Android :: ID Exchange Support Error

Mar 29, 2010

I've done a bit of searching to find out whether or not any current Android phone from any US carrier (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, or T-Mobile) can natively pull in mail, contacts, and calendar events from an exchange server. my head is spinning, doesn't seem like anyone has a clear cut answer. some things work some don't.It seems the consensus is:email - yes but no subfolders contacts - yes? calendar - sometimes Is this list accurate or am i way off base? My issue is that I need to find out if we can allow users at the office buy Android phones, the stipulation is that mail, contacts, and calendar events must sync with Exchange 2007. needs to be done natively. Can any US Andoid-based phone do this? If Yes, what US phone or Android version will do these things? There was this post but no one replied:Android 2.x - Realistic Exchange Support?

Android :: ID Exchange Support Error

Android :: Want Exchange Support On Your G1?

Jul 14, 2009

Here you go. Just install and enjoy.

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Android :: 2.x - Realistic Exchange Support?

Mar 13, 2010

We just got two Motorola Droid phones to play with here at the office and have a few questions about what others are seeing in regards to Exchange/ActiveSync support.These are both on Verizon and have been tested with WiFi and 3G- issue is present on both networks.First of all, initial setup and sync works fine on our Exchange 2007 SP2 system. After that however things start to go down hill.One of the big problems we've been seeing on these units is that the stock email client seems to randomly stop syncing emails with no failure or other error message visible in the client.Dropped by #android-dev and got some instructions for turning debugging on and ended up finding this in the logs:
03-11 20:12:32.647 D/Inbox(Exchange)( 1615): sync, sending Email syncKey: 40
03-11 20:12:33.320 V/EasParser( 1615): Class: Email
03-11 20:12:33.320 V/EasParser( 1615): SyncKey: 40
03-11 20:12:33.327 D/Inbox(Exchange)( 1615): Parsed key for Inbox: 40
03-11 20:12:33.327 D/Inbox(Exchange)( 1615): !! SyncKey hasn't changed, setting moreAvailable = false
03-11 20:12:33.381 D/Inbox(Exchange)( 1615): Inbox SyncKey saved as: 40
03-11 20:12:33.389 D/Inbox(Exchange)( 1615): Returning moreAvailable = false
03-11 20:12:33.389 D/Inbox(Exchange)( 1615): Sync finished
Obviously Android doesn't think anything's changed on the Exchange server even though there are three new messages visible in OWA. None of our other device users (Win Mobile / iPhone / etc) have reported any problems with ActiveSync.I ran a query on the server and noticed that we have a bunch of users running the following ActiveSync implementation:
Android-EAS/0.1 (HTC Client presumably?)
Our stock phones show as Android/0.3. My question is- has anyone else had similar issues? Does TouchDown fix all of this and work reliably for corporate users? I'm rather shocked that Verizon is marketing these as the be-all-end-all phone with Exchange support but we tend to think of email as a rather basic necessity for a smartphone. Any Nexus One users have issues on 2.1? (I wonder if it's specific to the Motorola build- I assume the Nexus One would use the same stock email client)

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Android :: MS Exchange - Needs Details Of 2.2 Support

Jul 8, 2010

I understand remote wipe is finally supported in 2.2 but I can't seem to find a full Exchange feature list. What works, what's buggy, what doesn't work at all? I have corporate users wanting to move from BlackBerry to the Droid X but as the IT department I need to know what problems to expect before allowing them to change phones.

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Android :: Does HTC Stock Email App Support Exchange Push?

Jul 11, 2010

I know this has been talked about a lot in these forums, but I don't see any proof one way or the other. Some people say that the only way to get push notifications is to use the gmail app or a 3rd party app, and some people say you can use the stock HTC app and set things up through Exchange. Then some more people say that even setting it up through Exchange is a "pull" account as well, not push.However, what I don't see is hard core proof to back any of this up. I would imagine that there is documentation out there somewhere of what exactly is driving the email collection in the HTC Sense email app, and whether or not it is different for Exchange accounts.

