Sprint HTC Hero :: Accidental Deleted Sprint TV / How Do I Get It Back?
Apr 5, 2010using the pre-kitchen, i must have accidently deleted Sprint TV. how do i get it back now? Thanks.

using the pre-kitchen, i must have accidently deleted Sprint TV. how do i get it back now? Thanks.
Sometimes it saves words for future predictive use. How can I access to delete accidental or misspelled words.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIt was late and I was trying to figure out someway to delete the Sprint NFL App and somehow deleted the Sprint Navigation app. Is there anyway to reinstall it? I can't find one.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI just downloaded- Godzson oynxBluesdirt.zip icon+dailer and everythings there and looks great except that the browser is gone, and I love the default browser so will someone please help me to get it back.
NOTE- I already tried ~Settings>Applications>Browser and then click the button Clear Cache and Clear Data then reboot your phone.~
(it didnt work)
Im running Fresh 1.1 rom
I am quite new at this and am now getting the hang of it, yay for me, but i found this cool looking flash that makes your clock clear or transparent but is has deleted all my htc settings widgets i have done a nandoid backup but i do not know how to preform back up.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm new. I accidentally deleted a picture on my Hero and am wondering if it can be recovered?
View 6 Replies View Relatedmy root file is gone from my sd card due to accidently deleting it..is it possible to have anyone send me the file again or would i have to root my phone all over again? NONE of my root apps are working..cachemate..autokiller..etc
View 7 Replies View RelatedI seem to be having issues of not being able to delete my email account off of Sprints mail servers. After I deleted my email account from my phone and cleared any info it saved I still receive notifications of received emails on my phone. How can I stop these annoying notifications?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've searched and searched and searched. I've found answers, but everytime I go to the link to download the google apps portion of CM6, it says the file was deleted. Am I missing something?I just flashed CM6, love it, but I need the market, etc
View 8 Replies View Relatedso I was cleaning out some old back ups and dummy me I deleted the whole damn card.
went back in and made my android back up right away...
so will I have to go and reload all the apps?
will this affect my Zen root or android?
phone seems to work fine after reboot. other than i lost all my pics, but those are on facebook.
what do i need to reload?
I have had a Sprint HTC Hero for a while and I absolutely love it, but when my messages get over only a couple 100 or even less, I will be sending a message or reading one and the messages app will force close and then when I come back to my messages, they are all deleted. I also often have to restart the phone just to get the messages to work again. At first I just thought of this as a way the hero refreshes itself, but I have been missing things and losing messages all the time lately and it is bothering me.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy hero downloads my POP3 e-mails. I'm using the standard mail app. I read them on the phone and delete them. Do those deleted e-mails stay in the phone until I delete them from the trash folder? Pardon me for being lazy, but it is a pain to delete them from the inbox and then go to the trash folder and delete them again! Has anyone found a way to permanently delete e-mails from the inbox?
View 4 Replies View Relatedi've tried out all the radios to test out which is the best for me..and i devided on the one that was based off the verizon radio..so i got an error message saying "You must be a Sprint Customer to use this feature" so i changed to the newest radio out and i still get the same issue..what could it be?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi know i saw it somewhere but i cant find it when i search right now...how do i add things back like sprint tv and sprint navi?
View 17 Replies View RelatedTho it seems the update did fix the problem with the native app, Handcent is still the way to go, at least for me. Seems the native app can't handle more than a 1 meg pic file and since I often include a pic in a text, taken from the Hero its of no use to me. Handcent will reduce the pic file automatically which is a nice feature. Also I refuse to lower the setting from the Hero just to accommodate the native app. Just my thought on that issue.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi just rooted my phone to Damage Control v2.08.1 and how do i get sprint navigation back.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI dunno if I was the only one who thought this way, but the kb on the hero that we used before we got an its from Sprint (that fixed msg app) worked fantastically. I remember literally doing my HW online with that kb. Was just wondering if devs ever considered using that kb with 2.1 builds. I'm sure our kb's can be better than what it is (laggy).
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to change my rom and backup my apps before I do so but EVERY app i've tried for this does not work. I've tried titanium, my apps, and astro... they all failed to back up my stuff. Any suggestions? do I even need to back them up or will they survive the flash?
View 18 Replies View RelatedI've been having a huge amount of issues with my Hero since going to the 2.2 upgrade. In the middle of all of these issues I formatted my SD card before making a back up. I'm looking for someone who can give me the generic SD Card files from the Sprint HTC Hero, mainly the HTC Sync files that were on the card.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI just got back from having my headset speaker replaced (i think it blew) and when i got my phone back, the back cover is really loose. I pointed this out and they offered to put a new cover on. The new cover did the same thing and they said that it must have been like that when they got it in. I saw the guy struggle to take the cover off when he went to pull the battery and check water spot. Does anyone else have this problem and how do i fix it. It takes absolutely no effort what so ever to take the cover off now. The slightest bump or slide and its off.
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View 3 Replies View RelatedOk so after rooting my phone and Installing fresh1.1 I got rid of the crap stock stuff, but I didn't notice it got rid of amazon mp3... I like that app! How do I get it back?
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View 6 Replies View RelatedI forgot what i clicked on but it asked me "complete action using" then it gave me three choices to choose from which were
Default home
HTC sence
Forgot the third
This is referring to the homescreen and the default home is what the defualt android home screen looks like and HTC sence is what i need. I clicked on the Defualt home and now my home screen looks different. How do i get that option to pop up again so I can choose HTC sence?
So I have issue with my phone, no one can hear me on phone calls. Unfortunately I need to return the phone to stock so I can take it into the store for warranty. So if I just run the 2.1 official, will that take care of it? Or should I use some other method to do it. Also, I see the update is an EXE, is that gonna give me troubles since I have a linux PC?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI took of Advanced Task Killer when I put Fresh and Gumbo on since some have said that they don't play nice. I sometimes mess up and don't close out the app by hitting the back button. My phone starts to warm up and the battery starts draining. How do I see what apps are running so I can close them out so that I don't kill my battery? Can I put Advanced Task Killer back on?
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