General :: Blue Triangle In Battery Screen - Galaxy Y Not Charging

Jan 1, 2012

My sister has a Samsung Galaxy y phone running Gingerbread 2.3.3 (not rooted). She plugged the phone after it ran out of charge and saw this screen (pic attached) with the battery icon empty and a blue triangle with a crossed out battery symbol inside it. The phone would not power up.

We tried everything : checked charger, plug points, usb charging, taking out battery and cleaning contacts but everything is fine.

General :: Blue triangle in battery screen - Galaxy Y not charging

General :: Galaxy S3 (4.12) - Unroot Using Odin 3.07 / Black Screen With Blue Led

Jan 6, 2014

I recently rooted my Sprint Galaxy S3 (4.12) but decided unroot it yesterday using Odin 3.07. I flashed a stock rom from Team Epic, but ended up with a black screen with a blue led when I tried to turn it on. I have access to both download mode and stock recovery mode (no CWM or TWRP).

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General :: Galaxy Nexus - Battery Not Fully Charging

Sep 9, 2012

My specific device is a GSM Galaxy Nexus.

So, I have 3 batteries for my phone. 1 stock (1750mAh) and 2 extended (2000mAh). No I don't need all that juice... its a story for another time. Anyway....

Lately when I charge a battery in the external charger (using a USB cable and the wall plug supplied with the phone) the battery will not fully charge. The LED on the charger will change from red to green (Usually I charge the battery overnight, or while I'm away at work during the day). However when I put the battery in the phone, it will show somewhere between 80%-90% charged.

1) Would a 100% drain and charge reset the battery's "fuel gauge"?
2) My phone automatically powers off at 6% (which is fine, needs enough juice to save current settings and power down properly). Is there a way to truely drain the battery down to 0%? (I'm thinking of some kind of low-voltage lightbulb or LED connected to the positive and negative terminals should drain that down to 0%. Is this recommeneded or is it fine just running it down till the phone powers off?

Normally I try to plug my phone in and charge (or power off and swap batteries) once they hit about 40%-60%. I'm only interested in doing a full drain to see if that will get these batteries to fully charge in the desktop charger. Besides I've read from a few sources that it is GOOD for the battery to do this once in a while (Fully drain, charge to100%) to properly maintain them.

And as a side note, charging the battery in the phone (either with the wall plug or from USB cable on my computer) will always result in a 100% charge, which makes me thing the issue is with the desktop unit itself (perhaps faulty circuit that cuts off charge current when it thinks its full ?)

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General :: Galaxy Note 2 Screen Started Slowly Turning Blue And Went Completely Black Later

Nov 24, 2013

I dropped my Note 2 yesterday and the screen started slowly turning blue. This morning, the screen completely got filled with blue/white/messed up color, and then went completely black. Touchscreen still worked though because I was able to maneuver around the phone right after it was dropped. Screen was not cracked. does the screen has to be replaced as well or i can replace it with smaller parts?

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Motorola Droid X :: Blue Triangle In Notification Bar

Sep 21, 2010

can someone tell me why it is there and how to get rid of it! I've called VZW and of course they dont know what it is.

*228 option 2...nothing

factory reset....nothing

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General :: How To Switch Off Screen While Charging Battery

Feb 21, 2012

When i charge the battery (USB), there is an animation on the screen showing the battery status. Is there any way to turn off thescreen while charging?

My (rooted) phone is:

HTC Explorer (Pico) with "JaggyRom"
Android 2.3.5
HTC Sense 3.5

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HTC Hero :: How To Get Little Blue Triangle Google Navigate Icon?

Sep 13, 2010

After upgrading to 2.1, I had the Google navigate widget on my homescreen. It worked nicely and I used it a lot. I did a factory re-set to cure my Internet sharing problem (it worked) but now I cannot find the little blue triangle Google navigate icon anywhere. I can still get to Google navigate via Google maps, but would like my blue triangle widget back.

