Sprint HTC Hero :: Unable To Unlock Screen
Jul 14, 2010
The issue in a nutshell is that my hero fails to respond to input. I have wiped and loaded up a custom rom, and put it back to factory with no luck. Below are the details.I had 2.1 installed from Sprint but started having response issues, so I loaded up Fresh 2.3.3 but I don't think the problems are with the ROM. The main issue was that the phone was just generally unresponsive, aka, unable to unlock the screen, and if it would eventually unlock, you couldn't click on anything on the screen. This was why I wiped and loaded up a custom ROM but it didn't change anything.I was able to get into the adb shell and look at the processes. CPU usage was only about 15 to 20%, so fairly normal (in comparison to my Hero, I'm working on Joes). I also looked at the log and it records the touch screen input instantly, but it never actually responds on the display. It would note a few things that were timing out, but I don't recall what they were, nor did I recognize what they were.
So I was trying to reload the factory firmware on it last night but every time the Hero would reboot the PC could never connect to the bootloader. I tried it on my work PC and it did the same thing. So I tried it on a Win XP box it worked fine. I got it loaded back to the factory firmware this morning (twice actually), and after it boots up, again next to no response from the screen.Anywho, I have no idea what the problem is, but I'm going to take it to Sprint today and see if they can do somethign with it. I bought it off ebay, and after rooting/custom ROMs, I'm not sure if they will touch it. I think I've wiped any sign that it was ever rooted off there, but I'm not sure.I can't get back into the shell because I can't get far enough into the phone to enable USB debugging, in fact I can't even get past the intro on how to type because it won't respond.
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Feb 6, 2010
1st time poster long time lurker. I have done a search on Google trying to find a solution or at least a reason as to why my phone is behaving this way. Search produces nothing. This week my phone started behaving strange. I will get a call, but the caller ID no longer displays. Suddenly the screen starts to flash and I have to unlock the screen in order to see who is calling. By the time the screen is unlocked the person has already hung up. I have not done anything (add new programs) in the last 2 weeks and I am not sure why this is happening.
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Nov 28, 2009
If I let my phone sleep long enough to go into a "deep sleep" it is very slow after I unlock it. For example, my phone has been in my pocket for a half of an hour and then I get a new text message. I turn on the screen, and slide to unlock, but I can't pull down the notification bar for about 10 seconds or so, I have to wait for the analog clock to set the right time (which it lags through) and then it's fine after that. I don't have this problem if I lock it then unlock it right away.
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Jun 11, 2010
One thing I find annoying is that when I get a new SMS text message or MMS I have to hit the red button, then swipe the monitor to unlock the phone to read the message, unlike when an incoming phone call comes in, I can just swipe the monitor and it will answer the call. Is there an app out there to make it so that all incoming txt messages will automatically unlock the screen so that I can just reply without having to go through all of the steps simply get to the txt message itself?
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Jan 12, 2010
I would like to Remove the Slide to Unlock screen. When I receive a call, I would like to have the Accept / Decline option as discussed here:
Accept / Decline - But not always on incoming calls
Is it possible to disable the Slide to Unlock screen as discussed here:
Slide to Unlock Disabled
If yes, what is the procedure to disable / turn off / remove the Slide-to-Unlock screen?
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Jan 24, 2010
Okay, I've spent 2 whole hours making sure that I'm not repeating a thread and I couldn't believe no one has made a thread on their fav widgets yet and how they use them! This is something similar to Khaag27's forum so plz dont hit me with copyright infringements.
To start out, I don't have a screen capture, so I can't just show you the screen shots, which I strongly encourage others to use if they have it..rooted bastards lol..but I'll tell you which widgets I have on which screens. I also know that widgets take up a lot of your battery, but I don't see many people using them on their screens. It's like why not?
On my furthest screen to the left, I just have 3 widgets, which are my personal favorite because they tell me all my interest in life! (well almost) They are Gaming Buzz, US Sports Buzz, and Mobile Buzz by AdMob. Great widgets that I've never seen others use.
Next is just my gaming screen.
Next is the SportsTap widget. Like to stay updated with my Rockets and the Black Mamba
Home screen is the second HTC calendar widget..smaller version..i have the smaller version of HTC's weather app, which I update manually..I have the Ringer toggle widget..which is great for quickly configuring your vib..silent settings..and I have the Bible Daily verse..which is great for starting my day off
Next is Tune Wiki, which I rarely hear about lately, and Pandora. I also have iSearch..which I never see either..I'm starting to think if I'm really the only one using these!!
