Android :: Yammer To Work On Eris With 2.1 / Getting Error At Authentication Point
Mar 22, 2010Anyone get yammer to work on eris with 2.1? i always get an error at authentication point

Anyone get yammer to work on eris with 2.1? i always get an error at authentication point
Starting two days ago my Nexus One wont log into Google Talk, I get the message:
Authentication Error
Google Talk failed to login. If this is a Google Apps account, confirm that chat is enabled for this account. I have logged into my domain Dashboard and Chat is on for my domain, Chat works in Gmail just fine. Everything else on my phone seems to be working, just not Google Talk. I just got the phone, I'm in Tucson with T-Mobile service and I've tried both over WIFI and over Edge/3G.
I have configured my DX for my work email. POP3 incoming mail works, is sent to my phone.Problem is I can not send an email using that account.I get an "Authentication error sending" message on my phone. I have checked the Outgoging Server settings, and the SMTP server and port are correct. The username and password are correct. I have tried just username and didnt not have any problems configuring my work email account on my Blackberry.The email Server is IPSwitch Imail 11.Please help, I hate having to send work related emails through my gmail or yahoo accounts.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a Samsung Note 10.1. I have a new XFinity modem that I have connected all my house phones and laptops to. On my note, when I leave the house and come back, my WiFi screen shows "Authentication Error" when I try to reconnect to the WiFi. Nothing I do-- restart Note, re-enter modem password, etc, will work to get it reconnected EXCEPT resetting the XFinity modem again...then in connects again...UNTIL I leave and come back again. Just got off the phone with Comcast/XFinity and they say everything is ok with my system.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs anyone else all of a sudden having problems with Yahoo mail not working and giving an authentication error when trying to re-add the account?
ETA: I just found that these settings work but I have to disable WiFi which is total BS
For Incoming Server Settings set the IMAP server to and the Port to 143
For Outgoing Server Settings set the SMTP Server to " and the Port to 587
Periodically I change my passwords and yesterday after doing so, and updating my htc mail settings I cannot access my mail. I am getting an error saying authentication failed. It had worked perfectly fine then several hours later I got the message when I went to check my mail - actually the lack of. Because I had noticed gmail notifier updating my mail on my computer but nothing on my phone.
I read elsewhere to try it on just a 3g connection, or going to wifi, neither worked. I have deleted the account, and tried setting it up from scratch to no avail. The gmail stock app works, I just like the mail widget from htc.
Android twitter Trying the following tutorial for Oauth based authentication and updating user status.
When i run It has successfully authenticate but when it tries to update the status following error occur.
Alright how does one catch and stop a one decimal point error? The user inputs a single . and that is all; you can not allow that because you will be doing math with that input.if you have this in your xml file:
android:lines="1" >
and the user types just one decimal and nothing else the program will blow up.I tried the following code but the program blows up at the second IF.At first the two IFs were just one line, they got broken up to see where the problem was As you can see if the length of the user input is only 1 we check to see if it is only one decimal only
The program blows up at the second IF, but errx is a STRING.I used the Log.i to see how far to program went. And the errx is a "."
if (stop == 0) // checking for one decimal only and nothing else
String errx =null;
errx = (edtxt01.getText().toString());
Log.i("ONE DEC:", "START OF IF xxxx: " + errx);
if (edtxt01.length() == 1 ) // *********** 1st if
the GPS on my Desire is shocking - it point-blank won't work if there's ANYTHING over my head, so useless in cars/trains/buses, and if i'm out on the street it'll either not work at all or take upwards of 2 minutes to lock a signal. was chatting to a friend about it this weekend, and he whipped out his nexus one and had a locked signal within seconds of opening google maps, whereas mine still refused to budge. have i got a duff handset, or are other people finding this an issue? i'm on Orange, although i'm presuming that GPS isn't reliant on the carrier...
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat's the point of turning on/using Wi-Fi? Does it save battery or suck battery life?
View 18 Replies View RelatedI've been attempting to root my Eris, following the sticky at the top of the forum. It has proven to be impossible. I can not get by the USB driver portion of the tutorial. My phone is in debugging mode, but will not show up with an exclamation point no matter what I do, and Windows will not allow me to use the USB driver. I don't know if the tutorial is poorly explained or my phone is broken or corrupted but I've been having problems with it and was hoping the upgrade would fix said problems.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to store a point on Google Maps on the Eris? I would like to hike off in the boonies and use it to guide me back to where we are parked.
View 9 Replies View RelatedEvery time I get a jpeg message that has sound I have to open the picture and the sound separately and that takes away from the whole "funny" experience. Then what's the point in that.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to make the eris phone an access point to the Internet? I have the Verizon aircard now. I would like to use the Eris to connect my computer and WiFi to the Internet.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSometimes when I reboot my phone, I first see the 3 androids on skateboards and then it goes to a pic of phone with the red exclamation point in a triangle (same as the failed recovery error). I can pull my battery but that does not help. My phone is useless for at least 30-45 minutes. I have pulled my battery up to 20 consecutive times to fix with no avail.
The variables: This is a refurb phone with 2.1 pre-installed. I have tried to root my phone with the whole timing trick, pull card, insert card. This was done a week or two ago. I do not have that file on my card, nor was my rooting successful. I am thinking that my problem is due to the refurb. My dialer lag is way worse than my previous phone. I can make one phone call every hour or so and I can forget calling someone right back if I missed their call. Does the red triangle/exclamation point show an attempt at rooting?
