Samsung Captivate :: System & Speaker Volumes?
Sep 24, 2010How to increase the volume on not only the speaker phone but also the primary earpiece? little too quiet for my personal tastes.

How to increase the volume on not only the speaker phone but also the primary earpiece? little too quiet for my personal tastes.
Anyone else getting nasty dust on the the areas above the speaker and under the home buttons? It's looking really disgusting to me.
View 14 Replies View RelatedHow exactly is the speaker on the Samsung Captivate? I'm with an iPhone 2G and I think things sound louder with headsphones+max volume than the iPhone's speaker. Like, the only way I can hear a song outloud with a few others is if we're not near anyone or anywhere outside or making any noise. I mean, it's the most fail I've probably seen on phone in terms of a speaker. That being said, I'm hoping the Captivate has a decent speaker?
Also, durability? I've dropped my iPhone 2G at least, with no exaggeration, 30 times, and yeah, it's holding up. Backs filled with more scratches than anything, the bottom plastic is starting to tear up a little, but other than that, it's working and not broken. Will I survive with the Captivate?
I'm going to be trialing the iPhone 4 for a month or so via my dad and his workplace's offer, and yeah, within the next month, I'm going Captivate or i4...Hopefully, works well, since I've only stayed a year with almost all of my phones (except the iPhone 2G, which was three years =0...gotta love that app store). I'm really hoping Samsung comes out with some GPS fix, too, because my directions fail and I'm hoping to substitute my phone for a GPS...I've managed to work with it on the iPhone 2G via cell tower positioning/wi-fi+google maps for now, but yeah, I don't think I'd like a phone that shows me on the wrong street.
I'm really not crazy about this phone after playing with it the other day at the at&t store. The earpiece speaker volume is VERY low. Reception drops like a cinder block, from holding it pretty much anywhere. Its pretty chuggy, and i'm not very confident about support from the community. that being said, there are a lot of nice things about the phone. Howerver, one thing it HAS to have, is HSUPA. I tried to do an upload test, but i couldnt find any sites that worked. And i didnt know if here was an app i could get, plus the market wasnt set up.
View 11 Replies View RelatedNo sound from the speaker, just randomly happened. Rebooting doesn't work. I have not rooted the phone.
View 13 Replies View RelatedHas anyone noticed a slight rattle sound at the top of the phone? I first noticed this when the volume was turned up on calls. But tapping on the back near the camera lens also produces the noise. Trying to decide if I need to exchange.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have my headphones plugged in (yes they're plugged all the way in), I get an email/text/gtalk notification. The notification sound comes through both my headphones and the rear speaker. What's up with that, I'd like for all sound to come through the headphones when they're plugged in.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI returned my first captivate due to annoying buzzing from the ear speaker during calls. I figured the speaker was blown. On my second one the sound was much less apparent but it was still kind of there. Its been about a week now and I believe it is now just as bad as the first one I had. Are these speakers really blown or just really crappy quality?
View 4 Replies View RelatedVertically between the at&t logo and the handset speaker and to the left, there are 2 cutouts of the black trim behind the screen plastic/surface. They almost look like LEDs (although I realize they aren't, or shouldnt be). You can see them in the owners manual pics but they arent labeled on their diagram, and I can't figure out what they are.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy captivate external speaker plays music while I'm listening to the headphones, am I missing a setting to turn this off? Shouldn't the phone's external speaker not be playing music while I'm using my headphones? Sometimes the external speaker will remain silent while my headphones are working (as I would imagine should be the case) until I receive a text message, and then the external speaker will play music along with the headphones. Anyone think this could be a problem with my device? My 30 day period expires on Sept.5 so I am wondering if I should return it for an exchange?
View 4 Replies View RelatedCan Anyone get There System Tutorials To Run? I Press Begin And Nothing Happens.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAnyone know why I get this error on my Captivate when looking for system updates? Is it because its rooted?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHas anyone noticed that their "System Volume" gets increased to max by itself?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am a fool and uninstalled the stock messaging app.
Apparently this app is required if you want to receive MMS (I can send MMS and send/receive SMS just fine with Handcent).
Does anyone know where I can get the stock app? Titanium says it can't restore it because it's a system app.
I always keep my system volume turned all the way down. I don't know why anyone would want their phone to make obnoxious sounds when turning off. When do most people turn their phones off? Church, movies, meetings, basically anytime you want it to be QUIET. Anyway, I digress.
Something keeps turning up my system volume. Often when my phone shuts down due to low battery I hear the stupid shutdown sound. I think it may also have happened a few times when powering the phone off manually. I am rooted and I know I could rename the files, but I am getting tired of working around the bugs on this thing and having to keep track of all the files I rename. I try to keep it as "stock" as possible.
Any ideas on what might be turning my system volume up?
I am new to the Android system and also to the Captivate. Is there any good program out there that reliably allows you to see who your voicemails are from similar to what the iPhone offers?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIn your opinion, what is the best option to listen to music on the droid at home?
View 14 Replies View RelatedNew to Android and new to this forum. I've converted from a blackberry and I can't tell you how much I love my Captivate. Well, enough of that :-) I have a few questions. I currently have my display set to time out after one minute. When I'm using the music player is there anyway to prevent the screen from locking. I have having to unlock it to switch tracks.
As a side, is there a way to change the locking system from a sliding pattern to a number code?
