General :: Too Many Passwords Attempted - How To Get Gmail To Re-sync
Aug 10, 2011
So my friend locked my phone out. I Knew the gmail account linked to the phone but i forgot the password. I resetted the password on a computer but when i enter the new password in the phone it doesn't work.
I tried all my various passwords, including the null and it didn't work.
I don't remember if my phone sends notifications for emails because i only made the gmail account when i bought the phone (therefore it isn't my primary account and no one sends emails to it).I have wifi connection and also 3g connection on the phone.
I am thinking the gmail account did not sync, therefore my new password isn't working. How can i sync the account, or do i have a workaround on getting this to work?
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May 1, 2014
I have a Samsung Galaxy S2 SCH-R760.Tried to update phone from standard IceCreamSandwich to Jelly Bean via Samsung provided Simple Upgrade Tool. Very new to flashing phones, forgot to check model number, first attempt failed. Eventually got the right one (difficult to do with my model apparently), and the mobile network wouldn't work. Was told to reset APN, could not find it anywhere in the system.
Got fed up and decided to revert back to original OS, which failed. Waited overnight (it was late) with the phone off. Found the right file (just going to go back to Jelly Bean), however whenever I attempted to get into recovery mode it told me there was not enough power and to charge the phone. Phone was plugged in, this happened a couple of times. Now after the phone has been plugged in for well over 3 hours I cannot get the phone to power on or anything, it absolutely will not respond. Attempted to use Kies, will not recognize my phone model and is waiting for the phone to be connected anyway. When plugged in (trying/using various different cords) I have a little faint blue light flashing in the top left corner of the phone (not the phone screen).
The phone has been in excellent condition up until this point, and I have little reason to believe that my battery just suddenly went 100% bad after showing no signs of decay in recent weeks.
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Nov 27, 2013
I am trying to get a friends Nexus 7 up and running. I recently rooted it and installed the custom recovery using my Mac with this guide while the tablet was on 4.3. All was well, but then my friend was given the option to install the 4.4 Kitkat update. After the update, the tablet has been unable to boot - it simply hangs at the startup animation. I am able to enter the recovery boot loader, and enter options to restore from a .zip, however I have no way of accessing the tablet's memory from my computer to put the original operating system back on it- although I think it could be done from Terminal, I am not well versed in command prompts.
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Jul 10, 2012
I have 3 Gmail accounts that are constantly syncing and its draining my battery. Where is the option to set accounts to manual? As in, I'll refresh when I care.
I've found the option for number of days to sync (1-All), but that's not what I want. Did they move this? I used to be able to find it...
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May 22, 2013
I got my first Android ever and it's awesome. However, my gmail sync has an issue. When I sync my gmail, I get all emails from this month, followed by emails from last year. My emails from last month and the month before is not downloaded. I deleted the account and tried all tricks I read online and nothing worked.
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Jun 6, 2013
I have gotten the new version of Gmail for my HTC One. I decided to use this instead of the native mail app, but is there a way to change the sync times? Atleast by using the native app, I have it pull every hour during the week, and on the weekend its every 3hrs. But this seems to constantly be pulling the mailbox, is there a way to change it? I'm just trying to maximize battery (Its alot better after 2 weeks of use, just fine tuning)
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Nov 18, 2011
I'm a long time Yahoo Mail user and I really don't care to jump to GMail for the sake of my Android phone. I've created a GMail account for ease of use.
I've linked both my yahoo and gmail accounts to the contact app on the droid. I can get two way sync with the gmail contacts, but the contact app won't allow me to edit any Yahoo contacts!
Is there a way to get two way sync of contacts b/t yahoo mail and the droid contact app?
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Jan 31, 2013
I just updated my Galaxy SII GT-I9100 to the latest official 4.1.2 JB, and wiped my phone beforehand so I could have everything from scratch.
All my contacts are in Gmail with hi-res pictures set there, so I did not worry about having lo-res pictures after Google supposedly fixed the picture quality issue.
Thing is, after I set my Google account on the fresh installation, it indeed synced each contact's picture, but in lo-res!
I noticed sometimes, when I opened up the contact and waited a few moments, the picture was automatically changed for the hi-res version, as if the cellphone only downloaded it "on demand".
How to truly make it download every contact's HD picture properly without having to open each contact's picture?
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Aug 17, 2012
I have a common quesiton about synchronising my gmail and Exchange (work) account with my HTC Desire HD Android Version 2.3.5
At the moment I synchronise my gmail accoutn with mail, calender, tasks and phone directory.
For future use I want to synchronise with Exchange from work, even the same functions like gmail.
For gmail I use the given gmail-mail program which is implemented with Android.
For Exchange I'd like to use the "Mail" function which is also a standard tool from Android.
My question:
1. I've seen that there is the possibility to show or not show different calenders, phone books etc. When I creat the Exchange additionally to the gmail account, is there a complete new calender built with the Exchange rules or does it use my gmail calender? The same for phone directory.I want to avoid that the two accounts will be fully mashed in the future. So, if I quit my workplace I want to delete the Exchange account and all work information will be lost but not my personal gmail account, settings and personal data like calender, phone directory etc.
