HTC Incredible :: Complete Guide For Root And Titanium Backup

Jul 12, 2010

I know there are several threads on these topics already, but being redundantly helpful, I took the time to create a single guide with all the above information in one place. I mean, why not?

The guide covers:
Root via unrEVOked3
Titanium Backup
Wireless Tether
Boot Animations
Removing Unwanted apps
Custom ROMs and kernels
Completing restores from Titanium and Nandroid Backups
Returning your phone to stock

The Complete Guide: Root & Everything Else (2.2 and 2.1). Full list of bloatware - including 2.2 - Thanks Hand76.

HTC Incredible :: Complete Guide for Root and Titanium Backup

Motorola Droid : Complete Guide To Backup / All Of My Apps - System Data

Jul 2, 2010

I run the risk of getting flamed for this... but I deem it a worthy thread, as things are constantly changing. I haven't found an up-to-date thread that has satisfied me yet.

I recently joined the Android community with my purchase of the Moto Droid. After a few days, I became interested in the rooting process and gave it a go... upgrading to Froyo. There have been several ROMs I've tried out, but I'm very hesitant to try more due to backups.

Will somebody provide me (in words or a link) the best way to backup all of my applications and data when testing out a new ROM? I tried Titanium Backup (and even donated), yet I never have successfully restored from a backup. Some applications and system data restore, but a ton of apps don't install, and I have to re-enter my email accounts (and appropriate sync settings) every time. This and the number of apps it doesn't restore (especially Swype) makes it not worth messing around with.

I read something about Nandroid backup, but that just looked like it was a backup in case something went terribly wrong with a ROM or something of the sort. Also, it looked like in the Simply Stunning (ChevyNo1) 4.2, there was a built in backup script... but I'd like to be able to venture between ROMs.

I want to be able to backup all of my apps and system data (gmail accounts, sms, etc), install a new ROM, and reload all of my apps and data.

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HTC Desire :: Complete Titanium Backup

Sep 10, 2010

If you use this program to back up, then I swap ROMs, will Titanium Restore EVERYTHING back to how it was before I flashed with a new ROM? All texts/emails/apps etc?

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HTC Incredible :: PRS Complete Rooting Guide

Jun 10, 2010

I DID NOT MAKE THE ROOT PROCEDURE ALL PROPS GO TO THE TEAM AT UNREVOKED. I just tacked on the perm procedure and regurgitated it in my own words. nor anyone else is responsible if you break your phone. try this at your own risk! Original procedure here:
donate here: Y_ID=1570&PROXY_ TYPE =22&1840.donation=form1 I am just compiling the Current procedure here. Install the android SDK
Android SDK | Android Developers Download these Five files and place them into your android sdk/tools folder (wherever you installed it)

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Android :: App Similar To Titanium Backup For Root?

Mar 25, 2010

I currently use Titanium Backup, but it is growing tiring to have to sit there and man the phone while I am restoring apps, so now I am looking for another app that will restore apps and data without having to choose each app individually. I know most people will say "Just buy the donate version". Unfortunately that is not an option for me. Why not? Because the dev doesn't offer the donate version in Market, nor does he offer a donate through google checkout. His donation is paypal only, and due to some recent VERY bad experiences with paypal, I have closed out my account and I refuse to ever use paypal again. what options am I left with? I've been poking around market for a while now, but it seems like every other backup I can find is for personal data only.

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Samsung Epic 4G :: Titanium Backup Not Working After Root

Oct 17, 2010

I successfully rooted my phone tonight. No problems there.

I successfully installed the Epic Experience v1.1.10 ROM. Everything seems to have installed properly.

All seems to be well, so I went to install Titanium Backup to restore all of my apps from my stock Epic. The installation went fine. I try to run the app for the first time, and I get the following error: "Sorry, I could not acquire root privileges. This application will *not* work! Please verify that your ROM is rooted and includes BusyBox, and try again".

So I know that my root included BusyBox, because I was able to install and run it on the stock ROM. But just for kicks, I clicked "Problems?" and downloaded the version it says will work. No difference.

I have rebooted the phone several times. Makes no difference.

I have deleted and re-installed Titanium Backup. Makes no difference.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Titanium Backup Vs Root Explorer

Aug 28, 2010

I wana buy 1 of these apps . I wana know which 1 is better . I have titanium backup free version and when I uninstall sony ericssons apps they are still at setting>applications>manage applications and they are still there but doesnt open so it is uninstalled but not from manage apllication. How do u guys uninstall x10 apps? Let us know .