Is there an app for the droid eris that allows one to point the camera at a landscape and have identifying information about the various features such as mountains, etc., appear as an overlay?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI had Swype, all was good. Then it started freezing my screen, or misguiding the touch to the point that removing the battery was the only option. It was not a phone issue, because I factory reset and it works now. I had to because disabling Swype did not solve the problem. Is there any beta or anything out there?I CAN'T GO BACK TO TOUCH INPUT!
View 6 Replies View RelatedEverytime i go to send a message it says sms error cause code 34 error class 2. i did a hard reset and it is still happening?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have google voice and use it for every phone call I make. I heard that there were issues with several gvoice updates, so I haven't updated google voice since 0.2.8 and it is working just fine- every call connects, no problems. Is it worth updating to the newest version of google voice with push? For those of you with 2.1 on your Eris- does google voice work for you?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have created a custom component in my program by extending a ViewGroup. This component listens to touch events and are supposed to start animations when the user has move their finger past some certain points.I'm able to start animations while the user is touching the screen. But I'm not able to start animations if the user doesn't move their finger. It's probably that the phone thinks it doesn't have to update the screen if the user isn't moving their finger.I added some logs and according to them the animation starts and ends but it doesn't draw on the screen. I have the same problems when starting an animation with a timer.I use AlphaAnimations and Translate Animations on ImageViews. I have tried to use invalidate() both on the component and the ImageView but it doesn't help.Anyone who has an idea how to solve this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have Nexus One (Froyo). After a lot of struggle I set up the Email App for MS Exchange. It works fine until I am in Company WiFi zone (company domain). Once I switch to another WiFi zone (@ Home), it stops working and throws an error something like 'no server connection'. Can somebody please help me out resolving this problem?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to compile a static library to use on Android but I can't figure out how to compile it. The library uses standard libraries (stdio.h etc...) and libxml2.
I am trying to compile using arm-eabi-gcc but I get the following error:
/cygdrive/c/android-ndk-r4/build/platforms/android-8/arch-x86/usr/include/asm/posix_types.h:15:28: error: posix_types_64.h: No such file or directory
How do I get this to work?
Like most Eris owners, I am eagerly waiting for an Android upgrade. I was just looking at a newly released video of the Nexus One and I wondered if the ERis gets updated to 2.1 would it be able to handle the movement of the background images. I noticed with Beautiful Widgets, before it was laid to rest, that if you clicked on the weather when it was cloudy you could see the clouds moving in the background. But will the constant moving images on 2.1 slow up the processor on the Eris.
View 49 Replies View RelatedI need help with understanding kernels, so far all I am able to find is that I need to find out what kernels work with my phone through trial and error because even if its the same phone a kernel may work for one person but not another. So to understand what a working kernel actually is like, I need to know what apps I need in order to see the product of an installed kernel. I know they have to do with getting the fastest processor speed, while getting the longest battery life, while getting the least amount of heat from the phones battery and processor.I figure to know if a kernel is cooperating well with my droid I need to know what is a normal battery/processor temperature for the motorola droid1? and what are kernel slots? what are standard/med/low voltages?I figure battery life is up to me to decide if it is good or not.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAssuming the "Better Terminal Emulator" selling for $3.99 in the marketplace works, are there any other terminal apps that work with the Eris that people are using? I tried the free "Terminal Emulator" but it appears a virtual keyboard does not work.
View 3 Replies View Relatedcuz verizon offers no desktop charger and i could really use one pandora eats my battery to shreds
View 4 Replies View RelatedI cant play any videos on youtube from my eris. i heard that this is widespread. does the 2.1 fix this?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI recently activated my old Blackberry Curve because of my frustration with certain features on my Eris. I thought that I would still be able to browse the Internet on my Eris using wifi only but it's not really working. The reason I say "not really" is because I can do a Google search and look at Google News, etc, but I can't really go anywhere else. If I click on a link, or select one of my bookmarks, it just sits there and eventually times out. Does anyone understand why this won't work? When my Eris was activated, I could use wifi in areas where I had no cell coverage. I may reactivate my Eris soon.... I do miss the fun of it. Also the call quality is somewhat better than my Curve - although the Curve gets better reception in marginal signal areas. Love my Curve for push email and the real keyboard. When it's time for an upgrade, I am going to have a hard time deciding whether to go with the latest Blackberry or Android phone. If they come out with a top of the line android phone with a good physical keyboard (not like the Droid's) I will be very tempted.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI bought an Eris off craigslist and didn't think about calling in the ESN first. Obviously it was a scam and the guy reported it stolen 15 minutes after I paid him $275.i heard there are some loopholes around this. Anyone know how to get it activated again?
I am beating my head against a wall trying to figure out why I cannot get Authenticated on my server whilst using HttpUrlConnection. I need to post a file in a post method and it seems I cannot do so with the DefaultHttpClient and a regular HttpPost (unless I am completely missing something?). I can get DefaultHttpClient to authenticate just fine using setCredentials() but the same doesn't exist for HttpUrlConnection so I try to set through setRequestProperty: conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + Base64EncodedUserNamePassword); to no avail.
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