Android :: Flikie Wallpaper Hd - Blank Black Screen
Jul 10, 2010
Phone - HTC incredible 2.1 no root
I love flikie wallpaper hd app but for some strange reason it fails to load an image sometimes and I just have a blank black screen that stays until I manually change it. I have 400+ wallpapers that I have set to change every 30 min and no I don't have a solid black wallpaper. Anyone else have this problem? Have a solution?
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Jun 25, 2010
I've got it set to change my wallpaper every 30 minutes, but it's not changing it at all unless I do it manually. Tried to go to their "official" site,, but it's down for renovation. Anybody know what to do or who to email?
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Jul 16, 2010
I am facing a problem.In my application I have 3 actvities A,B,C which i have declared as singleInstance.I have observed that for the first time when I launch these activities(like A > B or B > C) there is a delay observed and I see a black screen for a while.
I see in the blanch screen the header text that gets displayed is the application name which i have given in the android manifest.xml(android:label="@string/app_name")
I amy unable to understand why this blank screen is observed? Experts please comment on how to avoid it.
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Dec 2, 2010
This was reported in the other thread about X8 Issues, but thought to start a new one to gather feedback from users. It's about the ''black screen'' freezing issue encountered by some users. I have had this several times since owning the phone for a few weeks, so it is a recurring issue. Problem: The phone hangs or appears to be shut down or become unresponsive suddenly. Pressing the hardware buttons doesn't help as the phone doesn't react at all. Solution: Take out cover and battery and restart.Observations: From my own observations, it's not actually a shutdown but a major freezing/hanging. Sometimes when it happens, I can still see vague shades of the display at an angle. After leaving the phone for a while in the pocket, the phone comes back to normal again. Not sure if this is true for all users with this problem. Anyway, gathering more feedback to see how prevalent the problem is, to evaluate whether I should take it to the SE service centre, or whether doing so will help at all.
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Aug 18, 2010
I have a Captivate that I just brought today.....and everything works just fine except the Contacts App. When I launch the Contacts App the screen is blank and nothing to click on to add a contact.
Is something wrong with just the app or phone? Has anyone experienced this?
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May 29, 2010
A few days ago i downloaded the Flikie wallpaper app and was able to save wallpapers on the Desire without any problem. Since yesterday i have been unable to save or set a particular wallpaper. I now keep getting a message "sorry we can not save this wallpaper". I have tried many other wallpapers with the same message appearing.Has anyone else experienced this problem?? Is it likely to be a problem with the app and not the phone?Would it help if i uninstall and then reinstall the app?Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
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Sep 16, 2010
I have been reading through the manual for the Desire and it states that you can have a different lock screen wallpaper to the wallpaper when the screen has been unlocked.
However, I can't seem to manage this at all.
Does anyonw know if this is possible or if it is an error in the HTC manual?
The reason being I would like to have a nice bright lock screen image but a normal black background for when apps and widgets are all over it.
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Apr 3, 2010
With OLED, does a black or dark wallpaper mean battery life is saved? Or is it the same as LCD where any colour uses the same power.
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Nov 28, 2012
Any possible way to make an xda wallpaper, black background with blue letter. Similar to the xda premium app splash screen when in dark theme but without the premium app.
Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Feb 27, 2010
I am looking for a specific wallpaper that i can't seem to find. i would like a purple and black zebra background. does anyone know how to make one or where to find one?
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Jul 15, 2010
I looked for a plain black wallpaper for the X in the menu system. Doesn't seem to exist.
Resorted to taking a photo with the lens completely covered. And then chose that for my background. Is there a better way?
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Sep 15, 2009
However if I try to change the lock screen wallpaper, it doesn't give me the choice of "wallpaper gallery":menu -> wallpaper -> lock screen..just takes me directly to my photo albums.How can I choose lock screen wallpaper from the existing wallpaper gallery?
