HTC Droid Eris :: Will Music On SD Card Slow Down?

Jan 21, 2010

i just got an eris, and the music player on it doesnt seem too bad at all. i'd like to put all my music from my ipod onto it, to essentially replace my ipod. it is about 5GB of music. will that slow down my eris, putting all that music on my 8GB SD card?

HTC Droid Eris :: will music on SD card slow down?

HTC Droid Eris :: Not All Songs On SD Card Will Show Up In Music

Dec 13, 2009

I Have 56 songs on my SD card, but only 22 will show up on the phone. I did a drag and drop out of my iTunes onto the SD car by making a new folder on the DCIM.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Copying Music File To SD Card

Dec 3, 2009

How do you copy files to the SD card? When I look in the Mobile Devices folder, it won't allow me to copy any files. When I click on Removable Disk, it asks for a disk.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Update Mr2 Cooked My SD Card - All My Music Pics And Stuff Gone

Jan 10, 2010

Ran the update and now my 8 gig is toast All my music, pics and stuff GONE

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HTC Droid Eris :: Faster Micro SD Card Improve Music Playback?

Jan 22, 2010

Love my Eris, except for its music playback. With the SD card that came with it I have about 5gb of music. The music UI is choppy as can be, borderline unplayable at times, the lag is really bad. I've read other posts about faster cards improving performance on the player, but none really elaborating on the music playback.

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Motorola Droid :: Applications Moved To SD Card - Phone Responding Slow

Oct 1, 2010

So with the last few ROMs I've had installed, I've tried moving apps to the sdcard. I figured it would be a good thing, even if I wasn't running out of room. Every time I move more than just a few apps to the sdcard, my whole phone starts getting laggy. I just moved all of my apps back to phone and the "lagginess" is gone. I currently have UD8.0 installed, but it has behaved this way with LFY and Pete's BB ROMs as well. So it doesn't seem to be a ROM related.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Slow WiFi Speed On Droid Eris 1.5

Mar 15, 2010

My Eris does not seem to be taking advantage of the WiFi speed capabilities of my home network. I just tested my network in multiple ways. I'm getting good connection speeds on all devices EXCEPT my Eris. Here's what I did:

1. I went to and tested the hard wired internet connection speed to my PC. The result was 22 mbps down.
2. I tested the wireless connection speed to my laptop, also via Again, 22 mbps.
3. I tested the wireless connection speed to my wife's iMac, also via Once again, 22 mbps
4. I tested the connection speed on my Eris (repeatedly) via a speed test app that I downloaded from the Market. Only 2.5 mbps.
5. I loaded the website in my Eris' Android browser and ran the same test. Only 2.9 mbps. So, all wired and wireless devices in the house are getting ~ 22 mbps, while my Eris is getting significantly less. Specifications:
-Eris is running default Android 1.5 OS
- Home wireless router is a Netgear Wireless-N Router model # WNR2000 running in WPA-PSK [AES] security mode. "Mode" is set to the highest -- "Up to 300 mbps."

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HTC Droid Eris :: Orientation Is Very Slow

Apr 3, 2010

the orientation feature on my Droid Eris is painfully slow going back and forth from landscape to portrait. Sometimes I have to gently knock on my desk for it to respond and that does not work all the time. Is there anything that I can do to rectify this?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Why 3G Tethering Speed So Slow?

Jun 21, 2010

Anyone else had the experience of internet speed with PDAnet being maple syrup slow? I mean, obviously the Eris is not the fastest phone anyway, but there are, confusingly, times when it's actually quite fast. As a corollary to this question, are there ways to increase 3G/tethering speed?

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HTC Droid Eris :: How Ridiculously Slow Phone Is / GPS Lag?

Aug 14, 2010

I've had Eris since last Christmas, so I say it's been almost 9 months or so. The biggest complain I have with this phone is how ridiculously slow the phone is. I was getting really tired of all the lags that the phone had. The major lags that made me very impatient were: 1. Phone dial lag 2. GPS lag (I had to wait 25 seconds for options to pop out after pressing "menu" button while the GPS was on.) 3. Whenever phone call comes in, it shows the digits first, and 7 seconds later, the names appeared. None of these problems were solved even after getting the phone replaced twice. I called the Verizon to see if I could get a replacement with another phone, however even after 5 attempts with various of speech techniques (even I've gotten upto a point where the rep offered me to switch to another phone) the answer was "No, you are stuck with that phone regardless whether you like it or not. Eventually the universal rooting method came along and I've rooted my phone. Code...

