Motorola Droid :: Easy Root Available For Froyo?
Aug 5, 2010Just letting everyone know that the Easy Root app is now compatible with Froyo.

Just letting everyone know that the Easy Root app is now compatible with Froyo.
I just rooted my stock froyo with it! If this has already been discussed.
View 42 Replies View Relatedhow long you do guys thing until they will have easy root able to work with 2.2? Jw and if they already do then mod close this thread.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs their any free app just like easy root that was in the Android Market place?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI don't know if anyone has seen this yet, but it was really easy to root my phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedLet me start this off by saying today was my first time trying to root but I've read a lot about it. Anyways, I bought Easy Root this morning and rooted without any issues. Got Titanium and backed everything up. Got Rom Manager and downloaded Sapphire 1.0.0. I tried to install it, but when I tried to flash into Clockwork Recovery I was just brought to the regular recovery screen. Not realizing this at the time, I proceeded to wipe the phone and reboot. Obviously, it did not install the Sapphire Rom. For some reason, I figured I should just go back to stock android 2.2, so I did that. I still have the Superuser Permissions in my Apps, but when I go into Titanium, it says I'm not rooted. I even had it download a new version of BusyBox. I'm guessing this is because I went back to STOCK 2.2. Why do I still have the ninja icon, though? I can't download Easy Root because it's been removed from the Market. Is there some other way to give Titanium SU permissions?
View 10 Replies View RelatedIs anyone confirming or denying weather or not the droid x will be relativity easy to root? or is this unknown until the release of the phone. i think this might be the determining factor for me to move from the droid
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm having a problem downloading Easy Root..I bought it once, refunded it because I didn't have anough money in my account, then bought it again the same day...andnow it finally went through this morning and it says purchased because I got paid this morning...but when I try to click install it says "Download unsuccessful"...I've tried everything to get it to install but it won't work and I can't refund it again. If I could refund it again I would be able to successfully install it like I did with Rom manager and setCPU.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIf i root my new X and then 2.2 comes down? does it not upgrade? de root? what?
View 11 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to use some apps that need root access they don't work. I still have the superuser icon but nothing is listed and its just blank.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI rooted, applied Froyo rooter (works much better than Froyo unrooted). Now what can I do to tweak it? Any suggestions that will make my phone faster/ more efficient?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI've been reading about android 2.2 coming out with Flash 10 support. I haven't seen an official date yet but it sounds like it's coming very soon. I've been running BB v1.0 and love it. That being said, I want this new update asap but I don't want to lose root. Is there going to be any BB or similar rom using the update? I've read Google has the code under wraps. Root users had all the benefits of ese53 weeks before 2.1 was distributed, will we see a repeat or are root users going to need to wait for custom roms or risk losing root when 2.2 comes?
View 35 Replies View RelatedHas anyone tried the Easy Root App that was listed last night on I see in the Android Market that it lists compatibility for Droid 1 and Droid X and then also shows Droid Incredible. Has anyone had success using this new App to root their Incredible? If so, thoughts? Should you use the Easy Root App or unr EVOked3?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIt all started with a awesome home page and wanting to screenshoot it and finding out my Droid2 did not have software or shortcut keys like my GT7 to do this. So I read for some time until I felt confident in a safe rooting procedure which turned out to be the "Z4Root App". It's ridicously easy with the Droid2, download it, install it, open it, click "root permantley" and bang you've been granted root_access. After rooting I went with Screenshot Ultimate which claims screenshots can be done w/o Root which turned out to be untrue but w/root it works without a hitch. Unfortunately, it saves your screenshots in a very stupid place but you can access them through a file manager not the gallery but none the less it has accomplished the goal. Im curious to see how far root_access can take me
View 2 Replies View RelatedWith the impending ota update looming in the near future, what would happen if your rooted phone accepts and installs the ota update?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI tried the easy root instructions here:
How to: Root DROID X Running Official Android 2.2 - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog
when the bat was running, it kept telling me that adb was not a valid command.
The entire process only took 30 seconds or so.
I suspect adb is not installed, or the sdk is not installed completely. My phone still is on, and appears normal, and is still plugged into the pc.
How can I check to see if it is indeed rooted, and if not, how to I install adb (link?) so it does root properly?
Well I have been seeing all these new posts on phandroid about the new motorola droid x and my upgrade isn't until '12. So all I'm asking is what is the best videos that you guys have seen to root and overclock the droid. Also how to put froyo on it. Just trying to get my version of a droid x.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI don't know why but I have everything there after update to froyo but nothing that needs root will work. Su is there but root explorer or WiFi will not work.
