Android : Write A Wifi Cracking Util For Phones / Monitor Mode Vs Multicast?

Jun 23, 2010

Considering writing a wifi cracking (wep, wpa) auditing tool for the android platform, but I am wondering if it is possible to do without a rooted phone.

I had thought it would be impossible to run on an unrooted phone due to the phones wifi chip ignoring packets not addressed to the phone. That is, without the ability to set the wifi chip to monitor mode many of these attacks wont work. I was surprised to learn that android supports multicast packets. That is, android phones can be set to receive packets not addressed to them.

My questions are: Does having a multicast lock mean I can receive all packets broadcast, or does it only apply to packets with a multicast flag (if such a thing exists)?

Is there a difference between monitor mode and multicast? Does the android api have a system for switching channels?

More generally I'm curious: Is anyone familar with other wifi cracking projects running on android (google searches turned up very little)?

What difficulties am I likely to run into?

This question is related to SO question Is there anyway to put Android WIFI (droid handset) into permiscuous monitoring mode?

Android : Write a wifi cracking util for phones / Monitor mode Vs Multicast?

General :: Monitor Mode - Galaxy S3 Mini

Jun 23, 2013

I was wondering if working in monitor mode mini galaxy s3 or where I can follow the evolution.

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General :: WiFi Tethering App With User Data Monitor

Jan 10, 2012

I have been looking for an application which is a more powerful version of the WiFi Tethering already included in a phone.

I have been looking for an application on Xda, Google, and the Marketplace but none I have found provides me with the ability to see individual users (or Mac addresses) data usage.

First a little background on what I am trying to achieve.I regularly provide a WiFi router for people with IPods and devices with wireless but no internet connection who need internet access to update games / browse the internet, and whilst my FUP at 500mb is quite low, I rarely use more than 20mb in a month so it doesn't bother me as beyond 500mb the connection is just limited to text and images (downloads and internet streaming are disabled after 500mb) which is all that I need.

However when my FUP has been exceeded alot of devices cant do the small updates this is no good when games or apps require it (as I have seen a couple even stop working till updates are completed) due to the connection being restricted. I have usually tracked it down to an over enthusiastic user who is watching videos on youtube, which has wiped out 100mb of my usage within 2 minutes on one occasion.

I am running both Android and Windows Mobile on my HD2, Whilst the built in "Portable Hotspot" of Android is good as it lets me restrict the number of users and see the Mac address of connected clients, it doesnt let me monitor their usage and then let me disconnect individual users them from the connection.Whilst im sure there is apps for overall phone usage I am looking to monitor the individual devices usage as with 3-5 devices it is hard to distinct between legitimate usage and constant heavy usage.

Is there any Wifi Tethering app to let me do this?

To summarize:

Wifi Tethering App
Android / Windows Mobile
Shows Client Usage
MAC filtering (or alternatives which allow individual devices to be disconnected)

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Android :: Android / How To Monitor WiFi Signal Strength

Jul 30, 2009

I would receive notifications when signal strength changes. I tried to create the following method and call it in the on Create():
private void initializeWiFiListener(){
Log.i(TAG, "executing initializeWiFiListener");
String connectivity_context = Context.WIFI_SERVICE;
final WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager)getSystemService(connectivity_context);
if(wifi.getWifiState() != WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_ENABLING){
register Receiver(new BroadcastReceiver(){@Override
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
WifiInfo info = wifi.getConnectionInfo();
//TODO: implement methods for action handling}
new IntentFilter(WifiManager.RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION));}

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Android :: How To Receive Multicast Packets?

Jul 5, 2010

I'm trying to receive data from a multicast address, but the call to MulticastSocket.receive() blocks until a timeout takes place.I did some network sniffing and found out that my device (and the emulator) never send a MulticastSocket.joinGroup request.I tried running the same Java code from my PC as a standalone application and it worked well. Could it be that the Android platform blocks IGMP join requests?Has anyone succeeded with Multicast on Android before?My manifest file contains the following permission:I am running my application on 2.1 (Both emulator & device).Any ideas anyone?

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Android :: Multicast Working On Some Routers

Oct 8, 2010

i am developing an app that will control a multi-room audio system. I have implimented the following, which works fine on my own network at home (cable modem and D-Link DIR 855 router), but does not work on the office DSL Motorola modem/router. Our iPhone app and our Pronto ProntoScript app work at both locations, so I know that the multicasts are being sent properly. Any ideas?

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General :: Can't Write To SD Card Over WiFi

May 19, 2014

My S4 died from a smaller than hairline crack in the display - Cha-ching! $175The cat knocked my laptop-the same one on which I had just successfully re-flowed the video chip-off on the floor, breaking, of course!, the screen - ~$50 (when I get around to it)

Now, the first time I try to add some new tunes to my "new" phone, I can't manipulate any data on its SD card via WiFi. I can write, delete, move, rename, anything I want to/from the card from within the phone itself. Just not over WiFi.

