Motorola Droid :: Phone Numbers Not Copied Over Correctly?

Nov 29, 2009

So, as of today I have a Motorola Droid coming up for my old Nokia phone. I had BestBuy set me up with the Droid, but when they tried to copy over my contacts to the Droid, they said it failed 3 times and just wouldn't go. They said they COULD get the contacts off of my old phone, but it didn't seem to go over to the new phone for some reason.

Well, I called a number that I knew was in the contacts of my old phone just to test the phone to make sure the phone itself was working when I got home, and when I hung up the call I noticed that it actually showed the name of the person (not their actual name, but the nick-name that I gave them in my old phone) and also showed me the alternate phone number to contacts them with (their cell number). Sooo... it looks like SOMETHING was transfered to my phone, but when I go into "contacts" there is nothing listed. Even when I view the call log, it doesn't show their name anymore, only when I first hung up the call did it show me their name.

Is there a secondary contact list somewhere that they could possibly have been copied over to, and not the main contacts section? I'd really love to get all these phone numbers in there with out having to do it manually.

Motorola Droid :: phone numbers not copied over correctly?

Motorola Droid 2 :: Phone Features / Functions Not Responding Correctly?

Sep 28, 2010

I got my droid2 as a replacement for my droid from verizon after the droid crapped out with 2.2. Now, when I turn on the flash, it's yellow instead of white. Also, when I go into contacts and click on someone, most of the time the number doesn't show. Also sometimes when press the call button next to someones name in the phonebook, it will call someone else. Ex: tried to call my friend Dave and it called Scott.. Not even close to each other in the list...

The camera only works half of the time. When I try open up camera by either pressing the app icon or the hard button, it wont open. There are also times that when I open an app, another app will open. Like I tried to open maps and Dominoes game opens. Other times I tried to answer a call and I try to swipe over and it doesn't slide.

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Motorola Droid X :: Watching Movies Copied Via USB Through HDMI

Jul 17, 2010

It's been widely reported that the X can only output video via HDMI that was recorded using it's internal camera. Many have speculated that this is due to the non-implementation of HDCP on the HDMI port. I have found that this is untrue. I took some video, compressed it to .3gp (which is Droid's native video codec) in Sorenson Squeeze to 854 x 480 (Droid's screen resolution), copied it into the Droid's Video Gallery and played it out on a 37" HD monitor. It looked ok -- but it was only 480p.

Then I took the same video, compressed it to .3gp in Sorenson Squeeze to 1280 x 720 (Droid's HDMI output resolution limit), copied it into the Droid's Video Gallery and played it out on the same 37" HD monitor. And it looked very good -- as it was 720p. Finally, just for the hell of it, I took the same video, compressed it to .3gp in Sorenson Squeeze to 1920 x 1080, copied it into the Droid's Video Gallery and it would not play out at all. Not a surprise -- as the decoder in the X is known to not handle 1080p.

The key to success seems to consist of 3 parts:
1. Do not let the Droid convert the video upon import when prompted only select "No, Just Copy".
2. Also, if you are encoding to 1280 x 720 (720p) you must convert to .3gp at a combined bitrate (audio + video) of no higher than 1.5 Mb/s. In my tests, the X could not playback bitrates that were higher that 1.5Mb/s.
3. Finally, remember that the Droid's SD card file format is FAT32 so files cannot not exceed 2GB.

It is worth noting that Sorenson Squeeze is an expensive compression tool that does multipass encoding. I'm sure there's open source encoding software in the wild that will convert video to .3gp but I kinda doubt it will be multipass. Regarding runtime, it's worth repeating that I tested 1.5 Mb/s to find out what the upper limit was for external HD viewing. To be honest, the video quality would probably be perceived as quite "watchable" to a number of people 1 Mb/s.