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HTC Hero :: MS Exchange Support

Dec 11, 2009

I am about to get myself the hero, and I know there's Exchange support but I still want to make sure some point:

1. Can I see appointments from my Google calendar alongside with my exchange calendar in a single view?

2. can I sync contacts from Exchange over the air? I mean that new contacts will be pushed into my phone, without manual or timed syncing.

3. I see there are some issues with SSL or password policy when connecting to exchange. Are those still valid?

4. Can I log into a Google Apps account, instead of a regular Google account?

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Motorola Droid X :: Any Android Mail Clients With Real Exchange Support?

Jul 20, 2010

Here's my issue: Came from a windows mobile phone. However, one area winmo is obviously good at is exchange support. Here's what I mean:
I regularly receive and forward large attachments (PDFS - usually 10 megs or so), and the winmo phone made it easy to do so when out of the office. I'd just hit forward and away it would go. The phone would tell the exchange server to forward the mail, and it was done. The phone never actually downloaded any attachments to forward, unless of course I wanted to download it for viewing.

I've found this phone instead of just telling the exchange server to forward the message actually has to download the attachment, then resend the attachment. This is stupidity in it's fullest when working with a 10 meg attachment. Instead of taking a split second to forward something it'll take minutes to download, then minutes to upload, and obviously shorten battery life considerably. So my question is - am I missing settings, or is the installed mail application not able to do so - and are there any android mail applications that will forward attachments off an exchange server without actually downloading the attachment first?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Support For Multiple Exchange Accounts

Jun 12, 2010

I was wondering if the Evo supports multiple exchange accounts. I have a coworker that has a stock nexus one and he is able to add multiple exchange accounts effortlessly. I know that there are alternative solutions like touchdown and roadsync but why would a stock nexus one be able to and we are not. I would rather not have to install a 3rd party app to get the same experience. Is this a limitation of our version of android or did HTC take this out?

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HTC Droid Eris :: 2.1 Exchange Support

Mar 5, 2010

Can someone with 2.1 please tell me if there are any changes/enhancements to the HTC built exchange support on the device?I'd love to upgrade, but mine is a company phone and the IT guys would probably just take it away if I got into trouble with it.Specifically, is any of the following changed? I expect most of these answers to be no, but any yes would be great.

1. Corporate directory: Is it possible to see phone numbers now in addition to emails? Is it still 10 menus deep?
2. Is there autosync and notifications for email subfolders?
3. Out of Office reply options?
4. Can you sync tasks?
5. Does the calendar have a week view?
6. Notifications on 1.5 only show a "new email" message, does 2.1 show sender/subject info in the notification (like gmail and txts do)?Also, is TouchDown available on the 2.1 market, or is it protected?

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Samsung Vibrant :: Exchange Calendar Support?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a quick question/issue on the Exchange Calendar support on the Vibrant. I can accept a meeting invite I receive just fine, but if I try and schedule a meeting from my phone and add recipients, an invite never gets emailed out. The event is sent to my exchange calendar, but not any of the recipients I specify.

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Motorola Droid X :: Does Leaked 2.2 Support Exchange?

Sep 20, 2010

I've read in many of the forums that one of the reasons for the official Froyo release for Droid X is problem with Exchange. Does the 2.2 leak from a month ago have a problem with Exchange?

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HTC Incredible :: Exchange 2003 Activesync Support

Nov 4, 2010

I know a lot of people have been having tons of issues involving the htc mail connecting to exchange activesync to get their email, contacts and calendar. It is hit or miss whether it worked for lots of folks.I couldn't get it working for the life of me, so took the easy way out and un-checked "use ssl 128 bit" on the exchange server, and it started working... However, this creates a huge security issue, leaving your exchange outlook web access unencrypted. I accepted this fact for a couple weeks, as I needed the email support really bad for a project I was working on. Now that I'm done with that project, I returned to this issue, definitely wanting to plug the security hole I so reluctantly opened up. Telling myself i will NOT drop a $20 for touchdown exchange client, after being told that my incredible has "exchange support".After about 6 hours of scrubbing through microsoft kb's I discovered the answer.Exchange ActiveSync and Outlook Mobile Access errors occur when SSL or forms-based authentication is required for Exchange Server 2003 (ms kb 817379)Use Resolution method #2. Which creates a virtual directory (with no ssl access) that is only accessible by the same server computer. You still set up the inc email client the same, including checkmarking the "this server requires a ssl connection" What happens is your inc can now authenticate by SSL to the exchange web access, and it then redirects access locally on the server to the newly created virtual directory.

