Android :: Can An Unlocked Mytouch Slide Work For Boost Mobile
Jul 21, 2010will it work online and all i just won it on ebay and i wanna know before i buy it.

will it work online and all i just won it on ebay and i wanna know before i buy it.
Is there any possible way to use my touch slide as a modem through t-mobile?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a CDMA account with boost mobile (I have the blackberry), can the EVO work on Boost since it is a CDMA phone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need the adb driver for the mytouch slide. does it exist yet?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently bought a Telstra HTC Wildfire and unlocked it by code to use my 3 SIM card on it. However, after unlocking my mobile, when I choose the option "use phone for data connection when wi-fi is unavailable" it doesn't work. When i go to mobile network and network operators, I select to search for networks and the phone is automatically connected to "3Telstra(3G)". They also show 3(3G) and 3 networks, but when I try to select any of them, it says that the SIM card does not allow the connection to this network. I don't know if one thing is connected to the other, but I always used my old phone for data connection with the same SIM card.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am currently using a G1 and i want to upgrade. in short i really see that i have two options. 1. Buy a mytouch slide off the streets or internet for probably around $250-300. 2. Make the big switch over to Verizon and pick up a droid 2 for about $200 + sign up fee's. I want a new style android phone with a full keyboard and i dont have any upgrades on my t-mobile plan (I'm also not in-contract). what would you do?
View 13 Replies View RelatedVillain has released (yet another) new ROM, a port from the MyTouch Slide phone. I've never heard of it my self but I think I'll have to give it a try; why else would god have invented the nandroid backup?
View 13 Replies View RelatedAnother Evo issue: at times, when the phone is locked, screen won't accept the slide down (to answer) or up (to decline) ringing phone.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI mean if you don't care about 4g. Say I buy a BM phone activate it can I then switch that out with my EVO?
View 8 Replies View Relatedi wanna flush my root htc evo 4g to boost mobile which is the easiest way?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've had 4.3 on my phone now for about a month. It is horrible, phone freezes a lot, and run very slow. Is there a way to roll back to the previous version?
View 5 Replies View RelatedAlright, so I recently purchased the droid and I am looking to put in on Boost CDMA for their unlimited plan.I can pull the PRL off of a boost phone that I am using right now (I think) and have an esn of an old boost phone can I can use for a switch so it is recognized in the database. I own both phones so I don't see any issue with this.My question is; is rooting the phone necessary for this to work. I would think so, but I am not sure. I have seen people flash the droid over to cricket, virgin, page plus, metro pcs, so why not boost mobile?I am just looking for some feedback from people more knowledgeable than me. This is my first android phone, so I am quite ignorant in all things android. I flashed an HTC TP2 over to boost, so I am hoping I can do the same with the droid.
View 14 Replies View RelatedAlright, so I recently purchased the droid and I am looking to put in on Boost CDMA for their unlimited plan.I can pull the PRL off of a boost phone that I am using right now (I think) and have an esn of an old boost phone can I can use for a switch so it is recognized in the database. I own both phones so I don't see any issue with this. My question is; is rooting the phone necessary for this to work. I would think so, but I am not sure. I have seen people flash the droid over to cricket, virgin, page plus, metro pcs, so why not boost mobile? I am just looking for some feedback from people more knowledgeable than me. This is my first android phone, so I am quite ignorant in all things android. I flashed an HTC TP2 over to boost, so I am hoping I can do the same with the droid.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a weird one. If I send a text on my Motorola Cliq XT, within my preset Advance Task Killer timeout (3 minutes I believe) the phone disconnects from the network and then the SIM needs to be unlocked.
Is there an App that should be running that I need to Add to the Ignore list? It only happens after texting.
Firmware is Android Version 1.5
I bought a Desire through T-Mobile and have 'unlocked' it today. I was hoping by doing this I would be able to use the 'check for updates' function and get FROYO. My plan has failed - is there anyway I can get FROYO on my Desire without having to wait for T-Mobile?
View 3 Replies View RelatedUntil now, have been using Android SDKs Emulator with the Eclipse plug-in, but recently replaced my non-Android phone to T-Mobile's MyTouch 3G Slide. Today, tried to install the Windows Android USB Driver for the phone. Followed instructions in (USB Driver for Windows Android Developers).
When looking for the driver, Windows gave me a "Could Not Find Driver Software" message. When telling Windows where to search, I pointed it to the SDK directory where the driver resides (¦Android-SDK-windows/ usb_driver). Also tried ¦Android-SDK-windows. Specified use sub- folders" in both tries. I am using Vista 64 bit, and suspect that may be the cause.