If I were traveling and wanted to have some movies on hand and I WAS NOT sure if I'd ever be jacking-into an external monitor. I'd go for a MUCH, MUCH lower bitrate and resolution -- especially for display on a 854 x 480 4.3" screen. However, if I knew I was going to be largely watching on an external HD monitor. I'd go for the 1.5Mb/s maximum. So, you're probably wondering about the effect of that FAT32 2GB file limit: 2GB = 17,179,869,184 bits
At 1.5Mb/s: 1.5Mb/s = 1,500,000 bits/s
17,179,869,184 bits divided by 1,500,000 bits = 11,453 Seconds
11,453 seconds = 190 Minutes
190 Minutes = 3 Hours 10 Minutes

And at 1Mb/s:
1Mb/s = 1,000,000 bits/s
17,179,869,184 bits divided by 1,000,000 bits = 17,179 Seconds
17,179 seconds = 286 Minutes
286 Minutes = 4 Hours 46 Minutes
So, you can see that from a Feature Film point of view the FAT32 2GB limit is not an issue due to Droid's apparent maximum bitrate cap of 1.5Mb/s. From a storage volume point of view, I purchased a 32GB Micro SD Card for $99 with the phone. And that 32GB card should be able to store 50 Hours 40 Minutes of video at the highest bitrate of 1.5Mb/s. Which, at an average of 2 hours per Feature Movie, equates to 26 movies.

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Motorola Droid X :: Phone Sync Facebook's Pictures Without Other Junk Like Their Phone Numbers?

Jul 21, 2010

Is there any other way on the X to sync FB's pictures without it syncing the other junk like their phone numbers? I've tried Syncmypix but the quality of the pictures are kinda crappy.

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Motorola Droid X :: Good Lock Screen Replacement Work Correctly On Phone?

Aug 2, 2010

Anyone found a good lock screen replacement? Ive tried LockBot and Lock 2.0 neither seemed to work correctly on the X.

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Motorola Droid X :: How To Copy Phone Numbers?

Sep 7, 2010

So there was a couple times i wanted to copy a persons phone number from my contacts so i could text message it to someone but, i cant do it. i guess i can send a name card but i'd rather be able to copy the contacts phone number. I try long pressing the number, but no luck. Any tips on how to do this?

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Motorola Droid :: Lost All Phone Numbers

Nov 17, 2009

I totally love the droid. but there is one thing that has been bothering me. It synced all my goggle contacts to my phone, and but then deleted them all from g mail. luckily I had all my contacts backed up on my computer and entered them in. Once I did that all my contacts from my phone got deleted. Every contact (other than face book and g mail contacts) that I had in my phone is now gone. What do I do?!

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Motorola Droid :: Multiple Phone Numbers For Same Person

Jan 23, 2010

I have several contacts in my phone where I have multiple phone numbers but the location does not always match up with Google choices (MOBILE, WORK, HOME etc) Or in the case of a store like Costco, a different number for each department - Main, Pizza, Pharmacy etc. On my Palm I just used to put initials next to the number to remind me which was which, but that does not work on the Droid - it would not call the number with extra letters. Other than putting the information in my notes, has anyone found a work around? Ideally, I would like to change the words, WORK, HOME, MOBILE, etc to better reflect the ownership and location of that particular number. But that seems highly unlikely since it's connected to Google Contacts. Just wondering how others handle multiple numbers besides a totally different entry, or by adding the info in notes.

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Motorola Droid :: Put Numbers Back On Phone From Backup?

Mar 15, 2010

I am going for the root and a new ROM, the one I will be choosing is CyanogenMod V5.0.4.2 for Droid. What will become of my contacts and my texts. Also when I put the ROM on my phone is there a way to put the numbers back on my phone from a backup or something...?

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Motorola Droid :: Frequently Called Displays Phone Numbers

Apr 19, 2010

In your contacts, under favorites is the Frequently Called list. Mine is displaying numbers I have never called. Anyone else?

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Motorola Droid X :: How To Use Extended Phone Numbers In Address Book

Sep 28, 2010

I just got a new Droid X and can't seem to figure out how to use extended phone numbers in my address book. By extended numbers I mean ones where I have inserted a "w" between the number and say a password that allows me to continue into my voice mail once it has been answered (ex. 123-456-7890 w 1234). When I try to use one of these numbers, I get a message from Verizon saying the number cant be dialed. Apparently the Droid is not pausing where it should.