View 21 Replies View RelatedI still have rooting on 2.1 but every time I run 2.2 (with the superuser icon), I try to run a program like setcpu (y'know because I thought I was rooted) or any other program that requires root. It still doesn't work and says "no rooted access detected". I load up the superuser app no messages or anything just a black screen. I've tried the " fix" about 20x and still nothing. Am I doing the update wrong or something? Cause reboot in recovery with clockwork mod and hit "apply".
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust got my DX yesterday and have been reading up on the various droid forums and stumbled across this little gem of information and people. I think I've developed a plan of attack for rooting it to eventually end up on Froyo 2.3.13.
1. Root the phone using universalandroot
Should I make a backup of my 2.1 using TiBu or ROM Manager, or does it not really matter considering I'd need to be on 2.1 to restore?
2. Update to Froyo 2.2 using this thread Is it safe to assume that I'll have adb after using "universalandroot"?
3. Update to Froyo 2.3.13 using this thread
4. Load one of the marvelous looking themes (I hadn't seen any issues, but anyone on 2.3 yet having issues with themes for 2.2?)
Also, I heard/read that the Swype keyboard changes when switching from 2.1 to 2.2. Is there any way to keep the 2.1 black fat key look or is it inevitable to switch to the, from what I've read, smaller white keyboard? Clarification on that rumor would be fantastic. I have experience flashing my old i910 (Original Sammy Omnia), and am terribly excited to get on the droid bandwagon now, just want to make sure that my plan seems feasible and that if there's anything else I should know, I'd greatly appreciate advice now. Is my list too simplistic, because it seems after reading everything, that I may be oversimplifying things, but figured I'd check with some of you experts before I go bork my phone on my own.
I'll admit, I don't know much about rooting at all, so i've been lurking around here getting an idea of how to go about it. I'm pretty tech savvy, so it's nothing over my head, I'm just unfamiliar with it.I'm really unhappy with Motorola's latest droid x update. Updating to Froyo seems to have just made my phone significantly slower, the rotation is less responsive, etc. (the 2.3.15 update) All I would really want to do is, I'd want to root the phone and just load a stock Froyo ROM onto here. No extra moto or verizon BS, just the stock OS and whatever apps I want on it. Does that make sense? How would I go about doing that?
View 8 Replies View RelatedYes i recently had to flash my phone back to 2.1 which i did in a flash then i waited till it did a normal update to which i though would be FRG1B but to my surprise it was FRG22. Now i installed Easy Root and tried rooting it said it worked but it didn't so then i tried Universalandriodroot and it didn't work either.Now i tried to flash back to 2.1 and then just root from there but this is were my problem happens. When i try to Flash i do the normal plug up usb and restart phone and while waiting on it to boot hold up on the D Pad and Nothing happens i did this 15 times it will not go into the menu at all.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI updated to Froyo really early along on my DX and am pretty sure I'm using the first leak still. My phone constantly locks up/overheats and I have to battery pull to get it working again. I would like to get the most updated Froyo which hopefully doesn't lock me up anymore and also root it again.
What is the best way to do this without actually knowing which version of Froyo I am using? I don't mind losing all of my data and starting over, but the locking up is just becoming way to frequent. I have it in my head that if I flash back to 2.1 stock and do the OTA, then do the root again it would be much smoother. Am I on the right track? I really stepped away from the root scene for a while after I rooted mine so I am lost.
Since I rooted my phone on Monday my LPP Facebook widget isn't updating in a timely fashion (like 24 behind right now), my Gmail doesn't automatically refresh, and my corporate mail is at least 24 hours behind.
View 17 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to change the boot animation easy like the one click root method or a thread with easy detailed instructions if there is sorry i have not seen can u share the link .
View 3 Replies View RelatedNot sure why but I apparently can no longer litsen to my Voange voicemail which comes attached to the email as a wav file. Not sure if it is a Froyo thing or a Chevy4.6 rom thing.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have been giving ROM Manager from the market a go this afternoon and I am very impressed. I can swap between Eclair and Froyo within a minute, sweet.
View 2 Replies View RelatedQuick question about EASY ROOT,On the Unstable Apps site (Easy Root is back! | Unstable Apps)They give you both the option to buy the app using PayPal or to download the the .apk free? why would they just give it to you?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI was if anyone tried out the easy root app and if it works for the dinc
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe brilliant minds over at xda have cooked up this 3 step root method...all of the credit goes to them, I'm just posting it.
[Program] Simple Root .1 - 3 Click Root w/ nand unlock!! - xda-developers. Here is the link for the OTA root version