Sprint HTC Hero :: Looking For Best Guide And Very Easy Root
Apr 23, 2010so im here at work bored and i want to root my phone. where can i find a VERY good rom and easy root tut to follow.

so im here at work bored and i want to root my phone. where can i find a VERY good rom and easy root tut to follow.
As promised I have created a full step by step root guide. This was designed for the Telus Hero in mind but will work with any GSM Hero. Downgrading process may not be necessary on some models of GSM Hero. I have designed this guide for some one with extremely limited computer knowledge. Note. Windows 7 did give me some trouble so you may want to use Windows XP. I had to sue an XP machine to downgrade.
This took me about 3 days of trial and error. I will be on here and be able to give any one help if they need it. VISIT How To Root your Telus HTC Hero | Bak 2 Basiks for the tutorial. I would post it here but its MASSIVE. Post below with any questions or comments. you can also leave comments on the story. check out my site. I am giving away a Windows 7 Key to help promote the site. I'm going to post up some contest info. on the homepage.
I just rooted my hero like an hour ago and i want to try a new rom. i think ive decided to try zenexp, but i dont see a guide and there are a million links/downloads on the xda page. is there a guide or a walk through on this? sorry if this is a real newb question, and thanks for any help you can give.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy phone is amazingly better after removing all of the Sprint Bloat-ware...the only thing I kept was Navigation.
View 31 Replies View RelatedI just found this and it definitely works on my rooted hero. What i did was went to market, download "bubble" app, calibrated g sensor, then calibrated all 3 levels on bubble app. It really worked, i have no idea how or why, but it does. Try it out and post back when you see the difference.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI just installed the official 2.1 version from Sprint. For some reason Easy Tether is no longer working on 2.1, but PDANet works. Anyone else having the same problem?
View 10 Replies View Related-power off
-press and hold home
-press and hold back
-press and release power
This will bring you to a menu that gives you the option to erase user data or not, choosing yes will reset firmware to factory and you will lose ALL settings, including wallpapers, ringtones, etc, but your sd card will remain untouched... if you brick your hero this should help, but im not claiming responsibility if it doesnt.
I am new at this text message stuff, and just got a HTC hero.I would like to move all my text mesages from my hero to my PC.I can forawrd each to my e-mail address and then open them up and ave them on my PC. Problem is, with a long string of messages, 80 to 90, it would take a long ime.I tried connecting my phone to my PC, via USB, and then tried to find the messages in the folders.Couldn't find them. So, anyone have an easy wayto move large numbrs of text messages off my HTC hero to my PC.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI just rooted my stock froyo with it! If this has already been discussed.
View 42 Replies View RelatedI know that there are plenty of forums and topics on rooting the HTC Magic.. However I'm new to the Android side of things and would rather not screw things up. Is there a guide or some such that would walk me through rooting my rogers Magic?.. Would like to have the ability to save apps on memory card which is one of the reasons I'm looking at doing this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently rooted my phone and was wondering how to install custom themes and lock screens for my hero. I am new to this as the title implies, so a link/instructions on how to install/create these would be what I'm looking for. I also am looking for solutions that do not need to install a new ROM as I just want to mod the current one that I have since i haven't found one I like. I rooted the 2.27.651.5 official sprint software with the instructions from the xda forum here: [GUIDE] How to Root Sprint 2.1 Release for CDMA Hero - xda-developers.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a 1 click root that works for the Sprint HTC hero? I've tried the one on the Unlockr site, but it fails to create a backup?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to root using the instructions on [TUTORIAL] IDIOT-PROOF Root Guide. Thread. At step 29 the file to download the custom recovery is not working.
View 3 Replies View RelatedOk so I cant get my dinc rooted, not sure why I have done this and checked it You must install the HOOT-Capable Universal Drivers. This took me a while to figure out how to do this because there is no directions how to check the SD card. I did it by mounting as diskdrive, when I clicked on comp there where 3 new drives, I found the one that was 1.83 gig (my sd card) then I formated as fat32, went back in check it it was correct, then I went and mounted back to charge only as in directions Verify that you have an SD Card installed with at least 2Gb free space. If the SD is smaller than 4Gb, make sure it is FAT32 formatted. Look at it on your PC or Mac to be sure. Now I run unrevoked 3 let it sit for 30 minutes and it stalls out, I have run it 3 times with the same results, unrevoked says: waiting for root, (safe to restart if this doesn't work) also says recovery image clockworkmod recovery.
