Android :: Charging From USB Does This Allow It To Discontinue Charging At Full Battery?
Apr 16, 2010I feel like there should be a way. Anyway, let me know

I feel like there should be a way. Anyway, let me know
Sorry for another battery thread, but I was interested to see how much time everyone was getting from a 100% charge to the phone dying. I've been monitoring battery with the ap BatteryLeft. At 100%, it is saying my battery gets 17.5 hours which seems pretty bad. What about everyone else? I've seen threads in terms of %, but hours would really be more helpful.
View 27 Replies View RelatedI have had my Desire for about 3 week snow. I absolutely loved it at first but am becoming increasingly frustrated. Main problem is the battery needs charging so often. I have done all the things suggested, dimmed lights, changed wall paper,turned off internet etc., but after playing a few games and making a couple of calls back to the charger it goes.
Now, today I went to send an sms and it says phone is full and won't let me send a text.! What's with that? 3 weeks old and it's full? I'm in shock. I have deleted as many msgs as I can and deleted some apps I don't use but still I can't send a text or open one. I really don't know what I can delete and now think this is going to be an eternal problem. This phone has turned from a huge delight to a huge disappointment for me and I haven't even paid my first bill.
Charging Battery - Alternative Methods? Charging with USB Cable to any Computer?
View 12 Replies View RelatedMy HTC Wildfire shows a red LED when charging, which changes to green when fully charged. But as I have red/green colour blindness I cannot tell when it is fully charged. Anyone know of an app that will allow me to change these colours?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have bought a new charger for the car which is capable of supplying 2.1A. When i connect my HTC One X it only see's it as a USB connection and not a dedicated power supply with more available.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHTC desire users. I often charge my phone rather frequently like once it twice a day. Sometimes I charge even when the battery is only half full as I am going out. Will this spoil the battery or phone? (If I charge when the battery have not been all used up).I heard from people that it might spoil the phone if I charge in this manner frequently.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI have an HTC and the battery life isn't all that great to begin with. I always charge the phone at night when I sleep. What I want to know is if this is ok to leave it on the charger at night for that amount of time?Also, when the phone is getting pretty low on battery I plug it in before the warning comes on to charge. Is this bad? But no matter what I charge the phone at night even if it was recharged at some point during the day. Will this ruin the battery?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got home at 9 PM and my battery was at 50%. I've had it connected to my PC in Charge Only mode this whole time. It's 12:37 AM and it is still at 50% charging.Does this happen to anybody else?
I've been keeping the phone plugged into the wall charger all night when I sleep, and by the time I hit lunch hour the battery is nearly dead. I've had it hooked up to my USB port for nearly 8 hours and the battery is still only 10%, and as i post this thread i got a message "Battery is low. the charging current is not enough for device power consumption. please switch to AC power" I nly have a USB cable here at the office. is this low current USB the cause of poor charging? the phone is getting very warm too.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI did a quick search, but there are so many battery threads, I couldn't find one with the same issue. I apologize if I skipped over it.
After having the phone charging all night by my bedside, I wake up, take the phone off the charger, and immediately it drops from 100% to 90%. Sometimes higher..sometimes lower. Today it went to 88%. The phone is plugged in for 8-9 hours.
Is my battery not getting a complete charge? Does the battery stop charging at 100 and begin discharging from there even while plugged in? This happens with my by EVO battery, and the backup battery from my old Hero. Just wondering if anyone else is seeing this issue.
I dunked my Moto Droid as I fell into a pool this weekend. I probably tried to boot it too soon after that happened, but now a few days later it is operational. Theres a few flecks in the screen display but otherwise I cannot notice any serious deficiencies in the interface. The one major problem I am having however is with the battery. Obviously, it got wet as well, and when the phone did become operational again, it indicated about 50% charge and went down from there as I used it. After it powered down though, when I plugged it in to charge the battery indicator showed a question mark and I can no longer charge it. The Droid will operate when plugged into a wall outlet only (not my computer). Is it possible that replacing the battery is the only necessary fix?