2. Is the Exchange completely separated to the gmail account?
I'm a littel bit frightend to configure the Exchange accoutn because I don' want to mix up the two accounts.
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Jan 15, 2014
My Verizon Galaxy S3 with Cleanrom Seven installed stopped automatically syncing my gmail. I can manually refresh my mail, but it does not sync automatically despite the sync being enabled. I've also wiped data, removed my google account, and even done a factory reset without restoring any google data...and although it occasionally works temporarily, it always stops working. If a factory reset won't fix it, I don't know what to do anymore.
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Jun 22, 2010
This is my first post on the androidforums. I usually just read what other people wrote, but I can't seem to find a related post for my current problem.I date someone overseas in S. Korea, and since there's no way to send text msgs in Korean from here, I talk to her using activesync with a gmail account. She can check emails on her phone from Korea, and my phone sends me notification everytime I get an email from her. Basically it's same as texting except it allows me to type in Korean and doesn't cost a dime.For the reasons mentioned above, saving battery life isn't much of an option for me. I need to have activesync or gmail push running instantly. I tried using "check email every 5 minutes", but just imagine having to stay idle for 5 minutes everytime you text with your friends.
As of today, gmail push on android seems to work with 5 - 30 minutes delay (or manual refresh). However, Exchange Activesync will not even allow me to sync gmail (Different errors every time even though I'm putting the same information; gmail address, as server address, username & password). I thought activesync just allows me to use "gmail push" on HTC mail app, so I don't quite understand why gmail app works (despite the lag), but activesync won't even let me sync my mail. Activesync last worked on 06/17/2010.Also, gmail push works with no lag when I'm on wifi. Is this normal?I'm starting to think there's a problem with the Sprint network or my phone. Gmail push also works instantly if my 3G bar is white. If it's greyed out, no emails come until the 3G bar turns white. Now I have to turn on AIM or MSN messenger to keep the data flowing and manually keep the 3G bar white. Then gmail push comes instantly. It's pretty ridiculous because the battery then lasts about 2-4 hours.
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May 14, 2010
im not an expert on how push email works, but my understanding is that gmail messages should appear on my phone without me having to refresh or manually sync the gmail app. for a reason unknown to me, sometimes this works and sometimes it doesnt. at night, i shut down wifi and the mobile network to conserve battery and start up the mobile network when i leave for work in the morning. i get notification of new yahoo email, thru the htc widget, almost instantaneously, yet gmail doesnt come thru until i manually sync the gmail app. then during the course of the day, sometimes gmail messages get pushed right thru and other times not at all until i manually sync the app. meanwhile my yahoo mail comes thru flawlessly.
considering gmail is supposed to push and the htc widget does not, this is the opposite of what i expect. as far as settings, i have auto sync enabled for both the device and for the gmail app. while i always assume user error until proven otherwise, in this instance i think i have all the correct settings, which makes sense considering sometimes gmail does get pushed. its just erratic and unpredictable. anybody got any ideas what's going on here?
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Jan 14, 2010
I have noticed that Gmail is taking a little bit longer to sync, if it syncs at all. I have had to use the manual refresh in my Gmail app to populate mail most of the day today.I have run some tests, and it appears that Gmail will sync in random amounts of time. Sometimes 5-10 minutes, sometimes more than 15 minutes. Up until yesterday, it was almost instantaneous.When I send mail, or change labels, or delete mail on my Droid, the changes are noticed on my Gmail account within a minute or just like normal. It appears to only be a problem with fetching new mails.I have cleared the Gmail app cache, I have turned off sync - rebooted my phone - turned sync on again everything I can think of.
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May 10, 2012
I set up a gmail account on my moms razr the other day after trying to tell her it was better than yahoo. How do I get the contacts that are already synced into her phone to sync with her gmail account?
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Oct 31, 2012
contacts that i input on my Galaxy S3 do not sync with Gmail Yet - contacts entered in Gmail sync with the S3
i checked the Sync settings on the S3 - everything seems to look okay
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Mar 29, 2014
I am using the Gmail app for my Droid Ultra and I have all accounts to auto-sync and push from server automatically and I never get the notifications for new mail.
Whenever I choose to randomly open the app, though, there will always be new mail there. This is a total productivity hinderance. What can I do about it?Also, where can I mess with the sync settings in it in case something isn't turned on, just to be safe?
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Feb 15, 2012
Sync Lotus notes calendar with Gmail on Droid x?
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Apr 8, 2011
I have a few email address' and I would like to know if there is anyway to hide 1 of those email address' from the Accounts & Sync in the Settings. Either that or anyway to reorganize the way the address' show up so I can keep 1 address out of site if the phone is checked?
