Samsung Moment :: Flashing A Cricket Moment Back To Sprint
May 22, 2010Can I take a Moment that is flashed to Cricket and flash it back to sprint.

Can I take a Moment that is flashed to Cricket and flash it back to sprint.
How to flash a Samsung Moment over to Cricket
View 4 Replies View RelatedCan i put sdx recovery on a cricket flashed phone...i just get phone service now from cricket but i want to customize and root mymoment...will this mess cricket service up?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOK I've been with Sprint for.. well since I first got a cell phone. I got the Moment recently, and have ONE major (for me) issue with it. I loved the feature in Sprint's V-mail, that allowed me to connect directly to another Sprint users V-mail. It was a great time saver, allowed me to just leave the message & get on w/ my day (ok I admit it, it was mainly used to avoid talking to my mother when I knew she was in a bad mood)Since I got the Moment, even when I call my v-mail directly, said option is no longer there. Borrowed my g'friends phone for a minute, and the options is still there for her. I checked Sprint's forums, and couldn't find anything about them changing the v-mail with the Moment.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIve been on Sprint for a few years now, currently using the Diamond which is the biggest pile of trash ever pushed on to a mobile phone user. With the Big promotions I tried getting the moment throught best buy 179 deal for existing customers but sprint told best buy that I wasnt at 22 months on my current contract ( which is the 500 sero plan through 8/1/2010 ) so I cant get and upgrade ( except 75 bucks off the msrp through sprint ). Im pretty pissed, what options do I have?
View 25 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to access my main sprint account on my phone (samsung moment) through the web broswer. I can access it through my PC fine but when I try to access it on my phone it takes me to alternative sprint site either "downloads" section or "sprint web". I turned off gps and location but to no avail.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHere I am with 2 HTC Hero phones, with only one on an active account. I would love to try out the Samsung Moment, but don't have the $$ to just go out and buy one.My hero comes with all it had when new, plus I have an extra battery for it I will add to the deal. This hero has only been used for about a week, and while using it, it "lived" in my Blackberry Tour holster to give it maximum protection. There are no scratches or rub marks on it, never been dropped and I have reset it to Factory Specs via the SECURITY MENU and the ESN is clear and ready to be activated on your SPRINT account.Please email me at if you are interested. Maybe we can work out a swap.Now for the additional 1 to 2 feet of snow that is forecast for this afternoon and tomorrow, on top of the 2.5 feet still on the ground.
View 11 Replies View RelatedIs there a difference between flashing a ROM, say DE03 with recovery 3.1.1, versus applying the ROM directly from SD Card? So far I have flashed the Moment by adding the DE03 3.1.1 Recovery ROM from the laptop's Samsung Moment binary folder. I wonder if I copied that to the root of the SD card, can I just flash it there anytime I want? The reason I want to do this is because it seems that it is suggested to flash back to stock prior to trying out a new ROM, and it would be faster to just load the ROM from SD card than hooking it up to the computer everytime to do this.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWebhost had a massive server failure due to a botched apache update.They had to restore the images from previous which took the majority of today.. then they had some minor data corruption so they had to recreate the data from the raid parity bits which takes some time.It looks like it is all resolved and i had to replace some files from a backup, but the site should be back up and running and sustain no data loss..
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do you open the back of a samsung moment? I need to get my sd card out, so I can plug it in to the adapter and into my computer. Also: sometimes my moment freezes up, and I need to get to the battery as well to take it out and plug it back in.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI just updated my girlfriend's Moment to the official 2.1 software through the site and she does not like the look of it. She is more comfortable with the stock software (1.5), so how do I reload that stock firmware on her Moment?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to back up everything my contacts and text messages to my computer using the usb connection to my computer but do not know where to get drivers.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got my Moment this past Friday and my visual voicemail hasn't worked since I've had it. If I do a reset through the 'settings' option would I permanently lose all my contacts or will they still be saved through my gmail account?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just traded my Palm Pre for a Samsung Moment today (made the deal off of Craigs List). The phone worked great all afternoon after I got it but 30 minutes ago I pulled it out to enter something into my calendar and it was off. I tried to turn it on but it seems dead.The battery has at least 40% remaining last time I looked and it is charging right now just in case. Anybody else have this happen? Is there some special way to turn this on that I don't know about? I held down the hang up button to turn it on and it is not working.Any ideas? (The Sprint rep at the store where I swapped with the other person said the warranty sticks to where ever the ESID is active - meaning on my account so I do have the warranty for it).