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Motorola Droid :: Way To Print Google Contacts With All Phone Numbers

May 25, 2010

Has anyone figured out a way to print google contacts with all phone numbers?

I see how to print them all one one sheet but it only print one phone number for each contact. some of my contacts have several phone numbers asigned.

verizon back-up sucks so I'm trying to do it with google.

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Motorola Droid X :: Contact List Customization - Show Only Added Phone Numbers

Sep 12, 2010

I am still in the process of learning and customizing this phone so there may be a famous app that takes care of this but I did a search and found nothing. I am not a big fan of how the contact list shows friends from facebook/gmail/Phone. I only want it to show contacts that I have personally added on my phone. Is there a way I can arrange this. I have it to where it remembers phone contacts only when I hit contacts but as soon as restart, it goes right back to all contacts. It also comes up when I try to text someone or in the contact section of the dialer. I just dont like this. I don't mind that they are there, persay, but I don't want it to be default all the time. Is there a way to change this?

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HTC Aria :: View Files Copied From My Compputer In My Phone

Oct 15, 2010

i just got my aria and i still don't know how i can do anything with it except make and receive calls. i know it's a real waste of an expensive piece of equipment. i copy files via usb to my phone and it shows in my computer that the files are in the phone. however, i can't locate the files in the phone itself, no matter.

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Motorola Droid 2 :: "Me" Not Displaying Phone Numbers

Aug 20, 2010

New Droid 2 owner here. This forum has taught me so much about my new phone. My problem: When I look up "Me" in Contacts (not in Edit mode) it does not display my phone numbers. It displays all my other contact information except the phone numbers When I go into Edit mode they are there (Home, Work, & Mobile). They are also listed in my G mail contacts. Is there any way for the "Me" contact to display my own phone numbers?

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Motorola Droid :: SetCPU Not Working Correctly

Sep 10, 2010

I just rooted my droid to Liquid froyo 1.6. Everything is smooth except for SetCPU, it doesn't want to do anything for me. I made a widget, and whenever I try to change my speed, overclock or underclock it force closes, it won't let me do anything.

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Motorola Droid X :: 2.2 - Camera Won't Focus Correctly

Aug 27, 2010

Is there one? I know how to take pictures so its not me, wasnt a problem with my 2.1. Except for the pixel issue. Camera won't focus correctly.

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Motorola Milestone :: 2.1 Upgrade Phone Won't Dial 1-888 Numbers

Apr 22, 2010

I have tried 4-5 differant phone numbers and the new 2.1 update on my Telus Milestone on the Bell network will not dial 1-888 numbers, it has a buzz and hangs up pretty quick, won't work from a contact wont work manually entered! No problem with 1-800 and I am not trying any 1-900 we will leave those alone. Wifes work uses a 1-888 for out of area toll free and I have to use on landline, but with cell the regular number is not long distance, so I can still get her through cell. Did a google search can not find any mention perhaps someone else can try a 1-888 number just google for a number lots of weather related ones.

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HTC Droid Eris :: View Text I Have Copied From Web?

Aug 20, 2010

How do I view text I have copied from web? It says it has been saved to my clipboard.

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Motorola Droid X :: Package File Was Not Signed Correctly

Jul 18, 2010

New Moto Droid X here. When attempting to install the new 5.0 version of "My Verizon" app I get this error when installing. "Installation error, Package was not signed correctly. I have rebooted and all that good stuff still not working. And there is no way to uninstall and reinstall being that this app comes factory on the x.

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Motorola Droid X :: Contact Search Results Not Working Correctly?

Oct 6, 2010

When I click on the search button (magnifying glass), type in the name of a person I am looking for in my contacts, I come up with a list of people who match what I have typed. On my droid, I could then click on any of the results to bring up that persons contact information. On this phone, it flashes the contact information for about a 10th of a second then goes back to my search results. I can get the contact information by clicking on the icon for that person, then selecting the contacts icon that comes up below. Is this something that is going on with my phone only or are others having this issue also.

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Motorola Droid :: How To Display Album / Artist Of Music Correctly?

