Sprint HTC Hero :: Phone Rebooted And Stuck On Startup Screen
Oct 3, 2010Turned on the phone this morning, it loaded fine. It then rebooted and sits at the HTC screen. I didnt even get a chance to do anything.

Turned on the phone this morning, it loaded fine. It then rebooted and sits at the HTC screen. I didnt even get a chance to do anything.
I recently tried flashing Demagless 2.0.8 and now my phone is stuck on the HTC Black logo screen while the phone is starting up I have done a clean wipe and reflashed demageless and also fresh 2d but now I get the same problem previously I've had fresh 2d installed and worked perfectly fine. I can still access my root but no matter what rom I flash it won't start up.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI think I might be in serious trouble here. I'm new to smartphones in general and wanted to root my Evo so that I could get rid of that annoying bloatware and maybe find some cool functionality.I'm new to forums too, but I did dig through a ton before I posted this and didn't see a solution to my problem.I used unrevoked 3 to root the phone. Worked fine. Tried to install Fresh through Rom Manager, but couldn't get it to flash by installing from sd card. Sort of abandoned that and moved on to Bugless Beast. I downloaded that to my computer transferred to my phone and tried "install from sd card" again. No luck, it just gave me the startup screen "htc evo 4g" and stayed on.I used nandroid to restore to my previous settings with no problem. I decided to partition the hardrive and try to flash bugless beast again. This would have been fine, but I didn't realize that partitioning removed the clockwise back up file.So, now I don't have anything to restore back to and it is stuck on the "htc evo 4g" screen.I can still get into the hboot, so its not a total loss yet.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIts not doing anything thing? Like all it says is HTC and its got like a spotlight on it, I am charging it now so maybe its because I needed to be charged? a little help!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just bought my Droid X a couple of weeks ago (2.2 and Rooted). It wanted to do some auto app updates and I told it to do them all not sure if it was before or after that that I noticed a red light by the ear "piece/speaker" and the phone was on and a battery level warning came on which I thought was premature. I plugged in the power cord the light went to green and I looked over a few minutes later and it was dead. I could be a little off on what happened when but that's what happened.
It wont power on now and I've tried holding a few different buttons while powering on and still nothing. I did check the settings the other day and it was successfully backing itself up not sure how to use that backup though. I just looked over after typing this post and the Motorola "M" was on the screen but I couldn't get it to do anything so I pulled the battery and tried again to boot it and nothing.
After using Fresh's 2.0d for the last month, I decided to try DC 2.08. I did a Titanium Backup, copied 2.08 to the SD, wiped the phone and the dalvik and installed from the SD card. After the installation, the phone boots up but is stuck on the HTC logo screen (the white background that says "quietly brilliant"). It looks like it is looping as it shows the sprint screen every few minutes before going back to the HTC screen. I've tried wiping and reinstalling, but I am getting the same result.
FWIW, I root using Fresh Kitchen's auto-root if that matters.
Any suggestions? Should I try to flash Fresh's 2.1.2?
I was trying to the galaxy app on my behold 2. Once I rebooted the phone it stays stuck on a "samsung" logo that glow, but nothing else. I tried removing the battery and restarting, but it still stays stuck on the SAMSUNG logo..
View 2 Replies View RelatedI had an issue flashing the newest version of the leedroid ROM. To start my phone was running stock un-rooted Android 2.1. This is what I've done
1) Rooted the device using the Unrevoked method. Everything with this went fine. I get the Superuser app and I can get the '#' prompt at a terminal.
2) Then I partitioned my SD card using Rom Manager in preparation for A2SD+
3) Then I booted into clockwork mod recovery and wiped data/factory reset, wiped cache, and wiped dalvik cache
4) Then I tried to flash the leedroid rom from zip on the sd card
After reboot my phone appears to be stuck on the HTC screen and will not move forward. But if I take out the battery I can boot back into recovery mode. So it appears my phone is not broken, but it clearly isn't working. I've tried flashing a number of different ROMs but get the same result each time.
Last night, played a couple of rounds on Wordfeud and I'm assuming the battery went dead. Now I'm stuck on HTC screen when I boot up. Won't even show CM6 loadup screen. I charged it for a couple minutes and even booted into recovery with no luck. Battery pull doesn't do it either. Have I bricked my phone? I'm not quite understanding why it's not loading up anything. BTW: During the recovery screen, it said I had the RA image there so I doubt it's not on my card to boot up as I know that if you don't have this then it won't boot up.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen i try to go into sprint tv it says downloading and it stays there...any thoughts?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am on fresh 2.1b2 as of yesterday and without any problems. Today I used the pre-kitchen 0.2 to install applications footprints, IM, Quick Office, Sound Recorder and Sprint TV. It finished and rebooted the phone and now ist suck on the white htc quielty brilliant screen.
