Sprint HTC Hero :: Boost In Performance - Gumbo Custom Kernel

Feb 3, 2010

Gumbo custom kernel is the best thing to happen to my hero since flashing Fresh. It has virtually eliminated all lag and my battery doesn't seem to be suffering. Check it out and try for yourself!

Sprint HTC Hero :: Boost in Performance - Gumbo Custom Kernel

Sprint HTC Hero :: Gumbo Custom Kernel - How To Put It On Fresh 1.1?

Feb 15, 2010

I downloaded the custom gumbo kernel and I have no idea how to put it on my hero (fresh 1.1) I need a step by step on doing this.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Gumbo Kernel For DamageControl ROM?

Mar 15, 2010

Does one exist? I haven't seen one available. Too scared to just flash a random one.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Need Gumbo-like Kernel For Fresh 2.1.1 - Otherwise Its Too Slow

May 17, 2010

Ive flashed with Fresh 2.1.1 and installed Systray monitor and off the bat the RAM memory was around 30 megs and otherwise performance was slower than what i was used to. I can tell its same or slightly faster than stock 1.5, but its way slower than Gumbo Kernel optimizations on fresh 1.1
When i reflashed fresh 1.1 and gumbo kernel, the available RAM went up to 86 megs and the phone became faster and usefull again.

Im afraid even when the official updates comes along, I wont be able to use it because I got used to Gumbo's speed. What are your opinions and pointers for Gumbo-like optimization of 2.1 roms?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Problem After Rooting With Fresh 1.1 And Gumbo Kernel

Mar 31, 2010

So after a long debate of "to root" or "not to root", i decided to go ahead and root. I chose to manually root just so i could have the satisfaction of doing it myself.

I flashed Fresh 1.1 and Gumbo Kernel and LOVE the speed and the snappiness. But after a while i have been seeing some major issues.

1. Handcent does not seem to work. Everytime i get a message it either freezes up or it just automatically reboots. I just un-installed handcent and have been using the stock message app which is totally fine.

2. My phone randomly reboots to the Fresh screen.

3. NOW HERE LIES THE MAJOR PROBLEM. I try to open my browser and it says that "This applications requires network access. Enable mobile network or Wi-Fi to download data" Press "Settings" or "Cancel" First of all, my mobile network IS turned on. So i press cancel instead, and when i do, the page continues to load like normal. So i can surf the web, and everytime that box pops up, i press cancel, and i continue browsing with no problems. Now on occasion, i can open up the browser and not even get the pop-up box. So i have noticed that on the top of the screen next to where the time is on the upper right hand corner there's and icon that seems to appear when the network works fine and disappears when the network doesn't work. Now when i go to Settings>Wireless controls>Mobile Network it says, "Standby for connecting to mobile network". and when it works fine it just says, "Connected."

Why is my mobile network continuously going in and out of service?

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Sprint HTC Hero : Battery Losing Charge On Its Own - Running Fresh 1.1 Gumbo Kernel And Overclock

Feb 28, 2010

My battery seems to be losing charge on its own im running fresh 1.1 gumbo kernel and overclock does anyone know why?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Gmail Not Sending Emails - Using Gumbo Beta

Feb 19, 2010

I have been trying to send emails out for the last few days and they are not sending out the emails are just sitting in my outbox. Does anyone know how to fix this? I am running Gumbo (Beta) with the new Gumbo Kernal.

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LG Ally :: Performance Boost - Turn Off Animations

Sep 27, 2010

I am on my 3rd android phone, and the first thing I do on everyone is turn off all screen animations.
You do this in Menu-Settings-Display- NO ANIMATIONS

Doing this makes opening and closing apps, flinging through screens and many other things much faster.

You'll loose the cool looking transition when coming in or out of an app. But this is well worth it, IMO.

It's all about performance

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Sprint HTC Hero :: How Can I Boost My Signal !?!?

May 12, 2010

I have a DC 2.08 rooted sprint hero FYI. i work in a high school 8 hours a day. i go through out the entire day without pretty much any signal. most of the time im in my office within the high school and i get no signal at all. is there anyway i can tweek the phone so i can get signal. i already tried different radios.

