HTC Desire :: 3 Phones - Pay 3 Times For App?
Sep 18, 2010If we buy an app for one of the phones, can we add it to the other phones or do we have to pay 3 for each phone?

If we buy an app for one of the phones, can we add it to the other phones or do we have to pay 3 for each phone?
This in regards to its vibration function. due to the rather soft tone of its sound (to me at least) sometimes when my phone is ringing from a message, i tend to NOT notice that a message comes in. so i use vibration , but the thing with hand cent vibration is the vibration is a one time thing only. a message comes in, it vibrates once, and thats it.. but the ring tone goes on and on.. fiddling with the vibration settings in hand cent did not help. what i want to do is make my desire vibrate a lot more times than just
once.. is this possible?
So, when I go to my call logs, the times it shows for the calls is all wrong. As in, the last call showing in my call log shows Today at 8.52 pm. It is currently 12:15 PM.
I've got about 8 calls today, and they are all in the evening? The rest of the times on my phone are right, but the call log appears to be picking up some other time zone. Any thoughts?
How long is everyone elses Desire taking to charge?
Mine's been on for nearly 2 hours, and has only risen by 40%
Being my first android, i'm still against the wall configuring my yahoo and gmail on the Desire. I am able to download emails when i do a manual refresh, but what exactly are the settings "peak times" and "during" and "off-peak" times?
Currently i've set peak times to 00:00---00:00
During peak times --- every 15 mins
Off peak times --- manual
Have UltimateJuice set to enable the apn every 3 mins per hour and also when the screen is on.
After doing all this, i am only able to receive emails when i manually open the email app and let it refresh
what am i doing wrong?
I dont really need emails all day, i'd love for my yahoo and gmail to download new emails only between 9am-930am everyday. Thats enough for me
Someone please help me with the correct settings.
My partner has her Desire set to download/sync emails once a day but, it's downloading them more than that once a day. Is there perhaps another setting we're missing, or another setting which tells it how often to sync?It's set to once a day but, went off twice while we were at her mums yesterday within, id say an hour but, I think it was more like half an hour. It also notified her of more emails later on....I heard it go off about 5am this morning, to be told it was the fifth time it'd done it and so now it was on airplane mode which wasnt convenient. I managed to turn off syncing altogether (facebook gave me an option to change frequency, email didnt so i had to turn it all off in the menu i was in), which isnt convenient as she wants the weather to be updated regularly - Also an option on the list (cant remember what the third one was but, four options in total). So I'm thinking there must be somewhere else which says how frequently to update.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOver the last few days, my Gmail has stopped syncing several times intermittently, with even a manual refresh having no effect. Coincidentally or otherwise, downloads from the Market have been taking absolutely ages to start over roughly the same period. Not sure whether this is connected, but these symptoms started at about the same time that I started getting "Low on space" warnings on status bar - though I still have about 13MB spare - surely enough to sync a few emails and complete small market downloads? Rebooting the phone seems to get Gmail working again, and kicks pending downloads from the market into life as well. Which would seem to indicate that memory is not the issue. This is a stock Desire, with the recent OTA firmware update. I am now also wondering whether this may be linked to that OTA update?
View 8 Replies View Relatedonce i send a text and get an instant reply, the reply is above my text, i thought that the replied text would be below. anybody else get this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust a simple question to anyone who ordered the Desire from mobilephonesdirect, Do you get 3 free months worth of insurance with the phone?
View 2 Replies View Related1) Recently i have noticed that the optical track pad is not working although i can press it.
2) It has also decided that it wants to turn itself off at random times possibly twice a day.
Anyone have any ideas on how to fix these??
It was late at night and I couldn't sleep so I decided to listen to some music with the HTC headphones. Then I thought I heard something outside, so I pressed pause on the headphones and then I repeatedly pressed play, I am a really impatient person and the music stopped and the phone started calling someone. After some tests I found out that the phone calls the last person you called if you press play 5 times. Is it a bug? Couse i really dont like the feature and im sure people dont like being called at 3 in the night either.
View 1 Replies View RelatedNeed information about phones camera? Vertical and Horizontal Apperture in mm or inches?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI had an HTC Desire (actually I had 4) before I got a refund due to a whole host of technical problems. Given that the problems I encountered don't seem to be widespread (mostly concerning the vibrate mechanism failing), I am thinking I may have just got caught up in a bad batch and am considering trying again.I tried other phones but nothing really compares to the Desire at the moment. The iPhone 4 looks nicer, but the OS bores me to death and it seems there are far more technical problems with the iPhone than the Desire at the moment.I have looked around for other upcoming phones and, aside from the Evo 4g which is not in the UK, I can see no other alternatives to the desire. Am I missing any other options?I don't consider the Galaxy S an alternative as it looks and feels like a cheap plastic toy.