View 10 Replies View RelatedWhen the android device is powered off (shut down completely) and plugged in you can hit the power button briefly. This shows a battery with a certain part shaded in to presumably indicate how charged it is and I suppose if its charging or not. There are some dots below the battery. What do they show? There are 5 dots that progress from left to right (empty are area to full area), does this indicated that the battery is charging? Does the rate of progression indicate how fast its charging? Do the dots do something else if the battery is discharging? Is there are lighting bolt inside the battery if its charging?
I have searched and searched and never seen an explanation of this powered off screen, which are slightly different depending on devices (some have charge indicator (i.e., "90% charged") and some just have the dots, some have lightning bolt inside battery some do not).
something like this: [URL]
I came from the incredible which had a battery bug, where if you charged it while it was on you wouldn't get a full charge. Does the droid x have this problem. I seem to get better life if i charge it up off and over night then when i charge it at work with it on.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a Motorola Droid, the original.I got this phone back in May or June, my battery life has always been normal, i.e. 12+ hours on normal use throughout the day.I have a non-OEM charger, I have since I got the phone, and it has never affected the phone or the battery life. Recently in the past few weeks I've noticed that my phone's battery has been draining much more frequently, i'm now getting 8+ hours on normal use. Also I have noticed when I plug my phone in to the charger it says it's charging, but when I wake up it's only at 50-60% and I have to unplug it and plug it back in for it to go to full 100%. I've been trying to research why it is doing this, but i'm coming up with no answers.
View 1 Replies View RelatedToday I took my Sprint HTC Hero to a Sprint store to upgrade to Android 2.1. In my opinion, I don't think it was worth upgrading the software. I really liked the options in 1.5 more especially the camera app. Any way, after getting home, my batter was almost dead. I pluged the micro usb cable into my Hero and attempted to charge it via an a/c charger. It started to charge from 10% slowly but then only went to 22% and stopped and stayed there for 2 hours. The back of my Hero was REALLY hot. I shut off the phone and let it cool and tried again. Same thing happened. I noticed that when you are using the phone and charging it in 2.1, the battery starts to die and it gets hot even quicker.Shutting the phone off and charging didnt help. What did and is still working, is putting the phone in Airplane mode, killing unnecessary running apps/widgets with the Advanced Task Killer by ReChild and then proceding to charge the phone.After leaving it like this for 30 minutes, the back of the phone was no longer hot and the battery percent went up from 22% to 33%, it is continuing to charge now.If you are having this issue, I suggest you use this method to charge your phone until the bug is fixed.This is such a pain because if your using Sprint Navigation in the car and your battery is about to die,you cannot charge it.The phone will remain on after using a car charger to charge it but the battery percent wont increase and it will get really hot.I guess we have to charge the phone before every use from now on? Android 2.1 is a lot of bugs. They made us wait this long for it and they have still failed to fix the major issues that were supposed to be fixed with this update IMO.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi woke up this morning to find that my inc was pretty hot (left plugged in overnight to charge), and had not charged much (it only got to ~60% starting from 30ish). it also had the overheating warning blinking lights (alternate green and amber) going. i unplugged the phone and the blinking lights stopped and it cooled back down. when it was hot BatteryLeft was reporting 45C, right now it feels normal and reports 31.5C.should i be worried? all i did was plug it in and leave it on my desk like i normally do when charging, this is the first time it's ever done this for me.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy battery takes forever to charge about 2.5 hours from 10% to full. Anybody else have this issue. I have tried 5 different kernels all about the same.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI had the phone set that when I was charging the phone the screen stayed on. Now I have done a reboot I can't remember how to set it like that.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI got my SLCD Desire 2 days ago, and so far the battery sucks, I have not even managet to get a day out of it, standby is not so bad but if I decide to play a 2d game like robo tower defence then the battery will plumet, today I charged the phone to 100% overnight, unplugged at 8AM, did not even touch it till 1PM, its now 5:45 and I have played some 2d games, browsed the internet with wifi and made about 15mins of phone calls and its on 22% how can I make that last till like 11PM?
