Samsung Behold 2 :: Unable To Unlock Phone
Sep 2, 2010i have a behold2 from t-mobile im locked out of my phone after a few pattern attempts i reset the password through google lock support an im still unable to unlock my phone

i have a behold2 from t-mobile im locked out of my phone after a few pattern attempts i reset the password through google lock support an im still unable to unlock my phone
Today I decided to install the tweaked V3 W/Take 5. Started to update rom and couldn't get phone to connect. It would say debugging was working but nothing in ADB > Devices. Long story short A few hours of fiddling Took out SD card and it started working. Formatted the card Flashed rom. Worked a few times and now nothing. Every now and then when i reboot the phone it will work. It only works for 20 minutes or so and then stops. I get the USB Connected Prompt and when I press it (waiting for the Mount window) It goes back to nothing.ectly.
View 1 Replies View RelatedA few weeks ago, a friend and I went through the process of making my Behold 2 think it's a Galaxy (thanks to all who made that possible!). Now, after having played with it for a while and the lack of vibration annoying me, I've decided to try to use Odin to revert to the standard Behold 2 ROM.This is where my problem comes in: I am unable to get any USB Driver for the phone to work. In USB Debugging, out of debug, in download, or any other way I can think of. The phone just doesn't seem to want to connect. When not in USB debugging mode, I can get my computer to recognize the SD card and access files, and it'll charge, but, I can't get any other USB functions to work.
I'm not sure if this is a driver issue or if this is an issue with the phone itself.I'm running Windows 7 Pro 64bit.Could someone walk me through troubleshooting this?
I know for the most part you have to call Tmo to unlock a phone. But is there a way to do it without calling them? Also how can you check to see if you phone is unlocked.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi was wondering if anyone can give me a good trusted site that i can pay around $10 to $20 for an unlock code for my behold 2 that I won in that contest that happened a couple weeks ago. I want it unlocked on AT&T network. I just need a good website that is trusted and thank you everyone.
View 8 Replies View Relatedplease anyone who knows the unlock code for sgh-t939.i tried to fllash it by a custom rom but the Odin Multi Downloader v4.03 was stopped by my system( vista)
View 13 Replies View RelatedI hate that when I call TMobile they act as if I never worked for the company and know their BS tactics. I am unhappy with this phone especially with the MyTouch Slide on the market but when I found there was an update I missed I held in there. To make a long story short for some reason my Samsung Behold 2 does not have TouchWiz which is what the rep said I need to recv my 1.6 update. I only see Tw Launcher. They were willing to do a handset exchange however I have a small crack on the black edge of the front lcd but it does not effect the lcd at all or the use of any portion of the phone. She said bc of the crack most likely I will be charged $100 or i can use my insurance and pay $130. WTF?! Are u serious. Bc i recvd a phone that didn't include TouchWiz and u won't be able to refurb it I have to pay $100. Someone help me before I lose my religion on these TMobile scam artist.
View 9 Replies View RelatedExcuse my lack of knowledge, but... why is it that we are unable to root the B2 to 2.1+ ourselves? We did it with 1.6 way before Samsung announced anything. I thought Google publicly release the source codes to each Android OS. Can't we take the source and modify it to be usable on the B2? Coudn't we possibly take 2.1+ from another (possibly Samsung) phone and transfer the data over? We know Samsung's claim that the B2 could not handle 2.1+ is pure BS.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm having trouble adding album art on the samsung behold 2, is there an application that anyone knows of?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am unable to connect to my PC with the USB cable!! Last night I was loading some stuff on my phone and the USB was acting up and now today when I plug it in it acts like I am plugging in to power. I installed usb switcher from the market and it tells me that I need to hook up to usb first. I reset the phone and it did not help, I have tried to to change the settings from mas storage to pc studio and turned on debugging.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi just got my behold 2 & was so frustrated about not being able to delete all my unwanted emails all at once...what a terrible feature not to have. but i found the solution...just go to market & download the "K9" application & it's done. you can select all emails, then delete AND they don't go to a "junk" folder...they are gone for good. maybe everyone knows about K9 already but i just had to share this wonderful information for anyone encountering this!!
View 1 Replies View Relatedmy wife's BH2 is having connection problems. When using 3G/Edge/etc... she's unable to access anything that requires a connection. Facebook, her weather widgets, gmail, browser, etc...
I assumed a factory reset would work, but is there anything I can before resetting?Nevermind. Apparently I can get connection now. Facebook for Android is still giving me that connection prob.
I'm using Easy Tether right now to post this, yet it will not connect to Facebook, or Gmail and Google Voice, PicasaWeb, or other Google products, aside from Gqueues.If I connect this laptop through any wireless connection (my home network or multiple public wifi hotspots) it has no problems seeing those sites.Ideas?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI was trying to root my samsng behold 2 earlier today using the command codes on I thought everything was going well as I went all the way to the last step where it rebooted my behold 2. Problem is, the phone kinda just turned off after doing the reboot command and didn't turn back on by itself (I gave it like 10 minutes). I eventually then just turned on the phone manually and noticed that everything was super laggy. Even when I used taskkiller to kill every task minus GDE, it said I only had 38MB ram available. I rebooted my phone a few times and it was laggy everytime so I decided to do a hard reset. The problem is that when I attempted the hard-reset, it will now get stuck on the samsung screen when trying to load up (stayed there for over 30 minutes). I can still enter the phone if I just start it up regularly without trying to hard-reset, but it will continue to be VERY laggy.
