HTC Hero :: How To Add Back Sprint Tv
May 12, 2010i know i saw it somewhere but i cant find it when i search right do i add things back like sprint tv and sprint navi?

i know i saw it somewhere but i cant find it when i search right do i add things back like sprint tv and sprint navi?
using the pre-kitchen, i must have accidently deleted Sprint TV. how do i get it back now? Thanks.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI just downloaded- Godzson icon+dailer and everythings there and looks great except that the browser is gone, and I love the default browser so will someone please help me to get it back.
NOTE- I already tried ~Settings>Applications>Browser and then click the button Clear Cache and Clear Data then reboot your phone.~
(it didnt work)
Im running Fresh 1.1 rom
Tho it seems the update did fix the problem with the native app, Handcent is still the way to go, at least for me. Seems the native app can't handle more than a 1 meg pic file and since I often include a pic in a text, taken from the Hero its of no use to me. Handcent will reduce the pic file automatically which is a nice feature. Also I refuse to lower the setting from the Hero just to accommodate the native app. Just my thought on that issue.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi just rooted my phone to Damage Control v2.08.1 and how do i get sprint navigation back.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI dunno if I was the only one who thought this way, but the kb on the hero that we used before we got an its from Sprint (that fixed msg app) worked fantastically. I remember literally doing my HW online with that kb. Was just wondering if devs ever considered using that kb with 2.1 builds. I'm sure our kb's can be better than what it is (laggy).
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to change my rom and backup my apps before I do so but EVERY app i've tried for this does not work. I've tried titanium, my apps, and astro... they all failed to back up my stuff. Any suggestions? do I even need to back them up or will they survive the flash?
View 18 Replies View RelatedI've been having a huge amount of issues with my Hero since going to the 2.2 upgrade. In the middle of all of these issues I formatted my SD card before making a back up. I'm looking for someone who can give me the generic SD Card files from the Sprint HTC Hero, mainly the HTC Sync files that were on the card.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI just got back from having my headset speaker replaced (i think it blew) and when i got my phone back, the back cover is really loose. I pointed this out and they offered to put a new cover on. The new cover did the same thing and they said that it must have been like that when they got it in. I saw the guy struggle to take the cover off when he went to pull the battery and check water spot. Does anyone else have this problem and how do i fix it. It takes absolutely no effort what so ever to take the cover off now. The slightest bump or slide and its off.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have spent way too many hours, and too much of a very nice forum member's time as well, trying to add back the HTC Stock app missing from DC 2.08.1.Download: Removed APK's from Fresh Rom 2.1 Geek For Me - Android CDMA Sprint Hero Tried pushing from adb, tried installing thru apps installer, tried from astro file manager, tried from root explorer.
View 7 Replies View RelatedAfter flashing on Damage 2.08, how do I flash back the stock 1.5 that was on there at first?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have my roaming settings on sprint only I recently changed the setting I'm wondering if I should go back to the automatic settings.
View 3 Replies View RelatedOk so after rooting my phone and Installing fresh1.1 I got rid of the crap stock stuff, but I didn't notice it got rid of amazon mp3... I like that app! How do I get it back?
View 19 Replies View RelatedI want the htc hero keyboard back! I installed a rom and it uses the the original android keyboard and i hate it. Can anyone show me where I can get the original htc hero keyboard back, or a nice better keyboard.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI forgot what i clicked on but it asked me "complete action using" then it gave me three choices to choose from which were
Default home
HTC sence
Forgot the third
This is referring to the homescreen and the default home is what the defualt android home screen looks like and HTC sence is what i need. I clicked on the Defualt home and now my home screen looks different. How do i get that option to pop up again so I can choose HTC sence?
So I have issue with my phone, no one can hear me on phone calls. Unfortunately I need to return the phone to stock so I can take it into the store for warranty. So if I just run the 2.1 official, will that take care of it? Or should I use some other method to do it. Also, I see the update is an EXE, is that gonna give me troubles since I have a linux PC?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI took of Advanced Task Killer when I put Fresh and Gumbo on since some have said that they don't play nice. I sometimes mess up and don't close out the app by hitting the back button. My phone starts to warm up and the battery starts draining. How do I see what apps are running so I can close them out so that I don't kill my battery? Can I put Advanced Task Killer back on?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the 3500mah battery for my hero it got down to about 10 percent so I switched to the stock battery and when I. Switched back to the 3500mah battery and my battery widget says its at 50 percent I mean I can understand the widget isn't perfect but wow that's a big margin to be off by so how do I know how much charge it really has? O and i used the htc widget.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen I flashed a new Rom I didn't back up my apps and now music junk is off the market. does anyone have the .apk?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am about to do the upgrade to 2.1 Eclair from a stock 1.5. I want to back up my contacts and my text messages and be able to restore them.Some of my contacts are associated to phone instead of Gmail. I dont know how that happened or what I can do to associate them to Gmail. Ideally I would like to perform a back up for personal use instead of on google, and restore when ever I need it.
