how to fix it. this stuff should just work, and why in the world Verizon would push out an update that caused so many problems is incomprehensible anyways, I think Im going to the store this afternoon to at least try getting a replacement, and if not a different phone
View 49 Replies View Relatedevery time when i switch on my phone it just show the logo only & again goes back to switch off. i can go to recovery by pressing power button and volume down simultanously. there is 3 option recovery ,fastboot and normal. but nobody work . how to fix this problem? my phone is spice mi 354 (unrooted)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been wanting to root my phone for a while, but I haven't had the bills to do it. I saw unrevoked released what looks like a fail proof way of doing it and I'm seriously considering taking the plunge. I'm debating whether or not to root it now or wait to see if this "possible" froyo update comes out later this month.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHave downloaded the rooting guide, If I make a royal stuff up. Is there an Undo function? Can I restore the phone back to the unrooted version?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got my Eris and upgraded to the unrooted 2.1 Eris. Does anyone know how to launch live wall papers with the unrooted 2.1 update?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI still have some apps and my phone and wifi seem to be working fine.I don't have Market, Rom Manager, Titanium (but I DO have SuperUser). When I USB my phone to PC - the PC doesn't see either the phone pr the card although I haven't reinstalled HTC Sync). At this point, I don't really even know if I'm rooted or have busybox.I'm really puzzled as to what I should do next:I don't know whether to do a phone restore from Settings or, perhaps from Recovery? Or whether to find a RUU (Is there one with the updated radio or with Froyo? Or, I guess I could wait for the OTA - but that's a wimped out way out and it might not even work at this point. Or, do I want to try reinstalling Rom Manager and do the permission fix - then reflash one of the Froyo Roms. But would that get me Market back? In all cases I'm gonna have to reinstall most of my apps since most resided (at least partially) on the dead sd. Fortunately appbrain has a record of all my apps. - but, from what I understand, there's no way to install the Market, except via HTC/Google/Verizon.
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust wondering...How soon can Incredible users hack phones and install Froyo?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've rooted my Incredible with Unrevoked 3 and I have successfully used Unrevoked Forever to set, I am trying to update to Froyo, but I am confused as crap.Can I use the official OTA update and do it manually? Or do I need a different ROM to update manually with.I've searched here and there everywhere and I haven't gotten a firm answer or I can't find anything at all.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo based on early looks at android 2.2 Froyo, there will be a mobile hotspot feature. If and when the HTC incredible gets 2.2, is it possible to add this feature via the software or is it hardware dependent?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI wana take a screen shot of my screen at any time.
View 3 Replies View RelatedBetween rooted and Unrooted? I see it being brought up all the time in these forums? And when I get my EVO what should I do?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just used the from the how to guide on rooting. It apparently worked this time but now I'm stuck at the boot screen. I suppose I have no ROM now? Where can I get one and what do I do with it. if that is indeed the problem?
View 5 Replies View RelatedCould somebody please tell me if you can change the font on my unrooted desire.
I think the standard one is a bit bland now. Also if it is possible please tell. I'm scared too root incase I mess up you see.
so today i unrooted my phone by putting the stock firmware back on and i tried to see if my phone would update my software but it says "your device has been modified. Software updates are not available." how can i get it so it will update?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to lock a Orange Zali phone to a speciffic app so no other app from the phone can be accesed. Is this possible?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi really hope someone can help me figure this out...i have seen some people have a problem and some not so im hoping we can figure out why some of us are having problems....i have tried 2 different froyo roms (both w/out sense, maybe something wrong there) and i have tried stock messenger, handcent, and chomp and none of them will send or receive a mms....please someone help!
View 13 Replies View RelatedWe've got Shootme back! This was buried in the update thread and I thought it could use some extra exposure.
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