View 13 Replies View RelatedI finally updated my moment and I need help getting it back to how it was. I backed up all my apps, text and calls, but I don't know how to get them back on the phone. Google did my contacts, but not my text. I see my text in my gmail, but how do I put them back on my phone, as well as my apps. I went to the market and downloaded Astro as b4, and I went to my sdcard and to the folder named backup, but what's next?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn coming from Palm, where I back up the entire OS / Data every night, and can restore from any point in time, is there similar functionality with the Android system? Can I take a snapshot of my Samsung Moment on a regular basis and restore to it as needed?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI tried flashing stock back on my phone on two different cpu's and two different roms. I was running joey's rom and now I'm running ultimate dream's rom I think it's called. Whenever I try to flash it with the updater it just hangs and in the progress bar it just says ready. Any suggestions?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy fiance has a moment and we wanted to know how to back up her app data before we update to 2.1 without rooting the phone.I know that contacts and e-mails are synced but what about app data?I tried a quick search but found nothing.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI accidentally set to select default ring tone and I need to change it back to where I can select the folder. How do I do that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI set my phone to talk the callers name or the phone number of the caller if the incoming call is not on my contacts list.I have tried for ways to take the phone back to a normal ring without success. I do not want people hearing who the call is from.I am at a loss as to how to shut this feature down.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo my Samsung Moment was going pretty slow so I thought I'd reboot it to refresh it but now it just stays on the Samsung glowing sign. The screen will go dark as if to boot up but just ends up going back to the Samsung glowing letters. This phone is a mess! Why would they release something so unstable?
View 6 Replies View RelatedEvery time I put it on a charger (USB or Wall), it charges and when it's done, the phone awakes and stays on. So if I don't manually put it back into sleep mode, it will sit there all lit up and drain my battery.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy phone all of a sudden is not playing back any music. The phone rings and the speaker works but it will not play Pandora, will not play MP3 files stored in the SD card, it will not play voice mail and it will not play stored ring tones? Any way to troubleshoot or should I jut get a new phone? Even with the insurance they want $100, thieves. First they don't release 2.2 and now this.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI deleted mine but i want it back. i thought it was backed up and when i go into astro, the file is there. but for some reason it won't let me reinstall. could somebody possibly send me the apk?
View 20 Replies View RelatedJust as the title says. I am a rooting nob and are running the latest version of the radioactive rom. i wanna bring my phone back to 100% stock. Bone stock if you will. How do i get there?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a app to back up these and store them on my desktop? I'm about to get a new phone and these voicemails are needed for legal matters, but I can't seem to transfer them.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI installed 2.1 on my phone last night and everything looks great EXCEPT the calendar. It now has a black background with white lettering and red bars where appointments are entered. Is there any way to get back to a standard white background?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to open a secure website (https) and the Moment stock browser balks. Will another browser work or is this a limitation on the phone?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've already done the update but both pre and post update, my Moment intermittently won't respond when getting a call. The call comes in, I hear the ringtone but no matter what buttons I press, the phone won't respond. I have to wait until voicemail kicks in or the call has ended.
I called Sprint technical support and they're going to send a new (I hope it's new) phone. I hate to set up the phone for the third time. Is there a fix or should I just bite the bullet and get the new? phone? Has anyone had this problem?
What experiences have you had with replacement phones from Sprint?
Should I be worried about getting a lemon phone?
Does setcpu speed up the Moment at all or is its only real use for downclocking to save battery?
View 3 Replies View Related