After noticing my battery was draining quickly, and then after reading this thread, I installed Android System Info to see what was draining my battery so fast. I notice that whenever I would turn on WiFi, the phone will never go to sleep , regardless of what I set the WiFi sleep policy to. After turning off WiFi, the battery still drains heavily.
The WiFi will shut off after 15mins (if you set it to "When screen turns off" or "never when plugged in"). However it seems to keep the CPU on causing it to drain down the battery.
It would seem that whenever WiFi is enabled, the Android system process creates a partial wakelock that does not go away even if you turn off WiFi. The only way to resolve this is by powering off or rebooting the phone.
You can verify this in Android System Info by going into Battery-History-Other Usage-Partial Wake usage to see how much time the "Android System" process holding a partial wake.
I even did a factory reset on the device; and it is still happening so it doesn't appear to be any app that caused the issue. As I said, it works fine as long as I don't enable WiFi.
I already know of two users having this issue, but I'm wondering if folks having battery problems are going through this as well. Is anyone else having similar issues after using WiFi? I'm hoping someone will be able to identify what exactly is putting the wakelock on and we'll be able to find a fix for it. Other than not using WiFi at all or rebooting the phone after using Wifi.
Phone: UK Galaxy S Issue: Recovery boot error message in red writing
Multicsc : can not access to / system/csc/VOD/system/
Background: I have been trying to root my phone from information found in a youtube video. All went well and the little ninja bloke with the sniper rifle was in the app list. Tried installing busybox and was told that the phone was not rooted�..
I think I ran the root application again and at some point I started getting this error message when in recovery. I have since run the one click root method to unroot the phone and the little nija dude is no longer there. Since I rooted the phone it will no longer connect to my wireless network, it finds the network and attempts to obtain an ip address. After a few min it times out and tries again. When I load the phone recovery the error message is still present.
Wasn't sure if this should be in the troubleshooting section, since there might not be anything wrong. When I mount my EVO, all I see is my 8 gig micro SD card and no other volume. I was assuming that if I wanted to root, I'd need to actually see the EVO its self and not just the SD card.
View 8 Replies View RelatedThe Android phones have a setting that allows you to force the notification volume to match the ringer volume, I can't seem to find that setting anywhere in SDK, can someone help me find out how to get and set it that specific setting?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm really frustrated with this. If I adjust the ringer volume with the volume rockers on the side of the phone, it only applies to phone calls. Notification volume requires going into settings and adjusting by itself. Is there an app that forces all volumes to sync with the ringer volume?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an app that plays intermittent sounds while its activity is open, and the user is always expecting it to make these noises, but unfortunately it is constrained by the music stream volume. The options I have discovered are thus:
Adjust the music stream's volume, possibly deafening the user if they happen to be playing music at the time.
Call MediaPlayer.setVolume() which is ineffective if the music stream's volume is 0. Handle volume button presses myself which presents two issues: volume button presses adjust the ringer volume unless my audio is playing, and I have been as of yet unable to catch the onKey event for a volume button press using my OnKeyListener. If there were some way to force the adjustment to apply to the music stream while my activity has focus, or to just catch the button presses myself this would work. Play a silent looping piece of audio in the background to keep the music stream in context for volume adjustments.
I think the 3rd option is probably best since it cedes control of the volume to the user, but if there were some way to just override the system volume in a single mediaplayer instance that would work too.
I need to insert approximately one million rows of data (spread over 4 tables) - each row has one or two numeric fields, and two or three text fields (normally quite short). Single-column indexes on all the fields. After doing some tests on the emulator with a small test set, I extrapolated (assuming the last row will be inserted with a similar speed to the first row) my results to figure out that this would take about 15 hours (I have a Core 2 Duo running Vista). However, then I tried running the small test set on my Hero and I was surprised to see it run more than four times faster. I would guess it would take about 3 hours on the Hero. Alternatively, I could make the pre-populated database available as a download on the first run but this is likely to be a 120MB download. I have a few questions I'm hoping someone can help me with: 1. SQLite performance on the actual device being 4-5 times faster compared to the emulator - is this normal/expected? 2. Do the figures above generally sound fast/slow/normal (sorry this is so vague)? 3. From a user perspective - would it be best to provide a 120MB download or a 3 hour "first-time initialisation" step (plus 6MB download)?
View 14 Replies View RelatedIm looking for an app that will link all of the phones volumes (media/system/etc) to the ringer volume except for alarm volume. I need alarm volume to always be at max so I want it independent from this. I used to have an app that could do this but i forgot what it was and the only one ive been able to find after much searching, was one that links all volumes (alarm volume included). The prog i used before let me choose which volumes to link to ringer volume, rather than making them all linked.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI dont mind the stock music player app but is there any other music player apps. the only problem i have with the stock one is that the volume is kinda low at the max. with headphones they are fine but i use my phone for music in my car and even with my speakers on max volume within my car the music is really low. and my speakers in my car are upgraded and VERY loud. is there another music player app that has lower output volumes ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI cannot control my volumes with volume keys on my Sony Xperia Z tablet. It changes the notification volume instead of media volume which is quite fustrating when trying to watch movies or listening to songs. I have to go to setting and change media volume seperatly. This issue started just a few days ago.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThere are two dots near the speaker under the under that can seen if you look at the phone. What are those, because they are not listed in the manual at all.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone else get bad quality at medium to higher volumes through normal calls (not speakerphone). Anything over two notches from muted gives me a wierd vibrating noise when the other end is talking semi high pitched and consistently. It sounds almost robotic or like paper. I didnt know if this was just my phone, the majority, or all epics suffer from this problem.
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