Motorola Droid X :: Good Lock Screen Replacement Work Correctly On Phone?
Aug 2, 2010Anyone found a good lock screen replacement? Ive tried LockBot and Lock 2.0 neither seemed to work correctly on the X.

Anyone found a good lock screen replacement? Ive tried LockBot and Lock 2.0 neither seemed to work correctly on the X.
What is a good free lock screen replacement? I tried lockbot, but it changes style on every lock, and it has some weird bug where if I use the button to lock it, it goes black, then the unlock screen appears (screen doesn't turn off). I do not care much about theming it myself as long as it has a halfway decent theme to begin with, but I do not want to pay for it (yes, I am cheap :P ) and want to get rid of the lag associated with the default lock screen.
View 19 Replies View RelatedI have an HTC Evo that hangs up on everyone that calls me.I keep the phone in my pocket and, in trying to pull it out to answer a call, my leg slides the bar.I could keep the phone in my pocket upside down and then I would answer every call but that isn't much of an alternative.I am looking for something that overrides the Sense's lockscreen/answer screen.I tried both GoTo and WidgetLocker.Both are great programs but neither addresses the incoming call issue.
View 7 Replies View RelatedLock Screen Replacement: WidgetLockerWidgetLocker Lockscreen - Android app on AppBrain."Place standard Android Widgets on your lock screen. Can be configured from app or even from the lock screen itself, long-press to add/move, just like on the home screen.Option for "easy wake", use any button (volume/camera/trackball) to wake.
View 49 Replies View RelatedI love my Droid.But I need a better dialer that sorts my contacts using T9.I have way too many contacts to scroll through them all.Anyone know a good one that works with the droid.
View 13 Replies View RelatedAnyone get this to work on their Droid? For some reason the " is not coming up properly for me once Frodo is loaded so I can not load games. Is there a good tutorial somewhere?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am going crazy here... I've had this thing since it launched and everything is great except I keep hitting buttons with my face during calls! I mute, sometimes end calls, start 3 way calls etc and I have no idea how to prevent it. Is there any way I can make the screen lock during phone calls or change the call screen altogether?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI've searched these forums and was un succecfull in finding the answere I needed. So my need is a lock screen replacement application that requires you to type in a password (numerical or letters) doesn't matter. I just hate the swipe to unlock and the tap home to unlock on the Samsung Moment. I don't care about looks so much I just want a functioning app to do what I ask.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to know which method you need to use to access the unlock screen and replace it (something like SlideUnlock or Widget Locker). I want to design an app which could work on any phone even those without a custom ROM. This app would then be overriding the default Lock Screen.
You probably need to create a service but I can't seem to find a source code or a good tutorial on it.
Does anyone know where to get started if I wanted to change the lock screen? I can't find any information about what intent to hijack or anything like that.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to create a lockscreen replacement at the application level that replaces the device's security lock, whether it be PIN, passphrase, pattern or face unlock, or potentially a new method? I know it's possible in the framework level, and have done it before, but I'm just wondering if it's possible to do it at the application level.
So far the few lockscreen replacements that I've tried only implement a slide gesture unlock lockscreen UI, and falls back to the device's security lock after that.
Ive seen DINC with the iphone lock screen look. Anyone know how to get this on the droid x??
View 7 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of any good home replacements on 1.5? I've only used sense, home, and slidescreen, none of which I am super happy with. Helix Launcher looks great, but I think is only 2.1.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis is annoying me- When i try to turn off the pin lock i can't choose none. i see "Disabled by remote phone administrator"
I don't want a pin lock i just want the slide- is this a bug on my phone or is this a new thing that Verizon is enforcing?