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Motorola Droid :: Overclocking - Actually Appreciable Performance Boost?

Oct 20, 2010

I am wondering if there is actually an appreciable performance boost when overclocking the Droid CPU. Does it really improve performance, or is it more just so we can say "Hey lookee here! I OC'd mah Droid!"? Nothing wrong with the latter if thats the case, I am just wondering.

Specifically I am wondering about framerates in games. I have Angry Birds (for example) on both my Droid and my iPod Touch. It is smooth as silk on the Touch, but the framerate sucks balls on Droid. Wondering if OC'ing will do anything for that.

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HTC Eris :: Change Settings Within Gscript To Boost Performance?

Sep 29, 2010

I've recently rooted my eris to Xtrsense 4.5 and have a few questions. My quadrant score pre root was 205. After root, with JIT_on, overclock 748 the score was 298. Is this typical? are there other settings I can change within gscript to boost the performance? Should I alter the minimum clock speed from default? I have a2sd and cach2sd ON. How do I know these are actually working? After running advaced task killer, my available memory is around 65 megs. Is this a normal figure for the eris? I'm not completely sure how the memory/cache works on mobile phones. I assume 70 megs of RAM is different than information stored in the Cache.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Rooted Phone - How To Boost Performance?

Aug 22, 2010

What now? I sure want to remove bloats and stuff, any easy way to do that? And what other "must-do" stuff is there to do? Performance boost? How? What are ROMS?

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Motorola Droid X : Does Autokiller Seem To Boost Performance Of Phone

Nov 7, 2010

So its pretty simple. Do you use autokiller? Does it seem to boost the performance of your phone? Chime in, good, bad, or indifferent.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Music Player Boost?

Nov 28, 2009

If there is a booster for the music player or and equalizer for the music player or a better music player, I know that on a BlackBerry there is option to enhance the sound, is there something like this for the Sprint Hero?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Apps That Boost Performance Like Disk Cleanups / Defragmenters?

May 17, 2010

Are there any apps that improve phone performance. Like disk cleanups or defragmenters

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Samsung Moment :: Use Sprint Update Utility To Flash Custom Kernel

Mar 1, 2010

We can now do partial flashes with the CL14 SBL.... If you have not had the CL14 official update yet, you can follow these steps to get it:


What you need:
Sprints Update Utility

1. Create a datatool back-up.
2. Download and install Sprints Update Utility found above.
3. Run the program (now called SWUpdater) and follow all the directions until it says "Flash Downloading Complete".

Once you have the official CL14 update on your phone, or if you already had it, and you would like to flash SDX/Joey's Kernel (and Max's Recovery), follow the steps below.

What you need:
CL14 official update
An SDX/Joey's Kernel
Max's Recovery

1. Create a datatool back-up... (Although you most likely wont need it if you are just flashing a kernel.... But JUST in case, you should create a datatool back-up if you aren't confident that you wont wipe your data!)

2. After downloading and installing Sprints Update Utility, go into the binary folder (C:Program FilesSamsung ElectronicsSWUpgradeModelsBinary) and move the CL14 file to a safe place, MAKE SURE IT IS NO LONGER IN THE BINARY FOLDER.

3. Find the Kernel you want to flash and put it in the binary folder.

Note: Now you should only have one file in the binary folder (the custom kernel). Also make sure that if the file you are putting into the binary folder says 7zip or winrar, extract it!! If you dont you will get the message "Cannot access bin folder!", and you will not be able to start the download.

4. On your desktop there should be a program named SWUpgrade. Run the program and follow all of the steps through the end. After every thing finishes successfully, you will end up with STOCK CL14, this includes the CL14 SBL, along with the custom kernel you put in the binary folder (you are root).

5. Double check that everything worked by going into Settings-About Phone, under BaseBand version you should see S:M900.8.0S.CL14, under Kernel version= 2.6.27 moment(at)momentdev, under Build number= Joey's name (or any other developer who's kernel you put in the binary folder).

6. Repeat steps 1-4, putting Max's recovery in the binary folder instead of the kernel.

7. You're all set.

(If you happen to want to flash one of Zefie's kernels, repeat steps 1-4 also.)