Is there anything I can do to restore this phone back to its original state? I was reading about using ODIN to flash it or something, but for some reason my computer doesn't detect my phone when I go into Download mode on startup (it does however detect the usb drivers on my phone once the phone officially startsup into its homepage).
I take no responsibility for wasting your time or making you stupider.
View 13 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to disable the i7500 phone lock as I find it quite annoying.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI fully understand that this is a CDMA phone and unlocking a CDMA phone is not quite as easy as GSM phones, since Sprint will never hand over the unlock code under any circumstances. However I really wanted to use this phone with Virgin Mobile with their *Beyond the Talk plan, has anyone successfully unlocked a Splint Epic 4G?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAlright whats up people I was recently searching through and through for a way to get mobile internet without paying that ridiculous android price so as I was searching I stumbled across a regular behold forum at Samsung Behold Forum - New Proxy (TMobileX (Free Internet!)) - UPDATE: Analysis 01.07.10 -> 1500 Users because someone said free internet for it and I gave it a run to see if it would work with our behold 2 and surely enough it does.
Instructions on how to use proxy:
Open up the (default) browser on your Samsung Behold.
Type in the following address into the :
Type in the address you want to visit in the form on the page and select whether or not you want to use my HTML trick (free; allows you to see sites in full HTML not 'WAP-stripped').
Has anyone experienced any problems with your phones not receiving phone calls? I've had, on more than one occasion, where people are trying to call me and it doesn't go through. My phone never rings but the person told me that it rang 3 times and went to voicemail. Is that Galaxy build problem or is that a T-Mobile problem? If there isn't an easy fix, I'm gonna call Customer Care and see if I can get the phone swapped for something else...
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've entered a wrong pattern too many times. The phone now asks for my gmail username and password. I tried to enter them, but it doesn't accept the credentials. They are certainly valid, I know because I logged in via web browser with the same name/pass and it works.
View 6 Replies View RelatedAfter many attempts to try and use the terminal emulator that is already preloaded onto the behold 2 , and many failures..After trying out different Terminal Em.'s and always having my phone lag because they wernt made for it...i have finally found a way to get terminal emulator working with no lag or no slow down in performance... First you must have root,of course, Next, Use an app called root explorer or something similar and goto the folder /system/app/ and find the two files Term.apk and Term.odex, and MOVE them to your sd card from your phone,you want them gone from your system/app folder After that simply goto the market and search for Terminal Emulator , re-download and there you have it, Working term. em. on the behold 2.Peace Ladz.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have just recently bought a Behold 2 with the price drop. I like the phone except that it is very slow.
So i would like to root it and run a factory1.6 no twiz rom on it, but I'm having issues while doing it!....
I was succesfully able to get adb to detect my phone serial. but whenever I type in: adb shell /data/local/try3 /system/bin/sh
in the CMD, it returns with "permission denied"
Is it possible to run ADB over a Bluetooth connection rather than over USB? I ask because I'm having some real issues getting my phone to connect by USB. I've asked about this here before and nothing seems to work, so, I'm looking for alternatives to USB.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi am running the r12 dont think that matters but. I forgot to plug my phone in last night. I had 30 percent battery so i plugged it into my car charger. it shut off and now wont turn on at all. I have pulled the battery about 50 times with no luck. I plugged it back into the car charger the wall charger and my computer still nothing. I tried to turn it on into the download mode my computer didnt notice it. I have pulled the sims card the sd card nothing. Just a black screen. I now put 2 and 2 together. this happend before about a month ago but then i pulled the battey and it came back on. Now if i get it back on I know better than do it again. Is there anything I can do? I am thinking about stopping at tmo tomorrow to see if they have a battery to try? Has this happened to anyone else if so what did you do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOver the last couple of days, I have caught my phone rebooting a few times...
Has anyone else seen this or heard of this issue with the Behold 2?
I installed the Superuser.apk or whatever, it rebooted and I disconnected the usb before typing the adbshell su and getting the # sound so now it says error device not found if I try that. Do I have to re-do everything or is it rooted? And my phone is acting normal by the way.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just installed a new ROM, and now my phone is saying there is no available phone memory and no max memory. I think I have seen something about this on the forums before, but I can't find it now. I am using the latest 1.6 ROM. Can anyone help?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi am looking for a stylus because sometimes my hands are greasy after eating or what not and it would be handy to have one
View 17 Replies View RelatedOkay, so we all know that we maybe stuck with this phone for a while. I myself can not jump ship yet even if I want to. So, the purpose of this thread is to post your opinion on how we can get the best out of Behold 2 with what we have. Post only if you have a suggestion. Any questions regarding How-To's can easily be searched outside this thread. So here goes.
View 19 Replies View RelatedI crashed it by messing around with one of the apps (I replaced an audio file then rebuilt and signed the app, and then the app crashed after it played the file), and the only way I could turn it off was to take out the battery.Now it won't start up again. It gets past the flashing Samsung animation, but then after that I just get a blank screen.The light behind the buttons stays on and I can't turn the phone off without taking out the battery.I've tried taking the SIM card out and pressing the volume down button, send button, then end button but the same thing happened.
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