Sprint HTC Hero :: Android 2.2 On (sprint) Htc Hero With Google / Texts Are Only Sending In Roaming
Sep 16, 2010
after installing 2.2 on my hero, everything was working fine, until now. im having problems with my text messages, they wont send under sprints network, if i put it in roaming then they send right away, but roaming has awefully slow (1x) network speeds, but if i put it back to the 3g network speeds of sprint then everytime i try to send a text it just swirls in circles (the little thing next to the message) and wont send. is this sprints network being down? or does this have to do with the 2.2 update?i dont think its sprint because my mom and sister arent having any problems with there phones from the same plan. but i tryed restarting many times, taking out and leaving out the battery, putting it in airplane mode and turning that back off to reset connection, iv tryed everything and cant get it to work, so idk what to do, and i dont understand why if it was a software problem with the 2.2 installation, why would they send in roaming but not on sprints network?
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Jul 5, 2010
When traveling near my home area I encounter areas with no Sprint service. The phone roams into Verizon network which is very strong in my area. Beginning last week when I attempt to make a call when roaming on Verizon I get a message stating Verizon can not verify this phone number unable to make call. I contacted Sprint about the problem. They suggested a few things i already did, update PRL and profile etc.... which did not help. They told me there was nothing they could do because they cant guarantee service on their phones when roaming. This baffles me because phone roamed fine on Verizon for 6 months all of a sudden it doesnt. Any ideas on how this can be fixed? About 30 percent of my home town has no Sprint coverage so I guess I am just SOL.
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Apr 15, 2010
why it would be stuck on roam?
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Sep 10, 2010
iv heard ppl who downloaded android 2.2 online and installed it themselves on there phone since its not being offered ota. but im wondering if its safe? the phone is not actually getting 2.2 ever, so doing this would be my own choice. but im wondering if it will run smoothly, better than 2.1 update 1, and if there will be any problems or if anything that may not work because of compatability problems with the phone. because some people have said that 2.2 isnt being released to the hero because the phone is not physically capeable of it do to software and hardware (such as space ram speeds etc.), and others have said they installed it themselves and it works fine, that its actually made to run using less space then 2.1 making it better.
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Nov 10, 2009
Just wondering if anyone knows how data roaming works with Sprint. I was in an area where I was roaming but it seemed as though the Facebook app was updating. Maybe I hit a pocket of wifi access, I dunno.So, is data roaming happening? If so, is it included under the "no roaming charges" umbrella that comes with the Everything plans or could be be charged for roaming data?
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Feb 4, 2010
My Hero has been stuck on roaming since Tuesday night and now has no EVDO service after a tech had me do a soft reset and update my profile.The Sprint store told me last night that they just received a bulliten about this and for some reason it only affects HTC heros on their network.I was given two different stories by techs over the phone and am really unhappy. It seems a bit odd that nobody has posted about it here.I live in Houston Texas.
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Aug 4, 2010
You can now force roaming on the Hero: Mod to enable forced roaming - xda-developers
The current mod is for Fresh 2.3.3, but this can be ported over to other ROMs.
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Jun 30, 2010
I have been a Sprint customer for a very long time. My wife and I both have smartphones and we have the Unlimited 1500 plan. To my knowledge, this includes everything (excluding International calls.....which I know for a fact thanks to an $1800 fraud that was on my bill 2 months ago). I digress, data roaming is included as a part of this plan as far as I know.
I checked my bill online yesterday, and there was an alert that I have used 3800+KB of data roaming.
Now....let me start by saying, yes, I do have the setting checked to allow for data roaming (as to my knowledge, it's included in my plan). I do have the Hero (my second one) and for the life of me, I can't figure out why it goes into roaming mode more than any other Sprint phone I've ever owned. My wife's phone could be sitting next to mine, and I'll be roaming while she is not. That being said, I can guarantee there have been instances where I've roamed and pulled down data (checking email, automatically checking weather/facebook/twitter/etc, internet) and I've never seen this alert on my account.
I called Sprint last night to question it, and they put a $20 service credit on my account. That's all fine and great, as I'm not going to turn down free money, but I had explained that my concern was that the alert is showing up to begin with. I even explained that while I appreciate the credit, I'd rather just have this situation resolved so that I don't have to call back next month if these charges appear.