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General :: Read Android Power Off Screen (battery Charging Or Not)

Oct 28, 2013

When the android device is powered off (shut down completely) and plugged in you can hit the power button briefly. This shows a battery with a certain part shaded in to presumably indicate how charged it is and I suppose if its charging or not. There are some dots below the battery. What do they show? There are 5 dots that progress from left to right (empty are area to full area), does this indicated that the battery is charging? Does the rate of progression indicate how fast its charging? Do the dots do something else if the battery is discharging? Is there are lighting bolt inside the battery if its charging?

I have searched and searched and never seen an explanation of this powered off screen, which are slightly different depending on devices (some have charge indicator (i.e., "90% charged") and some just have the dots, some have lightning bolt inside battery some do not).

something like this: [URL]

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General :: Galaxy Blaze - Screen Not Usable While Charging?

Dec 14, 2012

My galaxy Blaze screen glitches and is not usable wen itz charging.

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General :: Turned On LG Thrive - Battery With Yellow Triangle

Aug 15, 2011

When I turned on my LG Thrive this evening, I got a picture of the battery overlain with a yellow triangle. Phone would not boot up. Tried to charge with no results. Took out the battery and replaced it. Now the phone appears to be charging, but the icons for charging will not stay lit. Although it has been on the charger for some time, the phone will not boot up

Through a google search, I found that many people get the battery with a yellow triangle and a red thermometer. Most think that temperature is the problem, but no one has conclusively identified the problem. I do not get the thermometer, so my problem is probably different.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Prolonged Battery Charging

Jun 10, 2010

Prior to getting the Galaxy S, after I read what Samsung were saying in the manual of not to overcharge, I investigated the reasons and wrote in various topics on the battery and the differences between Li-Ion & Li-Pol battery types.At that point with all the evidence found it made sense to believe that what Samsung were saying in not to overcharge was accurate.Basically, at that time it was believed the phone used a Li-Pol, Li-Pol batteries are different in that they are 'wet cell' as opposed to Li-Ion which are 'dry cell' charged.Li-Pol can be manufactured much thinner but can not be manufactured in different shapes.This is to allow the wet cells whilst under charge which become hot to move around the battery freely. If a Li-Pol was manufactured in different shapes like Li-Ion it would create a 'hot-spot' in an area where the wet cell could not move fluidly around the remainder of the battery.However, it has now come to light that this is not the case and that the batteries provided with the phone are indeed Li-Ion.Anyway, moving on to the present.

After now getting the phone and doing a bit of testing I have found the overcharging issue NOT to be an issue.When you commence a charge on the phone the icon changes to a charge state.However, once the battery has reached maximum charge capacity the battery icon automatically changes to a 'Non-Charge' state and then the phone simply runs off it's own battery. This is despite the phone is still connected to the charger. It's just that the charger although still attached is no longer charging the battery.As soon as the battery falls below a certain figure (I've had different figures ranging from 98% right down to 91% which is probably due to whatever the phone is doing at that particular time to wake the phone up from realizing "hey, you are still attached to a charger, now wake up and start charging again").

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General :: Android Tablet Won't Boot - Battery Symbol With Triangle

Aug 22, 2012

When I turn my tablet on, I get a battery symbol with a triangle around it and exclamation mark in middle.

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General :: Galaxy Note Stuck At Yellow Triangle?

Dec 25, 2012

Yesterday I received a Samsung Galaxy Note from China Mobile, model GT-I9228. It didn't have google play and so I looked online on how to get it. Apparently I had to root my phone. However, when I rooted it using this method: rootgalaxynote(dot)com/galaxy-note-root/how-to-root-galaxy-note-gt-n7000-method-2odinheimdall/ (it said gt-n7000 on the box so I thought it was compatible) now it's stuck at the loadup screen with the yellow triangle. I tried to restore it to a stock gb rom, but it keeps failing. (The phone can go into download mode, I just don't know what to do from there)

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General :: Galaxy Nexus - Updating To ICS 4.0.4 / Failed With Red Triangle On Android

May 2, 2012

I've had the notification that ICS 4.0.4 is now available for my Galaxy Nexus. I've tried to apply it a couple of times but it fails with the Android on his back with a Red Triangle over him.

