Motorola Droid X :: Use Louder Volume Hack App
Jul 22, 2010Use the louder volume hack app to make the speaker louder!

Use the louder volume hack app to make the speaker louder!
I have trouble hearing people talking on the x. Does froyo make the speaker louder also. Is GPS louder too
View 11 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to make the x volume louder than the system will allow? audio hack won't work on the x
View 6 Replies View RelatedStill debating on which phone to buy. With the droid x the major concern is soft volume (some phones seem softer than others); rumors of over heating and wifi issues.
Is there a known hack to fix the volume issue; or has Motorola ack the issue and have publically indicated a fix is in the works? Next weekend is no-tax weekend (in Ma) so I might try to pick a phone up then...
I'm pretty sure the wifi issue is a firmware problem (shame on moto for using an encrypted boot loader and having bugs like this one); not sure if overheating is limited to a few phones or is a design issue.
Anyways please add comments (negative and positive) relative to alternatives (samsung s and evo are major contenders). With the samsung the major negative is it pauses now and then and also have soft volume (there is a fix for the gps issue); for evo the major negative is +$10 and poor battery life (this phone is nice and loud) also the display is a bit dimmer than the droid x (an issue for outdoor usage).
Recently I've noticed that the volume on my Droid is super loud even when I have it at the lowest setting. I'm can hold the phone inches away from my ear and still hear what the other party is saying. This happens with my wired earpiece as well.
View 3 Replies View Relatedanybody else wish they could turn pandora up just a little bit more? I can't seem to locate a volume hack that works for the Dinc.
View 14 Replies View RelatedJust picked this up yesterday and I'm very impressed. This is my first droid phone and it blows away the other phones I've owned in the past. Not really a fan of the iPhone and have been on AT&T's time for a change. My last phone was a Nokia E72 which is a great phone, but wanted more! Gonna put that on E-bay soon hah.
The only complaints I have so far are the notification sounds are quiet even at the max volume setting. The Nokia E72 is a lot louder both in ringtone and sms tones. Also, the four buttons on the bottom sometimes don't respond. I find I have to occasionally hit the same button a couple times to get it to work. Very minor tho imo. It's not too frequent.
I am trying to make ringtones on my Incredible for my GF. Everything is fine, but the MP3 are almost inaudible.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best program or hack to increase headset volume on the EVO. I have bose headphones and the volume is still too low.
View 16 Replies View RelatedAfter the last firmware update the sound was pretty low,so i wanted to increase the volume... tried the volume hack but it did not increase the headphone volume,only the handset volume..... this is kinda a hardware fix...
Do this at your own risk
first close musi app
then open dailer an type :
This will open service mode
here click [8] audio
then click [2] headset
then click [2] rx value
then click [5] rx codec for midi
then click [1] rx codec gain:
Then pres menu key, key input,and type in 5fff , this increases the gain to about 4db,wich is in my opinion the best option. after u inputed the value pres menu key and select end. no restart needed,just open music player and press play and you will see the differences. I was about to sell my i7500 because of lack of headphone volume but now im happy...i think this will work with i5700 and moment,haven;t tried it though!
there will be an update that will increase the poor volume of the X10. Was that one of the famous SE lies too? The R2BA02X didn't change anything for me. Still cannot hear the phone ringing, still cannote understand my partner on crowded places. So what is this?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI can't find it in Ringdroid, and haven't found any other music editing apps.
View 7 Replies View RelatedDoing the volume increment/steps modification on their Nexus 5 yet.I have followed this method that I found here :[URL]everything went smooth.
I got the framework.jar using BakSmali
edited the AudioService.smali file
generated classes.dex
merge classes.dex with framework.jar using 7-zip
push new framework.jar to my nexus5
change permission on framework.jar
I change the AudioService.smali so i can have 30 steps instead of the default 15 steps.The following is what i have after modifications.
.line 205
.array-data 0x4
0x5t 0x0t 0x0t 0x0t
0x7t 0x0t 0x0t 0x0t
0x7t 0x0t 0x0t 0x0t
0x1Et 0x0t 0x0t 0x0t
0x7t 0x0t 0x0t 0x0t
Note that 0x1Et should give me 30 steps but my nexus 5 still only give me 15 steps on Music/Bluetooth.
