HTC Desire :: Get .apk Files Off Phones Internal Memory?
Sep 7, 2010Once I've downloaded an app from the market, Handcent for example, is there a way of getting the .apk off the phone and onto my computer?

Once I've downloaded an app from the market, Handcent for example, is there a way of getting the .apk off the phone and onto my computer?
I'm wanting to learn more about android. Is there a way to use memory from the sd card for the phones internal memory? Is there an app that will tell me whats useing up so much memory? I'm on the ZTE warp sequent ,rooted.
View 1 Replies View RelatedToday android phones are coming with an internal storage which is called the internal sdcard. Because of this the need for external sdcards is vanishing day by day. But when your phone is factory reset you lost all the data stored in it while in case of external sdcard you have an option to save your data. If you accidently lost all the data stored in your phone then don't worry I have a solution to get it back. This trick will work on phones having mass storage mode support, if you are running android 4.1 jellybean and above then root your phone to get mass storage( the tutorial is different for different phones),
If you have accidently lost all your files, photos and videos from your phone then after this do not copy new files to the phone. This also include clicking photos and capturing videos. If you copy new files to the phone then you are actually reducing your chances to get back your deleted photos and videos and other files. In short just don't download anything to your phone, do not use the internet on your phone till the time when you get back your lost files back.
This trick will only work on android phones having mass storage mode and MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) options. If your device is rooted then you can enable mass storage mode on your android phone. After enabling mass storage mode you can get back deleted photos, videos and all files from the internal storage of any android phone.
1. Recuva for Windows 7, Windows 8
2. A USB data cable.
Now Follow The Steps Below
-Download and install recuva. While installation do not uncheck any option.
-Now connect your android phone in mass storage mode. Connect it to pc a notification will appear in the phone, tap it to enable mass storage.
-Now open My computer and you will see Removable disk.
-Open recuva and click Next, on the next step All Files will auto selected. Again click Next. Then choose In a specified location and click Browse.Choose the removable disk or MTP disk here and click Next.
-In next step put a check mark in Enable Deep Scan and click Start.
-After scan is finished you will see the list of all deleted files. Green circles is means that file can be recovered while red circle means unrecoverable file.
-Now check the box next to Filename to select all files. Click Recover on the bottom right and choose Desktop .Your deleted files will be recovered.
This has been bugging me but I think it's just the way it is. In the DX we have 8gb of internal memory with an additional external 16gb (as shipped) on the SD card. I can store my music, pictures, etc. on the SD card but cannot access the internal 8gb. Besides storing apps, what good is that internal memory? Is there a way to store files on it. I read in the Applications and Games forums that other phone owners complain that some apps are too big to keep on their internal memory, but it seems to me that with the DX, this is no issue because we can't use that memory anyway. Why would a DX owner care about storing apps in the SD card (with 2.2) when we have tons of unused memory internally? Is there a way to store files on the internal memory which I'm missing?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt's my first time here and i received my new Hero (or T Mobile G2 Touch) yesterday so sorry if i'm asking a dumb question! I put the micro SD from my old phone into the Hero and as it's full up i was hoping to transfer some of the files onto the phone using the internal memory, but i cannot find a way of doing this. Also now that the card is full i am unable to take new photos cos there is no space for them to be stored. Do i have to do something to access the internal memory?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have PSX4droid and I'm trying to load a game thats on my phones internal memory (my sd card is full) but I can't seem to access the game within the program.
Does anyone know how to do this?
I have only 150mb of internal memory on my phone. These are some items that consume critical amounts of internal memory space. When I download an app, it seems I am downloading an install package. The installed app itself takes up additional space. I believe the install package persists on the internal memory, invisible to the average retail user, and takes up internal space even after the app is moved to the card.
Ex: an anonymous app
android market listed size- 3.51mb (this must be the download size of the installer)
download and install on internal memory, size listed- 5.73mb
move to SD card, size listed- 2mb
move back to internal memory, size listed- 5.73mb
Further thoughts:
1. The install package seems to remain on the internal memory even though the app moves to the card.
2. Beyond the above example, I went through each and every item listed in my settings - applications - storage use - All.
I found 105 total items on internal memory and SD card all together. By adding up the listed "Total" size of each (yes, I went through each and every one), I arrived at approximately 109mb. The phone lists internal memory use at 135mb. I would expect the internal memory use to be LESS than 109mb because some of the apps are on the card. My assumption is that much of this extra internal storage is taken up by all of the installers sitting invisible on the internal memory.
3. Based on observing the change in the Internal Memory usage when I delete app "Data", I believe the app data is being written to the internal memory even if the app is on the SD card.
