General :: Managing Large List Of SSID And Passwords?
Dec 13, 2013At work we have about 50 different hotspots with each having their own SSID and password. Is there any way for me to mass enter them from a list into my Moto X?

At work we have about 50 different hotspots with each having their own SSID and password. Is there any way for me to mass enter them from a list into my Moto X?
I'm writing a game for a computer class that I'm currently taking for school. The game has a lot of graphics associated with it (mostly in .png format). There is too much data to simply include it as part of the 'res'. The way i'm currently doing it, is to store all of the graphics in a single zip file, in a folder on the SDCard, e.g., / sdcard/Game/ (or whatever). And then i'm using the ZipInputStream to read from those, then using the BitmapFactory to decode the stream and then draw them on the canvas. The problem that I'm having is that this method is terribly slow if I add a lot of images into the zip file. The best way I have found thus far is to name the .png files within the zip numerically, then use a for-loop to jump directly to a specific file, but this is still a very slow way of doing it. I would like to use a single file (like zip) to hold all of the files for several reasons. 1., i'm trying to use a file container so i can simply update graphic 4.png and then push it into the zip file (for example) from a server. 2., because android sees all image files on the sdcard when you open the gallery application. 3., easier to prevent data manipulation by doing an md5/sha-1 checksum on 1 zip file, rather than every time a file is opened if it weren't in a container.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need to be able to scroll through a list with (up to) 20K rows, backed by a cursor on a read-only db. Testing 20K rows on a G1, the query takes approx .02s regardless of table size, while binding the adapter to the list takes 4.5s. Note that this is before the view calls used in rendering. What makes the binding delay more troublesome is that it blocks the UI thread, and is incurred on every rotate. Combine these, and doing a rotate just after starting the bind results in a delay up to 9s.
I tried lazy loading with a base adapter, but that hits the same delay in the underlying cursor.getCount(), and the overall user experience isn't ideal. I also considered using an ArrayAdapter, adding synthesized objects from the cursor rows, but then I'd incur the overhead of creating up to 20K objects (not to mention the additional memory requirements).
I need to load Contacts.Phones.CONTENT_URI and Contacts.ContactMethods.CONTENT_EMAIL_URI into a ListActivity.
Since these are separate Content URIs, I have two separate cursors and can't construct a SimpleCursorAdapter for use in the ListActivity.
The problem is that I have more than a thousand records for CONTENT_EMAIL_URI, which were automatically loaded by GMail. The app becomes unresponsive and Android prompts to kill the app or wait.
Is there a way to make the ListActivity content load in the background, like, by writing a custom implementation of android.widget.Adapter?
Or is it more feasible to use a single cursor, by manually running the SQL query on the contacts tables?
At my work they set the wireless with two channels. One is open to everybody with an email verification and allowed users to connect for 2 hours a day and the other is a hidden SSID that the workers can use all the time. In my iphone I have no issues. I add the network manually and it connects. But on my Sony xperia Z1 when I go to wifi and add the hidden SSID it just said not in range while the other network is in range. So far I tried the Hidden SSID enabler app with no luck. My device has kitkat 4.4.2 and is rooted.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI recently installed a new Custom Rom "TheBrainsRom" on the SSpeed Kernel v3 on my Xperia U. All was fine until i tried to turn on the Tethering. It shows that it is tethering but then it doesnt broadcast. At times, the Status Bar also gives a force close issue.
Is this usually to do with the Kernel or ROM handles such functions independently. What could i do in order to avoid having to reflash the device.
Any app which allows to set the preferred wifi network to connect to?
specifically, I want my phone to always connect to network "A" whenever it becomes available, and even if it is currently connected to other networks with a stronger signal.
I'm looking for app or Xposed Framework module, which displays WiFi SSID in statusbar near to WiFi icon. It is possible?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy GF is getting a new phone and we are having real trouble remembering her Google mail password!
We have tried all the recovery options on-line, but Google are pretty useless at recovering passwords and its driving me insane!
Now, on her old phone, it all still works, and Im just wondering if there is anyway at all as to recover or dig out the password from in the phone somewhere!
is it possible to have an app/modified lock screen with two passwords that unlocks it:
one that unlocks the phone normally and another that hides some applications, sms, calls, and maybe starts a blacklist?
