Sprint HTC Hero :: Guide For Removing Nascar - Stocks Etc
Nov 8, 2009My phone is amazingly better after removing all of the Sprint Bloat-ware...the only thing I kept was Navigation.

My phone is amazingly better after removing all of the Sprint Bloat-ware...the only thing I kept was Navigation.
Okay, I have rad some of the threads but they are way over my head at least I can admit it Is there any way, just usign the phoen as a stock unit, to remove the Nascar/NFL apps? Or am I doomed? I don't want to "Root" my phone.
View 10 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone knows how to remove sprint apps like NFL and NASCAR? I heard that all you need is to root phone.
View 34 Replies View RelatedI am not a big NFL or Nascar Fan, can I delete this stock apps? If so how?
View 1 Replies View Relatedso im here at work bored and i want to root my phone. where can i find a VERY good rom and easy root tut to follow.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just rooted my hero like an hour ago and i want to try a new rom. i think ive decided to try zenexp, but i dont see a guide and there are a million links/downloads on the xda page. is there a guide or a walk through on this? sorry if this is a real newb question, and thanks for any help you can give.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI REALLY need some assistance, think I screwed my phone, really want to avoid a hard wipe. I installed Lock bot the other day, has some issues with dual lock layers (i.e. the lock bot app wasn't disabling my HTC lock so I had two unlocks.). emailed dev and he sent me a beta version to hopefully correct issue. I only received an apk file from him. FYI I am on fresh 1.1, rooted. I used the kitchen to puch this file: "LockBotPro_1.10.0_beta.apk" to /system/app. The install went successfully, but later after a reboot I face a HUGE issue. The lock bot app is hanging upon reboot and will not unlock. At first I thought i would still be okay, I had ATK and Advanced Task manager both running at start up, so I can enter both of them through my notification drop down menu. I used both to kill the task-to no avail it is still locked. I tried to use advanced task manager to uninstall lock bot - to no avail, it cannot be removed. Then I tried to pull back the file through kitchen, to no avail.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've seen a few posts about this, but i wanted to ask again and see if anything new has come up.I'm happy with my USER dictionary, because i check it every couple days to make sure there's no crazy stuff in there that will pop up while typing.However, i would really like to be able to edit the dictionary that comes on the Hero. The biggest gripe i have is that EVERY time i type "the" it replaces it with "Tue"Wouldn't the dictionary be a file on the phone? Seems like you should be able to edit it after rooting, no?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted Sprint Hero, and I have replaced my stock SMS program with Handcent. I can receive incoming SMS messages, but they do not go into the conversation portion of Handcent.
Here is what I removed:
rm: IM.*
rm: Stock.*
rm: Sprint_Nscar.*
rm: htcmsgwidgets.*
rm: htcmailwidgets.*
rm: com.htc.TwitterWidget.*
rm: IM.*
rm: HtcTwitter.*
rm: HtcFootprints.*
rm: Mail.*
rm: MySMS.*
rm: HtcFootprintsWidget.*
rm: amazonmp3.*
rm: com.htc.StockWidget.apk
rm: Sprint_Navigator.apk
rm: Mms.*
"Service is unavailable for your device". Whats the deal? It worked yesterday. "Sprint has added a whole new look and many new features", but you can not use it on your moment. Sprint TV still works and other data
View 2 Replies View RelatedIve done some searching and came up empty. I want to remove vanilla lock screen and re installing the htcsense lock screen. I tried just flashing a custom htcsense lock screen but that didnt work. I cant even figure out where vanilla lock screen is installed.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI was just reading through some posts and saw something that intrigued me. Is there a way to flash a Sprint based rom and use the NASCAR App that they exclusively have? Kind of like Verizon with the NFL?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI removed the following and started to get force close errors....any ideas why?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have already remove some Sprint applications using Fresh Kitchen. However in my settings/applications/manage applications page, I still see a few apps that I cannot remove like SprintTV Widget and Flickr.I also loaded Root Explorer and wanted to try and remove some app/files that are cluttering my Hero. Any suggestions what I can remove, some stuff in the manage application page?also looking for the folder that has the stock Sprint ringtones, I don't use them and want to remove also.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI rooted my phone for the first time yesterday. I have not yet flashed any ROM's, all I have done so far is remove some of the stock apps. I have lost my data connection a couple times today, usually a reboot will solve it, however it hasn't on one or two occasions. It seems to have started happening after changing my boot animation to something closer to the 1.5 boot animation. Is it possible that this new boot animation is causing my data connection problems.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have recently bought an HTC Hero and updated it with the new ROM. One of the reasons I bought it is to be able to get stock prices on the move. I do have the following problem. The stocks and weather widgets only update themselves using a WiFi connection and not my 2g/3g network. I don't think is a network problem or a GPRS settings problem as I am able to receive my emails and also connect to the internet using 2g/3g. There must be a problem with the widgets.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have the stocks widget running. I wish to remove it. a long press, to get to edit mode, does not work. A long press opens the app, rather than getting the icon to vibrate.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAs I'm a new Hero (and android) user I have few questions:
- can not connect to my wifi - my router is a d-link which is visible (with wep2) but when I try to connect the message "obtaining address" persist and then stops everything with no results. I have installed also wifi analyser which is not helping. Any possible solutions?
- how can I uninstall "stocks" and "peep" ?
- should the 3G be on all the time for mms send/receive?
- how do I make my hero change automatically the network (in state roaming)? instead manually
- how is hero working with 2.1. rom version?