I am still getting 15 steps while listening to music on both headphone jacks and Bluetooth devices.
I double check the total number of steps with some apps and confirmed that the original 15 was not changed.
I also double check if my framework.jar are pushed correctly by re-pulling the framework.jar and looking into the AudioServices file and they are all the newly modded values.
My speakers seem louder overall since the mini-upgrade.
View 37 Replies View RelatedI just purchased my droid x Monday and i'm trying to figure out how to make the ring tones louder.When someone calls i can't hear the phone because its so low.I turned the volume up i even dl ring tones from myxer and it still plays low.Do i have to dl an app to make the ring tones louder?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs the speakerphone on the bar in the back have only one speaker or is it dual speakers. Because I ask this, one one side of the bar it sounds louder than the other side.
View 3 Replies View Relateddoes anyone know if you can set the LEDs on the droid x to indicate charging status?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy dad (64 yo) lives out in the boonies and doesn't have access to high speed wireless internet. I have a rooted Droid Incredible and I have WiFi Tether and also have done this --> to allow for native Wifi 3G with my phone. My question is can you do the same hack or one like it for the Droid X?If so is it possible w/o root?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to disable the volume control button as it works on the ringer volume? I use locale, but I bump those buttons often enough and turn the ringer off completely.
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View 23 Replies View RelatedLooking for a way to root droid and block all adult media. So far the only conclusion that I can arrive is to root then delete market and browser.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to make the sounds on the Eris louder? I have put in music from my computer using MP3 gain at 93 db. and it seems really quiet most of the time. I can try and raise the db some more, but does anyone know if there is a setting somewhere that is curbing the volume? My wife has the Eris too and her phone is louder playing the same song.
Mine seems to have quieted for some reason and it is not a speaker blown or anything. Just quieter than hers is and a bit hard to hear if in the car with the window down. I noticed it is really low in volume if I am listening to Last FM, Pandora, or Stitcher Radio. They are hard to hear at all if the window is slightly down.
Updated to 2.2. Did a factory reset. Am very happy with 2.2 - speed, battery life etc. all top notch. The speaker volume is still too low. Yes, it's a BIT louder but not much.
View 7 Replies View RelatedAnyone brave enough to test my theory with a case mod?
View 22 Replies View RelatedI have a Plantronics 360 Bluetooth Headset and the Motorola Droid, I have the Bluetooth Volume all the way up and am stilling having troubles hearing.
My Droid is rooted so if their is anything out there that can help me boost the volume that would be great.
my max vloume is about half of what it used to be, I can barley hear my phone ,now im friggin pissed
View 2 Replies View RelatedRecently when i answer calls i have had little or no volume. The only solution seams to be a hard reset. Seams to happen more frequently after listening to music via wire headphones.
View 3 Replies View RelatedFor some odd reason, I will miss a call or a text and wonder why I didn't hear the ring. So, I go into the settings and see that the ring setting is turned nearly all the way down, so I crank it back up again. Then, later it is back down again.
What could cause this? Is there some action which will cause it to automatically turn down the volume, not just silence it for a while, but actually adjust the setting down?
I have all my volume controls turned up, all the way. Yet, when someone calls it just vibarates. I don't even have the vibe turned on, but still it vibes, and does NOT ring. I'd like the vibe & ring (both) option. But would be happy with just the ring too.or have the choice to change when I want.I used to have a very old MOTO Razr, which have PROFILE setting for: Meeting, Outdoor, Silent, Vibe, Normal, etc. I'm surprised The Hi-tech Droid X has nothing like that.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to lock the ringer volume? I keep my phone on vibrate always. well, I try to, but sometimes I hit the volume button on accident and it would be nice to not have to adjust it. Not only do I not want the phone to ring, but I don't want it to not vibrate (all the way down). Also, I still don't always understand when I can adjust other volumes, like Media Volume. Sometimes I start an app or music and the volume is too loud. It seems like sometimes I can't adjust the volume till after it starts playing.
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