HTC Desire :: Use Ipod Charger Plug With Other Usb Mini Cables?
May 31, 2010
Can i use my ipod charger plug, with one of my many spare usb-mini usb cables i have for many gadgets (ie cameras/camcorders), to charge my desire? or is the ipod plug rated to push through a different numbers of amps/volts/currants/electrons/whatever to my desire, ultimately killing it? this will save me and probably a lot of other folk a few quids in buying spare chargers etc, as i am sure we've all got a spare mini-usb cable and an ipod lying around. i am talking about this part, or one of these for car charging.
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Sep 23, 2010
I am going on vacation and want to bring my IPod, but not my laptop. Can I use the wall charger from my Hero and plug the USB cord from my IPod into the wall to charge the IPod while on vaction?
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Aug 7, 2010
Okay, so i quite fancy getting a speaker dock for my HTC Desire. For 2 functions really, the main one is charging, but also so i can use it to listen to music without my headphones. Now, most the decent docks appear to be geared towards the iPhone/iPod ( have been looking at them in electrical stores today) -and thus, where my HTC phone will sit there is obviously the huge wide iPod/iPhone connector which would fit into the base of the iphone - obviously with the hTC being a mini usb input, it wont fit. So my question is is there a small connector available somewhere that has the female ipod connection at one end and then the male mini usb the other so you can simply slip this on the male sticking out ipod connector at the base of these Speaker/CHarger docks and then put the HTC on top? know a lot of them do have AUX inputs which means yeah, i could connect it and listen through the speakers BUT, id like this to be a charging dock as well. Am i th ONLY person in the world who has a HTC that wants a Speaker/Charger Dock?? surely not?
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Jun 20, 2010
I have a car charger with a USB interface that I used for my ipod. Should I be able to use this with my Incredible along with HTC cable or do i have to buy a charger specific to my phone?
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Nov 7, 2009
You know..after buy the $30.00 car adapter..and having to shelf my Blackberry USB MINI charger.. I wondered if an adapter existed that would convert it..and sure enough I found one model on EBAY for like $.99 cents each with free I bought 5 of them...
So in case it sickens you to put up the big bucks you may want to go this route...and reuse your Mini chargers and cables...
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May 10, 2010
Will virtually any mini-USB based cable, car charger, and wall charger work with my HTC Droid Eris? Mini-USB cables are generally universal, but I want to ensure that I use a compatible car charger and wall charger that won't damage my phone. The official Verizon accessories of course seem overpriced, if any generic solution would work equally well.
For example, I am considering this product on Home Travel Wall Charger + Rapid Cell Phone Car Charger + USB Data Sync Charge Cable for HTC Touch Pro 2 / Tilt 2 / Hero / Imagio / Pure / Touch Diamond 2 / Droid Eris: Cell Phones & Service. Overall, this mini-USB cable / car charger / wall charger combo gets positive reviews, but I've heard of random glitches for some cheap chargers.
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Jun 14, 2010
Anyone know of a charger where the wire is at a right angle to the plug? In almost every case, there is too much tension on the cord when plugged in to keep it standing on the kickstand. Also, in the car, a right-angled charger would be useful for me. I found a right-angle auxiliary input for the stereo, and that helps some. Previously, I had one big plug coming straight out of the bottom, and another coming straight out of the top.
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May 1, 2010
Would this hurt my phone? battery? I have never used that thing in my car, but it looks like a household outlet. Could I plug my phone charger in there?
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Jan 5, 2010
Why does my moment ringer go off when I plug in the charger and when I take it out? It goes off only when I slide down the notification bar.
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Nov 21, 2010
I turn my Ally off for the night, plug it in to recharge & it turns itself back on. So, I turn it off again &, back on it comes! I want the thing off so it does not make any alert-noises and bother those within earshot. I suppose I could put it on Silent, but, come-on! This should be an allowed thing to do to a phone. Why in hell would it ever be set up to come back on when I deliberately just turned it off!
Note: "Stay Awake" under "Development" is not checked.
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Aug 5, 2010
What gives? As soon as I plug the charger in it kills my music player and says connected to computer and Im in the car!
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Jun 25, 2010
Has anyone had this happen to them. My Droid was sitting on my desk next to me, it had about 80% battery life left, I get a few txt messages, and then its giving me the warning that my battery life is 15% and to plug it into the charger. Well I put it on the charger, and not even 30 seconds go by, and its fully charged. This has only happened once so far, but I am concerned is the battery slowly dying out, or is it just a glitch in the phone?
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Jul 19, 2010
I have an old T-Mobile (oem) mini usb car charger from my G1 days.So, I bought a mini to micro adapter, which is from Motorola that the reviews say work well with the original Droid for car charging.It won't charge the X.I even tried turning the car on, thinking it might need a few more volts.I tested the mini to micro adapter with a usb cable from my computer & it will charge and connect.
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Jul 25, 2010
I've had my X10 mini for a few weeks now and it's been working fine, but this weekend i noticed that when i plugged it in to the mains using the charger it failed to start charging. I also tried just using the USB connection with my PC but it also doesn't recognize it. My phone has now died and i have no way of making it work again! Infuriating! Has anyone else had a problem with this? The way i see it, i either have a faulty charging cable or the micro USB port has failed (a problem i jhave read is common in the x10?)
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Jan 26, 2014
I am not just talking about buying a cable with a female 30-pin and male mini USB I mean actually taking out the 30-pin piece of the iHome and replacing it with a mini USB. How to go about such a thing. I just don't like any of the mini usb based looking docks. Specifically I have the iHome iP9 but I imagine if it has been done with others it could be done to mine as well.