View 33 Replies View RelatedMy coworker has the Evo 4G, while i have the verizon droid x. It seems that his battery life drains really fast with the phone mostly at idle all day. I am pretty efficient on my X not really used to the HTC sense (last HTC phone i had was the Eris). Any tips to help him get better battery life? I normally get a day and a half, as much as two days between charges. Where he has to keep a charger at work?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've noticed my Gnex's battery loosing its s#!t and draining rather quickly than before. I mostly charge it by plugging it into my laptop via the usb cable and very few times via wall socket. I was wondering does slow charging via "usb on laptop" damages/degrades battery life? Google search didn't throw any relevant info.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have had the issue of plugging the phone it at around 9pm when going to bed and it charging to 100% the next morning at around 7:30-8am but as soon as i unplug the charger it drops from 100% to 99 to 97%? Im using the battery circle app to monitor my battery %. I have "calibrated" the battery by using the phone until it shuts it self off then charging it to 100% while its off then unplug it and turn it on and then plugging it back in.
Usually i will get between 15-19+ hours on normal use if i unplug it and plug it back up when it drops suddenly to 9-% in the mornings but if i dont ill get somewhere around 13 hours of life. is there something wrong with the phone, battery or charger?
I want to change the battery charging animation that lights up when the phone is charged while it is still switched-off. I have installed the "BAC lite" to change the boot animation. however, it does not support the change of battery animation.
Looking for path of the system file/folder which must be modded to change the animation? I am using Spice MI 270 (Chinese Model no. MT6516). The android version running on it is Froyo (2.2.1).
i have galaxy y duos s6102 using XDUOV3 rom, when i connect my phone to charger it was heating.
View 9 Replies View RelatedThe stock Android lock screen will display your battery status while your phone is charging; does anyone know how to have it display your current battery status while it is not charging?
This doesn't seems like a super difficult task to accomplish, I'm just unsure where I need to start to get things going. It would be so awesome if someone would actually help me.
Prior to getting the Galaxy S, after I read what Samsung were saying in the manual of not to overcharge, I investigated the reasons and wrote in various topics on the battery and the differences between Li-Ion & Li-Pol battery types.At that point with all the evidence found it made sense to believe that what Samsung were saying in not to overcharge was accurate.Basically, at that time it was believed the phone used a Li-Pol, Li-Pol batteries are different in that they are 'wet cell' as opposed to Li-Ion which are 'dry cell' charged.Li-Pol can be manufactured much thinner but can not be manufactured in different shapes.This is to allow the wet cells whilst under charge which become hot to move around the battery freely. If a Li-Pol was manufactured in different shapes like Li-Ion it would create a 'hot-spot' in an area where the wet cell could not move fluidly around the remainder of the battery.However, it has now come to light that this is not the case and that the batteries provided with the phone are indeed Li-Ion.Anyway, moving on to the present.
After now getting the phone and doing a bit of testing I have found the overcharging issue NOT to be an issue.When you commence a charge on the phone the icon changes to a charge state.However, once the battery has reached maximum charge capacity the battery icon automatically changes to a 'Non-Charge' state and then the phone simply runs off it's own battery. This is despite the phone is still connected to the charger. It's just that the charger although still attached is no longer charging the battery.As soon as the battery falls below a certain figure (I've had different figures ranging from 98% right down to 91% which is probably due to whatever the phone is doing at that particular time to wake the phone up from realizing "hey, you are still attached to a charger, now wake up and start charging again").
I've just started using my X2 as a music player and as expected that uses more battery than how I normally use the phone.I've plugged the phone into my laptop (with a genuine SE cable) and stopped everything I can in the task manager.The "backlight and power screen" says the phone is charging but the percentage is going down not up.The phone is just sitting there in standby with nothing running (as far as I know) - certainly no bluetooth or wireless.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWas there no addition of a battery charging Indicator in the OTA? I only get a solid red light when my battery is below 15%, blinking green for notifications and a solid blue light for missed calls.
View 2 Replies View RelatedStrange..My phone had 15% battery. I went into adb and started deleting apps for about 20 minutes. I turn the phone back on and it says it is fully charged.
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