Samsung I7500 :: Market Enabler Or Market Access Pain Apps
Sep 9, 2010just wanted to know if anyone used it to buy an app? and if so how did he got billed? i want to but drakaz updater but dont know if i'll get billed from my carrier.

just wanted to know if anyone used it to buy an app? and if so how did he got billed? i want to but drakaz updater but dont know if i'll get billed from my carrier.
I've been reading how to get more memory thread where is suggested to run script in order to remove unnecesarry applications on a great Galaxo ROM. I was wondering, is it possible that MarketEnabler depends on some of those apps, because after running the script, it fails to either restore settings from backup or set different provider. There is no force-close or freeze. It just pops up "working" box for indefinite time period without progres bar filling (I waited several minutes). The infobox can be easily discarded with the back button.
View 1 Replies View RelatedBetween looking around here and on androidzoom, I found a couple of apps I want. Problem when I use myphone to access the market, it says that they aren't there. Specifically, I am looking for Launcherpro beta and Adobe Reader. If I find them in androidzoom and scan the barcode its not there either. Short of rooting my phone to install market enabler, is there anything else I can do ?? Or are these not appearing because they won't run on 1.6 ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm considering changing my phone (quite old Motorola) with something from the 21 century..While looking for one (HTC), I found, that only Tattoo can fit in my budget.There are, however, couple of question I'd like to ask:
Does Tattoo support offline GPS navigation (and if so - can you, please, suggest a app for this). Most of what google has to say about this is related to Google maps (obviously), but it looks like this can't be done there. And i really don't see the point having a GPS antenna that requires Wi-fi/data connection in additionIs the lower resolution / screen really such a pain for the apps in the market. Are there any problems with the all-day apps, that one needs?I might have a chance to buy a second hand Iphone 3g 16 for 40-50 euro higher price. Can you advise what's the better choice? I'm not sure about the condition of the iphone, but lets say it has only cosmetic problems, which doesn't bother me.
In market enabler, which provider do you use, to get most apps? My phone is from Denmark, so we don't have the pay market yet. Thats why i need market eabler. But which provider, do contain the most applications ?
View 4 Replies View Relatedare there any one that can telle me why i can't bay apps when i use market enabler.keep getting this error there were errors in the information you provided.i have dubbel checkt every there any one how have apps thay they have bayet tru market enabler?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you access the android market from this phone?
I bought an unlocked version online. market:// urls don't seem to work..
Just downloaded snap photo pro which I bought prior to upgrading to H7 and couldn't access in market again until today.
I also searched for eBuddy which I couldn't see in the market before and now I can.
I'm in the UK using a German galaxy with the H8 firmware.
I want to see paid apps in but can only see free apps in the market - not a mix, only free apps. Is anyone else having this problem?I searched the other topics, but most of them talked about how they can't see certain paid apps, but I can't see any.I am in Canada and bought my phone from UK (O2). I'm using wi-fi to access the market, which confuses me even more because the operator codes don't even come into play with this.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm new to this, but when I look in Market I sometimes can't find certain apps. Was just looking for Where ( a good travel app and it's not in there. Also when I install Yelp, it installs but immediately closes when I try to launch.
Is this a canada thing or what? Is the firmware so old that these phones are useless?
I am new to Android. Can someone tell me if there is any tutorial or if someone can tell me how to install an application (step by step) and particularly, the following:
1. How to Boot into Recovery.
2. Fix Package permissions.
3. Apply any zip from SD and choose one particular zip.
4. Also, how to install non-market applications.
I just odined to 1.6 and am noticing no paid apps in the market (except for in my downloads obviously) im wondering if anyone else has this problem or there is a fix. im in the US by the way
View 8 Replies View RelatedYes for those who are running CyanogenMOD ONLY right now. Just type JIT in the market and it'll pop up. I've been running it with the heat turned down and so far it's behaving. I'm sure it'll explode tomorrow. All these apps have made my adb skills waste away. The best thing about it is you can turn it off without having to pull and editing the build file yourself which is sort of a pita Jit App In Market - CyanogenMod Forum Not supporting Jit by any means just forwarding the news.
View 31 Replies View RelatedEverytime I try to fake another provider, my Hero reboot. It was working before I run MoDaCo 2.9.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've bought unlocked G1 to use in Pakistan with 2G network. I've researched a lot to know how to use it since i've never known of Andriod.
I've understood that there is "Market" rich of applications but unfortunately i hvn't setup internet yet, i can't access to Market.
Do anyone know url if i can access from my laptop and then install it on G1 through SDK.
I need to install Video Recorder and other good applications.
I tried to know what the shit cupcake is but flunked as its above of my understanding. However, i'll keep on trying to know how could i do for my G1.
But for instance, i need url of Market.
1: How do I access payable apps in marketplace, offcourse by paying, but so far I can only see the free ones.?
2: What is rooting, and what is the advantages from what the Hero is able of now?