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Jul 13, 2010
I've got an acclaim and was wondering if I could plug a webcam into the mini usb and have it work for Skype? I know I could do an app and use the camera on the phone so they could see me (or rather the kids...I became irrelevant to the parents once the grandkids came along), but then the kids couldn't see THEM on the screen since the camera is on the back.
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May 5, 2010
What should I plug in it?
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May 4, 2010
This is similar although not identical to some other threads.I bought a cheap (Nokia) USB cable to use at work. It seemed not to be charging the phone very quickly. Today I did some tests. It does charge the phone from my work PC but not nearly as fast as the HTC supplied cable.Generally, if I leave the phone plugged in but do some browsing on and off during the day, at the end of the day the phone is pretty much where it was, battery-wise, at the start.With the HTC cable, it charges pretty quickly (i.e a couple of hours).The data transfer rate is the same with both cables.Is there a sure way of knowing what cable to buy to get the same performance? (Short of buying an HTC cable
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May 15, 2010
Or is my Desire faulty?Hi, had my Desire about a week now and absolutely loving it.I bought a couple of spare USB cables from eBay (they were listed as being suitable for the Desire fwiw) - mainly for charging - but why I plug the Desire into my laptop with them I get Device not Recognized - even before I've selected the connectivity option on the Desire.It works OK with the HTC cable and a cable that came with my Jabra headset. The eBay cables seem to recognise an old Nokia 6300. So, as suggested in this thread, are all cables not created equal and the eBay cables of insufficient quality for the Desire or is the Desire faulty?
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Nov 21, 2010
I have a samsung vibrant. Every time i plug it in its charger, the lock screen will not lock amd if m doing something, the sensitivity of the screen will be thrown of. It doesn't do that if i plug,it,in a computer usb, it doesn't,do that and charges normally. Is that a wide spread issue.
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Jun 2, 2010
Hopefully i'm not asking anything obvious here.Basically I worked out that my HTC cable which came with my handset charges a lot quicker than the ebay ones I bought. I did some testing and initially I thought the spare 1000mA adaptor I bought was at fault. I only got about 6% charge per 30 mins. But then I tried the same adaptor with my HTC cable, and it gave me 15% in 30 mins.So I want to buy a spare cable, but I don't know how to tell the difference. Anyone able to explain, or direct me to a cable?
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Jun 6, 2010
Wondering if you could help I have a about 8 episodes of the wire on my ipod touch (Now a glorified paperweight ) which I want to put onto my HTC desire. The videos are not on my pc anymore so does anyone know easier way to get them off of my ipod touch onto my HTC desire?
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Jun 20, 2010
Any one know where I can get an ipod style music dock for the desire
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Sep 23, 2010
I have just updated my HTC Desire phone to Froyo 2.2 but am having probs with wifi hotspot. I am trying to connect to it with my ipod touch and it detects the wifi signal and lets me connect but when I try going online with the ipod touch I have no luck has anyone managed this successfully?
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Apr 11, 2010
I've got lots of Audiobooks in m4b file format that I listen to on my ipod.
I'd love to be able to ditch the ipod all together and listen to them on my Desire. Problem is that I they aren't supported atm.
Is there a program/app out there that will help?
I'd ideally like them to remain as m4b so that it will remember my positions and keep the chapter formatting etc (which is obviously all lost when converting to mp3)
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Sep 7, 2010
Just of the fone to 3 customer services and they told me they have pulled the plug on 2.2 froyo on 3 network, they said it was htc who done this and there is no plans to get it to the desire on 3 anyone here this I just think they don't know what they are talking about?
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Aug 23, 2010
I am in the UK and see that this item:- 3FT Right Angle Micro USB Cable Is A Fully Rated USB Cable with The: Electronics is currently unavailable in Amazon UK. I need the micro right-angle plug.
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Nov 27, 2010
I have in my car a hands-free kit for a Qtek 9100 which has work fine for years with the Qtek. I bought a mini to micro USB adapter so that I could use the kit with the new Desire HD, but when I plug the new phone to the micro USB adapter the Desire HD just shuts down and I have to remove and replace the battery to get it working again.
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Feb 15, 2009
yesterday, I spent several hours trying to figure out how to capture the HEADSET_PLUG intent with a BroadcastReceiver. The manifest defines the <receiver>, with its intent-filter set to <action android:name="android.intent.action.HEADSET_PLUG" />.
The receiver is working correctly (I verified that by changing the intent filter to capture things like SMS_RECEIVED including the proper permissions and the receiver fired as expected on receiving an SMS), but when listening for HEADSET_PLUG, it never fires. Debugging the whole thing is a bit complicated, as the emulator doesn't seem to support headsets and I have to disconnect my target device (a HTC Dream) from USB in order to attach a headset (so there's no logfile viewing). Are there any special permissions required for applications to capture the HEADSET_PLUG intent (and if so, which? I've tried several, to no avail)?
Maybe the Dream doesn't fire such an intent at all (that'd be bad luck for me), but I guess that it must be an issue related to application permissions. The documentation says extremely little (well, actually: nothing) about the single permissions needed to perform all the actions described in the API docs, so this is absolutely something to be improved.
What I want to do: Upon detecting a headset, I want to re-route the ringtones from the speakers to the headset, so as not to annoy people in my vicinity by a harsh ringing sound (I'm used to this behaviour from my old phone) - by default, the speaker just keeps on ringing, no matter whether a headset is attached or not. This part is already working, but now I need to know how to detect headset attachment/ detachment events.
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Aug 10, 2010
Can anyone recommend a good car charger?
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