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Feb 8, 2014
The last stock update to my Galaxy SII somewhat messed it up, it started running boiling hot, drining the battery without showing any CPU or anything. So today I installed the stable CyanogenMod (10.1.3) and so far it doesn't have this problem.Two important questions:
- how do I get my gmail address book inside the phone ? Under Settings/Accounts I only see CyanogenMod, and trying to add one gives me Corporate (Exchange), CyanogenMod (again) and Email.
- how do I get Swype ? It's not available from the Language&Input settings.
- how do I view the external SD card from the file manager ? It only shows the internal storage.
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Aug 23, 2012
I'm using Galaxy S2, running ICS 4.0.3
I have lots of funny contact names because of the SKYPE nicknames. Also, some contacts are made from email handlers.
So to organize them nicely, I spent last few hours on my Gmail / Contact account, renaming, adding photos, merging etc... Except, that when I want to SYNC it. Not all of the contacts update, and some remain as they were.
I would trash them all and import new set from Gmail, but I'm worry that when I do that, it might trash my gmail contact as well
Also, is there any way to change the contact font size? I have many long names, and lots of contacts. The screen cuts most of the names off and many of the contacts share same name. I have to open the contact, to find out details in order to know who I'm looking for.
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Nov 20, 2011
My GF is getting a new phone and we are having real trouble remembering her Google mail password!
We have tried all the recovery options on-line, but Google are pretty useless at recovering passwords and its driving me insane!
Now, on her old phone, it all still works, and Im just wondering if there is anyway at all as to recover or dig out the password from in the phone somewhere!
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Apr 29, 2013
is it possible to have an app/modified lock screen with two passwords that unlocks it:
one that unlocks the phone normally and another that hides some applications, sms, calls, and maybe starts a blacklist?
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Oct 15, 2013
Everytime I sync my Gmail contacts to this phone they cause them to disappear off my main gmail account. I've done restore, but then once my phone access the contact list again they are gone. I did not realize this after the first restore and now it's been too long (gmail only allows 29 days to restore) since I last restored to see any of the 100's of contacts I manually entered into Gmail!
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Jan 6, 2014
I was composing a message and the phone got stuck when I was about to select the recipients. (Wanted to group send message so that's why I was not answering directly.) After waiting for a while the phone was still not responding then I forced to shut down and turned it on again. Okay I again edited the same text and tap to choose receivers. Good grief! NO CONTACTS! EMPTY! Why? What happened?
I first tried to sync Gmail contacts back to my Sony Xperia, however when I logged in to Gmail and it was the same! NO CONTACTS!
Long story short, I finally found Myjad Android Contact Recovery which seems to be useful because I want simply the contacts. So any example of trying successfully restoring lost contacts with this program?
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Dec 13, 2013
At work we have about 50 different hotspots with each having their own SSID and password. Is there any way for me to mass enter them from a list into my Moto X?
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Jul 13, 2012
My guess is, it is through GoogleBackupTransport.apk (/system/app/GoogleBackupTransport.apk) ?
I had a look at Google's Developers Guide to Backup , but it is unclear if this applies to the backup of WLAN passwords as well, nor if the mentioned "backup transport" is indeed GoogleBackupTransport.apk.
So, if I remove GoogleBackupTransport.apk, my WLAN passwords won't be uploaded ?
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Jan 28, 2012
Android browser passwords, where are they stored? I need one that I've forgotten. I'm using 2.3.4 and ES File Explorer. ADR6300
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Aug 13, 2013
few months ago I read somewhere that android stores the wifi passwords in plain text (seems to be known since 2010:[URL] Because I don't want my wifi password to be stored that way, I searched for a way to store the wpa passphrase. This wasn't difficult, because android usese wpa_supplicant, means I just had to find out my passphrase and replace the plain key in /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf with it. Everything still works fine and my phone is able to connect to wifi.
Now my question is: is there a way to store every new wifi password this way? It's annoying to have to edit the wpa_supplicant.conf file manually. One problem is, that it seems like android doesn't have the wpa_passphrase binary included, even if the source code seems to exist in the wpa_supplicant repository ( [URL] how to build the code (I'm not familiar with the ndk), I could try writing an app, which replaces all plain text passwords with the passphrases. But it would be awesome, if it were possible to integrate this feature in a custom rom, so no more passwords are stored plain text.
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Aug 12, 2012
I have a question :
Where are file systems that contain usernames and passwords for :
1-Facebook account
2-Emails accounts (Email.apk)
I know that IDs and passwords Google are in :
and wifi settings :
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Aug 31, 2010
So i got to the step on XDAweb's guide to root 2.2 where: cd /data/local./flash_image misc /sdcard/mtd-eng.img then reboot the phone. it went through flawlessly and it rebooted. now, i have no video on the screen, its all black. i pulled the battery, i tried to abd to it, but it said device not found. i can hear the startup chime, feel the hauptic force feedback, so i know the phone itself is working, but for some reason the screen crapped out! I use this phone for work as an IT professional and im kinda up a creek.
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