HTC Incredible :: Unable To Unlock Menu Screen
Aug 28, 2010Just Upgraded to Froyo. Now Menu Button will not unlock screen. Is there a setting I am missing?

Just Upgraded to Froyo. Now Menu Button will not unlock screen. Is there a setting I am missing?
I think we all have this, at least the one guy awake at this hour on IRC did confirm.If you have jt's clean rom see if you can unlock the lock screen by merely pushing the menu soft key?I'd prefer not to have this ability quite frankly
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to use psfreedom on my wildfire but cant get it to work - i get the startup screen and it appears as locked but i cannot unlock.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo through a weird assortment of events i managed to crack the screen on my Eris. But this is the trippy part, I didnt break the glass but the touch sensors underneath. So now i am unable to use the menu or home buttons and the entire left part of my screen and more. I am unable to unlock my device in anyway that i know(menu button, the slider). Is there any other way to unlock it? I now have 11 unread texts and 4 voicemails that I desperately want to view. Oh and I know some of you won't be happy about what I'm about to say but.... I took the leap to the moto droid. I had the chance to get it on a 1 year because I didnt get insurance and I went for it. I will really miss my Eris but the keyboard lag was just killing me.
View 11 Replies View RelatedThe issue in a nutshell is that my hero fails to respond to input. I have wiped and loaded up a custom rom, and put it back to factory with no luck. Below are the details.I had 2.1 installed from Sprint but started having response issues, so I loaded up Fresh 2.3.3 but I don't think the problems are with the ROM. The main issue was that the phone was just generally unresponsive, aka, unable to unlock the screen, and if it would eventually unlock, you couldn't click on anything on the screen. This was why I wiped and loaded up a custom ROM but it didn't change anything.I was able to get into the adb shell and look at the processes. CPU usage was only about 15 to 20%, so fairly normal (in comparison to my Hero, I'm working on Joes). I also looked at the log and it records the touch screen input instantly, but it never actually responds on the display. It would note a few things that were timing out, but I don't recall what they were, nor did I recognize what they were.
So I was trying to reload the factory firmware on it last night but every time the Hero would reboot the PC could never connect to the bootloader. I tried it on my work PC and it did the same thing. So I tried it on a Win XP box it worked fine. I got it loaded back to the factory firmware this morning (twice actually), and after it boots up, again next to no response from the screen.Anywho, I have no idea what the problem is, but I'm going to take it to Sprint today and see if they can do somethign with it. I bought it off ebay, and after rooting/custom ROMs, I'm not sure if they will touch it. I think I've wiped any sign that it was ever rooted off there, but I'm not sure.I can't get back into the shell because I can't get far enough into the phone to enable USB debugging, in fact I can't even get past the intro on how to type because it won't respond.
I am no longer able to bring up the 4 choice usb-type menu that pops up when the usb cable is connected between the phone and my pc. Now after about a second delay the battery icon changes to the charging icon and the red LED lights up.
I have Disk Drive set as default with the "Ask Me" box checked (regarding USB connection type). The cable I have been using before and now is the one marked DICMUSB that came with the phone and plugs into the htc usb converter for drawing power from the wall. My pc also does not recognize the phones internal storage or pop up an error message.
I have not had this issue before, as I have been able to move mp3's from disk to phone-sdcard as well as change the boot animation. I thought maybe an app was causing the issue, but after uninstalling everything back to when I last hooked up the phone to my pc the problem still exists.
Has anyone been able to disable the screen in which you have to swipe down to unlock the phone? I'd like to use just the unlock pattern option like on the Moto Droid, but I haven't been able to get rid of the swiping screen altogether.
View 26 Replies View RelatedI would love to stop using the HTC lock screen and use only the pattern unlock - any ideas how to do that?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIf you are on 1 of your 7 home screens other than the middle (main?) one, and you press power, then press it once again and proceed to unlock the phone, does Android still have up the last home screen you were on or does it automatically return to the middle one?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have ActiveSync Exchange and my Inc locks every 20 mins, but when I go to unlock and try flip the phone and switch the view to landscape it stays portrait. No a big deal but should it flip to Landscape?
View 2 Replies View RelatedEverytime I turn the screen on and unlock I get this message on my home screen with the clock/wx widget. It says, "Set new clock successful!" It dissolves after a couple seconds but it still annoys me. It only happens on the screen with that widget and not with other home screen pages. It's the Beautiful Widgets Small Home and I'm using Launcher Pro. Here's the screen shot: clockmsg.jpg
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen I press the unlock button, and then flick down on the unlock screen, my phone sometime just moves from the main screen over 1 or 2 screens to the left. Not everytime, but randomly it just started happening. Is it an app? A setting?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAll of a sudden, I lost the unlock "click" sound when unlocking the screen.I checked the settings and the sound is set to on.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWas this option removed or am I doing something wrong? Now I have to slide the dumb thing off the screen to unlock...