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Get Root Access So Can Use Titanium Backup?

Nov 7, 2010

I downloaded this program so I can remove unwanted apps like Moxier etc. Its telling me I dont have root privileges?

I am pretty sure I debranded my handest then installed R2BA026. Then I installed a generic UK 2.1 - 2.0.A.0.504 Firware through SEUS.

How do I get root access so i can use Titanium Backup?

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HTC Incredible :: Dinc Root Guide Not Working

Nov 11, 2010

Ok so I cant get my dinc rooted, not sure why I have done this and checked it You must install the HOOT-Capable Universal Drivers. This took me a while to figure out how to do this because there is no directions how to check the SD card. I did it by mounting as diskdrive, when I clicked on comp there where 3 new drives, I found the one that was 1.83 gig (my sd card) then I formated as fat32, went back in check it it was correct, then I went and mounted back to charge only as in directions Verify that you have an SD Card installed with at least 2Gb free space. If the SD is smaller than 4Gb, make sure it is FAT32 formatted. Look at it on your PC or Mac to be sure. Now I run unrevoked 3 let it sit for 30 minutes and it stalls out, I have run it 3 times with the same results, unrevoked says: waiting for root, (safe to restart if this doesn't work) also says recovery image clockworkmod recovery.

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HTC Incredible :: App Backup With Titanium Backup

Jun 21, 2010

Rooted DInc then removed some apps like city id. I had purchased some apps before I rooted and I was curious as to first, how and where do I backup using titanium backup? Second, say if I factory reset my phone then put the paid apps back on would it still recognize that I already paid and still give new updates? Also side question, if I remove friendstream will facebook still sync with the facebook app and sync photos my phone book?

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Samsung Captivate :: Complete Guide To Flashing Froyo And Rooting In 2.2

Oct 23, 2010

I have read a ton of articles on this site, XDA, and other about doing a pre-official upgrade to Froyo on my captivate and then rooting it. This is officially the correct way to do it. The easiest way I found. And of course I am not responsible if you mess your phone up in the process.

Step One:
Download all the drivers you can find for the captivate. Install them without plugging the phone in, and then plug the phone in and let windows pick up any additional drivers. (Plug the phone in and let it find drivers, then mount it and let it find more if possible.)Driver Links: 64 bit Windows. Download Samsung Galaxy S USB Driver for Windows x64 Driver for Windows XP X64 / Windows Vista64 / Windows 7 x64 - Softpedia 32 bit Windows. Download Samsung Galaxy S USB Driver for Windows x86 Driver for Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 - Softpedia More Drivers. .com/ content/SW/201007/20100716004231953/ **ALSO** Go ahead and download Samsung Kies. It will provide more drivers...4.0 inch SUPER AMOLED Display, Layar Reality Browser, Android 2.1 OS, 1GHz CPU Speed, 5 Megapixel AF Camera, Music Player - Samsung I9000 - Infotainment - mobile phones | SAMSUNG

Open Kies and plug your captivate in. Let it go through the loading and discovering the phone and all that song and dance. Also, check and see if your firmware can be updated. It is really easy to get the update through Kies. If there is any kind of updates, go ahead and do it. Even if your phone is already rooted, upgrading to 2.2 is going to delete everything you have anyways.

After everything has updates and your drivers are installed, (Drivers being most important here) It is time to flash your captivate to androind 2.2. There is a very simple program called ODIN that will do this all for you. to prepare for this you will need this version of ODIN - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! download from and of these sources. You will also need to put your phone in debugging mode and change the USB setting to ask on connection. Download ODIN, and open it. You should see some blank boxes on the screen and two buttons at the bottom that say Start and Master Clear. This next series is important so do exactly as the directions say.
1) Plug the USB cable into the computer WITHOUT the phone plugged into it.
2) Make sure you have opened ODIN
3) Hold down BOTH the up and down volume buttons at the some time (Do not push the power button).
4) Count to 5 slowly and plug your USB cable into the phone while holding the buttons down still.
5) Download mode will pop up on your phone, it will have a green android guy on there and say very clearly that it is in download mode. YOU HAVE TO BE IN THIS MODE FOR IT TO WORK.
6) After that, in ODIN, one of the blank boxes should have something in it along the lines of COMM 4 or 3 or just anything in one of those blank boxes. Hit start.
**This process should only take about 5 minutes to do, if you are sitting there for half an hour something is wrong, go back and redo these steps.**
7) Let the phone do its thing. It will reboot and once it does, you are good to go and upgraded to 2.2