View 18 Replies View RelatedI rooted and installed Aloysius and I like it a lot! But I want to try the new Sense-Able or Evil Eris (or any stable rom that supports overclocking) - is this difficult to do? Everybody is posting about trying out all sorts of different roms on their phones but I'm having trouble figuring out that part of the process.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI know there are several threads on these topics already, but being redundantly helpful, I took the time to create a single guide with all the above information in one place. I mean, why not?
The guide covers:
Root via unrEVOked3
Titanium Backup
Wireless Tether
Boot Animations
Removing Unwanted apps
Custom ROMs and kernels
Completing restores from Titanium and Nandroid Backups
Returning your phone to stock
The Complete Guide: Root & Everything Else (2.2 and 2.1). Full list of bloatware - including 2.2 - Thanks Hand76.
Is there a guide or anything on how to root?
I am new to this
Quick question about EASY ROOT,On the Unstable Apps site (Easy Root is back! | Unstable Apps)They give you both the option to buy the app using PayPal or to download the .apk.is the .apk free? why would they just give it to you?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI was if anyone tried out the easy root app and if it works for the dinc
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe brilliant minds over at xda have cooked up this 3 step root method...all of the credit goes to them, I'm just posting it.
[Program] Simple Root .1 - 3 Click Root w/ nand unlock!! - xda-developers. Here is the link for the OTA root version
how long you do guys thing until they will have easy root able to work with 2.2? Jw and if they already do then mod close this thread.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs their any free app just like easy root that was in the Android Market place?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI don't know if anyone has seen this yet, but it was really easy to root my phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust letting everyone know that the Easy Root app is now compatible with Froyo.
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust got the awesome Evo 2.2.I am sorry if this has been asked but is there a easy batch file or one click ROOT yet? If not do you think there will be one? I am horrible and a novice at terminal codes.I am trying to root my phone so I can use the WIRELESS TETHER.apk.
View 2 Replies View RelatedLet me start this off by saying today was my first time trying to root but I've read a lot about it. Anyways, I bought Easy Root this morning and rooted without any issues. Got Titanium and backed everything up. Got Rom Manager and downloaded Sapphire 1.0.0. I tried to install it, but when I tried to flash into Clockwork Recovery I was just brought to the regular recovery screen. Not realizing this at the time, I proceeded to wipe the phone and reboot. Obviously, it did not install the Sapphire Rom. For some reason, I figured I should just go back to stock android 2.2, so I did that. I still have the Superuser Permissions in my Apps, but when I go into Titanium, it says I'm not rooted. I even had it download a new version of BusyBox. I'm guessing this is because I went back to STOCK 2.2. Why do I still have the ninja icon, though? I can't download Easy Root because it's been removed from the Market. Is there some other way to give Titanium SU permissions?
View 10 Replies View RelatedUpdate: I realized later that "EASY" might be a bit of a stretch. This guide is easy for anyone already experienced with adb (ie. rooted other android phones). I will update this thread as the methods get easier and easier. I have also attached a screenshot of my command prompt as I entered all of the commands so you can see the appropriate commands and follow the guide through.I followed the guide here: http://rootzwiki.com - How to Root the Samsung Fascinate and it worked flawlessly. I just posted this over at XDA as well.Took me less than 5 minutes.Download the SDK here if you don't have it already: Android SDK | Android Developers.
View 49 Replies View RelatedRooting Android 1.5 on the Sprint Hero. Rooting 2.1 can be found HERE. Manually rooting your phone: This section will cover how to manually root your phone. Keep in mind there is a one-click method, but reading this is helpful and educational. You do not have to do it this way, but I suggest at least reading though it. The following was taken from here: Before We Begin, here is a video on doing this manually:You Tube - How To Root The Sprint CDMA Hero.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIt arrives in the mail in a day or two, and I want to know if I should root it first thing before activating it or wait til I get it registered. Will I be able to install the official updates after being rooted? I hear that they fix a ton of issues.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHas anyone tried the Easy Root App that was listed last night on Droid-Life.com? I see in the Android Market that it lists compatibility for Droid 1 and Droid X and then also shows Droid Incredible. Has anyone had success using this new App to root their Incredible? If so, thoughts? Should you use the Easy Root App or unr EVOked3?
View 3 Replies View Related