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HTC Droid Eris :: Running Extremely Slow?

Oct 4, 2010

So lately my Eris has been running extremely slow. About a week ago I got a notification for "Internal memory is getting low." So after reading through several threads of the same topic and doing all the suggested actions (delete old text messages, uninstall unnecessary apps, clearing the cache for applications) my internal phone storage now says that there is 45.61 MB free. Yet, I still have not noticed any improvement in performance.

For example, I use Handcent to text message, and lately I have been unable to open it without it force closing every time. I've tried removing it as the default and using the native SMS program, but when I go to compose a new message it won't bring in any of my contacts when I go to select one. It just stays at a loading screen and then force closes. Also, it shows the phone number of an incoming text instead of the contact name as its stored in my phone book, so I pretty much have to guess who's number it is. Any thoughts on why it would do that? The dialer is just as bad, and since I don't have any of my friend's phone numbers memorized the phone is pretty much useless now and unable to perform the most basic of functions, using it to make calls.

I'm at my wit's end pretty much, the only other thing that I can think of is performing a factory reset. Does anyone have any alternative suggestions or experience as to whether a full reset actually helps?

My phone is not rooted. I know, I know. Rooting will improve performance, but it seems like a hassle to me and I'd rather not have to deal with it (at least not yet).

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HTC Droid Eris :: After Update Handcent SMS Slow Access

Aug 25, 2010

Handcent was awesome. Did past couple updates and now it opens incredibly slow. When it finally opens it force closes. Love handcent over stock messaging app. Maybe someone has an older version of the apk that used to run fine.

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HTC Droid :: Eris Too Slow To Even Post Message To This Forum

Apr 24, 2010

Why is this phone so slow that you cant even post a message to this forum from it? I tried posting a message to this forum and the keyboard is so slow you can only type like 1 letter per second. Have the same issue with other forums as well. This phone is garbage.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Time Widget Too Fast / Slow By 1 Hr / How To Fix?

Dec 10, 2009

I live in Glendale, Arizona. My clock widget is too fast or too slow by 1 hr. I went ot the VZW Store and they told me it is a glitch with the Eris software. It is registering as Glendale, California making it 1 hour behind and when it is an hour ahead it registering the next town over which is Peoria, but the phone thinks it is Peoria, Illinois. I am a little turned off because if the GPS is turned on this problem should not occur. When I try an set the time to my home location instead of current location, it does not allow me to click it.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Keyboard From Vertical To Horizontal Slow / Fix It

Nov 13, 2009

Is it just me or is the qwerty Keyboard, going from vertical to horizontal is very very slow. I'm like sitting there waiting forever for it to change, and by that time i forgot what i was going to write.

is there a fix or for that matter a quick button you can press to switch it?

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HTC Droid : Eris Is Sluggish / Touch Screen A Little Slow In Responding

Mar 18, 2010

I've noticed over the past week or so my Eris seems to be getting a little sluggish/touch screen a little slow in responding. I was wondering how can I tell what could be causing this? Are there certain programs that slow the down the phone more than others?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Fast Tethering / 3G Browsing And Download Speed Slow

Aug 23, 2010

When I originally used my eris for tethering it was fast almost as fast as my wireless. Past 2 days the wireless has been down due to a storm and I was forced to use phone for internet after not using it for months. Its slow almost dial up slow, even tho the phone shows its in 3G the browsing and download speeds are painfully slow. By the way I am using easy tether.

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HTC Droid Eris :: First Update Makes Slow OTA Rollout Starting Tonight

Dec 9, 2009

First Droid Eris update makes the slow OTA rollout starting tonight - Doesn't say anything about battery fix yet

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HTC Droid Eris :: Kicking Out Of Internet - No Calls - Slow Phone - Hard Reset?

Jul 29, 2010

Hi There! I'm new here although I've been lurking for a while. Great info here! So my phone has been super slow, lagging, kicking me out of the internet, no calls when people say they call etc. I talked to Verizon and they want me to do a hard reset. Is this necessary?? It scares me to possibly lose all my stuff. So if I need to do this then what do I need to make sure is backed up??

Would love some help with this b/c my phone is really starting to frustrate me. My husband was in the store yesterday, sent me a txt and when he got back in the car asked me why I didn't respond. By the time I got his text, wrote back and it finally sent he was back in the car! So yeah lagging is such a great thing!