The phone is rooted and encrypted. How to apply the change?

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General :: Samsung Galaxy S3 T999 - Red Triangle On Recovery Mode

Oct 6, 2012

I have the dead android with the red triangle on the recovery mode, I upgraded to jellybean 4.1.1 but some reason KIES reads my phone as being SGH I 747, so I factory whiped and reset, reinstalled 4.1.1. My original issue was when I wanted to sign into certain apps the phone would vibrate and then the app would crash and I would have to start over or not use the app! I tried to install a correct jellybean 4.1.1 into the phone hoping to fix the issues but I cant do anything, Now there is a dead android with a red triangle no clue what that is! When I tried to install another zip I get verification failed in recovery mode.

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General :: Rooted Galaxy S2 Won't Boot - Yellow Triangle On Restart

Mar 25, 2012

I have a Samsung Galaxy S2 and I rooted it successfully.

Then I tried to install a CRT-style lock animation mod. For this I had to copy a new file into the /system/framework folder replacing an existing one. Once I did that my phone won't boot.

It restarts with the Samsung Galaxy S2 logo and the yellow triangle. Then the sound plays with an android text style logo. Then it just turns off.

What do I do? How do I transfer a ROM over so I can flash it? My CWM is v4.0. something so it won't read a ROM from my external SD card. And Kies won't load my phone because it isn't booted onto an OS.

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HTC Desire :: Screen On When Charging Battery

Jul 13, 2010

I had the phone set that when I was charging the phone the screen stayed on. Now I have done a reboot I can't remember how to set it like that.

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General :: ICS Blue Battery Icon For IDPI Devices?

Jun 2, 2012

ICS blue battery icons for idpi device called samsung galaxy y (sgy) we does not have cm7 and cm9 .

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Screen Becomes Non-responsive With Charging Battery?

Mar 21, 2010

I've had this phone for a week now and today it developed something new. When I plug in the battery charger, the touch screen becomes almost entirely non-responsive. When I attempt to slide the Lock Screen away it either won't move or I can get it to slightly move but it bounces right back or even sticks halfway. If I unplug the charger and wait about a minute it's back to working fine again. I've removed the battery a few times now to see if this helped but nothing seems to help. It didn't do this till today. Anyone else run into this problem and if so how did you remedy it?

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General :: Bricked Samsung Galaxy I9100g With Phone And Yellow Triangle And Computer Logo

Mar 18, 2012

i tired updating my galaxy s2 i9100g with ics (wasnt aware that its not supported) with odin and it showd me fail and now i am unable to switch it on it just shows phon and yellow triangle and computer logo when i connect it ot pc odin recognizes but kies not can sum1?is it bricked ?

this what odin showd when i tried to update

<ID:0/015> Added!!
<OSM> Enter CS for MD5..
<OSM> Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
<OSM> Please wait..
<OSM> 5 is valid.
<OSM> Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
<OSM> Leave CS..
<ID:0/015> Odin v.3 engine (ID:15)..
<ID:0/015> File analysis..
<ID:0/015> SetupConnection..


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Android :: Display Battery Stats To Stock Lock Screen While Not Charging?

Nov 13, 2010

The stock Android lock screen will display your battery status while your phone is charging; does anyone know how to have it display your current battery status while it is not charging?

This doesn't seems like a super difficult task to accomplish, I'm just unsure where I need to start to get things going. It would be so awesome if someone would actually help me.

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General :: HTC Flyer 3G WiFi - Black Screen Appears With Triangle Mark?

