Nexus :: System Update Available Message Keeps Appearing

Sep 15, 2010

I have a weird problem with my Nexus 1. I rooted it when I got it (some months ago), so I don't really remember all the details about how I did it, was probably some cyanogen mod thing. However back then I remember having a small issue with the "system update available" message that displays in the notification bar, when an update is available. The problem was that the message kept appearing even though the 2.2 update was successfully installed. The problem seemed to disappear at some point, but now it is back, and worse. I cannot turn on or wake up my phone without getting the annoying message in my face.

I did try to follow the instructions in the message and actually install the update and reboot (even though the phone is running 2.2), however it didn't help. So right now I am pressing the "install later" option every time I want to use the phone. Also, I found out that I can root the phone with the program Universal Androot, so I guess the solution would be to somehow unroot using the old method (that I have forgotten) and then just use the Universal Androot program whenever I want to do something that requires root. Now the reason I write all this is that I am a bit scared of bricking the thing (even though i hear it should be next to impossible).

About phone:
Nexus One
Android 2.2
Baseband version:
Kernel version: android-build@apa26 #1
Build number: FRF50

Nexus :: System Update Available Message keeps Appearing

Android :: Loading Native Libraries - System Load - Dlopen - Nexus One After FRG83 System Update

Nov 17, 2010

I am an Android app developer, and I have purchased a Nexus One device which I use to continuously test my developed Android applications.

Background: ----------------- One of the applications I developed uses a native shared library (e.g. Only my application loads & uses this native library. I had developed this app before Android NDK came out. I pack my native library into my apk's 'assets' folder, and during my application start- up, I extract this native library from my package's assets folder to my app private directory (i.e. <assets> -> /data/data/<myappprocess>/ Then I use System.load() API in my application to dynamically load this native library.

Problem: ------------ This application was developed during Android 1.5 (i.e. cupcake) days {I didn't have the Nexus One then}. The above procedure has been working without any problems right from Android 1.5 to Android 2.2 (i.e. Froyo). I have also tested the same on my Nexus One for Android 2.1 (i.e. Eclair) and Android 2.2.

The problem began the moment I recently upgraded my Nexus One to Android 2.2.1 via the FRG83 system update. Now, whenever I try to load my native library, I get the following error:

D/dalvikvm( 3653): Trying to load lib /data/data/<myappprocess>/ <mynativelib>.so <some address> I/dalvikvm( 3653): Unable to dlopen(/data/data/<myappprocess>/ <mynativelib>.so): Cannot load library: link_image[1995]: failed to link <mynativelib>.so

What I have Tried: -------------------------- 1. I tried my application using Android 2.2 SDK (emulator) works, no issues. 2. I checked out the latest froyo & android2.2.1 source code from Android open-source, built & tested my application + native lib using the latest froyo built & ran, no issues. This should've taken care of any changes in the native code dependencies between Android 2.2 & Android 2.2.1 3. I even checked Android 2.2.1 source code for dalvik (java System & Runtime classes) + bionic (linker & dlopen sources) between Android 2.2 & Android 2.2.1 (using source checked out from Android open-source), but couldn't find anything consequential 4. I am unable to return my Nexus One to Android 2.2.

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Motorola Droid X : Checking For System Update - Returned Message?

Jul 30, 2010

Just got my X a couple days ago and want to make sure I have the latest system updates. I have tried several times, but when I do Settings/About Phone/System Update, it always says: "Check for update was not available at this time. Try again later." I interpret this to mean that the update facility is down or busy, but it could also be interpreted to mean that there is no update available because I have the latest. What does it actually mean? By the way, my firmware version is listed as "2.1 update1" - is that the latest?

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General :: Nexus 7 - Screenshots Appearing From Nowhere

May 14, 2013

I've been seeing screenshots appearing in my gallery without me remembering taking them. What app is taking those screenshots, or a way to fix it? Nexus 7

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Android :: Toast Message Not Appearing On First Request

Nov 11, 2010

I am having a problem whereby when i open my app from the main screen, whether for the first time or not, when i click one of the buttons to show a toast message, the first time i click the button the toast message doesnt appear but it does appear for the 2nd and every subsequent click. if i then go home and launch my app again i have to wait for the 2 click to see a toast. does anyone know why this may be?