Now it is time to root your 2.2 device, which is the easiest part of this. There very simple program to DL that will root your phone and enable side loading. Very easy to use.
1) Make sure your phone is set to ask on connection under the USB settings and debugging is on.
2) Download the software..[APP]SuperOneClick v1.5.1 (Root, Unroot, Enable Non-Market App, Get UNLOCK code) - xda-developers scroll all the way to the bottom of the post and download the latest version.
It should be*you may have to register for XDA but its free and has really good forums.
3) After the download is complete, run the .exe and follow the instructions.
Off the top of my head there should be a tab at the top of the program that says "Universal" and "Captivate" obviously make sure you are on the captivate tab. If you have to click "get unlock code" first then do so. unless you are experienced, just do the standard root and not the shell root. After this you will have Android Froyo 2.2 on your captivate and also have it rooted.

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HTC Incredible :: Any Easier Way To Use Titanium Backup?

Jul 5, 2010

Lets say you do a factory reset of your phone and want to put all your apps back on, you have to install each one individually with TB? I was hoping Titanium Backup worked kind of like Nandroid in that it just restored everything on it's own, or at least install the apps on it's own without you having to sit there and click install for each one. BTW I only have the free version.

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HTC Incredible :: Titanium Backup But It Keeps Getting Hung Up

Jun 26, 2010

i just did a nand restore and tried to run titanium backup but it keeps getting hung up, this time its been stuck at 42% for several minutes. should i just end process and try again?

i just stopped it at 42%...everything seems to have been restored from the nandroid restore. so i guess titanium is just to be used when your loading a custom rom and not a rom you have backed up?

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HTC Incredible :: Titanium Backup - Restore Without Asking?

Aug 3, 2010

I backed up all my apps and user data just fine with it. I just installed a new rom and Restored all the data and it went fine, but I was curious about one thing.

I have 110 apps on my phone, not sure if thats a lot or not, but its a PITA sitting there and hitting "Install" then "Done" 90 times. Is there a way to have it just restore without asking? I understand this is easier than trying to download and install them all over again.

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HTC Incredible :: Backup My Stuff With Titanium?

Aug 3, 2010

So I just rooted my dinc and am about to add the ota radio but I'm trying to backup my stuff with titanium and can't seem to figure it out. I would greatly appreciate any advice or answers to these questions:

Must the phone be plugged into the computer? If so must it be windows?

Must usb debugging be on as well as allow unknown sources?

I download busy box and can get to the screen where I select backup apps and data but have no idea where the backup of this is stored...where? I hit the backup apps and data button and run but instantly I go back to the home screen. Is my stuff backed up? Please Help! THanks so much!

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HTC Incredible :: Titanium Backup Isn't Working

Sep 14, 2010

I just rooted yay. But now titanium backup says I'm not rooted. Should I install a ROM anyways?

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HTC Incredible :: Titanium Backup - Cant Find In Apps

Oct 7, 2010

I was hoping someone could assist me. I have paid for and installed Titanium Backup, but can't seem to locate it on my phone, in the apps list or elsewhere to actually run the application. It is hiding from me. In the settings, applications, i can see it and see program details, but as far as a program exe i cant find how to actually start the program.

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HTC Incredible :: Alternative To Titanium Backup For Next Time?

Jul 28, 2010

Any good alternative to titanium backup for next time? I hate having to go and click "install" then "done". Pain in the ass. I know theirs a few out their but what'll y'all do in this situation?

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HTC Incredible :: Unable To Load Contacts From Titanium Backup

Sep 6, 2010

I have no clue what's going on here but TB won't restore my contacts.I had 2.1 and installed the older 2.2 leak from over a month ago and was able to restore contacts then via TB (although I don't exactly remember how).I wanted the new 2.2 and downgraded the radio and returned to stock, did unrevoked forever and put 2.2 on my phone.I restored all my apps but the contacts are gone.They aren't stored on VZW or Google either.Am I missing something?I went through the system stuff in TB and clicked on everything that was green and restore app and data several times and then I restored just data a few times too and still nothing.I know my contacts are saved in here somewhere.