View 17 Replies View RelatedI was curious about this myself, and i have seen numerous post about this on the forums complaining about having to unlock with the top button
I searched about nexus since it is similar and saw a few things about the app LOCKBOT, i recommend you atleast try the free version and see, it gives you unlock with the trackpad button and the ability to do custom lockscreen with different styles like Iphone, and different android locks. THis was one grip i didnt like about sense. Stock Android has the ability to swipe to unlock or swipe the other way to mute sounds, which is a nice feature, although i prefer my iphones switch the best
The bad...Ive read stuff about it crashing and being laggy, now i havnt experiended this on the INC, it runs super smooth. But i have been having a few times where the front button will not unlock the phone, maybe an update will fix this or something, but its worth a shot to look at.
Before 2.2 update I could unlock the phone using the menu button but this option seem to have disappeared since the update on tmobile anyone found out if you can still do this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedOn my incredible, the home, menu, back, and search notations on the body of the phone below the screen and above the trackball are not illuminated 95% of the time. If I am in the dark the notations are illuminated for a while, even when in a bright room. Then they go dark again.
Questions: Is there a setting I can adjust which can illuminate these notations all the time? Is this normal behavior?
I grew tired of unlocking with the power button so I checked the manual, which says that, alternatively, you may unlock the phone pressing the Menu button. The thing is, it does not work! I short pressed it, long pressed it and all the other 3 buttons, with no result.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDo you know how I can make the light behind the 4 symbols at the bottom of the screen (home, menu, back and search) stay on?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDouble-clicking menu unlocks it, but if you are returning to the home screen, up pops the menu bar because then i have to click "back" to get rid of it.
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy phone unlocked in my pocket I have a droid eris btw. I also have the lockpattern where you connect he dots set up.
In my pocket it did the wrong lock pattern five times and now it is asking me to put my email and password in to unlock it. The problEm is that the keyboard does not come up even when I hold menu.
I was using CM6 and it had an option that i could unlock the phone by double pressing the menu button or by pressing the trackball. Now I am back to Darchdroid v2.8 because i like it way better than froyo, but the only way to unlock the phone is by sliding the screen icon. Is there a way to re-enable that menu/trackball way of unlocking the phone? I am using launcherpro 8.1 as home screen, not sure if that makes a difference.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently got my incredible and i love it, I have 2 issues with it, first is battery but you know downloading stuff all day long will tank a battery the other. I cannot put a picture on the wallpaper on my phone. If I do, it changes it to the HTC colors. I can however post any live wallpaper just not any pictures. This is become a great irritation and I am uncertain if this is a software or hardware problem.
View 9 Replies View RelatedA couple of times today I have taken the Hero out of my pocket to find that it is unlocked and doing something (first time it tried to send an SMS to a black number and then it had loaded the browser) which is weird because I didn't think it would be able to use the touch screen while in my pocket.I'm guessing that it managed to unlock itself by pressing the menu button twice while in my pocket, but this does seem unlikely - anyway I activated the unlock pattern and it hasn't done it since, so my question is it possible to disable the ability to double-press menu to unlock it? (It's rooted if that makes it possible).It's always possible that I just didn't lock the phone either of those times, but that seems more unlikely. Has anyone else noticed this problem?
View 33 Replies View Relatedi have a behold2 from t-mobile im locked out of my phone after a few pattern attempts i reset the password through google lock support an im still unable to unlock my phone
View 2 Replies View RelatedI tried installing OpenDesire 4 on my rooted Desire earlier, which didn't work. I ended up seeing the flashing Android logo on a black screen when trying to boot and can't get past it.
So, as I have a nandroid backup, I figured I could use that to recover. BUT, when I hold the volume down button and boot the phone, it just goes to the HBOOT screen. I cannot get into the recovery menu. If I select recovery from HBOOT, it just goes to a black screen.
I have tried reflashing using unrEVOked3 and the recovery-clockwork- image, but it didn't fix this problem.
I notice that I am unable to get the ##778# menu after upgrade to stock Sprint 2.1 ROM. I tried ##778 and call button also, which did not work either. Since others haven't mentioned about it I am not sure if it is happening for me only? I also notice that the menu for changing NAM is not seen in 2.1 - Is anyone else who upgraded to 2.1 also noticing it?##786# is opening the menu but not ##778# which used to work on 1.5
View 2 Replies View RelatedI cannot move icons in menu. It is probably reason delete a file (probably with php ending). My telefon has Root.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm having an issue with my phone. Most of the time my lock screen is focused on screen 4 (I use 5 screens) instead of on whatever screen I go to when unlocked. Does anybody else have this problem? I'm using Launcherpro if that makes a difference.
View 2 Replies View Related1st time poster long time lurker. I have done a search on Google trying to find a solution or at least a reason as to why my phone is behaving this way. Search produces nothing. This week my phone started behaving strange. I will get a call, but the caller ID no longer displays. Suddenly the screen starts to flash and I have to unlock the screen in order to see who is calling. By the time the screen is unlocked the person has already hung up. I have not done anything (add new programs) in the last 2 weeks and I am not sure why this is happening.
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