Sprint HTC Hero : Need A Weather App
Nov 24, 2009Is there a weather app out there that actually works? It seems like every one that I have tried works for a while and then either stops updating or the widget quits working.

Is there a weather app out there that actually works? It seems like every one that I have tried works for a while and then either stops updating or the widget quits working.
All of a sudden, the weather on my home screen w/ htc scene/rosie display wont automatically update, i have to click it, then refresh it for it to update, & when i go to the settings, & check the automatic updates it doesn't stay checked, b/c when i go back to settings, its unchecked, & i can check it again, back out, & go back, & its unchecked again.
View 7 Replies View RelatedAnyone using Genie.apk (News and Weather Widget)? I installed the widget for "Weather" and it has been working well, until yesterday. It just says "Sorry, unable to connect, Please try later." And there is a "Retry Now" Button. Pressing retry says "loading" but then returns the same message. I have deleted and reinstalled the widget with the same results. Hopefuly it is just a server issue, and will be fixed shortly.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI got tired of the big clock on my screen, seeing as how I have one in the task bar anyhow, but enjoyed having the weather. There are many widgets out there, but I really liked the one that came on the nexus one.
Well here it is, for all you all firmware 1.5..
There is a clear background one..
Clear Genie Widget For 1.5 - Android @ MoDaCo
And the stock one..
Genie Widget For 1.5 - Android @ MoDaCo
You'll have to register for the forums over there..
The widget includes: News only, Weather only, or news and weather. Sharp widget! I'm using the clear now
Anyone know how to turn the weather animation off?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhy the weather is disappearing on the clock widget? Sometimes I have to sync it to come back on the home screen. When the weather disappears I still have a internet connection. I noticed it today that I was having this problem. I contacted Sprint just to get this notated on my account. I read this on the forum before but I can't find it. How can I stop this from happening?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe Hero's native weather widget contains a pretty limited number of cities. On my old WinMo phone, there was a way to expand the database of cities by modifying some Manila files. Is there a similar course of action for Android phones? I perused the files on the Hero (ROM and SD) but didn't see any obvious candidates to change.
View 10 Replies View RelatedOdd question, but I can't figure for the life of me how to turn these off.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just rooted my phone yesterday using the method suggested above (xml dev or something like that).. and noticed that my weather never showed up on my home screen. then, after work, i tried to get into my Assistant Free/PageOnce app, also Market & FB.. but says network's not available..
Did i do something wrong? is tethering required after rooting to maintain network access? my texts and calls come through ok. i honestly don't remember if i received my daily agenda via e-mail or not today.
now, when you press a date on the calendar, instead of a list of times of the day to imput event, you see event (if one is scheduled), Add event at top, and a weather widget for the specified day at the bottom. seems to be a week's worth of forecasts.that's all i've found so far, not bad for an incremental update
View 11 Replies View RelatedThe weather widdget works fine on the home screen and updates, but all of the sudden now when I click on the widget to bring me the the 4-day forcast it keeps saying "No weather data available".
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs it just me or is anybody else having problems with the weather disappearing from their home screen? It started after I upgraded to 2.1. Underneath the clock it just goes blank and i have to go into weather and refresh for it to come back. Then a little while later it will be blank again.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have it set up update hourly, and it will show it to be sunny, even until 8PM sometimes 9PM.It's not exactly sunny at that time of day, I'd more expect to see the moon by that time of evening.Is this just weird, or is it just using the "official" sunset time of 8 something and calling it sunny until then? I'm a very new Hero user.I'm within my 30 days, and very tempted to take my Hero back and get a Evo, but, don't want to spend the extra $$ for the Evo, and don't need the extra monthly expense either!
View 10 Replies View RelatedI tried darchdroid's 2.7 rom yesterday and liked the "news and weather" app he had on there. how do i get that app on Fresh 2.3.3 so i can delete my USA TODAY app?