My question is this, has anyone ever seen this before? I am rooted, I am running Fresh 2.1.1 and I have the latest SPRINT radio flashed from Flipz' website. I have had this setup for a little over 2 months now, so this isn't the first billing cycle that this setup has seen. I can't figure this out for the life of me.
If this continues to be a problem, it's either going to require a new device or a new carrier. I live in a very populated western suburb in Chicagoland and have NEVER had a problem with roaming or poor signal until I got the Hero in October.
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Oct 29, 2010
I rooted my sprint HTC hero and installed CM6 on it the other day, and everything is working great... except voicemail. I was using the Sprint VVM app, and that worked, but I got that annoying SMS message with each new voicemail, so I decided to switch to Google Voice (for voicemail only). It seems to work, except when my friends (who also have Sprint) call, and I don't answer the call, they either get a fast busy signal or they hear a voice say something like "Call cannot be completed. Goodbye" and then it hangs up.
Calling from land-lines and other cells seems to work ok? I just enabled Google Voice today, so do I need to wait a certain amount of time before it works Sprint to Sprint, or? Has anyone else seen this before? I should mention, it only happens on unanswered calls. If i dismiss the call before it's done ringing, it properly goes to google voicemail.
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Jun 5, 2010
I just got my HTC Hero on sprint yesterday and I have all the vibration setting ticked but it never vibrates when i get a new text. It only vibrated once when i was on the phone and got a message. How do I fix this?
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Jun 6, 2010
I'm heading to Halifax, Nova Scotia for a week and will be bringing my Hero with me. I'll be calling Sprint customer support to see what options are available for voice and data, but I trust the advice of folks in this forum.
Is there any international voice and data plan that i can sign up for so that I don't end up paying sky-high roaming rates? I really don't want to have to keep my phone in airplane mode the whole week. Any advice from travelers to the "Great White North" would really be appreciated, eh?
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Dec 4, 2009
I have had a lot of smart phones but never used bluetooth headsets and have a few questions.Can you get a bluetooth earpiece for answering phone calls that lets you answer from the headset once paired?
Do all the earpieces support streaming or playing music/sprint tv audio/Google listen?Are they all mono or do some single earpieces have stereo?Is there an industry standard for noise reduction that I should look for in the feature list? Any other tips if I just want to buy one and be satisfied its the right one?
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Oct 15, 2009
Is anyone else interested in how Google voice will affect calling minutes? If you currently have your GV number set to call your Sprint cell and your incoming call is from another cell phone will you be charged for the minutes? If you setup your phone so GV is used to call all numbers that you dial will you be charged for calling other cellular number because GV masks the number? I have been through every level of support that Sprint offers and no one can answer me. Sadly tier 3 technical support told me "Google Voice is useless on a cell phone and you would not want to use this anyway". I had nothing more to say after that!
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Jan 26, 2010
For the past 3 days, everytime someone sends me a text with an attached picture it will not show up. It now shows a box that says download and when I push the download button it doesnt do anything. Before the pic or video would show up, all I had to do was hit the play button and I could view the pic or video.
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Mar 10, 2010
For the last 2 weeks I have randomly not been receiving text messages. Also just today I had a friend send a picture with text and I saw the pop up, went to Chomp SMS and clicked on the play button to play the slide show. Once I tapped the message, it disappeared. I can no longer find the picture or the message that went along with it. It is very frustrating because I know people are trying to send me photos and messages and I am not even getting them or they are disappearing before I can get/read them. I even checked the original Messages app and the missing texts/photos do not show up there. Is this a Sprint issue or a Hero issue? And is there a fix?
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Jul 15, 2010
Why is it that some texts to different contacts end up in the same thread (under one persons name)?
Anybody else? Watch out especially when you dont want certain info going to certain people while texting !
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Feb 11, 2010
How in the world do I check my incoming text messages while using the browser? I hear the notification sound but have no notification bar or any menu options to swith apps like my Blackberry had. On a few random occassions I have gotten a menu just like the one my blackberry would give me when I wanted to switch apps, unfortunately I have no idea where it came from or how it got there. I have tried what seems to be everything and can't find any evidence of this menu even existing,
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Jan 30, 2010
Anyone else experiencing not being able to receive texts from anyone? I first noticed it about 2 days ago. Only SOME weren't coming through, now none of them are coming through. I've done a hard reset last night and I have not rooted my phone
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Dec 3, 2009
i get the txts with image click download and nothing.sometimes it says its downloaded but i still see nothing.