I thought it was perhaps the app I was using so I tried another but same thing. The best error code I get is the highly informative "Operation Failed"-Period.

Is there some setting somewhere that holds sway over the ability to write to the SD card?

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Android :: Unable To Receive Multicast Packets

May 17, 2009

I am trying to using UPnP on android. I can send multicast packets out, but I can not receive any multicast packets from other devices.There is a test program. Can any one help me to check what problem is?

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General :: Bluetooth 3.0 Multicast Audio Android 4.3?

Oct 29, 2013

I've just bought a great Bluetooth Speaker to use with my Nexus 4 and it works great. Because it was fairly cheap I went and got another in the hopes that I could connect both speakers to my N4 and output audio simultaneously to both speakers at the same time. I quickly discovered this isn't currently "working" or even possible.

After a lot of Googling, I found an app on the Play store that supposedly let me connect both at the same time but it doesn't output audio to both speakers (I get "static" from the second one). There are also conflicting opinions about whether this is even possible with the current Bluetooth spec although it does mention multicast support and all I could find are various workarounds that involved using a secondary bluetooth transmitter etc.

Any software/hack (root needed or otherwise) that would allow configuring audio to be streamed/output to two connected bluetooth speakers simultaneously? Others have suggested it for use with bluetooth headsets.

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Android : How To Share Your Files Via WIFI Using Phones

Jul 17, 2010

See tutorials here Tutorials: How to share your files using File Expert for Android File Expert for Android - WIFI File Sharing, Management and More. Code...

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Android :: Sync With Igoogle Using Phones Wifi Instead Of Data Plan

Oct 20, 2010

android noob question- will android sync with igoogle using a phones wifi instead of a data plan.i dont want a data plan

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Can Two Phones Talk To Each Other Using WiFi Tether

Nov 17, 2011

I have 2 apps that need to talk to each other.

-'Hotspot' will act as a stationary hotspot,
-'Child' will be on devices that are going in and out of range.

The hope is that a 'Child' app will come into range of the 'Hotspot' app and transmit it's ID. The ID will then be visible on the 'Hotspot' app, along with other 'Child' apps in range. When the user of the 'Hotspot' app clicks on one of the 'Child' apps in range, it's ID will be logged for later use.

Can you code an app to act like a WiFi hotspot for connecting one device to several devices without allowing abuse of their data plan.Can the two apps on two different devices 'talk' to each other WiFi?

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General :: HTC Phones Won't Connect To WiFi?

Mar 25, 2011

We have 4 android phones at our house (2 HTC Wildfires and 2 HTC Arias). All four phones have been working flawlessly with the home wifi. Until today. For no reason at all, none of the phones will connect to the wifi. Nothing has changed. The phones have not been updated, the we haven't touched the router or the modem. Just to double check that the password hadn't been hacked, I fired up my laptop, and it's working great. The phones will "see" the signal, and report that it's excellent, they just won't connect.

I've tried battery pulls, recycling the wifi setting on the phones, resetting the router, changing the security type, double and triple checking passwords, and the only thing that would allow them to connect was to remove all security from my router and make it an open network. They connected to that just fine, but it's not something I'm comfortable leaving.

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Android :: Wifi Networks For Droid Phones Based On Access Point Names?

May 9, 2010

Does anyone knows if the wifi networks for android phones are based on Access Point Names (APN) ? I ask because in my android application I plan to overwrite some fields in all APN's to disable cellular network, but I still want to have available the wifi for the user.

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General :: Evo 4G Digitizer Keeps Cracking?

Mar 28, 2012

I have replaced my Evo4g digitizer following a major fall. I had to replace the lcd screen as well. Since then, my Evo has had to have the digitizer replaced twice in the past two weeks due to it cracking. It cracks with very little, if any pressure is put on it, as it is in my pocket when this occurs. Why would my digitizer keep cracking? What could I have possibly done wrong during the replacement process that would cause the digitizer to crack?

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HTC Desire :: OTA Updates Stop Wifi On Debranded Phones?

Sep 10, 2010

I know it happens, the update yesterday got mine... Just wondering why this seems to happen? Could it be because my phone is sim locked to Orange, does that mean that I will always need to use a gold card, or will unlocking the phone from Orange solve these update wifi issues?

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General :: Some Apps Not Working When Phones On 2G Internet And Not On WiFi

Nov 26, 2013

Some apps like location tracking apps on my sons phone does not work all the time when his phones on 2g internet. But on wifi it seems to work all the time. Apps like life360 location tracking apps, remote control apps like androidlost, which uses push messages and also polling services works intermittently. Sometimes it works on 2g internet and sometimes it does not. But on wifi, there's no problem at all.

But strangely messaging apps like viber works continuously on 2g or wifi without any problems.

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General :: Working WIFI Tether For Non-rooted Phones?

Jan 30, 2012

I have a Rezound and already tried asking there. I figure since it's Android OS related, i'll try here.

and again... " WIFI " tether, not USB tether.

