HTC Droid Eris :: Not All Songs On SD Card Will Show Up In Music
Dec 13, 2009I Have 56 songs on my SD card, but only 22 will show up on the phone. I did a drag and drop out of my iTunes onto the SD car by making a new folder on the DCIM.

I Have 56 songs on my SD card, but only 22 will show up on the phone. I did a drag and drop out of my iTunes onto the SD car by making a new folder on the DCIM.
I uploaded 100 songs to my SD card from my PC. When I opened the music player app in the phone, it shows all 100 songs. So I opened up the songs list, picked a song and it played just fine. After the song I hit the forward button to play the next song (next song of the 100 that I had on there) and it played the same song again. So upon looking at the music player it now showed "1/1" at the top, instead of "1/100". It's like it's locked on that 1 song. If I go into the menu I can see all my songs, and I can choose/play them individually, but I can't have all 100 songs chosen, so that they'll just play one after the other. How do I make the music player show all 100 songs again? I just want to open up the music player, hit play, and sit back & enjoy the next 100 songs playing one after the other. I don't want to have to select each one individually to play. (Hopefully this wasn't too confusing).
View 5 Replies View RelatedTo put music on the SD card? like in a certain file?
Music app works but when i use the search bar to search for songs it shows nothing any ideas?
I don't know if this is a problem with using double twist to sync music then the default player to play it, but i recently wiped all my phones music using double twist media sync program and then put some more music on... after this i went into the default music player and it was very lagy and showed songs that i had removed with double twist but when i went to play them it would play a random song that was on the phone... does anyone know how to get the media player on droid x to rescan your SD card so i can realize that some songs are gone now?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can see the songs when I have my phone hooked up to the computer as a hard drive (on the SD card), yet those songs don't show up on the music player.
View 5 Replies View RelatedNot sure who's using "3" by rockon, but I've just downloaded it lastnight to test it out and for some reason a few of my songs which were downloaded by limewire don't show up in the list of songs. does it have to do with the way they're saved in the music folder? because the songs that have their own folder in my music folder come up great but ones that i've ripped off cds or downloaded as one offs on limewire don't seem to show up in the list of songs available? If you do'nt get what i mean heres a visual.. all the songs with thier own folders can be found on the "3" app but the ones below that don't have a folder don't show up. Is there something i need to do with them? rename them in teh properties or something?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've bought a Milestone and after the first contact with him, copied some musics to a folder on SD card. The problem is: some songs does not appear on the player. Some musics do, some musics does not. I tried several players (Meridian, RockOn, TuneWiki) to see if this was an issue with the default player, but all of them showed the same problemI also thought that this could be a problem with the ID tags of the MP3 files that didn't show, so i checked every one with a MP3 tag editor and fixed some, but to no avail: the files still doesn't show on the list.Just one more detail: if I go to a file manager and "execute" the MP3 file, the music plays just correctly.Dows anyone has experienced some behavior like this, or I'm doing something wrong?Is there a way to add all files on a folder to a playlist without going one by one on a file manager?
View 5 Replies View RelatedCan I upload songs from I tunes to my SD card on the Eris? Sorry if it's been asked before, I'm a technology idiot.
View 11 Replies View RelatedTransfered songs to my Galaxy Ace the first time and they all showed up into the stock music app, but i had some problems, (i would click delete, and it would still show and access it) and ended up reformatting my SD card, and so i transferred them again, but would not show in the app, but they still show up in File Manager and can play them like that, but i would prefer to just switch at any time sort of thing...
View 1 Replies View RelatedBasically what I want to do is to be able to plug my phone into my computer and transfer or sync my songs to my sd card like you would an ipod. Is this possible already? or do I need an app? If so, which app would I need?
View 36 Replies View RelatedSome of the albums I put on the sd card just don't show up in the player, the odd thing also is that I put a picture of the album art in the folder too that shows up in the picture gallery. But, for those certain albums that dont show up, neither do the album art in the gallery.
View 17 Replies View Relatedim not talking about streaming songs, just playing songs that you own and transfered to your SD card to the music folder? are you just using the stock "music player" app or have you found something better
View 12 Replies View RelatedComing from a Iphone to the X the music player is a little lacking. Often I will go into a certain artist and want to play all the songs by that artist, or thumb through all their songs to find a certain one. On the stock music player on the X this seems hard to do (maybe I'm missing something).
if I pull up the music by artist and select a certain artist then it shows me all their albums (The iphone has the option at this point to select all albums and see all the songs of that artist in alphabetical order). The X doesn't give a option to select all albums at this point. If I go to artists and long press on a certain artist I can select play and it will start playing all that artists songs, then I can hit pause and go into the list from that point to see all the songs but they seem to be in a random order making it hard to find a specific song.
I've tried a couple other players and haven't been able to find one that functions like the Iphone, makes it hard to quickly find one song.
I am using windows 7 so the htc sync does not work. I know that there is a workaround for this but I am able to connect Eris through usb and then tap on mount SD card and then drag and drop music files from my pc to my Eris. The problem is that the Eris music app does not show any of the album art. The art is in the files so I don't know why it won't show. I created a folder called music and in that folder is a folder for each artist which contains folders for each album. The art is in each album folder. I tried Mixzing media player for a while and some of the album art appeared but maybe only 25%. I like the stock app if it would just show the album art.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm so fed up...