- can you advise me for some android apps (possibly free): gps navigator and office editor
In 3G everything is workin fine so I'm satisfied with android.
I have an HTC Hero from Sprint in the US and was curious about the how the Stocks HTC widget scrolls text like a ticker. It is only the 4x1 sized widget that scrolls quotes. As far as I know, homescreen widgets can only use RemoteViews for the layout, which is limited to the following layouts and widgets (from http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/appwidgets/index.html#Creat...
* AbsoluteLayout * FrameLayout * LinearLayout * RelativeLayout * AnalogClock * Button * Chronometer * ImageButton * ImageView * ProgressBar * TextView
Descendants of these classes are not supported.
I know that this could be done in an app with android.widget.scroller, but that can't be used in a homescreen widget. Would this functionality be specific to the Sense UI homescreen capabilities? I guess, my main question is if this can be replicated for a standard Android widget and if so how.
As promised I have created a full step by step root guide. This was designed for the Telus Hero in mind but will work with any GSM Hero. Downgrading process may not be necessary on some models of GSM Hero. I have designed this guide for some one with extremely limited computer knowledge. Note. Windows 7 did give me some trouble so you may want to use Windows XP. I had to sue an XP machine to downgrade.
This took me about 3 days of trial and error. I will be on here and be able to give any one help if they need it. VISIT How To Root your Telus HTC Hero | Bak 2 Basiks for the tutorial. I would post it here but its MASSIVE. Post below with any questions or comments. you can also leave comments on the story. check out my site. I am giving away a Windows 7 Key to help promote the site. I'm going to post up some contest info. on the homepage.
Have problems with receiving/installing the much awaited 2.1 update for their T-Mobile Hero (G2 Touch). It took me a while after figuring everything out by myself since both T-Mobile and HTC support have been absolutely inept at providing a solution.
You may have tried moving the phone's date forward a couple of weeks as suggested by T-Mobile and you'll probably get the pop-up notification window, but when you try and install the update the screen goes black with a warning triangle and it freezes.
1- First of all BACK UP all your data! This is because updating the phone will erase all data on your phone and reset it to it's factory state. I use My Back Up Pro, it's very easy to use and you'll be able to restore everything, from your pictures, music files, apps, etc to your messages, contacts and so on. It will even restore all your shortcuts and replace them exactly where you've placed them on your home screen(s). If you have a lot of files I suggest you back them up online as your SD card may not have enough space.
2- Download and install the latest ROM from the HTC website, you can do so here: http://www.htc.com/uk/SupportDownload.aspx?p_id=283&cat=2&dl_id=775.
This is where some of the confusion arises. You may think that you have the latest ROM on your phone (you can check by going to Settings-About phone-Software-Build number. It should be However if you've downloaded it from the T-Mobile support website it is NOT the same as the one on the HTC website DESPITE having the same number, and it's this that's preventing your phone from receiving the notification for the new 2.1 update and installing it. Confusing eh? So, download the ROM update and install it on your phone following the simple instructions.
3- Once your phone has installed the ROM it will restart. Finally, the notification pop-up will appear! Tap 'Install'. The phone will start installing the update without any glitches. You may also get a second pop-up notifying of a second update. Proceed as before. I suggest you do all this over Wi-Fi as it's a huge file.
4- Again, once the installation is complete your phone will restart and you'll be able to enjoy the new features. It's like having a new phone, better interface, better graphics, better performance!
5- Finally re-download My Back Up Pro from the Market and restore all your stuff. Again, this is best done using Wi-Fi. Notice: When restoring data, if your Contacts and Calendar are synched with your GMail account, UNCHECK these from the list that shows up.
How to with remove Phonefusion? I uninstalled it but I keep getting text alerts with a bunch of numbers and my regular sprint vm don't work. I heard before that the moble network settings need to be on EVDO for it to work but i'm not sure if I'm doing it right.
View 1 Replies View RelatedRooted to this Rom and its removed all the sprint bloatware which is fine, though i want my nascar app back. how can i add this?
View 12 Replies View RelatedIn the task-killer's list, I can see Footprints and Stocks running all the time. I don't use either of these two apps, but they keep loading up constantly. Even when I Force Stop them from the manage applications menu or kill them with the task-killer, they load up again.
Is it possible to get rid of them?
First - let me know if this is not the correct discussion group.
How do you remove a bluetooth device?
Path I'm taking:
- Settings
- Wireless & Networks
- Bluetooth Settings
- Menu
The only option I receive via menu is 'Scan for Devices'
Phone: HTC Hero w/ version 2.1
I have just recently rooted and installed 2.1 sense custom firmware on my HTC Hero but i do not like it - drains battery, bit buggy etc. i was wondering how easy it is to go back to an official rom. anyone got any procedures?
View 9 Replies View RelatedShould the screen vibrate when you touch it? or does it only vibrate on the keypad?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan I remove apps that came with Villian 5.3 that I dont want. Things like Google news,Google news and sports.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to buy a HTC Hero. But my office is located in a security area, where all kind of cameras are prohibited.Is it possible to remove the camera and the camera software from the HTC Hero? Has anybody seen a back cover without a camera hole?
View 49 Replies View RelatedI just wanted to check out the stocks account when using the desire for the first time, but now I've got a stocks account in the 'Accounts and Sync' section.. I want to remove it but I can't there is no remove account button only sync now. Anyone knows how to do it?Can't remove the weather account either but I don't want to do it.
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