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Nov 16, 2009
I put all my contacts into google contacts and synced them over to my hero but theres only 2 people that when they text me the display doesnt show their name it just shows their telephone number. This is very frustrating. All numbers in my contacts are put in with area code ie 8131234567.
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Feb 19, 2010
I rooted my phone and put fresh 1.1 on it a couple days ago, it received calls after rooting, but recently it stopped receiving calls, and it never received texts or visual voice mails. Gmail still pushes new email to it, and the internet works fine to update things and look at websites.
I tried to restore with nandroid and it took fresh off of it but it still doesn't do text, don't know about calls but i doubt it. also when i rooted it i removed sprint tv, nascar, foot prints and a couple other stock apps. after i found it wasn't getting texts i removed advanced task killer, but it didn't have any effect.
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Feb 19, 2010
When I send out text messages the name show as ICE. How do I change that to my name?
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Aug 16, 2010
Frustrated! I am receiving all my texts from different people under one thread. Then, when I reply to the last person who texted me under that thread, it goes to the first person on the thread and not the person intended. Went to the Sprint store the first time this happened, they did a hard reset and that worked for a couple of days but having same problem again. Tried disabling my task manager but that didn't help this problem either. I downloaded Handcent and disabled Hero's text messaging but no luck with that. Please help....ready to throw this phone against the wall. Has anyone else had this problem? Anybody know how to fix this problem?
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Dec 3, 2009
I forward alot of texts for work and I want to get rid of the forward before the forwarded texts. i know I can manually delete it but Ide like to not have to. any way anyone knows how? I hope so. thanks in advance.
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Dec 15, 2009
Is anyone aware of an email issue in which you can send, reply to and forward a message through POP mail only if connected to WiFi?
I have a couple of POP accounts (outside of gmail) set up in the email application. The last couple of days (with the WiFi off), I have tried to respond to an email through my phone, as well as forward another and it comes up with an alert that it is unable to send. Then I turn on my WiFi and try again and it goes through fine.
Confused by this, if anyone has an explanation or fix. I would like to be able to reply, forward, send regardless if I am on the network or WiFiespecially since I will not always have a WiFi hotspot available in every situation.
Receiving messages still works fine. Sending is where the problem pops up. It cant be the settings, as it can send when WiFi is on using the exact same settings as are entered when trying over the network.
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Jan 11, 2010
I love my sprint hero, but am on the fence about sprint itself tons of people have told me how they hated sprints service, customer service, etc..my wife and I thought the ability to send pics via messaging is a cool feature however it doesn't appear to work all that well.have tried the built in and also handcent messaging. am connected currently via my wifi at home and that doesn't help either. i realize there are probably size restrictions ( size anyone) but it should work sometimes.also the voice record feature on handsentend feature doesn't work either.
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Mar 31, 2010
Just to let you know my husband and I both have heros and finally figured out how to, annoying at best, receive pic messages. We use them frequently, have an 17 month old son. If you just send a pic message and go in and send the same one again a minute or so later the second one will work. This is a very annoying problem for us because we use this feature so often for "all kinds of pictures" So hopeful this will help the rest of you that are annoyed with the "downloading" problem!
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Jun 7, 2010
Even when my security lock is enabled and I hit the menu key to check the time for example, new sms messages can be seen at the bottom of the screen. Does anyone know how to disable sms from displaying?
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Jan 8, 2010
okay so my hero gets REALLY slow when like i get texts and stuff. i mean its fine when im using my phone like on facebook and i can tell when im getting a text because my phone will start to lag and stuff so its like warning, but other times ill go take a nap and put my phone on silent and wake up and see i have like 5-10 texts and or a few missed calls and my hero will RUN SO SLOW because of all the texts and shit. its so annoying.
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Jan 20, 2010
I have only had my Hero for a couple of days but am quickly become frustrated. Is there any way to change the notification sound with incoming texts? Also, every time I receive and incoming text my phone also vibrates. I've looked under notifications and can't find any way to change this. I'm about to pay the restocking fee and get a new phone.
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