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HTC Incredible : How To Reinstall Friend Stream With Titanium Backup?

Sep 25, 2010

I rooted my phone with Unrevoked last night, installed the latest Virtuous and everything is working great. Well I was messing with uninstalling some apps with Titanium Backup and didn't realize the importance of Friend Stream. How can I reinstall Friend Stream the easiest way?

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HTC Incredible : Safely Use Titanium Backup Without Loosing Seatings?

Jul 28, 2010

Okay, I've asked this question in several other threads and forums, but never gotten a clear answer:

If I use Titanium to back up my Inc w/ 2.1+rooted+Leaked OTA , can I safely restore all apps, settings (including email account settings, wallpaper, home screens), and appearance once I install the Froyo 2.2 that leaked today?

I've seen some posts that say you should never apply system settings from an old ROM to a new one, but the whole reason I bought Titanium was so that I wouldn't have to re-set up all my home screens, background images, wallpapers, email accounts, etc. If I wanted to just backup/restore apps, there are a million ways to do that. I thought the whole reason Titanium only works on a rooted phone was so that I could restore EVERYTHING.

How can I SAFELY use Titanium to move to the leaked Froyo ROM without losing any of my settings, apps, or appearance?

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HTC Eris :: Titanium Backup Can't Get "root" Rights After Partition / What To Do?

Aug 9, 2010

I just tried to partition my SD card last night. Don't think I did it right, and now, my Titanium Backup can't get "root" rights. Also, I can't restore my from Recovery to my last backup!!! Was all of that info on my SD card?? I thought I could restore my SD info from a Titanium Restore. Am I SOL?

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Samsung Captivate :: Titanium Backup - Jumps Back To Backup/Restore Screen With All Apps

Sep 30, 2010

When i click on batch, then run to backup my apps it jumps back to the Backup/Restore screen with all the apps, nothing gets backed up. I have backed up before with Titanium and it worked. I reinstalled Busybox, didn't help. If i uninstall and reinstall will i lose all the things i did like freeze apps etc ? When i try to update through the marketplace it says installation error, package file was not signed correctly.

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General :: Titanium Backup - Could Not Find Any Data In TWRP Backup

Nov 10, 2013

When I try to recover my apps using Titanium Backup's "Extract from Nandroid" feature, it says "Could not find any data in this TWRP backup"

The files in my TWRP backup folder are


md5 for the above


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General :: How To Use Titanium Backup To Perform A Backup And Then Transfer To Computer

Jun 11, 2012

I'd like to know if there's a way to use Titanium Backup to preform a backup and then transfer those backups to my computer ?

I know this may sound simple but am under the impression that when you make a backup of your ROM and other files on your device, it has to stay on the device.

When making a NANDROID backup, is it safer and more useful if one can store those backups on one's computer ?

Am sure there's a way to do this but am not sure if there's already an app for it.

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General :: Titanium Backup Batch Backup And Restore Gone?

Jul 27, 2012

with the latest versions of Titanium Backup, I can't seem to figure out how to do batch backup and restore of apps and data anymore.

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General :: Can Backup Only Apps Data Without APK Using Titanium Backup?

Dec 30, 2012

I have titanium backup pro. I want to know can I backup only apps data? I mean when titanium backup pro performs backing up are there any option to excludes apk file backup and only backup apps data?

I think it's useless backup apk files, I can download them from Google play store.

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General :: Backup Everything Placed On Phones Homescreen Using Titanium Backup

Jul 12, 2012

I'm currently using Nikez Lente's ICS rom 1.0.1a9 and what is the system app name for the phone's homescreen where all my apps, widgets are currently stored. I'm a bit of a flash freak so every now and then I drag my at least 40-50 apps one by one.

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General :: How To Backup Data Usage On ICS With Titanium Backup

Jul 21, 2012

how can do a backup of data usage on ics with titanium backup? because if I change roms with full wipe I lost all saved data.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Backup - Restore Voicemails - Titanium Backup

Nov 7, 2010

I have 73 visual voicemails on my Evo right now. If I backup the stock voicemail program with Titanium Backup will I be able to restore them all after wiping all data and/or installing a different ROM (as well as Sprint VVM)? If not, is there another way to backup the downloaded voicemails on the phone, i.e. not emailing them to myself?

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