This is how i am using the toast class..


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HTC Droid Eris :: Different Contacts Appearing In Single Message String

Mar 1, 2010

I haven't seen anything quite like this and am unable to identify this issue on the open forums here so thought I would reach out. I do apologize if I missed it somewhere so if its out there please feel to direct me there.Picked up the HTC Eris about 2 weeks ago. I've started noticing a very strange issue as of last week. Using the stock messaging app I keep all my text strings with my various contacts. So let's say I have 7 different text strings in there now all from 7 different people. Now, for whatever reason, If I receive a new text message from a new person it will throw that new person's text into an existing text string of one of the other contacts rather than creating its own separate text string. Make sense? Just mixes it in there. So for instance, If I have a previous string from me to my wife it will throw a new text from my mom into my wife's existing text string. If I attempt to reply to that text sent from my mom that went into my wife's text string then my wife will receive the message. And its totally random. I've noticed this with 3 different contacts. So its just not one specific contact. And its literally like 6 or 7 people. Its not like I have a huge backup of text messages.

Now as I've mentioned its only about 2.5 weeks old. I don't throw alot of apps on there (I think I have 6) and I've rebooted this thing twice. I've taken it to Verizon and the guy there didn't know what to make of it. Said I might have a defective phone or possibly try a factory reset. He also mentioned waiting for the update and if its not corrected by then I can get an Eris replacement. Anyway, I wasn't ready to switch it out yet cause I love this phone and am hoping someone out there has maybe seen this issue and maybe can tell me what the heck is going on. Thanks in reading this and I look forward to any possible suggestions.

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Nexus :: Can't Find Power Conrol System Widget On Nexus One Home Page

Aug 24, 2010

My nexus one phone crashed a week ago, I reseted the factory settings, and since then I can't find the power control system(wifi, gps, Bluetooth and screen brightness) widget which I had on my home page when I first bought the phone.

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2.1 Update :: Contacts Not Appearing After Update

Nov 15, 2010

I have updated my Xperia X10i here in UAE. Everything seems good with the update. I have restored my recent backup that I took before updating, but unfortunately, contacts are not appearing. In call log, I can see names, and also in messaging when I add contact, it shows the list, but not in phonebook. If anybody knows whats the issue.

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Nexus :: Nexus One Wont Update To Froyo

Jul 6, 2010

I have an unlocked N1 which has RA recovery/backup installed?..i think, its been a long time..sorry for new bie is Highness(is that a word)..Anyway..I have reset the device and now am on stock build number ERD79..firmware 2.1. If i do a wipe of the device when I restart i get the over the air update to 2.2. It downloads and verifies but when i restart i go to the boot loader? screen? and I get an install failed message.

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General :: Nexus 7 System UI Not Working?

Feb 14, 2013

My Google Nexus 7 which is running 4.2.1, at least I'm not aware of a 4.2.2 upgrade having happened, is flashing up a message "Unfortunately, System UI has stopped working"

Nothing I do can get rid of it, It won't even turn off.If your quick enough after accepting the OK option you can get it to say access the emails but you can't get any further.Its become totally useless.

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Nexus :: SD Card - Utilized To Speed Up System?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm sort of new to the Android OS 1.6, but i have a few questions on memory resources. 1. Can the SD card be used and utilized to speed up the android system like READYBOOST works on windows with external memory sources which utilizes a flash drive or SD card to be used like internal memory? 2.I'm having issues with apps & system programs running in the background. I know i refer to windows. but is there a way to kill startup apps like it's possible with MSConfig in windows without using a Startup Cleaner which force closes everything at boot and more times than not it freezes my androind seemingly forever?

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General :: Nexus 7 - How To DEODEX System Dump

Aug 21, 2013

I know how to do it with standard ROMs using the android kitchen. Recently the new Motorola X system dump has been leaked and I got my hands on it... I want to start pulling features and making my own ROM based off AOSP or PAC source. Nexus 7

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Samsung Behold 2 :: No Update File Exists Message When I Check Update Firmware

Mar 2, 2010

The version of the software that is most current is version 6 (the phone shipped with version 3).