It wasn't a great thing to get the CL14 update before, because it was hard to obtain root. But now with Sprints Update Utility, and all the new kernels, we are able to get root with the CL14 SBL easily.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Auto-Rotation - Over-all Performance

Feb 28, 2010

Just curious about Android OS Auto-Rotation system, and how it matches up to competitors. Before anything I am NOT complaining, just a thought.

So everyone has seen how the Auto-Rotation is on iPhone, Palm Pre' and Android handsets, and I was curious... shouldnt Android phones be able to do this task just as smooth as iPhone and Palm Pre'? Bringing this to my thought was the app "Floating Image". The Auto-Rotation on the app is amazing, and that just shows me, and makes me wonder, why cant all the other apps have the AR as smooth as this? (Even the keyboard). The slow delaying fade away is kind of a drawback (to an extent) know that Im 100% Android is capable of doing over and beyond that.

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Sprint HTC Hero : Exchange Sync Performance W/ 2.1

Apr 21, 2010

I've read a few "pre-reviews" of 2.1 and have yet to see any comments on better performance as it relates to syncing w/ Exchange Servers.Can anyone who has 2.1 loaded, that also uses an Exchange Server, comment on performance? I know that with 1.5, even though the settings are dictating the phone to sync upon arrival, there are times where it hasn't synced for more than a day.Just curious to see if this has been improved.

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Sprint HTC Hero : PSX4Droid Performance On Phone?

Jul 26, 2010

Anyone buy it? How well does it run on our little hero?

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Sprint HTC Hero : What Autokiller Settings Be To Get Max Performance

Apr 6, 2010

What should the settings be to get the max performance.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Installed Last.fm - Slow Performance / Won't Boot

Oct 26, 2010

I'm rooted running CM6, have been for awhile. I was just recently installing last.fm and I guess I pressed something that caused my phone to slow way down, pretty much froze up, so I rebooted it. It booted all the way up and then rebooted itself again and now it won't go passed the white htc screen.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Software Update - Lag And Boosts Performance Overall?

Sep 22, 2010

So apparently there is a new software update out that fixes the lag and boosts performance overall. I'm willing to bet that just like the last .6 update, this will probably break root.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Does A Better MicroSD Card Improve Overall Performance?

Oct 7, 2009

I have seen some threads and articles on a few sites talking about the advantages of a better than stock mSD card for the Hero having a drastic effect on its performance. I have see others stating that a Class 4 or even Class 6 card on the Euro HTC Hero has improved performance by 400%. Now while I know "400%" is a little out there and even sounds exaggerated, I am curious what this group of people has seen or heard. Does a better MicroSD card improve overall performance?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Non - Rooted Phone Performance / Opinions / Experiences

Mar 19, 2010

I'm hoping to get a little insight here from the members of the community that have devices that are not rooted, or from members that have experience prior to their rooting. Before I go into my questioning, I do want to preface this by stating that I have considered rooting my phone in the past, and have even tried (but failed) using the PreKitchen. Since then, I have made a definite decision that I will not be rooting my device. I have done TONS of research and reading on the topic, have asked and have had answered a lot of questions, and I've just decided that I do not want to do it. Yes, I understand the pros of doing it, I just choose not to. That being said, I would respectfully ask that those who take the time to respond to this post, please don't suggest rooting.
Ok, so I've owned the Hero since October, and for the most part, it has performed only marginally. The quirks, odditys and under performance issues I have experienced are nothing different from what has been talked about on this board, or others. Some issues, however, have been persistently bad, even after the "typical" troubleshooting methods have been used. Additionally, some of the things I've seen my device do haven't been talked about, or at least not in great detail, by many people. Some of the issues that I am experiencing, I am hoping that 2.1 will cure, however, I've come to a breaking point where I don't want to wait it out for the upgrade to finally release, only to find out that it didn't help. I've talked to Sprint Advanced Tech Support a few times and they seem to believe that it's a faulty device. Whether or not that is their response because they are stumped, or if the device actually IS faulty is what I'm hoping to figure out. They have agreed to send a replacement device to me, so I'm trying to get a feel for what to expect. Below are some of the issues I'm experiencing:
1. Wifi will not stay connected 85% of the time, despite a strong signal.
2. Apps take quite a bit of time to respond. The phone, however, does not seem to lag all that much. Screens respond pretty quickly and swiping is pretty smooth. Apps just take quite a bit of time to open/respond, even if still in "running" mode in the background.
3. Browser and other data requesting apps take quite a bit of time to get data, despite a strong EVDO signal or strong Wifi signal.
4. The phone's antenna seems to be weak. I can barely get a signal in my office (a one story building, sitting close to a window) and I'm in a heavily populated city. I've never had a hard time getting any less than 3 bars on any other Sprint phone in this location. Additionally, in areas where reception should be strong, I've found my phone switching between 1x and EVDO for data, and Roaming for voice.