View 6 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of the weather app that does full screen visual for the 1.5 ROM? For example on the video of the EVO, the sun shows up under the clock and the rays are animated full screen. Clouds example and vid in the links below:
Weather APP - Android Central Forums
YouTube - Hands-on Sprint Evo 4G - AndroidCentral.com
I want to use a replacement home launcher, but I like using the HTC clock. So... I've been looking at Beautiful Widgets and Weather and Toggle. Which is better? Which is more customizable through skins? And most important... Which works better?
View 23 Replies View RelatedSometimes it displays the same weather and temps all day.
View 10 Replies View RelatedAm looking for a weather app that works like the OLD HTC Sense app.
The new weather app HTC included with v2.1 doesn't allow me to add cities that aren't in its list ... frankly I don't give a crap what the weather in Paris or Dubai is! We used to be able to input additional cities, current locations, etc. and swipe thru the list. If there's a way to add cities I haven't found it yet ... anyone know how?
I've looked at the WeatherBug, Accuweather, Weather Channel, etc., etc. apps and while they're nice they don't allow me to EASILY switch from city to city. So, what I'm looking for is EXACTLY what we had before.... Anyone know where I can find that?
I don't use weather on the phone and was just wondering if anyone has deleted the stock weather program. I am running fresh1.1 and surprized that he didn't remove the app because all the other crap is gone...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using Damage controls new 2.08.1 Rom and I have it working pretty good now. But I can't figure out how to get the weather on the stock flip clock. I want to use my current location.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you remove the clock w/weather from the home page?
View 5 Replies View RelatedOn both the clock/weather and regular weather widgets I am getting the correct weather but the icon to represent what it looks like outside is off. For example, posting this at 9:30am, the moon icon is on the screen. I'm not quite sure what is causing this to happen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf you go to menu > settings > accounts & sync, there is a checkbox for Auto-sync. This seems like the only way to have the weather on the flipclock widget auto update.
However, I do NOT want Google contacts to be auto-updated... I dont use Google contacts, all my contacts are Phone contacts, and I want to keep it that way.
Is there a solution?
This is what I used to do in 1.5 to add smaller cities no listed in the weather app to my Weather locations:
well this is what I did:
open weather application
push "plus sign" (bottom right corner)
push "my location"
your location will be showing on the googlemap and you see red pin.
zoom out and find your desirable location on the map.
drag the red pin to this location and push "Done"
you get the text "finding location", then you will have this location name and coordinates displayed... now just add this location and... you have it on the weather. then update the weather and it displays your custom weather conditions with others.
However, this isn't possible in 2.1, anyone know how to add other unlisted cities to the HTC weather widget?
I just upgraded software on u phone to 2.27. Upgraded to 2.1 on operating system
Anyone's else do this? Phone defense runs smoother but still experience the weather not showing /updating under clock.
My main HTC weather widget won't stay current. the one under the clock. i can get it to update correctly when i click on it, but on the main screen it just displays old stuff. it's getting really annoying. the only thing that updates it is when i power-cycle my phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I installed DamageControl v2.08.1 on my cdma Hero the calendar and date are 24 hours off! Time is correct but it's the next day. When I did a back up of this install it even used the wrong date on the backup. I have a bunch of small issues that I think with patience I may be able to work around but this clock/date thing has me puzzled. Also has anyone figured out how to put a custom city in for the weather widget and not one of the ones listed but for example a small town (any town) some where in the USA? I could do this on my 1.5 but this weather widget acts like the clock and you can only use their listed cities.
View 3 Replies View RelatedTurned my phone on and the Weather Widget on the main screen is gone and when I try and add the HTC weather widget it says not enough space on the screen. Any ideas?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI wanted to know if you guys knew how to get my weather app back under my time. It seems that only my time shows now and the weather is gone.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI searched and could not find relevant results...
Right now I can only see one person I'm following in the widget, is there a way to see tweets from everyone within the widget? I checked settings, but no such luck.
Also, is it another battery drainer similar to the weather and people widget?