in a nutshell, it just ends up working!Caveat, you either need to be the exchange server admin to do the tasks in the method #2, or know the exchange server admin at your company (and bring him nice techie toys) I've only tested this on our exchange 2003 standard server. I have no idea what to do with a 2007 server I understand the exchange 2010 server also has no official support either, but is currently being worked on.I just thought i'd throw this out there for those who still may be having this issue.If it helps even one other company besides ours, it was worth the effort!

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HTC EVO 4G :: Does Workplace Support To Connect With Exchange ActiveSync?

Jun 7, 2010

I came from Blackberry to EVO. Blackberry had the Blackberry Enterprise Server, which is equivalent to the Exchange ActiveSync Server. BES was an extra $30/month. Does EAS cost extra per month, too?Is EAS something I can just configure once I figure out the right information for the domain and everything? Or is this something that actually HAS to be supported by my company in order for it to physically work. Like BES was.

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HTC Incredible :: Support For Multiple Exchange Accounts

Aug 30, 2010

Did HTC add support for Multiple Exchange Accounts yet, or do you have to root and not use sense to get that?

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HTC Aria :: Device Support For Multiple Exchange Accounts?

Jul 7, 2010

Does the aria support multiple exchange accounts?

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Nexus :: Froyo Mail App Exchange Support - Died

May 25, 2010

one of the key things for me on the upgrade was the exchange support, and after using it all yesterday as of this morning I'm getting a 'security error' which has stopped the mail connected. Ive reinstalled and its died completely Is anyone else using the mail app with exchange with a self signed cert?

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Motorola Droid X :: Phone Support For Multiple Exchange Accounts?

Jul 17, 2010

My wife just got the Droid Inc, which was my first experience with the android os and I have to say, wow! I love it! My only issue is the Droid Inc doesn't support more than one exchange accounts and I have 6. I have read that the original Droid did support multiple exchange accounts, but haven't seen if the droid x does or not. Before I go through the trouble of ordering one and waiting on it to come in, can anybody confirm or deny if the droid x does support multiple exchange account and if so, is there a limit to that number.

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HTC Incredible :: Full Exchange Support (Remote Wipe - Pin Lock)

Apr 29, 2010

Does the Incredible offer the full Exchange Support including Pin Lock, Remote Wipe without having to and get touchdown? That is the main thing that is going to keep me from getting it and staying with my iPhone.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Exchange Support - Sense V.s. Nonsense ROMs

Jul 11, 2010

I have rooted 2.1 on my Sprint Hero. So far I have tried Fresh 2.3.3, Darchdroid 2.7 and PureHero 2.3.I rooted for several issues, most of which have been solved, but my number one issue seems to still be haunting me. Good corporate exchange support! Sense based ROM's (Fresh 2.3.3 and stock) support Exchanges security policy and force you to enter a PIN, but bring up the keyboard. My company requires number in the PIN and therefore I have to switch to numbers and enter my pin on a keyboard. I can no longer chew gum and use my phone at the same time. Nonsense based ROM's (Darch and Pure) don't require the PIN and allow me to use a pattern security on my phone, but they don't let me overlay my exchange calendar onto my phone with my google calendar. They only sync mail and contacts. Hope this is where I am missing something. This is a deal breaker for me since I have google calendars for everyone in my family and exchange for work. Got to see them all in one place to be where I need to be.I have tried Lockpicker on the sense ROM's, but then I have no phone security. I have too much info on my phone to go with no security, but I don't want to quit chewing gum.Any suggestions? Is there ways to pick and choose some of the features in sense?

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HTC Desire :: Phone Support Full Exchange Active Sync Policies?