Remember there used to be interesting one, with 9 dots, draw to unlock screen. Is that still available or there is some better choice?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI received a refurb for the one that bricked and the screen on this thing is driving me nuts. It clicks like a BB storm when tapped, it opens in my pocket. Heck the screen will shift almost 1/4 inch from top to bottom. I liked my old Droid and after almost 9 months of use it was still tight.My question is, did quality control miss my first or second Droid and will Verizon give me grief if I complain about it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedFor those of you who would like to spice up their lock screen, I have created an image of a master lock, that stretches as you slide across the screen!I have included a screen shot of this in action, as well as a link to the .9.png - which needs to be installed using NinjaMorph.I'm loving it, let me know what you think!MultiUpload Download Master Lock .9.PNG
View 45 Replies View RelatedAs wondering if anyone knows where I can get a glass replacement for the screen of the eris. I dropped it today and I don't ant to have to pay $90 to get it replaced. Could the guys at Verizon maybe repair it or htc?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have tested on the simulator motorola provides and on various hardware (Droid, Nexus One, G1,wildfire) but can't reproduce anything. Wondering if anyone else has had any issues.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSlight Update: Now using Slide Screen. Love its simplicity, and the ability to have all in one screen. It'd be nice if they allowed you to change wallpapers, and/or the side color rainbow thing. But all in all I love it. And I am not complaining. Go to Slide Screen by Larva Labs. Or search it in the Market.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI tried Home++ yesterday and didn't like it too much although I may just have to try it again. I didn't care for that "power strip" in Home++ either (can you turn it off?). I wished it would import all the icons from my regular home screen into Home++ so I don't have to re-create everything. Does anyone else out there have a better home screen replacement program? I saw people talking about GDE but I couldn't find the actual application in the Market Place. I also looked at the Panda Home but from the screen shots, it looked weird. I like the plain-jane version that came with my phone. I don't want fancy skins or colors or bells and whistles.
View 11 Replies View RelatedSo my boyfriend has the Moto Droid. Every night he puts it on charger dock and in the morning picks phone up and its 100%, five minutes later it will die completely. He bought a new battery, plus a battery charger, a new car charger and home charger but it still does it. Basically has to be charged all day long to be used. Has this happened to anyone else?
Also, tried replacing. Upon receiving replacement it was rendered defective due too loose screen. New one coming friday.
Looks like I have a dead pixel issue on my camera.. when I get a replacement, can that transfer all my settings and everything over, or do I need to downbload and install and setup everything all over again? I'm using launcher pro, and setting up all 7 home pages again takes a LOT of time.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am looking for an arm band for the cliq xt. Something that allows for full screen to be seen and used. Something good for running with. If anyone has any recommendations.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo, as of today I have a Motorola Droid coming up for my old Nokia phone. I had BestBuy set me up with the Droid, but when they tried to copy over my contacts to the Droid, they said it failed 3 times and just wouldn't go. They said they COULD get the contacts off of my old phone, but it didn't seem to go over to the new phone for some reason.
Well, I called a number that I knew was in the contacts of my old phone just to test the phone to make sure the phone itself was working when I got home, and when I hung up the call I noticed that it actually showed the name of the person (not their actual name, but the nick-name that I gave them in my old phone) and also showed me the alternate phone number to contacts them with (their cell number). Sooo... it looks like SOMETHING was transfered to my phone, but when I go into "contacts" there is nothing listed. Even when I view the call log, it doesn't show their name anymore, only when I first hung up the call did it show me their name.
Is there a secondary contact list somewhere that they could possibly have been copied over to, and not the main contacts section? I'd really love to get all these phone numbers in there with out having to do it manually.
I got my droid2 as a replacement for my droid from verizon after the droid crapped out with 2.2. Now, when I turn on the flash, it's yellow instead of white. Also, when I go into contacts and click on someone, most of the time the number doesn't show. Also sometimes when press the call button next to someones name in the phonebook, it will call someone else. Ex: tried to call my friend Dave and it called Scott.. Not even close to each other in the list...
The camera only works half of the time. When I try open up camera by either pressing the app icon or the hard button, it wont open. There are also times that when I open an app, another app will open. Like I tried to open maps and Dominoes game opens. Other times I tried to answer a call and I try to swipe over and it doesn't slide.
I'm looking to see if I can get any good advice on a replacement phone for my work. The droid is my personal phone and I am up for a new device for my business phone. I have Verizon for my business phone as well and we are on a corporate plan. So the carrier has to be big V. I would try an android phone (other than the droid...I don't want two of them ) but I don't know how well android integrates with the Windows server for syncing contacts, calendar, outlook, etc. Any suggestions on phones currently out or coming out in the next month or two? Can have a physical keyboard or a decent touchscreen keyboard. I don't care as long as it works better than my HTC Touch did. Once I got my Droid. The resistive screen just didn't work for me anymore.
View 39 Replies View RelatedI received my replacement Droid today and it came with 2.1 still installed. I have had it running for about 10 hours now and still have not received the 2.2 update. I called Vz this evening and they said they have finished sending out OTA updates for 2.2 and if I want it installed I have to go into a store.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy replacement phone arrived today and I'm hoping someone can help me in getting all the data (apps, settings) from the first phone onto the replacement phone. How do I go about doing this?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHas anyone been successful in getting a replacement done in store? With the inventory of Droid X being very limited, would stores be unwilling to use their available units as replacement units? I'm sure they would much rather sell it along with a new contract/upgrade.
View 8 Replies View Related