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HTC Droid Eris : Moves Too Slow - Text Messaging Moving To Home Screen

Feb 9, 2010

I had been hearing that it may have been because of Handcent SMS but I removed it and it still moves slow. Text messaging, moving to home screen, etc. Things just move very slow. How can I fix this?

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HTC Wildfire :: Slow Default Music Player

Oct 24, 2010

Is it just me or the default music player is VERY SLOW to react. I mean, the phone isn't slow in any other respect, not even browsing the web. But the music player is very slow to react relatively. I have a 8GB SD card almost full of mp3 files but I don't think the mp3 player should feel sluggish after it had indexed all the tracks. Has anyone else noticed this? So far the mp3 player has been my only disappointment (not just because of this) with the Wildfire and I've been using it a couple of weeks.

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HTC Incredible :: Music Player Slow When You Have A Ton Of Songs?

May 14, 2010

I hope this hasn't been answered anywhere else (I did search! I promise). Is anyone experiencing very slow load times when clicking to show Artists or Songs in the default music player? I have about 1800 songs, and when I click on either Artist, Album, or Song, it takes like 10 seconds to think about it and then finally pulls them up. They are stored on my 16GB SDHC card (Class 4). Any ideas or is it something I'll have to live with?

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General :: Save Offline Music To External SD Card With Google Music 4.0?

Oct 12, 2011

I downloaded the leaked google music app from ICS, and it works great.

My only caveat is that when I choose to make something available offline, it goes straight to my internal storage (Motorola Atrix).

I have a 32gb microSD card with a dedicated folder for music. Is there a way I can get the offline songs onto there?

I currently use PlayerPro from the market, and I wanted to use the Google cloud for "wirelessly syncing" my music.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Mounting SD Card Via USB NOW Slow?

Sep 19, 2010

Didn't have a problem with this before on my EVO and can't recall any settings I might have changed to cause this problem but when I choose the "Disk Drive" connection for "Connect to PC" it takes a long while (minute or so) for the drive to mount. I have the default connection to "Charge Only" but when connected to my computer and I choose the "Disk Drive" option the mount is SLOW. It SEEMS to get a bit quicker if I RE-choose "Charge Only" and then go back to "Disk Drive" to mount the SD card, however, like I said above, it is MUCH SLOWER than before. I used to choose the Disk Drive option and the mount would occur RIGHT AWAY. But not it is slow.

I have installed various apps over the weeks but only recently experienced this slowness. I recall some information about USB debugging conflicting with the SD mount but that option is turned OFF on my phone. Anyone know of any apps that might be known to conflict with the SD mount?

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General :: How To Prevent Google Music From Detecting Music On SD Card

Apr 16, 2012

I use doubletwist for listening to new music that is stored on my SD card. I use Google Music for streaming my favorite tracks that I have uploaded. The problem is Google Music automatically searches my SD card and displays all the music stored on my phone along with the artists/playlists/etc. that I have stored on the cloud, which makes it confusing when browsing the library. Can I prevent Google Music from searching and displaying what's on the SD card, but still allow doubletwist to see it?

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Motorola Droid :: How Music On SD Card Will Be Played?

Jun 2, 2010

If I load all my music on my SD card can I just put it in my Droid and it will play?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Music Uploaded To Eris Skipping

Dec 29, 2009

I uploaded some mp3 tracks to my HTC Droid Eris and they skip during playback somewhat frequently.

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HTC Droid Eris : Eris Music Playing - Not Working

Feb 17, 2010

So my Eris no matter what player I use will eventually start skipping. It'll also start playing a song skip to another , then another then back to the original and then call my voicemail. Other times when I dont even have a music app open and try to send a text it'll start playing a song. Anyone have any clue what is going on?

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General :: SD Card Music Not Showing Up On Music Player?

Mar 5, 2014

I recently bought an SD card for my Samsung Galaxy Centura, mainly so I could store music on it without taking up much of the memory. The odd thing is, when i went to play some music using the music player, only about a quarter of the songs showed up. When I used Android File Manage to check the SD card, they were all there and playable. All the songs are MP3 format. how I can get the songs to work on the music player?

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Motorola Droid X :: Phone Slow Very Slow

Aug 26, 2010

I got my x on launch day no root no 2.2 all stock .well i've been noticing its getting slower don't have much installed only about 10 apps. The browser will start and then stop when u tell it to go somewere then after a dew sec it takes back off. Text message when u bring it up it takes about 10 sec to load then another lag to start typing and there wont be any old messages in box and when they do finally come up u can't scroll threw the old ones.

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