HTC Hero :: Sprint Tv Stuck At Downloading Screen / Solution For This?
Jun 22, 2010When i try to go into sprint tv it says downloading and it stays there...any thoughts?

When i try to go into sprint tv it says downloading and it stays there...any thoughts?
i am using sense 2.2 rom on my rooted htc hero with no problems on my 16gb microsdhc card. however when i used a kingston 32gb microsdhc i just purchased i can't seem to get it to work. i have formatted the sd card on my computer then i partitioned the card the same way i did with my 16gb card, then i partitioned ext2 to ext3 but when i restarted my phone with the 32gb card inside the screen was stuck on the htc logo. can anybody help please?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI recently have been unable to download anything from marketplace although my wifi internet connection was working.
Then I remembered that being in the UK I had recently taken advantage of changing my email from googlemail to gmail, although I had changed this in my mail on the phone it seemed to upset the marketplace downloads
Changed it back to googlemail and all works fine.
Last night, played a couple of rounds on Wordfeud and I'm assuming the battery went dead. Now I'm stuck on HTC screen when I boot up. Won't even show CM6 loadup screen. I charged it for a couple minutes and even booted into recovery with no luck. Battery pull doesn't do it either. Have I bricked my phone? I'm not quite understanding why it's not loading up anything. BTW: During the recovery screen, it said I had the RA image there so I doubt it's not on my card to boot up as I know that if you don't have this then it won't boot up.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a big problem,it happens once a day(it happend before MR1,with MR1,and with MR2). Cant unlock the screen,when I need to drag padlock left or right it just cant,padlock stays on the left or right side, I can get it back to the middle but unlock - NO (sometimes it promts for some ''unlock code'' but it is not usual lock code as I never set a lock code) and in mean while if you receive a call from some one he complained later on that why didn't you receive the phone, my answer is always that phone never vibrate or ring but when i check the miss call log the call was really there.
The only temporary solution is soft reset. Somebody have something to say?
I am on fresh 2.1b2 as of yesterday and without any problems. Today I used the pre-kitchen 0.2 to install applications footprints, IM, Quick Office, Sound Recorder and Sprint TV. It finished and rebooted the phone and now ist suck on the white htc quielty brilliant screen.
View 25 Replies View RelatedTurned on the phone this morning, it loaded fine. It then rebooted and sits at the HTC screen. I didnt even get a chance to do anything.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI recently tried flashing Demagless 2.0.8 and now my phone is stuck on the HTC Black logo screen while the phone is starting up I have done a clean wipe and reflashed demageless and also fresh 2d but now I get the same problem previously I've had fresh 2d installed and worked perfectly fine. I can still access my root but no matter what rom I flash it won't start up.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI rooted my phone (HTC Hero 200 running 2.1) a few days ago, went with Fresh 2.1, but after having some trouble with WiFi Tethering I opted for Damage Control. I did a lot of searching online and found Damage Control 0.999999% and installed it on my phone. It is working okay for the most part, but I found out that there are a number of 2.0 versions out there so I decided I wanted to update to a new version.
1) Version 2.09.1 would not load (and I read that it was unstable so I removed it and rolled back.
2) I went with version 2.08.1 and when I rebooted the phone it would get stuck on the boot-up screen and would not go any further (I went in, wiped the phone, went back to the initial Kernel I installed (2.6.29-8f4e5478 htc-kernel@and18-2 #1), but it still wouldn't work.
3) I research other Damage Control ROMS and went with 2.06.1 Lite to download the DCUpdater, thinking that if I went with this edition I would use it to get to 2.08.1, but same result as before.
Do I need to download a new Kernel? Do I need to start from scratch and root my phone all over again?
After using Fresh's 2.0d for the last month, I decided to try DC 2.08. I did a Titanium Backup, copied 2.08 to the SD, wiped the phone and the dalvik and installed from the SD card. After the installation, the phone boots up but is stuck on the HTC logo screen (the white background that says "quietly brilliant"). It looks like it is looping as it shows the sprint screen every few minutes before going back to the HTC screen. I've tried wiping and reinstalling, but I am getting the same result.
FWIW, I root using Fresh Kitchen's auto-root if that matters.
Any suggestions? Should I try to flash Fresh's 2.1.2?
Does anybody else besides me also like the way the iPhone and Palm Pre both place the photo (or text "balloon") of peopl on alternate sides of the screen during text messengering and IM chat conversations? It really gives a nice sense the "back and forth" of real life conversation...and to also help distinguish one's own comments from those of the person one is conversing with...particularly if there's no actual photo in the phone book to show the person (you can still see the back and forth pattern Seems like such a great idea and so simple to implement! Why the heck can't they do that on our Android phone?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWas updating my SGS when it got stuck on the screen where Android is digging in the dirt and says Downloading... do no turn off target.
Windows is also giving me an error "The Program can't start because RAPI.dll is missing from your compter. Try Reinstalling the program to fix this problem"
I tried reinstalling Kies but nothing happens.... Why oh why couldn't Samsung have just let us update OTA.....
I've got some photos stuck in an MMS that I tried to download before I realised that I didnt have the correct MMS APN settings in (due to swapping to the Modaco ROM). The correct settings are now in but the MMS is stuck at "downloading" status. Is there any way I can rescue it, there is no forward option and I've successfully sent and recieved MMS since.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs anyone experiencing an unresponsive notification bar sometimes? When this happens, I end up opening the weather widget by accident. The only way to clear the notification is to open the corresponding program.
