Motorola Droid X :: Lost Google Search From Home Screen?
Jul 17, 2010On the standard Droid X screen a Google search box is included as standard issue. I accidently dragged it to the trash and know can't find it. Any help on where it's hidden?

On the standard Droid X screen a Google search box is included as standard issue. I accidently dragged it to the trash and know can't find it. Any help on where it's hidden?
I set up my google account when I first received the phone and everything. However now when I open up the home screen the Google Search bar has disappeared. Gone into Basic settings > Setup Guide to check details but Google Account settings not even listed! (Just SIM Contacts; Time & Date; Email; Facebook; Twitter; Sync) Have checked Applications and it shows Google Search (enhanced) as the default setting but it is not showing up on my screen either as the search bar or in the applications. Have tried taking out and re-inserting the sim card. Any ideas on how to get it re-instated?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the galaxy discover phone from bell . new to android always had an iphone . Explain the difference between the google search bar on the home screen and the browser when i go to the applications .
does it matter which i use ? for example if i know the www address or if I just want to search say for car rentals and do not know the web address.
also my phone is a bell prepaid phone and when I use the browser to find a page i get a little pop up that says something about bell mobi whatever that is and telling me to bookmark it.
I installed Sholes Bitchin Bagels and it broke my GPS.
I used his updater app to GO BACK TO STOCK and I lost my search by voice.
I used Unroot & Back To Stock | Root Your Droid and still have no search by voice.
Does anyone know how I can get it back?
I just got my eris so i was experimenting with apps. I was reading a thread about Lockbot and decided to see what it was all about.. I messed with it for a few mins and decided i didn't like it so i uninstalled it. When i pushed the home button a menu pushed up that said something along the lines of "Home or Sence" (or something like that) and i chose sence because i was curious. Now my home screen is completely different and lost my custom scene.
View 1 Replies View RelatedUsed titanium and now I lost all my home screens. All my apps are there, no phone either.
View 10 Replies View RelatedWhen in car home and i try to do a voice search saying "call 'john doe', mobile phone" all it does is search google for what I said. I want to call a person using my voice through car home like the example they give you on the car home menu. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong, and why it gives you the option to "call ' john doe', mobile phone" if it doesn't work?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have been using Open Home for about a day now and I just had the second time where I lose all of my ICONS on all of my screens.. Even my direct dial shortcuts (which is irritating!) ... Any Idea what may be going on here? I am not switching anything of note and am using an Open Home Skin..
View 2 Replies View RelatedLots of people underestimated Apple and thought Android phones were ahead of the game. Judging by this video, it seems like a tie if not Apple has the race still won. I mean, the fluidness of iPhone is just amazing, which honestly makes it look more intriguing.
View 10 Replies View RelatedHow to change the timeout settings for the light that controls the Back, Menu, Home, and Search keys? If possible I'd like to set it so it times out after 2 minutes
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm still fairly new to the Android OS, switched over from an iPhone 3GS a few weeks ago. Trying to figure out what I did to delete my browser from the can see in the first picture what it looked like earlier today and then in the second picture what it looks like now. I've tried dragging the browser icon down but it just replaces the phone or vice versa. I can't get it to go back to 3 options.
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust got my 1st problem with my nexus 1, had since january. my home and google search keys has stopped working. also the power button no longer locks the phone. problem started when the wi-fi wouldnt turn on, so i rebooted phone and then lost all these buttons when started up again. not done a factory reset yet as i am still at work and want to make sure ive got everything backed up 1st. also what is the best application for backing up sms?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow is the backlight for the menu, home, search and back buttons supposed to work?When should they come on?Sometimes they come on sometimes they don't, I really can't quite figure it out.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy shortcut of contacts from my home screen have disappeared on my razr maxx. How I can get this back??
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy documents show up in the goggle docs app, however when I click it to open the document is blank. This is the case for every document I have. I just checked on my home computer and it's still there, however why doesn't it appear on my phone? I even went to the Google doc website on my phone and every document was blank. I tried restoring w/ titanium and didn't have any luck with that. I tried opening the application and clearing data, however after reassigning my accounts I still had blank documents. The title of all 15 documents shows up, but it's all blank
View 10 Replies View RelatedI do a Google image search, and when I go to tap on an image. I get nothing. On my D1 it would show the image, and give options to view it full size, or go to the website, but on the DX, I get nothing.
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow come you can't turn the phone to the side in Landscape mode when you want to use the Google quick search box?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhy am I unable to update Google Search on my Droid 2?
View 6 Replies View Relatedthere is a phrase when used in google search that will give your battery stats that is available no where else, i forgot the exact phrase and cant remember where i saw it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis is the first time I have seen this. Look at the second search result. Google apparently cached specs which were posted on the Verizon Droid site at some point. It says that the Droid X will have a 1GHz processor: verizon droid x - Google Search
View 2 Replies View RelatedAlright so my Google search bar on my home screen moved like an inch down and it just looks ********, anyone know how to move it back up?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI can't find a way to search the Google Calendar on the Droid.
Do you know how to do this?
The calendar is not to useful when I know I have an appointment with doctor smith sometime in th future but can't search the calendar for doctor smith.
I have a home screen replacement app. It is set via the GUI to always be used as the home screen. How can I get that activity to start the original home screen on demand? Is there a published activity name for it? I want my replacement home screen to remain the default.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI searched around I don't think that this question had been asked: Should I download the apps in that market that are already on my droid 2? (Ex.: Google Voice Search, Google Street View, etc.)
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have 2.2 OTA on my DX and I have the Google Search widget on my home screen. If I do a voice search through that widget, the results come up in the stock browser. If I do a text search, the results come up in my default browser (Dolphin HD). How do I get voice results to open my default browser instead of the stock browser?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAnybody having a freezing issue with the Google search widget freezing? When i try a search it lets my type in a few letters, then it just freezes.I'm using OTA 2.2
View 1 Replies View RelatedOn my incredible, the home, menu, back, and search notations on the body of the phone below the screen and above the trackball are not illuminated 95% of the time. If I am in the dark the notations are illuminated for a while, even when in a bright room. Then they go dark again.
Questions: Is there a setting I can adjust which can illuminate these notations all the time? Is this normal behavior?
(Note I'm referring to the google Voice Search utility, not the Voice Dialer utlity)
So far: I've confirmed that 3 special voice commands work on my Droid X:
However, there are supposed to be more (from my research), but none of the following is working:
"Call <contact> mobile/work/home/etc" to call that contact
"Dial <number> " to dial the number
Has anyone discovered any other working voice commands?
The desktop google search is no longer at the top of the screen. It is in the middle for some reason. Anyone know how to fix this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDo you know how I can make the light behind the 4 symbols at the bottom of the screen (home, menu, back and search) stay on?
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