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General :: How To Increase WiFi Power On Mediatek Phones

May 16, 2013

I've been looking for a way to increase wifi power on Mediatek phones (that are well known for having poor wifi reception).

I found two files:
- iwmulticall
- iwconfig

Those two are unable to modify tx-power on wlan0. (iwconfig wlan0 txpower 32)


wlan0 Disconnected ESSID:""
Mode:Managed Access Point: Not-Associated Tx-Power=off
RTS thr=0 B Fragment thr:off
Encryption key:off
Power Management period:2
Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

Also I found this :



how to change that txpower value ? Is there anything to do in init.rc ?

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General :: Transfer Between Phones And Auto Sync Over WiFi?

May 6, 2012

Transfer between devices over WiFi

Any reliable app for phone to phone transfers over wifi.Thought I had found one in X-Link but it is very hit and miss if it sees the other device

Auto sync over WiFi

Is there an app that lets you sync over your home network to your computer without sitting at it?All the apps i find that let you sync over wifi require you to set the connection up each time you want to do it. I can connect my USB cable quicker, I want to be able to get home press a button on the screen and it will sync (like HTC Sync does for me just now).

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General :: Thunderbolt WEP Cracking With Backtrack

May 22, 2012

I've been toying around with backtrack and wep cracking. I was wondering If you emulate Backtrack on your android which I have 5r2 running on it right now. Is it possible with the wifi chip to inject packets and put the device into monitor mode.

[URL] .....

There you can make drivers for linux. Plus this makes me wonder more: (Get Monitor Mode/Injection/Aircrack working on Galaxy S Devices) [URL] ....

Plus I read the g1 can possibly do it, so would the thunderbolt be able too? if so. So where do I start?

My Main point is if Android is base off Linux, why isn't there aircrack for android?

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General :: Music Cracking Epically?

Apr 7, 2012

If I'm playing music and I lock my phone, the music slows down a lot and gets almost unhearable.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Cracking Sound In Speaker

Dec 6, 2009

I am also experiencing crackling sound in the speaker of my HTC there anything out there to fix this problem?

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Motorola Droid :: Haptic Feedback Cracking?

Jan 29, 2010

Anyone elses Haptic feedback on the 4 touch-buttons make a "crack" sound sometimes? I noticed that I hear it more when I hold the phone in landscape with the screen slid up. It still vibrates, but it also delivers a very interesting crackling sound and the vibrate usually feels weaker than normal when this happens. I think I will turn it off because it always feels like i'm breaking it by pressing them too much lmao.

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HTC Incredible :: Cracking Noise In Ear Piece / Stop This?

Aug 9, 2010

I recently got a call from a friend of mine, and his voice came through crystal clear, but when I would talk, I would hear this cracking noise in the ear piece. I have pretty good reception where I am, so I don't know what's causing this problem. Anyone else experience this?

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Samsung Captivate :: WiFi Signal Appears To Show Less Bars Than Other Phones

Jul 19, 2010

I had 1.25hrs of talk time use 60% of my battery. Not a good sign. Also, the reception has been very unstable, wavering between 1 and 3 bars all over town. My cheap Nokia go phone I was using had 4-5 bars everywhere. The wi-fi signal appears to show less bars than my other phones.

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Android :: Util Class In Java

Sep 3, 2010

I want to know about the util Class used in Java. I am currently working on one Application in Android where I need to used a class from one file to another different file. I was told to import it like "import" here the "" is a package name.

Can I use thast class in my another file simply by importing the package along with the Class Name?

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Android :: Java.util.TimerTask

Jan 15, 2010

Can I rely on Timer and TimerTask to work properly on Android?

I have a background Service with a single Timer, and I schedule (possibly multiple) TimerTask's via Timer.schedule()

At the beginning of each implemented method, I check the TimerTask.scheduledExecutionTime() and compare it with the current time. Sometimes things are fine, and the difference is a small number of ms. But sometimes things are nowhere near fine, and the invocation of my TimerTask is *way* late -- like multiple hours late.

Can an Android phone go into some deep sleep mode when it doesn't think anything is going on that would cause a TimerTask to be so late? Can I not reliably use TimerTask for scheduling events, and should I be using some Android-specific means (e.g. the AlarmManager, or a Handler) instead?

I have not found anything that says that java.util.TimerTask shouldn't be sufficient, the Android docs include no kinds of qualifiers, and this post (from Mark Murphy, who's written several good Android books) specifically mentions it as being available:

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Android :: Creating Java.util.Map

Jan 22, 2010

I want to create a in android from a resource. I want to do this because I have a lot of entries to populate into the and I want to store the values in the res folder of the project in xml format.

Is there an effecient way to do this in android? My map will have around 2500 entries so I want to do this as effeciently as possible and I don't want to hard code them...

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Android :: Enabling WiFi Tethering Mode

Aug 30, 2010

I am not seeing WiFi tethering app in my phone. I enabled WiFi in froyo build. But it is not showing tethering app? What do I need to enable the app?

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