I am not sure what triggers it so I am guessing it happens randomly.
Is anyone else getting random lockups with CM6? Sometimes it locks up in the camera app, sometimes it locks up in a browser, and various other apps. The only remedy is a battery pull. I LOVE CM6 but these random lockups are getting on my nerves,... I'll track the lockups more closely to see if I can find a pattern or something.
View 21 Replies View RelatedI've had my hero for a while now, and will be getting the Evo in July on my primary line, BUT I have noticed that the button pad for search, home, menu, back has gotten a lot looser as time has went by. It is a little distracting and I was just wondering if anybody else has noticed this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have noticed on some threads that people were having issues with their widgets and Swype on the Cyanogen Froyo ROM. I was having this issue as well. Whenever I rebooted my phone I would have to make Swype my default keyboard again, and reinstall certain widgets. But I think I have found a solution. I noticed that Swype and some of these widgets had been stored on the SD card instead of on the phone. So I went into my settings and into application management and moved them over to the phone. That seemed to solve the issue. Give it a try and see if that fixes your problem, if you were having it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs anyone having issues with HTC Sync and the phone not being able to find it on the computer? I've used it before, but today it doesn't want to find it on my computer. I uninstalled sync from the computer, and reinstalled it, even tried a hard reset on my phone, still no go.
Any ideas? Or am I just an idiot and doing something wrong?
I want to keep the Hero in my back pocket, replacing another phone. I carry another larger (no jokes) device in my front pocket.
The screen can turned on and unlocked (not pattern lock) by pressing the "menu" key twice. Or, "End/Power" and then "menu". In my back pocket, my @$$ apparently pushes on these buttons randomly and sometimes turn on the device.
I do not wish to use pattern lock, it's too many steps. I am used to S2U2 on WM and it's fast.
Are there any applications that can modify the behavior of the buttons or the turn on characteristic of Hero? It would be nice to disable the menu key from unlocking the screen.
I'm not sure what to do about this, I'm running cyanogenmod6 nightly build-87 (10-11-10). I have on gapps mdpi 10-8-10 and the froyo mms fix. My phones info is
Baseband version:
Kernel version: #3
Build number: FRG83
What I don't understand is that I have internet connection, I'm actually posting this from my phone, but yet when I try downloading mms messages it lights up my 3g arrows and then says message download unsuccessful. Iv tryed using stock messaging app and handcent and its the same for both. Iv tryed updating permissions and I know my phone is compatable to open the message because I even tried sending myself a ringtone, it sent. But then I couldn't receive it. Any suggestions on how to fix this? And if not maybe I could try going back to a rom that allows me to update prl and profile? But I can't find one of those either.
HTC's site is crashing due to everyone in the world downloading this update. Some please mirror the update for all of us getting shafted!
View 48 Replies View RelatedIs there a way of downloading or getting apps available in the 1.6 and greater market, to run on 1.5?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was having the problem where my picture mail wasn't downloading. I read & read but found nothing other than hard resetting the phone. When I talked to sprint they did tell me that there were some towers out in my area. ..Just wanted to throw that out there for people who have this problem with no solutions.
View 26 Replies View RelatedI just tried to install frankenrom b5 through CWM. It said it loaded fine but I can't exit out of CWM. It kept going from back menu enabled to back menu disabled but the menu never came up. I do know that it is not visible unless I scroll down extra far but no matter what it will not show up. Any help?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to download an attachment from my gmail account but it is only opening up the document. What do I need to do to get this document onto my HTC Hero?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've tried searching for a thread to help me with this and can't seem to find one. My mms will not download to my phone. The messages come through but will not finish downloading or open. I have uninstalled handcent which I thought may have been a problem and it corrected it for 1 mms then I am back to square 1. My internal memory has 87mb left and I've deleted all apps I don't use.
I have tried deleting all messages in the phone by batch mode and it either freezes up or gives me force close to what looks like the mms program. I am trying to avoid a hard reset because we all know how much of a pain to reinstall everything is. I am starting to get really fed up with the phone because for the money I paid, I expect much better. As much as I dislike Apple products, I can see why people rave about their products - they don't have these problems. (*sssshhh don't tell Apple fanboys I said that)
I've had the issue of not being able to download MMS messages for the last few months after a few trouble free months with the Hero. It's the only problem I have with the phone. I'm wondering if anyone who had this issue has since rooted and had the problem be resolved from that. I'm on the fence about rooting. I'm generally happy with the phone as it stands. And as a long time Mac user, I'm nervous about messing around with the internal stuff. And all the rooting tutorials seem to be for the Windows user.
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy text messages when I receive pictures they do not download
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen I first installed Handcent, whenever someone sent me a pic it just popped right up on my screen. No action needed on my part to open a file or anything.
About 2 days ago it started sending these "Download" boxes instead. I press the box that is in the txt msg and it reads "downloading".
Two Questions:
1. Where do those pix download to?
2. Sometimes it says "unable to download"..... now what?! It doesn't tell me why it cannot download the pic.
I have not had any luck previwing or downloading attachements using the google app. I try to view a simple jpg, ppt, or mp4 but the phone gets stuck at fetching attachment. Does the SD card need to be formatted under android for it to work properly? I just took it out of my windows mobile and popped it straight into the hero.
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