There are other miscellaneous issues as well. I also want to stress that all of the typical troubleshooting methods have been done. I hard reset the phone last week and cleaned house, and am still seeing these issues. Prior to hard resetting, I had around 25-30 MB of free space on the phone. After the hard reset, I'm around 75 MB of free space, so that doesn't seem to be an issue. Text messages are cleared off the phone as they come in and program caches are cleared out daily. As for the signal issues, that's something I can't figure out, and neither can Sprint Tech Support, which is why I'm getting the replacement. My questions to the community are these:
1. I know that some of the issues I have listed are common among Hero users, however, does troubleshooting (clearing caches, texts, etc) solve the issues, or do they persist?
2. Has anyone had signal/data speed issues?
3. For people who have had replacement devices for issues similar to these, did the new device work better, or is this just a function of the device? One of the main reasons I ask these questions is because if this is going to continue to be an issue from device to device, there is no need to waste time continually swapping phones. I think at that point, I'll just have to wait for 2.1, hope it resolves the issues, and if not, cross that bridge at that time. I've expressed concern to the Sprint reps about receiving a refurb device. They had stated that it isn't up to them what gets shipped, however, they did advise that if a refurb was shipped, to send it back and go to a repair center to return it (in hopes that they have new phones on hand). I'm truly hoping that this is an issue with my device and not the Hero itself.

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Motorola Droid :: Best ROM And Kernel For Battery And Performance

Oct 3, 2010

Ive used Cm6 and had some homescreen lag issues so i tried liquid frozen yogurt 1.6 and i love it. i ran the slayher kernel and it seemed to be doing just fine. it is snappy and battery life is better than CM6. I also tried simply stunning v4.8. I really like SS a lottt but with the chevy kernel my battery life was absolutly terrible. I don't know why that was so i switched back to Liquid froyo 1.6 and my battery life is a lot better now. Does anyone know about UD extreme 8? ive heard good things but i just wanted to know a little bit more about it. So basically my question is what do you guys think the best ROM and kernels are for performance and battery.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Fresh 2.4 Kernel For Overclocking

Sep 28, 2010

What is the best kernel for Fresh 2.4 that will allow overclocking?

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General :: Compile Custom Kernel With Custom ROM?

Feb 21, 2014

I just went through the process of compiling a custom ROM and they used a stock kernel. I would like to incorporate a different kernel when I compile and instead of the stock. I know I could compile them separately and have them flash together but I want one zip to flash. Just would like to go through the process to learn.

what I have to do when compiling?'

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Sprint HTC Hero :: MoDaCo Custom Hero ROM For CDMA Hero

Nov 8, 2009

[TESTING] 08/11 1.0 - CDMA HERO MoDaCo Custom ROM Core featuring WaveSecure - xda-developers.This is for testing purposes so please be careful. Yippee if anything

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Sprint HTC Hero :: HTC Hero Rooted With Fresh 1.1 ROM / Custom Lock Screen

Jan 3, 2010

Made this video to show a friend what this custom ROM was all about, figured i could share it with those that might be interested. Really shows off its speed and style. YouTube - HTC Hero ROOTED Fresh 1.1 ROM

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HTC Hero :: Card Memory Can Be Used To Boost RAM?

Jan 10, 2010

Could you use a good memory card (Class 6 Micro SDHC) to speed up the phone by using some of the card memory for RAM?

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