View 25 Replies View Relatedi installed clock work mod recovery using odin multidownloader in my galaxy fit s5670, then i gave factory reset in cwm recovery. now my phone is not booting.stuck at start-up,looping around..
View 1 Replies View RelatedI rooted my phone (HTC Hero 200 running 2.1) a few days ago, went with Fresh 2.1, but after having some trouble with WiFi Tethering I opted for Damage Control. I did a lot of searching online and found Damage Control 0.999999% and installed it on my phone. It is working okay for the most part, but I found out that there are a number of 2.0 versions out there so I decided I wanted to update to a new version.
1) Version 2.09.1 would not load (and I read that it was unstable so I removed it and rolled back.
2) I went with version 2.08.1 and when I rebooted the phone it would get stuck on the boot-up screen and would not go any further (I went in, wiped the phone, went back to the initial Kernel I installed (2.6.29-8f4e5478 htc-kernel@and18-2 #1), but it still wouldn't work.
3) I research other Damage Control ROMS and went with 2.06.1 Lite to download the DCUpdater, thinking that if I went with this edition I would use it to get to 2.08.1, but same result as before.
Do I need to download a new Kernel? Do I need to start from scratch and root my phone all over again?
Does anybody else besides me also like the way the iPhone and Palm Pre both place the photo (or text "balloon") of peopl on alternate sides of the screen during text messengering and IM chat conversations? It really gives a nice sense the "back and forth" of real life conversation...and to also help distinguish one's own comments from those of the person one is conversing with...particularly if there's no actual photo in the phone book to show the person (you can still see the back and forth pattern Seems like such a great idea and so simple to implement! Why the heck can't they do that on our Android phone?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI installed Aloysius 2.0.8 rom last night and now all my phone will do is show red, blue , green and yellow colors the boot animation going back and fourth all night it will not let me do anything it seem like it is suck. Is there anything I can do to puy my old system back on the phone? I tried the hold the power button and volume down key but it just does the same thing over and over and I can't do anything with the phone. Is my phone just a brick now or is there a way to make this thing work.
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy Hero has been stuck on roaming since Tuesday night and now has no EVDO service after a tech had me do a soft reset and update my profile.The Sprint store told me last night that they just received a bulliten about this and for some reason it only affects HTC heros on their network.I was given two different stories by techs over the phone and am really unhappy. It seems a bit odd that nobody has posted about it here.I live in Houston Texas.
View 17 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to root my phone for 2 days now but I can't even get my Hero to sync to my computer. I've searched around and tried a lot of the tips and tricks that I've seen. I manually downloaded drivers, and that didn't work either.I'm running Windows 7 64-bit, which from what I've heard has been a source of problems for a lot of people. I decided to come to you guys before I went to HTC about this, so if you have any advice please share. I can't even get Pre-Kitchen until I fix this problem.I've tried:
1) Restarting my phone while connected
2) Checking off USB Debugging, plugging it in, then checking it on.
3) Restarting my computer while phone is connected.
4) Downloading 64-bit drivers.
5) Un-installing HTC Sync, Re-installing it.
I updated to the Official Sprint 2.1 update when it became available and prior to that I was running the leaked RUU. No issues with either and a general improvement in Hero performance with both, except for one quirk occurring only with the Official ROM. About 33% of the time, when initially powering up the phone in the AM, I would not get an automatic web connection. The phone function would operate, I would get the signal strength bars and Ev symbol, but no web. When this happened, I would turn off the phone and then immediately turn it back on and it would always auto connect to the web the second time and everything would work fine.
One of these times I also removed the battery before I turned it back on, but the problem would still occur occasionally. I called Sprint Tech Support and asked about the issue. The Technician looked at my account and made an update to it on his end, then asked me to go into Settings/About Phone/System Updates and do an "Update Profile". He said it should alleviate the non-connection problem. So far the phone has worked perfectly after doing this.