To ascertain version: Go to Dialer/Hit Star/#9999#

You will see the PDA; Phone; and Software Version numbers in this section
The T939xxxx6 for PDA AND PHONE and then
Software Version - ending in .006 on the last line.

I was told that the reason that I keep seeing the "No update file exists" message when I check "update firmware" is because I have the latest version.

At some point my phone was updated without giving me a message. I did notice the red and blue arrows yesterday. But there was no message. My SD card mounted and dismounted on its own and gave an error message, and then all references to the error and SD card disappeared.

If your phone is/has exhibited this sort of behavior, you may already have the update.

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General :: Samsung Galaxy Nexus System Damage?

May 27, 2013

I have a very big problem with my samsung galaxy nexus. It started 2 weeks ago when I tried to turn ON my phone, and it randomly can't Load the system (Jelly Bean 4.2.2). When I try to Turn it ON, the Nexus Picture stock up (the green red blue yellow moving image suddenly stop) and then a MATRIX like will appear on the screen (sometimes around the nexus image there will be green lines and dots. And sometimes the whole screen will have green pixels/Dots). I thought that the system is damaged, after many trials of recovering the system, I Decided to do a factory reformat/ return to factory settings.

Since I can't access the system, I unlocked the phone , installed teamwin recovery system, and did a wipe of all the things inside the internal memory (that was the most stupid decision ever) since I lost the backup system image inside the internal sd card.

I decided all of that all because that the Galaxy Nexus don't have a external SD CARD. And since I can't do a recovery of my files (because I need to be inside Android to have a DB connection to the phone). I had no option than to wipe all System, Dalvik, Cache, and Data. Now I can't flash any android system since the Clockwork and teamwin need the android image to be inside the SD CARD. And I can't send/receive any file from/to the SD card. I already tried "Nexus Root Toolkit" and "Galaxy Nexus Toolkit".

One good thing is I did install an "ICE CREAM SANDWICH image" using "Odin" (Since that was the only image I found in the internet that can be installed using Odin, but there is no luck also, when the animation is loading, the animation suddenly stop and the phone restarts.

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General :: Nexus 4 - How To Change Light Blue System Color

Dec 15, 2012

How can I change the system default light blue color? I'd like to make it some sort of green. I'm talking about the light blue in such icons in the attached screen shots as the battery icon, the keyboard words, and the bottom bar when pulling down the notification tray. I assume it's just one setting somewhere because it's all the same blue. I am using Nova Launcher and would prefer not to root but might if necessary. I'm using the latest version of Jelly Bean on a Nexus 4

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General :: Samsung Galaxy Nexus (New) - No System Updates Option In ICS

Apr 30, 2013

I bought a new Samsung Galaxy Nexus via ebay yesterday and it came with Android 4.0 ICS software. I went to "Settings >> About Phone" - No "System Updates" option available!!

how do I get this option or update my phone to the latest software Jelly Bean 4.2.2 without this option on the phone.

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HTC Droid Eris :: System Error Message And Force Close Option

Apr 28, 2010

Anyone else having issues with the phone and a system error message with something about and it only gives you the option of a "force close" button. Sometimes that is all that happens and once you hit the force close the message goes away, at least for a while. Other times when this happens it deletes all of your text strings. I have 2 lines and 2 droids, both were having the same issue, did the factory resets, went to the store with both and finally gave in and took 2 refurbished phones to try and fix issue, both refurbished phones started doing the same thing immediately. I am in process of arguing with verizon about not wanting another eris to replace these.

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Nexus :: Notification Software Update Does Not Update?

Feb 24, 2010

Anyone getting this problem? The settings are set correctly and once in awhile I go to my market downloads and there are several programs that need an update.

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Nexus :: Cant Click The Enter Message Box

Feb 8, 2010

having an issue where if the phone is not in lanscape mode it wont recognize my touch. if i get a text and leave the phone upright i cant click the enter message box and the send button is faded. but as soon as i flip the phone into landscape mode it lets me enter a message and send it. anyone else have an issue like this? is there a setting im missing?