Why isn't the install package deleted after the app is successfully installed? Is there an app for that?If I uninstall the app while it sits on internal memory, does it also delete the install package?If I uninstall the app without first moving it back to the internal memory, does it delete the uninstall package? How can I reclaim this internal memory space for actual use??
what software is the best one to recover/restore delete files on android internal memory. I made a big mistake and select a full wipe in the aroma installer instead of a factory reset before. Now everything is gone on my internal space. For sure I will not commit this mistake again. Only the TWRP backup und Titanium backup is available on my PC. Very important for me is to restore the pictures that I've been lost.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have accidentally deleted very important files (.amr and .txt files) and they were located in the internal memory of my galaxy s 4 mini gt-i9190.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIm on Galaxo and have been facing this strange problem since a couple of days. Whenever I mount my internal 8 GB memory and try to copy files into it, the internal memory card automatically un-mounts by itself after a couple of seconds interrupting the file transfer.
This happens almost all the time.
I don't have any such issues with the external SD card.
Should reformatting the internal memory help?
Also, If I reformat the internal memory...I dont think the OS should be affected. I suppose the internal memory is just like a movable drive...with no OS files on it.
Has any1 been successful in using Astro or any other file manager to move files from the SD Card to the internal Memory located at /EMCC/ ? I've tried a couple times, both moving small amount of files and/or entire folders and got Error messages in Astro. Is this just lack of support or can u really just add files using a Computer to the internal memory?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there any way that you can move files such as audio files to the internal memory without using a custom ROM? I'd like to transfer a notification alert sound from my SD card an put it on the phone itself.
View 11 Replies View RelatedAfter Installing a new firmware for my 8gb galaxy mega i9205 I got a internal memory error . If I open storage stats it reads 7GB miscellaneous files and if I open app manager it display as free space.Root explorer cant open the internal storage !
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have literally had this phone for 5 days and its saying low internal memory. I have no idea where the hell it all went. right now it says 15.7mb internal memory. I have moved most of my apps to sd card aswel. I had an HTC hero with virtually the same apps, and not once did it say low on memory so is my desire faulty ?
View 14 Replies View RelatedAccording to android information system; the max internal memory is 147mb, I have 14.75 mb (9%) left. This means I have used 132,75mb. According to app brain, I have 69 apps with a total of 140mb. Surely the move to SD built into froyo should move more than 7.25mb? Most of my apps have the feature. I know this is the poorest way of getting apps to SD but surely it should move more than that? I am going to have a go at the noob guide to moving apps to SD later to see if it improves things. I need to do something. I am at a stage now where apps not update. i have to uninstall the old version and then reinstall the new version.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've noticed that the Internal memory of my Desire seems to filling up even though im not adding new files/downloading any new apps... Im using wi-fi several times a day to check emails, update friendstream etc... but there seems to be no major correlation with the memory increase.
As a guide memory usage has gone from 72mb to 82mb in the last 5-7 days
Is this normal? how i can clear out any files that may be accumulating? Obviously concerned as internal memory is limited as it is and if this continues it wont be long til the phone fills itself up!
I've just been trying to download the latest update for the HTC Desire on Vodafone, but I can't install it, due to lack of internal memory.
I have checked all my apps & the ones I can "move to SD" have all been moved, but some apps won't give me the option to "move to SD"
My internal memory is still quite full (129mb out of 147mb)
Is there a way of moving stuff from the internal memory to my SD card?
Even though I am on 2.2 and alot of my apps have bee moved to SD, I still only have 12% most recent downloads havent helped as they cannot be moved; a few icon packs, folder organizer, android agenda widget and astrid, still, before this, I was still only on 20% Are apps fully moved with the move to SD option in 2.2?
View 23 Replies View RelatedNow a big problem is with an unrooted handset you start off with low internal memory as it is, but after I got the low memory message after numerous times I thought perhaps I would start deleting apps, unneeded texts, limiting the amount of emails and texts that my phone will store at once. That fixed the problem for a while but over time I would keep getting the numerous low memory messages again. Now I'm at the point where I have around 8 apps that weren't included with the phone and I keep getting the message. I know if I were to restore the phone to factory then this would fix it temporarily but after another month of use I'm sure it'll do it again. Any tips?
View 6 Replies View RelatedSo I am low on my internal memory on my Desire down to 14 mb. is there a way to get back my memory after deleting apps ? I am always deleting apps because because of low storage that comes with the phone? Any tricks that I can use? I really dont want to factory reset because I use Launcher Pro + and I dont really want to set up all my contacts again..