Dec 27, 2009

My girlfriend made me several mix CD's for Christmas, and I'd very much prefer to just rip them to my Droid since I use that as my primary MP3 player now. The problem I'm having is that even though I place the ripped MP3's into a folder named as I want it to appear under artists, and then the subfolder named as I want the album to appear in the music player, once I go into the player on my Droid it just says "Unknown Artist" then "Unknown Album." I don't understand why it's doing this, because I have the folder named the way I want them to appear and it's not working, yet other music I downloaded in my music folder is correctly showing up on the player. To better illustrate what I mean: In my music folder on the SD card, I just added a folder "CD1" with the album "Album1" inside that, with the tracks inside that. INstead of on the player it being displayed as "CD1" under artist" and then "album 1" under the album drop down, it just says "Unknown Artist" and then "Unknown Album," but the tracks are there.

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Motorola Droid :: Automatic Brightness Of Video Recorder Not Working Correctly

Dec 4, 2009

i don't record video very often, so i just noticed this problem after having my droid for almost a month. does anyone else experience this? it's a little difficult to explain, but it seems like the automatic brightness of the video recorder is not working correctly. in low light scenarios, instead of the video getting brighter so you can see more, it actually gets DIMMER. i can tell this because i set up a scenario where half the room is regular light and half is low light.

things look fine in the regular light. additionally, things look fine when i have both sides of the room in the picture, and i can tell the droid adjusts a little because the the picture will get brighter, causing the regular light side to be very bright but the low light side to be visible (that's the expected behavior). then, when i pan to the low light side, i see the camera make a brightness adjustment again, but it gets dimmer rather than brighter, making it almost impossible to see anything. the screen basically turns black. i'm sure this is not how it's supposed to work, but what i'm wondering is whether i have a faulty unit and should exchange or whether everyone has this issue. did anyone understand this post?

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Motorola Droid :: Installation Error - Package File Was Not Signed Correctly

Mar 18, 2010

i just installed an update to google maps. then i tried to open the maps and a screen popped up that says: Installation error: package file was not signed correctly.
This same exact thing popped up in google maps when i first opened it after flashing to smoked glass v6. but it worked fine. this time though it just made me reinstall google maps and it will not install. whats going on?

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Motorola Droid :: Facebook Bookmark On Default Browser Doesn't Load Correctly

Jan 30, 2010

My Facebook bookmark on my default browser doesnt load correctly. It loads what was on my page hours ago. Then I hit home and it loads what was on it a minute after that, and again. I have to hit home (Facebook home) about 10 times before it gets up to date. Its pretty annoying.

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HTC Droid Eris :: How To Paste Copied Text To Clipboard In Document Or Email?

Dec 1, 2009

Apparently some text were copied to my clipboard. Now how do I paste it into a document/email anything?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Deleted All Phone Numbers

May 3, 2010

I just got the droid eris on Saturday. Then this morning I went to use it and found out I have no phone numbers! Does anyone have any idea how I can fix this? I was told by the person in the store that goggle stored all my phone numbers. but I'm not sure how to access this.

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Android :: Display Phone Numbers In Droid App?

Jun 19, 2010

What's the easiest way to display an active (initiating a call on click) phone number in an Android app?

It would have been great if there was a View subclass, called something like PhoneNumberView, that has all the functionality and UI integrated.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Need Application To Block Phone Numbers

Jun 3, 2010

Anyone here try this app? a Call Filter - block unwanted phone calls I want to block those annoying repeat marketing calls for things like extended car warranties, and what not.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Only Display Contacts With Phone Numbers?

Mar 15, 2010

I have the Motorola Droid and my roommate just bought the HTC Droid Eris. He has 1000+ contacts in his Google Account and only wants to display ones with phone numbers. The MOTO Droid does this easily - Dialer > Contacts > Menu >Display Options > "Only display contacts with phone numbers" I'm baffled - the Droid Eris doesn't have this option? Is this an HTC Sense thing or an Android 1.5 thing? And, have any Droid Eris owners found this annoying and found a work around?

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