Next is the toggle settings for wifi..gps..etc..then the contacts widget..the smaller version..
I recently removed the mail widget as I saw that this was hogging up a lot of battery and I don't like nosey people really lol..
sorry for the long post but as said, I don't have screen capture In other words, what are you fav widgets?!! which probably should been the title lol..
Plz share as I'm always looking for uses for my screens since I'm not a rooted user and patiently waiting for 2.1!!
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Nov 10, 2009
I am unable to check the notifications screen. I see the icons for new notifications but unable to get to the screen. when I touch the top of the screen and move it down, nothing happens. It was working fine yesterday. Not sure how to fix it and that blinking light is so irritating..
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Oct 23, 2010
I have been trying to use psfreedom on my wildfire but cant get it to work - i get the startup screen and it appears as locked but i cannot unlock.
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Aug 28, 2010
Just Upgraded to Froyo. Now Menu Button will not unlock screen. Is there a setting I am missing?
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Jul 10, 2010
So I flashed 2.3.3 this morning, and tonight I was browsing through the settings and messing with different things. I ended up setting an unlock pattern (I never used it before) and completely forgot about it while browsing through my settings. Now I turn my phone on and blank out what pattern I used. I try what I think it is a few times and nothing.
I read that if you get it wrong 5 times it asks for you Google Login info, yet mine doesnt, it freezes then restarts.
So just a heads up if anyone is running 2.3.3 and using this, it sucks since Im probably gonna have to re flash it since I havent Nandroided yet since.
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May 22, 2010
After I updated my phone to 2.1 and I entered my info for my exchange mail account I had to enter a password that pops up every time I wake my phone up. Is there an app out there that can get around this for me? I had one when I had a Treo and I didn't need one on this phone until I updated.
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Nov 13, 2009
just noticed this today, I have no idea how this happened and can't figure out how to change it back. When I wake my phone up by hitting the power button, the slide to unlock screen no longer shows up, I'm directly at my home screen. I didn't do this on purpose and can't figure out how to get the lock screen back, searches aren't helping either.
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Feb 4, 2010
With my Sprint HTC Hero, How do you diasable the drawn pattern unlock once you have set it up?
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Mar 14, 2010
I have the pattern unlock enabled and it's annoying to have to do both the slide down and pattern unlock... is there any way to do just one?
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May 18, 2010
Since my question was unanswered in the 2.1.1 fresh rom thread ill make my own
*question pertaining to fresh rom 2.1.1
how do i change my lockscreen to something like the swipe to unlock? and how do i change the bottom bar at the bottom of the screen the one with the phone and stuff i want it to go back to the stock one ... i like that one alot better to me its classier
i tried using fresh's "kitchen" but it says on the website that kitchen will not support 2.1 roms what do i do?
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Apr 12, 2010
Double-clicking menu unlocks it, but if you are returning to the home screen, up pops the menu bar because then i have to click "back" to get rid of it.
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Nov 11, 2010
I was using CM6 and it had an option that i could unlock the phone by double pressing the menu button or by pressing the trackball. Now I am back to Darchdroid v2.8 because i like it way better than froyo, but the only way to unlock the phone is by sliding the screen icon. Is there a way to re-enable that menu/trackball way of unlocking the phone? I am using launcherpro 8.1 as home screen, not sure if that makes a difference.
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Sep 18, 2009
it's easy enough to turn on the unlock pattern security feature and it was fun to give it a try but now I'm just wondering - is there any way to turn it off?? I've tried searching and even in the user guide it says nothing about being able to disable it. If anyone knows how to do this/whether it is possible please let me know - only because I'm finding it kind of annoying now!