View 10 Replies View RelatedHow much internal do you try and keep free on your HTC Desire? Do you notice any change in performance if/when the storage space drops beyond a certain point?
View 9 Replies View RelatedRecently my phone keeps coming up with a message saying please delete some files as your phone is full.The only thing I can think of is that the images for my contacts from facebook that are linked from facebook sync are using up all my memory.
View 9 Replies View RelatedThis is a problem that has been annoying me for some time, but has recently become ridiculous. As we all know the internal memory is pretty small on the Desire, and i've tried to be conservative with the apps I install (unless I know they can be moved to SD). However, despite this i'm constantly low in internal memory. at the moment, the only apps i have installed on the internal memory are beautiful widgets (1.36mb), colornote (524kb), facebook (3.05mb), mixzing (3.70mb), multicon (316kb), swiftkey (1.84mb), (tasker (1.43mb), voice search (2.54mb) .everything else I have moved to the SD card via app2sd or through the recently posted trick to get all apps to automatically install to SD. As you can see, the apps I have installed (obviously this excludes all the various htc stuff that comes preinstalled etc) falls far short of the supposed 148mb that i have available to install apps, so can anyone shed any light on what might be going on? I've tried clearing various caches to try and free up some spece but this has barely had any impact and this is truly starting to bug me. I've got a desire on 2.2
View 13 Replies View RelatedI've been running with about 15-20mb of memory left for the last couple of months perfectly happily, haven't installed any new apps etc. This morning when I woke up the phone was suddenly reading completely full with something like 44kb of internal memory left. I went through and deleted a bunch of apps, emptied various caches and got the memory back down to 130mb of the 147mb. Now, I've had my phone on charge all afternoon, maybe 3 texts and 5 emails have come in and all of a suddenly the memory is totally full again! Most apps now force close because there's not enough memory to run them but something is obviously just filling up the memory somehow. Anybody else have this problem, or any ideas how to solve it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAll my internal memory has almost gone, most of it is being used by facebook (40MB).
I have a feeling that this is due to facebook pictures being pulled onto my phone using 'facebook sync' app. (350 contacts, and somehow 900 pictures).
I have disabled all my facebook contacts by unsyncing it, but it does not delete the data.
If i backup all my contacts & apps/settings and do a factory reset will this solve the issue?
I am getting a Desire next week. How many apps you can install on the internal memory without 'rooting' it? I'll probably install a lot of apps when I get mine next wednesday (I already have made a list of over 30!) and I would really like to avoid rooting it as it will probably void the warranty and I am not sure I could do it anyway - even after reading the step by step guide a few times over. How many apps have you all managed to fit in before getting the memory low message that some have reported?
View 26 Replies View RelatedThe HTC Desire has limited memory of around 570Mb RAM and 512Mb ROM. The MicroSD card can hold up to 32Gb. So, why can't HTC allow apps be stored in MicroSD card? If HTC/Google's concerned about piracy issues, i.e. copies of apps from microSD card to another microSD card, etc. There is one way round to this problem: They could have installed some kind of unique crypto-key within the Desire's ROM, and any apps saved to the microSD card are automatically encrypted on-the-fly with this crypto-key.
When apps are accessed, it is decrypted on-the-fly, too. In other words, apps will ONLY work with THAT phone it shares the SAME crypto-key. Putting a microSD card containing apps into another Android phone will not work, thus solving the piracy issue. Therefore, a message to HTC: Please allow apps to microSD card (as much as 32Gb card) and BEAT iPhone/Nokia N900 at their game!
Dolphin Browser continually takes up more and more memory. I have it set to use SD CARD STORAGE, but it still accumulates a lot of data on internal memory. I can go to Manage Applications and "Clear data" on the phone, but I then have to basically re-start DOlphin, import bookmarks again, and then takes me 30 minutes to reorder them in the order that I like them to be in. Very frustrating!
1) What is this DATA that is taking up internal memory?
2) Where on the memory is it stored? Can I access it using Astro and delete it manually?
I clear that will it delete everything out of my calendar (and then sync up to Google calendar wiping all my events? Or will it clear everything on the phone and then start to re-populate the phone calendar with my online Google calendar? Is there somewhere in android you tell it to only sync X number of weeks with the calendar - I vaguely remember seeing this before but I forget where.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan you pls let me know how much is the free memory for application, it says it has 1.5 GB internal memory but I wanna know exactly how much is the free memory left for application installation
Settings -> SD Card and phone storage -> scroll down and see Internal phone much you see there pls
the original desire has only 140 MB for app installation which was pathetic