Is there a way to update the market? the reason why I am asking is because I cant seem to find angry birds, even though on galaxy s (newer version market) it shows.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI got a brand new, unlocked Samsung Galaxy about a week and a half ago. I had two immediate problems with the phone:
1. No Market
2. 3G didn't seem to be working
I fixed the lack of Market problem by upgrading to the H7 firmware. I was hoping this would also fix the 2nd problem, but it hasn't. I've also tried getting a new SIM card from AT&T, and this hasn't seemed to work either.
Obviously I may end up having to call Samsung USA at some point and request a fix, but not only might that mean I have to live without the phone for a long time, I have no idea if Samsung USA will even want to help me since I bought it 3rd-party unlocked and it isn't even officially in the states yet.
So if anyone has some ideas, that'd be appreciated. (And yes, the "Use only 2g networks" setting is unchecked)
I finally was able to unlock my Cliq from the T-mobile network to the At&t network, and I can now make calls and text, but all of the sudden I can no longer access the market for apps. It keeps telling me that my password is invalid (which I am 100% sure it is not). Also, every few minutes, I am recieving a text that says "122 Error Invalid Number. Please re-send using a valid 10 digit mobile number or valid short code. 0605040710000041637469766174653A64743D36", but I haven't even sent any text messages.. It started doing that right after I sucessfully unlocked the phone.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI seem to have a bit of difficulty with the market (ever since using Market Enabler). All the apps I choose to download just sit at "Starting Download" until I turn wifi off and on and reconnect to my network. Has anyone else experienced this?I've tried switching fake carriers a few times, which I seem to need to do anyway, cuz paid apps seem to disappear after a while.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhy can't I find Pure Calendar on the Market?I can see lots of other stuff? Is it because I am in a "free" section? I search for "pure calendar" with no results.
View 10 Replies View RelatedTried to get on the Android Market this morning - say about 2, 3 hours ago till now, but all it gives is "Network error, please retry" sort of prompt. Tried it with both 3G and wifi but the same error still pops up. Restarted my phone, no joy.
The data connections (3G and wifi) do work, I verified by checking my email and tweeting. So is the android market down, or is it just my phone acting up?
I installed Galaxo a couple of days ago and since I'm a happy person! It's really a different phone.
Today when reading an article on the new google maps innovation (Walking Navigation, Street View), which are available with Google Maps 4.5, I tried finding them on the market and couldn't. I then realized I can't see any paid apps on the market after my Galaxo installation.
(I also noticed that the Google maps version with galaxo is 3.3)
So I've got two questions:
1) How can I "free" my market?
2) How can I install Google Maps 4.5 with the two gadgets above?
Since JC6 is a leaked fw I don't think Google will whitelist it so all apps will be available in the market. I know that Galaxo 1.6.2 enables a full market but somehow I can't seem to do so in 'stock' JC6. I'm running stock JC6 with IH8 baseband.
I searched the threads on this matter and only thing that comes close is this post from Kam. Somehow I can't change the fingerprint without adb remount. Is busybox required to adb remount?
Anyway is there any way to enable full market in stock JC6 with IH8 baseband without having to install Galaxo?
I have an app that was installed via Android Market. And so, the Android Market knows when new versions are out and notifies me of an update. Titanium Backup calls this the 'Market Link', not sure what else it could be called.
how would I go about 'disconnecting' the app from the Market? Deleting the market link as if it were side-loaded?
Yes, I know this means no more updates for the app etc. Which is actually what I'm after.
I'm using a SGS - DocRom V9.6 with Speedmod Kernel k13a
My provider only permits me to connect to the internet via the web-browser. Only the web-browser works. I want to use the Android market, but it doesn't connect. Is there some sort of proxy I could use to get around this? I can connect to the market if I'm on my home WiFi, but not if I'm on my network GPRS.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI know my question answers but since there's a lot of you who really spend your time scrutinizing your rank, downloads and all, I'm trying it maybe someone came up with empiric science on this one :
Does anyone understood even bits of how the market ranks apps in the market ?
I usually don't look at stats but following another post on this topic, I counted my rank in my category ... 565 ... Ouch that hurts! Especially when half the apps in front of mine, are crap apps with less downloads and ratings as low as 1 star :).
Not that it would make a difference being rank 250 instead of 565...But this is humiliating a little :s
Since my app has been on the market for one month, i'm wondering if age matters ...
I know I should have asked in the market "black hole of hell " google group but the name says it all. And I'm sure some of you already figured out some of the black magic used by the Market to rank apps.
I'm having trouble accessing the android market tonight I rebooted my phone and still having trouble I updated Pandora and other 2 apps this afternoon. I was wondering if it's just my phone or sprint or the market. So anyone can verify on their phone?
View 10 Replies View RelatedList of what they think are the best non market apps that are worth installing now that ive gone through the process of rooting and enabling side loading.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThere are some apps i would like (that are available on the iphone for example) tesco clubcard...on screen barcode. face-to-face calls. im sure there must be others....
Is there anywhere to request a developer to develop an app?