- How can I convert existing contacts from phone to Gmail status.
- How can I perform a back up and restore, independent of Gmail syncing.
- I used a back up tool to send my text messages as mail to Gmail. I am ok with that but would ideally want to restore the messages back to my phone too. Is it possible.
When the 2.1 update does come out, if I decide that I want to check it out and revert back to the stock 1.5, is that what nandroid is? All I would have to do is reboot, pick the nandroid file and go back to 1.5? Also, if I do revert back to 1.5 will the phone be unrooted as well? Forgive me if these questions seem nooby like but to this forum, I am a bit of a noob. If you don't ask you don't know.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI want to activate my hero again but it's rooted so I can't take it into the store to have it activated.I want to put my phone back to the original factory settings but every time I try to sync it with HTC Sync it just keeps resetting itself. I tried downloading a copy of HTC Sync and I have even installed it from my phones SD card (I backed it up before I rooted). Every time I plug the phone into my computer then hit the HTC Sync under notifications the phone keeps rebooting and HTC Sync doesn't even recognize it (my computer does though) I am using a netbook running Windows XP.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a question, for the apps we can download them again, but I backed up my people phone contacts to my SD card using Astro, how do I restore those contacts and my pictures once I do the upgrade, and is there a better program to back up the contacts from the phone to the PC, then send them back from the PC back onto the phone, would feel better having 2 different backups in case one does not work, can't hurt,
View 6 Replies View RelatedAbout a couple of weeks ago, I purchased an HTC Hero (Sprint) and had it all going... until I lost it at work a couple of days later. I instantly deactivated it through Sprint and, the short of it, I was unsuccessful in retrieving it and finally received my replacement phone yesterday.
As I went to Sprint to activate it, they asked me to enter my Google account information. As I went to enter it, the password was invalid. After entering all of the possible passwords that I generally use, they were all invalid. So I came home, got on my laptop and tried to retrieve it through Google's website, thinking this would be resolved pretty quickly. Except the security question that was asked was not the one I remember entering in when I first registered my Google account, so the password was unable to be retrieved.
However, the strange part is that there's an option that says that if you can't answer the security question, they will send an e-mail to your alternate e-mail address. So I clicked that... and it said that it sent an e-mail to a Hotmail account (it had the e-mail address X'd out). The problem with that is that my alternate e-mail address is a Yahoo! address, which Google confirmed to me when I asked them to confirm if maybe I was entering a wrong username.
So it's a strange dilemma... when I ask them to confirm my username, they can send an e-mail to my actual backup address. But when I try to request or reset my password, the security question is different, and Google send it to some Hotmail address that is unknown to me. I tried filling out a form on Google's website that would try to get the account back in your hands if you provide enough data, but given how little I had my original phone, I couldn't answer all of it, so subsequently, that failed.
I guess the question is: are there any other alternatives I have? Is it possible that when I lost my phone that the person who found it got it and changed the information on me? It's just very weird and something I'd like to get to the bottom of.
my brother has a motorola droid and he bought a app called Robo Defense. I was wondering if I could back up his app and move it over to my sprint htc hero. my brothers motorola droid is NOT ROOTED (but he wants to) and i am rooted and running fresh 2.1.2 by the way. tried to go to the motorola droid forum part and search but they dont have devs like flipz to create programs that make rooting, pulling, and pushing files so easy. thank you flipz
View 8 Replies View RelatedI installed SuperCam on my Hero with Fresh 1.0. It worked great and I could view all my security cams from anywhere. I loaded Fresh 2.0D and now thew app is no longer available in the market. I restored my Nandroid backup and the app still works. is there a way to move this app from the phone so i can put it back after reloading 2.0d?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo I need to hard reset my phone don't want to lose anything. And are the settings saved or no.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there anything I can do
View 24 Replies View RelatedI rooted a few months back and was running CM6.1 and I recently went back to stock to see how it was. But now if I try to root using UniversalAndroot, it fails everytime. I tried versions 1.6.1 and 1.6.2