i am using sense 2.2 rom on my rooted htc hero with no problems on my 16gb microsdhc card. however when i used a kingston 32gb microsdhc i just purchased i can't seem to get it to work. i have formatted the sd card on my computer then i partitioned the card the same way i did with my 16gb card, then i partitioned ext2 to ext3 but when i restarted my phone with the 32gb card inside the screen was stuck on the htc logo. can anybody help please?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI'm using a Drioid Eris version 2.1. When I turn on my phone it stays on the starting screen (the androids on skateboards) and won't go to the next one. I think it may have happened after I updated my SD Card Reader app because that's the only thing I can think of that caused this problem, thought it might be something else. How do I fix this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo this morning, I put my phone on a little pile of clothes on my bathroom sink. I take my shower, get out and it's still sitting there. I tool around for ten minutes, and of course, after sitting there perfectly for almost 25 minutes, I go to brush my teeth with the water running and doesn't it pick that 1 minute window to slide off into the water. It was in the water for maybe half second. It was not submerged or have water run on it. It was back down in the water. I grabbed it, immediately rubbed the water off and removed the back cover and battery. Everything was dry. I thought I dodged a bullet. I out the battery back in and restarted. I came back a minute later and it was off. I tried to restart, nothing. I plugged it in, and the charge indicator did not come back on. I pulled the battery again, and blew into where the battery connects and noticed water coming out! Not a lot, but it was there. It either got in through the HDMI or USB, or, more likely though the back of the kickstand.
Stupid me thought I got it all out, put the battery back in and tried again. This time it made it to the Sprint 4G screen then died. I put the phone in a bag of uncooked rice. When I got to work, I pulled it out and after shaking the rice out of it (let me tell you how much rice got into to phone!!), I used compressed air in it. I didn't see any more water. I put it back with the rice and am now just scared to death. Not sure how long I should wait to put the battery back in and try it. So, this is the second evo I had as I exchanged the first one for screen separation issues. I noticed that the first phone I had water damage indicators on the outside under the cover. Now, I don't see them. If they were still where they used to be, I'd be in the clear since it never got wet back there. The battery indicator is fine. Just can't find the other ones now and I'm scared to death that when I tried to restart I may have permanently ruined my phone and I have no insurance.
I tried to flash the Fission 2.0.2 rom earlier today. I am running the OTA Froyo update (can't remember the exact firmware off the top of my head) with the 928 Droid X Black Glass theme, so I was deodexed. I followed the instructions, I made a nandroid backup, wiped the cache and data, mounted the cache and data, installed the ROM and tried to reboot, and it poped up to the M.
I waited an hour and a half and it was still stuck like that. I pulled the battery hoping to get back into Clockwork recovery, but not it's still stuck on the M.
I got galaxy gio, which has Android 2.3.3, today at a worse moment of my life, I update my gio from Setting > About Phone > Update then it ask me for sign in, I login then it start updating after some time it says your phone is now restarting, then a 20 - 30 mints loading comleted and it stucks, then I restart it doesn't do anything, it only stucks at boot up screen, on that my screen just showing me Galaxy Gio S5660 and then nothing happened just stuck, I again restart but it stuck.
now I want to restore it to factory setting by pc, if it possible, I thing i have disturb the OS so I can only restore it by from my PC. I have lost my android
First, can we change the phone to vibrate once instead of twice when receiving an SMS?
Also, is it possible to have the phone turn on its screen briefly when an SMS is received?
I'm talking about while using the native Messages app, not with chompSMS or Handcent.
I found a few threads about this in the European HTC Hero section.I also saw someone posted the question in Sprint's thread, however I can't find it through the search function.Does anyone know of an app or any way to turn the screen off while making a call.I know it automatically times out and turns the screen off, but I have hit the end call button too many times now.Hopefully there is a fix out or in the works for this.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIf I let my phone sleep long enough to go into a "deep sleep" it is very slow after I unlock it. For example, my phone has been in my pocket for a half of an hour and then I get a new text message. I turn on the screen, and slide to unlock, but I can't pull down the notification bar for about 10 seconds or so, I have to wait for the analog clock to set the right time (which it lags through) and then it's fine after that. I don't have this problem if I lock it then unlock it right away.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to install a rom (Liquid Frozen Yogurt) onto my Motorola Droid. I rebooted, came back and there is a strange symbol on the screen. It is a triangle with an exclamation mark in the middle, and it is standing upright staring down at my phone laying flat. I'm not sure if it's working away, or if this is some problem.
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhen I turn my phone on, I get a vibration or two, sounds, etc.How do I set my phone to start-up in silence?
No sounds, vibrations, etc.
why it would be stuck on roam?
View 5 Replies View RelatedFor some reason my Hero got a mind of its own and is now stuck in car mode. Anytime I hit the home key I get the Navigator screen and anytime I answer a call it automatically has the speaker phone on. From my googling I have seen other phones that have had this problem but nothing on the Hero. I called CS and they said they had no idea how to turn it off and to take it into a store to have them look at it. I took it into the store and how did they fix it...they ordered me a new Hero. So apparently they couldn't fix it either. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem and were able to fix it so maybe when someone else runs into it they don't have to go through all the fun I have had too.
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