Apr 2, 2012

I got HTC flyer 3G from my friend as gift....that one was rooted and s-off .when i tried to flash custom rom it showed option like recovery,wipe/factory reset,.

After 2 days,I have installed AVAST Anti theft app and forgot the password for i gave it to reinstall the OS...and it was back to normal...So I thought to put custom rom..and started to boot the device with SD card inside....BUT the recovery didnt show any options as it was shown earlier,the black screen appears with triangle mark with '!' symbol....

The screen shows the following message

HBOOT- 6.10.1002
may 4 2011

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Charging Battery - Alternative Methods? Charging With USB Cable To Any Computer?

Nov 10, 2009

Charging Battery - Alternative Methods? Charging with USB Cable to any Computer?

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General :: Tablet Next Book Blue Screen?

Jan 6, 2014

I keep getting a message when battery is low and runs of power. When i try to turn on the tabletI get a blue screen that asks to reboot and a series of requests to update in Various ways. When I reboot it comes on and is glitchy. It turns on in safe mode. When I check out the requests I get a Scary green screen with a lot of writing and symbols I don't understand. Also I can't get the information for the nook that on the tablet, it won't open. Very much. not a skilled user of this new technology stuff. Of age to remember as an adult getting my first computer with no Internet

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General :: Screen Slowly Enveloped With (blue Ink)

Feb 12, 2014

I dropped my phone that created a crack (a new crack stemming from an older one which gave me no problems) which lead to me not being able to use the very bottom of my screen (really just the space bar area). The crack was slightly above said area. Then this "blue ink" smudge began forming and took over the bottom 1/4 inch of the screen. When I woke up the next morning, the only portion of the screen still visible was the middle third, as the top and bottom were now dark blue. By the end of my shift that morning, the screen was completely black. I have heard a screen replacement may be all I need, but I am worried that the digitizer (I hope I'm using the right terminology, referring to the touch screen capability of the phone) may have been damaged as again I could not use the bottom part of my screen.

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Android :: Charging From USB Does This Allow It To Discontinue Charging At Full Battery?

Apr 16, 2010

I feel like there should be a way. Anyway, let me know

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General :: Blue Screen Appears Every Time On Restart

Dec 6, 2013

I own a Karbonn A9+/Cherry Mobile Flare (JB 4.1.2), with CMX JB as my current ROM.

Now, I had got a problem with my device once when I restarted it. My phone just showed me the splashimage for about 2-3 mins and showed a blue screen, which just stuck to it. I removed its battery & restarted it, but it just booted up the same blue screen again.

I solved it by restoring my system.img by my previous nandroid backup. But still, I'm curious to know why and how the blue screen appears.


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General :: Sony Xperia T - Blue Input Circle On Screen

Feb 8, 2014

I have a sony xperia T and have just upgraded my rom to cynogen mod 11, the only problem is as soon as I went to set it up (which I did manage to complete) I had a blue/white tint circle on my screen. I can move the circle but it is hard to use for example I have to have it on a certain area to click the thing I want to click.

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General :: Huawei U8950 (Unlocked And Rooted) - Blue Screen On Boot

Nov 13, 2013

My phone is Huawei u8950 (unlocked and rooted). Just some time back i flashed a boot image

But after i reboot a bluee screen appears and i'm stuck there.. No even entering to recovery mode (vol plus+ and Power). I pulled the battery off and put it again, Still after the logo the blue screen appears and stays..

How to get to the recovery..? I had taken a backup to my SD card, but as i am not able to get in to the Recovery mode i'm not able to restore the back up...

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General :: USB Charging Kills Battery?

Jun 30, 2012

I've noticed my Gnex's battery loosing its s#!t and draining rather quickly than before. I mostly charge it by plugging it into my laptop via the usb cable and very few times via wall socket. I was wondering does slow charging via "usb on laptop" damages/degrades battery life? Google search didn't throw any relevant info.

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