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General :: Galaxy Nexus - Message Not Sent

Dec 25, 2011

Just got my brand spankin' new Galaxy Nexus to replace my dated OG this morning and its insanely fast and everything seems to work great but I cant seem to send texts. Ive tried with Zygot3, Android Revolution 2.1.2, and right now Im on GummyNexus and Ive tried it with and without the leaked radios and it doesn't work no matter what. Calling is fine but every SMS just says message not sent. I have 2 bars of 4g so I should have enough signal...

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Nexus :: Message Notification Alert Sounds

Jan 10, 2010

This is my first android phone coming from years of blackberries. I've noticed that when messages arrive and I don't clear/check them on my phone, all subsequent messages that come after are not alerting using notification sounds. Is there a way for notification sounds to play regardless?

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Nexus :: Stick Voice Message Notification

Jun 7, 2010

It looks like some people had this issue. For some reason "New Voicemail" notification is stuck in the notifications bar for me. I tried everything i could find online to get rid of it and its still there. I called myself left a message and then deleted it. I called from a different phone, did the same. I rebooted. Nothing seems to help. I am using google voice for VM now.

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Nexus :: Text Message Memory Full?

Aug 6, 2010

I noticed I get the "text message memory full" error when my phone's free space is below 20mb even though I don't have that many texts.Is the text message memory a small percentage of how much free space is left?Is there any way I can set it to have a set amount of memory so I can avoid missing texts as there is no way to retrieve the lost text once I get that error?

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Nexus :: Clearing Call And Message Log Limit?

Apr 27, 2010

Ok, so I went into my call log and saw that it has every call made, missed and gotten since I received my phone over a month ago. Wow, thats a long list. I know on my Blackberry if I didnt clear my logs and messages, the OS would slow down. Is it the same as on Android?

Is there a way to keep the 10 most recent calls and message conversations instead of clearing all?

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Nexus : Send Location Through Text Message

May 18, 2010

My friend has a HTC Hero and can send his location through text message, is there any way to do this with a Nexus one?

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HTC EVO 4G :: System Update Is Available

Oct 5, 2010

Do we have any info on what the update is? I was thinking about rooting this week (I have 2.2) but don't want to update if it will get in the way of the XDA root method thingy

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General :: Nexus 5 Running 4.4 - Device Lost Message

Apr 9, 2014

Last few weeks, get what I think is a system message (small bit of white text on black background that pops up regardless of app I'm in) that says "Device Lost." Googled and found no info.

Nexus 5 running 4.4

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General :: System Update Not Available

Feb 24, 2013

I've read many threads about the following message that I am getting when checking for system updates:"Check for update is not available at this time. Try Again later."

I've never seen a definitive cause nor cure. Anything definitive about this or is this just one of those deals that sometimes comes and goes? I have seen it before, but it's never stuck around for so long on any device I've owned.

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Motorola Droid X :: System Update Not Available

Jul 24, 2010

I just checked the system updates for giggles but it is saying that check for update was not available at this time. Try again later.Anyone else seeing this? I am just worried that it might be because I am rooted.

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Android :: No Streamlined Update System

Feb 23, 2010

I just posted this in the regular android discuss group but I do believe that developers should read this as well. This directly affects you as well. This first began with my personal experience, I have an HTC Magic and I'm at version 1.5 a friend of mine has a g1 while another just got a Milestone. The issue is one friend can't understand why one phone can see this app and another can't or why one phone can do one thing that another can't, Their both running android whats the problem (ex. The Milestone has maps 3.3.1 the G1 has old Maps 3.1). I'm getting tired of explaining that even though they are both androids one is more up to date then the other and there really is no way to update. Even "IF" you rooted the phone you have to deal with bugs and ports its ridiculous. Now I love Android and I want to see Android KILL iPhone and eventually Symbian and I DO know that this is not necessarily Google's problem but it is indeed a problem that affects Google and it's users wanting to get the full Google Experience. I recently read a PC World article stupidly titled Android doomed to self destruct which I do not believe and its at this link: but I realized that I am not the only person that sees this. Today there is an article on Slashdot as well as 2 on infoworld. We need to fix this at least some kind of update system that does not rely on manufacturers or at least forces them to act. Devices are releasing today with android 1.6 and if I research I'll probably find a few releasing 1.5. HTC is still pumping out Magic's with this old firmware, it's just getting very messy all across the board. Is there any suggestion as to what can be done at least on paper, any ideas?

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