I want make it support multiple screens(small,normal and large).I am 100% sure the all of layouts are working perfectly now, but large screen,the problem is that all XML files of layouts in layout-large can't load,The platform always load default XML file(these are under layout folder) at large screen environment.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo my friend locked my phone out. I Knew the gmail account linked to the phone but i forgot the password. I resetted the password on a computer but when i enter the new password in the phone it doesn't work.
I tried all my various passwords, including the null and it didn't work.
I don't remember if my phone sends notifications for emails because i only made the gmail account when i bought the phone (therefore it isn't my primary account and no one sends emails to it).I have wifi connection and also 3g connection on the phone.
I am thinking the gmail account did not sync, therefore my new password isn't working. How can i sync the account, or do i have a workaround on getting this to work?
My guess is, it is through GoogleBackupTransport.apk (/system/app/GoogleBackupTransport.apk) ?
I had a look at Google's Developers Guide to Backup , but it is unclear if this applies to the backup of WLAN passwords as well, nor if the mentioned "backup transport" is indeed GoogleBackupTransport.apk.
So, if I remove GoogleBackupTransport.apk, my WLAN passwords won't be uploaded ?
Android browser passwords, where are they stored? I need one that I've forgotten. I'm using 2.3.4 and ES File Explorer. ADR6300
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for an App which allows efficient control of the 'Restrict background data' checkbox on a per-App Basis.
In ICS today I can navigate
Settings -> Data Usage -> "someAPP"
And then check/uncheck the 'Restrict background data' checkbox to make the data traffic explicit for me: If I don't use "someAPP" I can expect that there is no background data traffic generated by "someAPP" (no extra cost in roaming mode).
I do have some apps (e.g. a pushmail app for company mails) which I always want to allow the use of background data in order to get my mail.
Other's (e.g. use of gmail, G+, etc.) I want to toggle the behaviour very quickly:
If I'm in 'roaming' mode: disable, if in my home-network with flat cost: enable.
This is the reason I can't use the 'Mobile Data' switch.
Today I navigate as shown above, which is cumbersome and likely to be incomplete. I think of an app, where you can compose a list of apps (from the installed ones) and enable/disable 'restrict background data' for apps on this list with one click.
few months ago I read somewhere that android stores the wifi passwords in plain text (seems to be known since 2010:[URL] Because I don't want my wifi password to be stored that way, I searched for a way to store the wpa passphrase. This wasn't difficult, because android usese wpa_supplicant, means I just had to find out my passphrase and replace the plain key in /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf with it. Everything still works fine and my phone is able to connect to wifi.
Now my question is: is there a way to store every new wifi password this way? It's annoying to have to edit the wpa_supplicant.conf file manually. One problem is, that it seems like android doesn't have the wpa_passphrase binary included, even if the source code seems to exist in the wpa_supplicant repository ( [URL] how to build the code (I'm not familiar with the ndk), I could try writing an app, which replaces all plain text passwords with the passphrases. But it would be awesome, if it were possible to integrate this feature in a custom rom, so no more passwords are stored plain text.
I have a question :
Where are file systems that contain usernames and passwords for :
1-Facebook account
2-Emails accounts (Email.apk)
I know that IDs and passwords Google are in :
and wifi settings :
I am a teacher and we have just bought 15 SG Tab 2 10.1 for my class running 4.1.1. It is a right pain downloading an app every time I want to use one and I am either having to ask the children to download the app to each tab individually or go into play store on PC where I can select each tab individually and send the app. Neither of these are ideal and I'm looking for a way of managing and sending an app to all the tabs in one go.
This seems to work with iOS as when I download an app or take a pic on my iphone it appears instantly on my ipad via iCloud so there must be a way of doing this but I'm a bit stuck.