View 15 Replies View RelatedIs it just my handset, or are all desire speaker phones poor? Is there any way of improving it? It was crystal clear and loud on the hero, but it's pretty much unusable on my desire! And yes, the volume is turned up to full.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of an FM transmitter application for HTC Desire or for Android phones? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
View 4 Replies View RelatedUpdate From Mobile Phones Direct Code:............
View 49 Replies View RelatedI been reading loads on the ota update, yet my orange branded (and no i will not unbrand it!) and several other users from the sound of it say phone up to date when trying a manual update on the phone, does anyone have any idea when orange might make this available to us or will we have to be content with being second class desire owners!?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOn checkout at mobile phones direct it gives you 3 months mobile insurance free. Now there is a option to remove the insurance but what i am wondering is if i go through with the free 3 months am i then dedicated to it for the full 18 months? Will i have to pay anything for the months after.
View 3 Replies View RelatedRecently my phone keeps coming up with a message saying please delete some files as your phone is full.The only thing I can think of is that the images for my contacts from facebook that are linked from facebook sync are using up all my memory.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI was just wondering if there are any good online games for these kind of phones?I have tried some of the "mmorpg" ones in the market but cant really get into them.
View 4 Replies View Relatedsince my desire is unlocked, the original warranty is void. is it still possible to get a third party warranty such as squaretrade? anybody have experience with them? are there any other warranty options for unlocked phones?
View 6 Replies View RelatedOnce I've downloaded an app from the market, Handcent for example, is there a way of getting the .apk off the phone and onto my computer?
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy desire is currently an orange branded handset.I'm going to be rooting fairly soon, but want to make sure on something first.Several people have said they have rooted orange branded handsets and installed custom Roms. Is there any way to know if a Rom will work before trying it?Plus how do you know that the Rom and radio version will not simlock the phone or knacker the WiFi?Do I just have to read the instructions very carefully on each Rom? Or is there another way?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI know it happens, the update yesterday got mine... Just wondering why this seems to happen? Could it be because my phone is sim locked to Orange, does that mean that I will always need to use a gold card, or will unlocking the phone from Orange solve these update wifi issues?
View 7 Replies View RelatedJust a quick question to those who have brought the Desire from on a T-mobile contract. What data allowance have you got? Have you got the standard 3Gb T-mob gives to Android phones or have you got less? I have browsed their site and under their 'unlimited mobile internet' it says 1Gb.
View 25 Replies View Relatedirect reI am planning on getting THIS HTC Desire contract from Mobile Phones Direct, this will be my first ever contract phone and my first ever android phone, I am planning on getting this deal: I have a few questions: Are Mobile Phones D liable on a non redemption contract like this? Is this a good deal? I know that T-Mobile has recently changed its contract to say its 3GB FUP is only for its direct customers but if I got this contract and phoned them up and said I have an android what are the chances I could talk them into putting me on the 3GB FUP instead of the 1GB? and finally if the above is a no then is there any speed difference between those on the 1GB UP and those on the 3GB FUP? If you can help me with these questions then thank you very very much, this is my first contract and I don't want to mess it up.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAre they that lazy that they cant even give any of there new phones a real name. they just take the name of an older phone and just add the letters "HD" or "Z" to it. and the Desire HD and Z dont even resemble the original Desire is any way at all. also same thing with the Mytouch HD, wich is just a Mytouch 3G slide with out a keyboard. speaking of the Mytouch 3G slide that is another crappy named phone, why couldnt it have been called just the Mytouch Slide instead? did they really need to have "3G" in the title when 99.9 percent of all other android phones have 3G support? and now the Evo 4G and Epic 4G, are they going to have to make EVERY single upcoming 4G android phone have "4G" in the name too? and another thing that pisses me off is the "DROID" name. what idiot at verizon decided it would be a good idea to just rename all of there major androids to have the word Droid in front of it? why couldnt the Droid Incredible and the Droid Eris just be called the HTC Incredible and Eris just like they were originally planned to? and HTC did not even make the original "Droid" phone, so HTC shouldnt even be naming there phone Droid in the first place, ONLY motorola should. what is next? are they going to release another phone for verizon and call it the "HTC DROID Incredible HD"?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI'm unable to bluetooth files to non smart phones. is there and app for this? or another way to fix this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I download an app, does it save to the phones memory or the SD card?? Also, when I'm in "bulk storage" mode when plugged into my PC via the USB, I assume the window that pops up is the SD card as opposed to the phone memory?? Is there any way to check what is saved to either location?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was just having one of those moments of thought about switching my phone from an Incredible to the Droid X, still tossing the idea around, but say I do....what happens to the apps that I bought on the Incredible...would they be useable on say a newer Android based phone?
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