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Apr 29, 2014
i have tried to install kitkat version for galaxy y duos s6102,for that i installed clockwork mod n cynogenmod n kitkat file..but after installing the screen goes blank,nothing appears except Samsung logo screen,
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Aug 9, 2010
I'm confused on what these apps exactly are. I first downloaded 3D gallery which I then found out I have to download Flickie. I did and now I'm lost. I see flickie is a gallery of several pictures you can use for a wallpaper. But is that it? And I see one of my options is 3d gallery but it just shows the pix I took. Then when I go under settings and wallpaper I see flickie as a option but when I click it says that I have no photo select. Can someone explain this a little better to me and what 3d gallery exactly is.
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Sep 16, 2010
My app has one activity and one ContentProvider, the activity is simple in that it's just a splash screen at the moment with no other logic in it (I do intend to have more activities in the app). The ContentProvider uses SQLite as a back end and loads some static data from files on first install, a slow process due to file sizes and database initialization. My problem is that I want the activity to show up as soon as the install starts and maybe display a progress bar or dialog to show the user progress about the install. At the moment I get a blank (white) screen while the ContentProvider is initialising the data which takes quite a long time and I get "Activity idle timeout for history record" warning in LogCat. My splash screen only shows when the Content Provider is done, from the app standpoint this is undesirable behaviour. One potential solutions would be to manually start the provider via an AsyncTask but I have a feeling that this is a bad approach due to the fact that if the activity is interupted and restarted while the install is underway and a new AsyncTast is created through the activity's onCreate() then I'll have worst problems on my hands. Is there a way to start the content provider in the background and display my splash screen activity straight after the app is started? Note that this problem is only an issue on first install.
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Apr 6, 2010
While opening my application from application launcher. Sometimes I am getting blank screen for long time (almost 3 min). If I perform some key events then I am getting ANR. Log is as follows.
I/ActivityManager( 57): Starting activity: Intent {
action=android.intent.action.MAIN categories ={android.intent.category.LAUNCHER} flags=0x10200000 comp={com.test/com.test.MyScreen} }
E/JavaBinder( 57): !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!!
After this I am getting activity launch timeout and Idle timeout. Is there any design issue with my activity or problem with android environment.
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Mar 5, 2009
I tried a simple mediaplayer application, just to run a .3gp file. First, i put the .3gp file in "Raw" folder and tried to run, but nothing is displaying, just blank screen only.... please guide me, where i am going wrong. I dont have any xml file, is it needed ??
Heres the code, which i am trying
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Apr 25, 2009
I've got a basic list activity with a few images that when you select one starts a new activity with a SurfaceView (based on the Lunar Lander sample). Some times the screen is just blank, from some debugging I can see that the background .png is being loaded and doDraw() is being called by the activity doesn't display anything for anything from 4 to 20 seconds. Other times the game activity is loaded just fine. I assumed it was some kind of garbage collection problem but I can't see anything in LogCat and the second activity is actually loaded, just not displayed for some reason.
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May 7, 2014
The problem is that I have created multiple emulators using android 4.4.2 API and none of them show anything but blank screen..I tried an AVD with Google API 19..thats not working either..
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Dec 2, 2009
i am writing a widget and trying to prove that it doesn't run when the phone is in deep sleep as i am setting an alarm with type ELAPSED_REALTIME. when i hit the end call on the emulator the device screen goes blank, but i still see my alarms being delivered. am i missing something?
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Dec 16, 2009
We are developing an application that requires a download of a music file (mp3). We are using the Browser Activity for the same.
The Browser Activity is invoked from the application and the download url is passed to it, like: startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(downloadurl)));
However, after downloading, on the download list page, if we press the Back button, a blank white screen is displayed. Only after we press the Back button a second time on this white screen, the application screen is displayed. This happens because the Browser Activity view is displayed before the actual downloading starts.
This is an issue in the application flow. We need to manage the flow in such a way that the 'Back' key press on the download list view will take the control to the application screen instead of the white screen.