Apr 14, 2010

So I read where the HTC Desire can be purchased as its unlocked. Will this work with ATT 3G? From what I have read it will be compatible on ATT 3g. Also does the Desire support full exchange active sync policies? I read somewhere where HTC has put all the necessary security policies in place versus the N1 that does not support.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: Any Support For Lotus Notes Exchange?

Dec 3, 2010

I want to install notes mobile client on my x10 mini and use my official mailing system. Does it support. Can any one confirm weather X10 mini supports the lotus notes exchange? The one like it support on Nokia E series phones.

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Android : Exchange Contacts Sync Error

Sep 15, 2010

I have ran into a couple of my users having problems syncing their Outlook contacts via Exchange 2007 ActiveSync once their number reaches into the thousands. When I reduce the number of contacts in their mailbox down, synchronization resumes. Does anyone know of a limit that android has on contact synchronization? I've seen this on both the Droid X and Incredible.

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Android :: MS Exchange Error - Does Not Work Outside Company Domain?

Jul 9, 2010

I have Nexus One (Froyo). After a lot of struggle I set up the Email App for MS Exchange. It works fine until I am in Company WiFi zone (company domain). Once I switch to another WiFi zone (@ Home), it stops working and throws an error something like 'no server connection'. Can somebody please help me out resolving this problem?

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HTC Desire : Exchange Error With 2.2

Sep 30, 2010

Just updated to 2.2 froyo on an O2 Desire.Everything went smoothly except that my exchange is no longer syncing.I tried removing the account and adding it again but to no avail.Anybody identified the exact problem?I've tried everything.

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HTC Hero : Exchange Sync Error

Aug 31, 2009

I'm wondering if anyone else is having problems syncing with Exchange 2007 (via wifi)? I connect with our exchange server and can send e-mails, but the contacts/email/calendar sync result in a "Exchange sync error: Sync protocol error".I noticed people were having problems with Exchange 2003 and SSL, but we do not have ssl turned on at the moment.

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HTC Desire : Exchange Sync Error

May 6, 2010

I've been having an Exchange sync error but don't how to find more dettails of the actual error, was working fine until yesterday and am told nothing has changwed on the serverside.the error I get is "Sync protocol error".Has anyone seen this before?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Error - Exchange Email Synchronization Is Disabled

Jun 7, 2010

I get this error whenever I try to manually refresh my Exchange email account. I noticed I hadn't received any emails all weekend, which was odd. I booted up my iPhone, and there were 7 new emails. My Evo (which has all my previous emails in it) doesn't show these. I was not connected to WiFi (we aren't allowed to have it at my work) when I initially setup the account, and I've since tried through my home WiFi and through 3G.

Sync Schedule set to: As items arrive Under Accounts & Sync: Exchange ActiveSync is enabled.

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Motorola Droid : Exchange Sync Error

Nov 13, 2009

I set my exchange email up and the only way I can receive messages is to refresh the mailbox.I have it automatically checking for e-mails. What can I do to fix this?

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HTC Incredible : Error With Exchange Inbox Sync

Jun 17, 2010

I installed b-folders (a password manager) and it allows for a wireless sync between the DI and desktop, so i connected to the wireless network at work for the first time for the sync.Everything went well, except I stopped getting push mail from Exchange.I remembered a thread about Exchange not syncing over a wireless connection, so I turned off the wireless.My other e-mail accounts work fine, as do syncing calendar and contacts for exchange (both ways).I can send mail from the DI on the Exchange account, but I get no mail on the phone from the Exchange account.I have removed the battery, resaved the account information for the Exchange account, but still no mail received on the phone.I am at my wits end trying to figure this out.the problem seems only to effect incoming mail from the Exchange server on the phone, all the other info from the server comes through fine (even 5 minute alarms for upcoming appointments).Any ideas from the cloud?

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HTC Magic : Exchange Sync / Error In Creating Account

Jul 31, 2009

I've bought a HTC Magic, and when I setup the exchange account of my company it give the error "Failed to create the account. Please try again later".Has I don't have solution for it I need an application to sync Exchange e-mail, can anyone tell me the better free application to install.

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