I open the music player to start playing music and it starts frantically skipping through songs and going crazy. I restart and it still happens.
This also happens with podcasts in google listen. I'll be listening and all of a sudden it'll switch to another podcast.
I can't figure out why this is happening. On maybe the same note. i restarted and had the same music player issue, then went to Taskiller Free and found that all my apps were running...???? This is 2 min after a restart.
What's going on here. I'm on stock Eris, no rooting.
i just got an eris, and the music player on it doesnt seem too bad at all. i'd like to put all my music from my ipod onto it, to essentially replace my ipod. it is about 5GB of music. will that slow down my eris, putting all that music on my 8GB SD card?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do you copy files to the SD card? When I look in the Mobile Devices folder, it won't allow me to copy any files. When I click on Removable Disk, it asks for a disk.
View 2 Replies View RelatedRan the update and now my 8 gig is toast All my music, pics and stuff GONE
View 2 Replies View RelatedLove my Eris, except for its music playback. With the SD card that came with it I have about 5gb of music. The music UI is choppy as can be, borderline unplayable at times, the lag is really bad. I've read other posts about faster cards improving performance on the player, but none really elaborating on the music playback.
View 5 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone else notice that when you shuffle songs on the droid music player...the same artists alternate. it really isn't a good shuffle. The player will play one artist, then another, then the 1st, then the 2nd.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow I would get music from a CD onto the music player in my Droid?
View 7 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone else have problems with the music player ordering your songs in alphabetical order instead of in the order they appear on the original album? I've never had this problem with iTunes or iPhone, but with Droid X, all of my MP3 albums are ordered in this way. (FYI, the issue is the same if it's an actual MP3 or AAC format.)
View 5 Replies View RelatedFirst off, let me start by saying I absolutely love this phone. It is an amazing device and I am very satisfied with it. My only problem with it is the stock music player. For whatever reason it has put all the songs in all of my albums in alphabetical order instead of the order they are supposed to be in the albums. I've tried removing the albums from my memory card and then putting them back in but that didn't work. I even tried numbering the songs so that way they could be in the correct order but it still put the songs in alphabetical order. Is anyone else having this problem or is it just my phone?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI picked up my Droid 2 this past Saturday, and immediately ordered a 16GB Transcend Class 6 micro SD card for it. To install it, I plugged my Droid into my PC (Linux machine), un-hid all the hidden files, copied them to my desktop, then disconnected the Droid, took the stock card out, plugged the new card in, and copied the files back. After a reboot of the Droid, everything seemed OK.The problems started while copying songs onto the Droid. The copy process froze, and ever since, the phone had problems with this card. It's sluggish, and hangs on shut-down.Is there a proper way to upgrade to a new card that I don't know about? The guys at the Verizon store didn't have any ideas.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI downloaded imusic and proceeded to download some problem there.However, I can't seem to figure out how to delete unwanted songs from the SD card. How is this done?
View 6 Replies View RelatedUnless I am entirely missing something (which is certainly possible), I can't seem to easily create a playlist based on all music in a *folder* using the stock music player. I have to select each song one-by-one out of a list of all my songs on the phone, which is tedious and time-consuming. If I'm missing it, please let me know. In the meantime, I downloaded a very basic player called "Player." It does allow you to create playlists based on all music in a folder.
When you navigate to a music folder and select some or all of the music in the folder to play, "Player" creates a temporary playlist with all of the music selected. NOTE: A message pops up saying ONE song has been added to the playlist, but this is incorrect (unless you've only selected one to play). If you've chosen multiple or all of the songs in the folder to play, it actually creates the playlist with all the selected songs in it. Since the playlist created is a temporary playlist, so you must go into the "playlist" area to rename it to what you want. If you don't, then the next time you select a folder to play music from, it will likely overwrite the first temporary playlist with the new one.
It's actually very, very easy (much easier than scrolling through to select each song). The playlists created by "Player" automatically show up in the stock music player as well and can be played there. One negative to "Player" is that it appears to display the wrong album art. If that's a big deal, then simply revert to the stock player and run your playlists from there. I realize there are other music apps in the markets, so this wouldn't apply if you prefer one of those, obviously.
It started last night. I got an email and "Glory Days" starts playing after the phone vibrated. I got an email and some other song started. This afternoon I get a call and Dr. Dre starts playing!
In every case, this was not the set ringtone, nor even in the ringtone list! These are songs from my SD card! - What the heck! Any idea how this could have happened? If it was all my SMS or email or calls, I would say its an app, but its been Everything!
All the videos and photos I have taken on my ERIS since updating to 2.1 do not show up on the SD card when I mount the phone to my PC.
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to get your Eris to show the saved contacts picture to show up in MMS and Phone calls? If I dial their number sometimes it shows up and sometimes doesn't. In never shows up in text messaging.
View 4 Replies View RelatedOnly 9 songs show up when I open the music on my eris. I added two new songs yesterday and for whatever reason almost all of them don't show up anymore. When my phone is plugged in as a disk drive the files show up when I look through my SD card on the computer, but not on my phone. It's really pissing me off, I've tried restarting my phone multiple times, deleted those two songs I added...nothing has worked. This phone has sucked since the update was released.
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