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Jul 14, 2010
Some background info: I got an HTC Evo a few days after the initial launch. I had no problems with the screen at first at least for a few weeks. Then all of a sudden, the screen would go blank after I took the phone off the charger, or would finish a call, and a few other instances. After dealing with that for a little over a week, I took the Evo back to sprint and got a brand new one. I looked all over the forums, but could not find any answers. I know some others are having this issue, but it doesn't seem that widespread. So I get the new phone, and for the first day, I don't install any of the apps I had on the last phone because of a lack of time. No problems to report the first day of use, so I think I'm in the clear. The next day I start installing all of the apps I had on the first Evo, and bang, it starts to happen again. The screen goes blank, and I can do nothing to turn it on except to pull the battery out and restart the phone which is a monster pain. After all of this, I have to think its a software issue. Some app I have running could be causing this? How likely is it that 2 Evo's have this exact same problem, and that it's hardware related? Here is a list of apps I have installed on my phone: maui9111's Apps on the phone. I tried uninstalling several of them, but still can't find the solution. Anyone have any ideas? I love this phone, but this issue is driving me nuts!
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Oct 10, 2010
I found that when EditText in placing at the bottom of screen, and the activity's android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan", and the apps run in ldpi(240*320) mode, then when EditText has focus, the content of the activity is panned too far to the above, thus leaving a blank screen between the content of the window and the soft input panel.
You can see the screenshot of this problem at
Also, the source code to repro this problem can also be get at
When I test further, if the same apps run in hdpi(480*800), when EditText got focus, the content of the window panned too small thus causing the soft input window cover the EditText view. It seems the distance of the window panned not compute the screen density.
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Mar 15, 2010
WARN/WindowManager(61): No focus window, dropping: KeyEvent{action=0 code=82 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=229 mFlags=8}
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Jun 18, 2009
I'm running a standard camera preview (i use the camera api demo as a reference).
When i hit the capture button, there is a black screen for a good 1/2 second until the captured image appears.
My question is how can i freeze the last image being previewed on the screen while i do the capture work ? I don't mind that the quality of the displayed image is not as good.
If i hit camera.stopPreview() -> that goes into the black screen which i don't want.
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Jul 7, 2010
I have an application I am currently working on for a client which is suffering from a particularly hard to debug problem. Every so often, the device screen will go blank, not just while running my application, but entirely. If I press the home button, for instance, it's still blank. This happens fairly rarely ( I myself have only seen it once or twice in a couple of months, and unfortunately couldn't gather log information immediately when it happened. What log info I was able to gather seemed to show that the phone continued to run properly - I was still seeing events in the log file - the screen was just blank ). So far, this has only been observed while running on Motorola Milestones ( this may or may not be coincidence - it's hard to tell given the infrequency of occurance ). Has anyone else observed anything similar? Any suggestions as to possible causes/ways of debugging?
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Feb 16, 2010
When I make a phone call the screen goes blank after 5 seconds. To end a call, I have to press "home" then "end call".Is there a way I can keep the screen on whilst making a call?I have tried home, menu, settings, then sound & display, without success.
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Jun 5, 2010
I'm very new to Android programming, so this is probably something pretty basic. I just have an xml layout with a few buttons. I'm trying to follow the model given by the JetBoy demo, so I'm adding a view to the layout which extends SurfaceView. When this new view is put in my xml layout, I just get a blank screen.
Here's the XML layout if it helps. The gameview element is what causes the screen to be blank
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Aug 9, 2010
When i fire up my youtube app, i get a quick black screen flash and it goes back to home screen. The app doesnt launch at all. It was working just fine for several months, all of a sudden it started doing this.
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Jul 25, 2010
The thing is that time to time my device does not respond to screen touch. For instance: then there is an incoming call it stays blank and I can not see who is calling and at the same time not able to answer it.
Touching the screen does nothing, only after pushing hard buttons, I am able to terminate the call. Also, when I am trying to access the OS from sleep mode by pressing the power button--there is no home screen--it stays blank. The only thing it does---the lights go on the home, menu, back and search buttons.
I did contact ot HTC help service and they told me to try to use the device in safe mode for two days. (this should terminate all 3rd party applications, that might cause the issue). Its my first day that I am use is in the safe mode and so far I do not experience any problems.
I do suspect that the reason of my problem could be the task killer that I am using in order to eliminator some programs running in background. But I did try out several task killers so far, however the issue remains the same
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