I've been having some playlist issues... I've got one that I made and one that keeps reappearing, that I started to make at some point but lost (or, thought I lost). I can delete it, but it will come back eventually. Also, is there an easier way to edit playlists than within the music apps? e.g. on the computer, in a text editor or something?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a One V, and I want to backup atleast 30 wifi passwords I have stored on my device, but all the apps on play store require root.I can't do that as unlocking the bootloader will remove my phone data, so I'm asking :
If I unlock the bootloader and then restore data still with the stock ROM on, will it restore the wifi data automatically, and then hopefully I can back it up with a wifi backup app (cause there is no way to root device without unlocking the bootloader atm)?Here's what dashboard is showing as backed up:
So I know the method of hiding a file or folder by placing a period in the beginning of the title then SETTINGS > *Uncheck* SHOW HIDDEN FILES
Okay, to make everything clear...... from the home page I go to my FILES, then there are the following items: ALL FILES, IMAGES, VIDEOS, MUSIC, DOCUMENTS.
When I click IMAGES....I get to my CAMERA, a generic PHOTO album, and some downloads from FACEBOOK. There are also two hidden files called .THUMBNAIL and .THUMBNAILS2 (I may have named one of them I'm not sure).
What are these files for? They contain literally thousands of previous and current pictures I had stored in my phone including deleted pics. They are lower resolution than normal too. I want to delete the ".thumbnail" folders but I don't know what will happen. They're annoying me and include a lot of deleted stuff.
I have a D-Link WAP set up for G/N and also set so that it does not broadcast my SSID. My new Hero is able to connect at work to our WAP (WEP security), but at home it can't find my WAP (WPA security). If I change my setting so that it now broadcasts my SSID it can connect, but what the heck? Why can't it connect if I've input the SSID and WPA code, but the SSID isn't broadcasting?
View 18 Replies View RelatedI can connect to my wireless router if the SSID is being broadcasted. I cannot connect to the wireless router if the SSID is not broadcasted. I know that on my laptop, this is still achieved. I was wondering if the same could be done with the DINC. Is there a way to connect to the router when the SSID is not broadcasted?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI own a HTC Hero and loving the phone but unfortunately I am having problems connecting to my WiFi network. When I turn on the WiFi on my hero it will not show the SSID name of my network. The odd thing is that when I use WiFi scanner (nice program) it shows my WiFi network SSID, but I cannot connect to my WiFi using that program.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI used to keep my SSID broadcast at home disable, and four computers have never had a problem using the network. Only my Incredible doesn't seem to be able to reconnect to a remembered network not broadcasting its SSID. In fact, if I turn off the SSID while the Incredible is connected, it instantly drops the WIFI connection. Anyone have luck having the Incredible use a network without the SSID being broadcast constantly? I'm using WPA2 if that makes a difference.
View 7 Replies View RelatedCan Android connect to a network with a hidden SSID? I hide the SSID on all my wireless networks. I've tried two android phone's that simply fail to connect. Is there something I'm doing wrong, or can android just not see hidden networks? I connect to broadcasting networks just fine.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI need to joint school's Free WiFi, but it have Hidden SSID. If I create new WiFi Connect it doesn't work. I can't joint it.
Android 1.5
HiddenSSID Enabler doesn't work ..
Anyone can help me?.. thank a lot..
I have tried virtually every combination of wireless security protocol, b/g/n, hidden ssid enabler, manually adding WiFi network making sure to input password over the past two days. nothing works.
Dlink router DIR-625
Samsung Galaxy S canada
Android 2.1 update1
This is something that has been addressed with other handsets, and other users, sometimes with success, and sometimes without. My friend has solved this problem with his HTC Hero. You're trying to connect to a WiFi network that is hidden. In other words, the name isn't broadcasted. In other words (again), your WiFi won't automatically find this network.
So you manually type it in Menu > Settings > Wireless Ctrl > WiFi Settings > Add WiFi network. You type in all of the details. No connection. As if it's not there. So you find that some others with their Android phones, have found success using HiddenSSIDEnabler from the Market. Removing the 'Remembered' network. Adding it freshly. Using HiddenSSID. Removing it again. Adding it again. In any order. No luck. onnecting to a non-broadcasting wireless network
If I use getScanResult() I will be able to get the information about different networks but for example if I am in a school where all access points are under network (SSID) "The school". Will getScanResult() filter out other access points than the one it's closest to and only return 1 BSSID for that network?
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