The "could not find.." message box from Windows has this information under Details:
Problem Event Name: PnPDriverNotFound Architecture: x64 Hardware Id: USBVID_0BB4&PID_0E03&REV_0100&MI_01 OS Version: 6.0.6002. Locale ID: 1033
In Windows Device Manager, "Other Devices ==>ADB==> Properties" shows Device type: Other Devices Manufacturer: Unknown Location: 0000.001d.0007. Device Status: This device is not configured correctly. (Code 1). There is no driver selected for the device information set or element
In the sdk's "usb_driver" directory, the "android_winusb.inf" file has several VID's beginning with 0BB..., but does not have one for the one listed above. Nor is there a [ ... ]header entry for the MyTouch 3G Slide (Expresso?)
I suspect this is the reason for the "Driver not found"
Am using the 32 bit version of "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" downloaded last April. (At that time there were a lot of forum warnings about not using the 64 bit version.)
Today, before trying to install the driver, I uninstalled the Android plug-in from Eclipse and then uninstalled the Android SDK I had installed in April which was at the 2.1 level. I reinstalled the SDK at the 2.2 level taking "all items". Then reinstalled the Eclipse plug- in.
In the "Android SDK and AVD Manager" checked for any updates. There were none (I'd just re-installed, so that makes sense)
Information in this thread looked like a solution:
When I tried that, got the same message box.
These two threads from 2009 have entries that say the 64 bit driver is in the SDK I cant find it. Could be looking the wrong place though.
The android_winusb.inf has these two .CAT entries in it CatalogFile.NTx86 = CatalogFile.NTamd64 =
Using the information from the above ¦5512 thread, I added these lines to the [Google.NTx86] group immediately following the ";Google NexusOne" information and before the [Google.NTamd64] entry
When that did not make any difference, added: %SingleBootLoaderInterface% = USB_Install, USBVID_0BB4&PID_0FFF which was also part of a post. Made no difference
The .INF has a [ClassInstall32], entry, but there is no [ClassInstall64] entry. I do not know enough about INFs to know if that is needed or not.
I'm not sure if anyone is able to answer this confidently, maybe those that have older unlocked Android phones can give some insight. I'm looking at buying an unlocked Hero from mobile phones, whenever they start selling them. I'm only hesitant about what if any support I'd lose from not buying directly from a carrier. How do Android OTA updates work on unlocked phones? Also, can anyone speculate yet how HTC is going to be handling its updates? Will it push through the carriers? If I buy unlocked and get a contract through Voda phone (who is not officially carrying the phone) will I be the last one on the block to get my updates? Or will I need to root my phone and install them all myself?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI unlocked my DROID RAZR M and switched from Verizon to tmobile, now when I attempt to start the noble hotspot i get a subscription error abs it tells me to call Verizon, is there a way around this? I've tried this party apps none will work, the all call up the stock hotspot from Verizon, can it be configured for tmobile?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to fix it on unlocked t-mobile phones?
My mobile provider send me it message two-three times when I turn on my cliq. Need help to turn off this.
managed to unlock my orange HTC Hero by doing a new firmware update and unlock code, iv now put in an vodafone sim card and can send and receive txts and calls but can't use the Internet.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to know if the HTC Desire HD will work in India. I even contacted HTC's support in India and they said they were not sure about it as they had no information about the phone.
View 49 Replies View Relatedmy friend is coming from usa with a new android phone not yet released in the market. its called motorola droid x, i think its unlocked and will it work in India.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am considering purchasing an unlocked Xperia ZR and i have At&t network. Can i udate the software once i put my at&t sim card in this ZR because the phone will come with 4.1 installed but i have read it is elligible for an update to 4.2. My question is, since it isnt technically an at&t phone but rather an unlocked phone i just put my sim in, will it still update?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI will be buying a brand new unlocked htc desire from an asian country.will it work fine in india(where it is yet to be launched) and will it receive froyo 2.2 as soon as it is made available worldwide?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf any of you own an uncloaked captivate, and also have a T-mobile phone, and you don't mind testing let me know. I want to confirm my fix, that popping in an active T-mobile sim card with data plan, will allow an unlocked Captivate to get a 3G signal. No software or root required, it is actually very easy. If you are willing to volunteer, let me know.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAm i able to change the lock screen from an up and down slide to a side slide?
View 3 Replies View RelatedConsidering this phone will have better specs and lower no contract price ($349),wondering why wouldn't this GSM phone work on T-Mobile's coverage? Might have to wait for the weekend after all....
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to request sites or programs that you would like someone to put on android ? I have some software on a windows mobile pc xda and would like to get an android phone on my next contract. but I want it to be able to support this particular software.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to write a rogue-like game for my blackberry and hopefully any other phone that supports some sort of JVM.Because I use Java in my job I'm looking to write the game in another language but I cannot find a language that will work on multiple phones.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI was interested in purchasing an unlocked HTC Hero but I wasn't sure how to configure it to the tmobile usa network. In the video posted by Rob Jackson here HTC Hero On T-Mobile USA: SIM Card Switcheroo | Android Phone Fans it shows him going into mobile network settings and configuring some things. If i were to get a hero would i have to do the same to get the phone working? If so how would i get that information.
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