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Sep 7, 2010
I have a CDMA Sprint HTC Hero running 2.27.651.6 If I have read the FAQ/Stickies/Walkthroughs correctly the first step in rooting my phone is to downgrade it to 2.27.651.5.I downloaded and attempted to run "RUU_Hero_C_Sprint_2.27.651.5_R_signed_release " however it doesn't complete. The program is "Waiting for Bootloader" for about 80 seconds and then fails with "ERROR [171]: USB CONNECTION ERROR". I am able to hear the Win7 sound effect of my device being disconnected when the program says "Rebooting Device" and I hear another sound effect right after it, like it is trying to reconnect the phone to my PC but the sound is different. I think something may be wrong when the device attempts to reconnect to the PC. At this point my phone is connected to the PC via USB and the phone is now stalled on the black screen with white "HTC" logo. If I unplug the USB cord at this point I get the white screen with skateboarding Androids at the bottom (which I assume is the bootloader). The following text is at the top of the screen.
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Jun 3, 2010
How do we update our PRL? i go to device self service and try to update the profile or prl and get this error.code...
how do we do it?
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Nov 7, 2010
well I successfully have my phone rooted and was finally going to get around to installing a new ROM on my phone today. However when I tried to make a nandroid backup my phone wouldn't start up into the recovery thing to let me make a backup, instead it would just sit at the white and green HTC page indefinitely until I would pull the battery at. Any ideas on how to fix this?
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Jun 25, 2010
I recently flashed to the Fresh 2.1.2 rom, and i'm having trouble using the "Wireless Tether". I've uninstalled the one that came with the rom, and i've installed a fresh new copy from the Marketplace. But every time I've tried hitting the "tether" button, it says "Unable to start tethering, please try again!"
My superuser app isn't doing anything, this might be the problem. Whenever I open the superuser app, it's a complete blank screen.
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Jun 18, 2010
The Sprint CSR that I spoke with last night went through some settings with me but eventually she escalated the call and I was disconnected shortly thereafter due to a terrible connection. I just spoke with another Sprint CSR and once again I was told that there is no way to share the Internet connection with my PC, yet I see that there appear to be many people who are able to do this. The CSR said that some of the legacy customers were grandfathered in... is this the case? I am running OS 2.1 Update 1 according to Settings > About Phone > Software Information > Firmware version
I would REALLY like to have this capability when I travel... I don't need it here at home, but on the road, it would really help, especially in the airports.
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Oct 16, 2009
I am realizing sometimes when I get new gmail, I don't get the notification even though notifications are set to ON and auto-sync ON. I check my gmail app and the new mail is there but it says Inbox(0), NOT Inbox(1) like it should be even though the new message is bolded in font like it should. Then when I delete the message it says Inbox(-1) This might be the reason I don't get a notification sometimes. Has anyone else encountered this?
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Nov 10, 2010
I am using a CDMA HTC Hero (sprint). I have rooted the device via Universal Androot which worked flawlessly. I am now trying to flash a custom rom, which is already loaded onto my SD Card (Red Dawn). Here in lies my problem:
Using Rom Manager, I flashed the ClockworkMod Recovery successfully but when i chose to ""Reboot from Recovery" the phone gets hung up at the white HTC boot screen indefinitely until I battery pull.
I have tried many, many different approaches and am now seeking some desperate advise as to how to get into recovery mode so i may flash the new rom. I have tried to enter recovery manually (vol down/pwr on) only for it to get hung on the HTC screen as soon as I chose recovery. I have tried to "Flash Alternative Rom" and the re-flashing the ClockworkMod Recovery all to no avail.
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Jul 12, 2010
My Sprint HTC hero is rooted running Fresh 2.1.2 and whenever I open superuser or try to run an app that requires root I just get a black screen that says (Su Request) at the top and it just stays their and does nothing. Any takers on how to actually launch the program that requires root or what to do with this screen?
Problem programs:
Superuser Permission
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Apr 9, 2010
I am unable to sign into Facebook from the app it from HTC senses Facebook. I have tried wiping everything and various ROMs but im having the sane problem.
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Nov 10, 2009
I just got a new 8GB SDHC card for my phone. I copied over all the folders that were in my old memory card and created an additional folder called 'music' and added a few mp3 files in there. When I try up the phone and look under music I do not see the new song files.Can anyone point me in the right direction as to what I might me doing wrong here?
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Sep 4, 2010
It says "Cannot delete adb.exe: Access is denied". I want to delete it so i can do a fresh install since my adb drivers are no longer working for my phone. Any advice?
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Jan 30, 2010
Anyone else experiencing not being able to receive texts from anyone? I first noticed it about 2 days ago. Only SOME weren't coming through, now none of them are coming through. I've done a hard reset last night and I have not rooted my phone
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