Sprint HTC Hero :: Purple And Black Zebra Background Wallpaper?
Feb 27, 2010I am looking for a specific wallpaper that i can't seem to find. i would like a purple and black zebra background. does anyone know how to make one or where to find one?

I am looking for a specific wallpaper that i can't seem to find. i would like a purple and black zebra background. does anyone know how to make one or where to find one?
Any possible way to make an xda wallpaper, black background with blue letter. Similar to the xda premium app splash screen when in dark theme but without the premium app.
Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Why i get a Black screen with a translucent transparent background on my HTC Hero ? I used the code sample.It is OK with the emulators 1.5 and 2.1.Is there a way to have it on my Hero ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI downloaded pictures off the internet and tried to set them as my background, and it says "This picture has been set as wallpaper" But its just the default wallpaper. So then I tried the Bar code scanner wallpapers and Android themes.com and same thing!
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to add a background theme and/or background wallpaper to my app? Right now my app background is plane.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just removed advance task killer and a few other apps that were slowing me down. Now, when I hit the back button to go to the home screen the screen turns black with the HTC text like it does at boot up. This happens every time I leave an application. I am rooted at the moment though I have not done anything else other than that. Should I reset this to factory specs? Also the headset jack is not detecting earphones which it was up until today.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently tried flashing Demagless 2.0.8 and now my phone is stuck on the HTC Black logo screen while the phone is starting up I have done a clean wipe and reflashed demageless and also fresh 2d but now I get the same problem previously I've had fresh 2d installed and worked perfectly fine. I can still access my root but no matter what rom I flash it won't start up.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there any way or any app I can get that will let me use pictures I take as wallpaper? I mean I can set the pictures as my wallpaper, but I only see a small portion of it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedOn the commercial I see each screen they flip through has a different wallpaper. How do I do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedOk so i just rooted last night on the 2.1. today I'm trying to get live wall papers but cant seem to figure out how. any suggestions? im have the sprint hero, rooted, no custom rom.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best wallpaper to have for the hero.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI switched phones the other day.The 1st phon eI was able to set my lock screen with a provided wall papar. On teh new phone, it says I have no photos and will not let me go to wallpapers. Could this be because I hace swapped out the 2gig micro sd with a new sd card?Because I know I did it on the other phone.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want MY pictures to appear in the "wallpaper gallery". i put pictures into the Wallpaper folder, but when i go to change the wallpaper on the phone and i select the source as wallpaper gallery, my pictures don't show up in there. how to make that happen? i like that wallpaper gallery because its just.. faster! plus, its cool!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am running Fresh 2.3.3 and I have the Vanilla lockscreen enabled. I have tried a lot of patches and metamorphs all locking my phone and sending into force closes and boot loops. My question is is it possible to change the vanilla wallpaper on Fresh? Is there a way to find the wallpaper used and change it? If not I'll live with it. It looks much better then sense with fresh.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone have a fix to make the live wallpaper work on this ROM? I go and set the wallpaper and it does not change to the live wallpaper. The other wallpaper work from "wallpapers."
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to use LWP in HTC Sense in Fresh? I know the flip guy sent out a fix for this, but that took away weather animations (and I like that). Also the LWP ran a bit laggy, as opposed to when I ran the LWP with the undo fix. The issue is though, when I run it with the fix undone, whenever I wake the phone up, it disappears. Is this some sort of remedy for this.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am looking for an app that will change my wallpaper at random or set intervials. Does anyone know of such an app and if your phone needs to be rooted to use it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedPost your wallpaper images for others to use and see. I uploaded the images offsite.
View 13 Replies View RelatedCan't get wallpaper to size correctly since running the Android 2.1 update on the Sprint Hero.
The HTC wallpaper shows correctly but the resolution of wallpaper set from my photos seems to be about 800x600. The onscreen size remains the same regardless of the original photos size, I've tried everything from 340x480 down to thumbnail and it stays the same.
Also when I try to load a photo as wallpaper I get a horizontal crop box even though the screen is obviously vertical.
So, I upgraded last week to DamageControl v2.09.1 and had a few issues, but everything has worked itself out and its working fine now.
The only problem I'm having is that I can't change my home screen wallpaper. I can change the lockscreen and I can do everything else with the phone except this. Anyone have any ideas?
I'm having trouble setting up my wallpaper. Every time I click on "Set as Wallpaper" it doesn't let me choose the whole entire picture. It only lets me select a small portion of it. Any help?
I just got the HTC Hero because I switched it out with the Moment and so far I like the Hero a lot better.
After a hard reset on my first Hero, the factory/system wallpaper files disappeared. Thereafter, I was unable to set the background for the lock screen to anything but the default. When I go to set lock screen background, the device reports "no media found".
Now that I have another Hero, I would like to backup those 22 factory background/wallpaper files.
1) Is that possible? If so, how? Does it require me to root the device so I can actually "copy out" the files?
2) Does there exist a backup software that can do a full system file backup? If so, please recommend one.
3) I have seen several file manager-like applications. Do any of these applications browse system files and allow one to copy them? (Is rooting reqired)?
4) Does anyone have copies of the system/default wallpapers? If so, will you please zip them up and post it here?
5) WHY did the pictures disappear after a hard reset? If they are part of the ROM, why did they not return after a reset?
I've got the Fresh ROM installed on my phone, but I don't seem to have any luck getting the live backgrounds that came with the ROM working. I have a feeling they're inactive, but I can't find anywhere else to get them and load them onto my phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have checked for related threads to see if this was formerly addressed. It's been discussed generally, but neither specifically to the CDMA HTC Hero or the procedure I'm going to summarize below:
If you press:
Home --> and hold it for a couple of seconds
You get pictures (icons) of the last six apps you've run.
I was in the Sprint store today and the rep who also uses the HTC Hero told me there's an App that stops them, which can be downloaded at the Android Market.
It's called " Kill-Something? "
It's an App we can download that will force these off and perhaps save battery power, or at least stop them from running in the background.
1) Anyone know the name of this App?
2) Is it useful? Have you had any experiences with it either positive or negative?
3) Any other tips (in layman terms please) on stopping Apps from running in the background on Sprint HTC Hero?
i don't wanna beat a dead horse. currently running fresh 2.3.3 with vanilla lockscreen. just upgraded to the black vanilla one but only have the locks on it with the black background. no clock. anything i gotta do for this. also if i can't get a vanilla lock screen with a background on it how do i revert it to the normal htc one?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I prevent Sprint Navigation from running in the background all the time? Every time I go on the market, browser, check my email, or send a text, Sprint Navigation is shown running in all of my 3rd party app managers. I have task killer so I can kill it as I please, however I would like to completely prevent it from starting up when i'm not even using it. Any ideas on how I can accomplish this?
View 13 Replies View RelatedWith OLED, does a black or dark wallpaper mean battery life is saved? Or is it the same as LCD where any colour uses the same power.
View 35 Replies View RelatedPhone - HTC incredible 2.1 no root
I love flikie wallpaper hd app but for some strange reason it fails to load an image sometimes and I just have a blank black screen that stays until I manually change it. I have 400+ wallpapers that I have set to change every 30 min and no I don't have a solid black wallpaper. Anyone else have this problem? Have a solution?
i have set the background of an activity with a green gradient png image.This working fine almost always but some times during navigating to an activity its background is becoming black! i am not able to reproduce it with any specific operation, also not getting how to debug or fix it.
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