Sprint HTC Hero : Battery Losing Charge On Its Own - Running Fresh 1.1 Gumbo Kernel And Overclock
Feb 28, 2010My battery seems to be losing charge on its own im running fresh 1.1 gumbo kernel and overclock does anyone know why?

My battery seems to be losing charge on its own im running fresh 1.1 gumbo kernel and overclock does anyone know why?
Ive flashed with Fresh 2.1.1 and installed Systray monitor and off the bat the RAM memory was around 30 megs and otherwise performance was slower than what i was used to. I can tell its same or slightly faster than stock 1.5, but its way slower than Gumbo Kernel optimizations on fresh 1.1
When i reflashed fresh 1.1 and gumbo kernel, the available RAM went up to 86 megs and the phone became faster and usefull again.
Im afraid even when the official updates comes along, I wont be able to use it because I got used to Gumbo's speed. What are your opinions and pointers for Gumbo-like optimization of 2.1 roms?
I downloaded the custom gumbo kernel and I have no idea how to put it on my hero (fresh 1.1) I need a step by step on doing this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo after a long debate of "to root" or "not to root", i decided to go ahead and root. I chose to manually root just so i could have the satisfaction of doing it myself.
I flashed Fresh 1.1 and Gumbo Kernel and LOVE the speed and the snappiness. But after a while i have been seeing some major issues.
1. Handcent does not seem to work. Everytime i get a message it either freezes up or it just automatically reboots. I just un-installed handcent and have been using the stock message app which is totally fine.
2. My phone randomly reboots to the Fresh screen.
3. NOW HERE LIES THE MAJOR PROBLEM. I try to open my browser and it says that "This applications requires network access. Enable mobile network or Wi-Fi to download data" Press "Settings" or "Cancel" First of all, my mobile network IS turned on. So i press cancel instead, and when i do, the page continues to load like normal. So i can surf the web, and everytime that box pops up, i press cancel, and i continue browsing with no problems. Now on occasion, i can open up the browser and not even get the pop-up box. So i have noticed that on the top of the screen next to where the time is on the upper right hand corner there's and icon that seems to appear when the network works fine and disappears when the network doesn't work. Now when i go to Settings>Wireless controls>Mobile Network it says, "Standby for connecting to mobile network". and when it works fine it just says, "Connected."
Why is my mobile network continuously going in and out of service?
Does one exist? I haven't seen one available. Too scared to just flash a random one.
View 8 Replies View RelatedGumbo custom kernel is the best thing to happen to my hero since flashing Fresh. It has virtually eliminated all lag and my battery doesn't seem to be suffering. Check it out and try for yourself!
What is the best way to overclock Fresh 2.3.3? I am just looking for something I can flash once and be done with it. Want it to make the phone faster and get better battery life. Is 710 kernel/OC Widget combo best? Looking for links... Thanks! looking for something like gumbo custom kernel...
View 19 Replies View RelatedWhat's the difference? Do you have to overclock with Fresh Toast 2.1? It seems like Fresh Toast 2.1 is less stable than Fresh 2.1.1, so should I just stick with Fresh 2.1.1 if I want a stable system?
View 29 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone knows of a good kernel i can use trying to overclock my phone to the max.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best kernel for Fresh 2.4 that will allow overclocking?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat overclock speed are u guys running and how is it?
View 25 Replies View RelatedWhen I get up in the morning and take my phone off the charger it's at 100%. Within an hour or 2, it's at around 85% with little to no phone usage of any kind. Wi fi, 4g, gps and all that stuff is always off. Has anyone else experienced this with their Evo? I apologize if there is already a thread on this.
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI just installed the netarchy kekrnel w/HAVS and immediately I started to lose about 4% battery in about 15 minutes or less. Mostly idle too. Used netarchy-toastmod-
The performance is wonderful with the fps unlock, but still the loss is insane.
I cleared my cache and dalvak cache prior to flashing the kernel.
I am running the Fresh 3.2 rom.
I installed Fresh 3.2 and have used both netarchy-toasted and kings #8 (and9) kernels. With both combinations I've noticed that my battery drops 10-13% over night while i'm sleeping. I looked at Spare Parts and SystemPanel and nothing stands out, no app or service is taking over during that time. I did not have these problems when I was on the stock 2.2 unrooted setup.
View 31 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to send emails out for the last few days and they are not sending out the emails are just sitting in my outbox. Does anyone know how to fix this? I am running Gumbo (Beta) with the new Gumbo Kernal.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI followed all the steps from [Guide] Root/ROM FAQ/Tutorial and installed Fresh. However, when the phone comes up everything is [OK] but in the bottom Initialize Fresh Rom [Wait] flashing.It keep on rebooting and comes to same point for past 30 minutes.Did I messed the rooting part or ROM installed?Is there anything can be done here? or do I wait?
View 12 Replies View Related[ROM] Fresh Rom 2.1 (Overclock, Apps2SD)
View 44 Replies View RelatedI will be rooting tonight then putting fresh 1.1 on and then the gumbo kernel and want to use one of these two to speed up the phone. Which one should I use?
I am okay with paying 99 cents for the app so please do not count that against it. I am looking for overall performance.
I tried both overclock and setcpu for 528 max and 160 (or 245) min. Whenever I put my phone in sleep and turn it back on, it automatically goes to 245 min 245 max which is slooow. Could this be a problem with the rom? because Im using Darchlegend v4 2.1 rom. Im just gonna unistall for now
View 2 Replies View Relatedseemingly for no reason. running fresh 2.3.3, and whatever stock kernels/overclockers or whatever, come with it) i've searched on here but havent really found the answer.it seems about 50% of the time when i go to either the browser or maps (or something that uses GPS), i'll find no connection. toggling airplane mode seems to remedy data connection, but i usu have to reboot to bring GPS back up. anyone else having these issues?
View 3 Replies View Relatedhas anyone overclocked their Hero? comments? issues? tell us about YOUR experience
View 7 Replies View RelatedI just rooted my hero last night and threw on CM6, let me say, much better than 2.1 I have a quick question though, i downloaded "setcpu" last night, and it will only let me go to 691mhz overclock, and as of right now my phone can ALMOST play psx4 droid, im running around 10 fps, and i need help figure out how to reach a Higher overclock to help out my fps....even if im wrong, can u still let me know how?
View 9 Replies View RelatedSo last night i had my phone sitting on my dresser while i watched the dodger game about 2 hours later when i picked it up and attempted to check face book, it kept giving me error messages. Convinced that this was another stupid FB error i went to surf the web only to say I was not connected to a network. I looked at the top of my phone and i had 3 bars but next to there bars there was no 1x or EV signal just the bars. I went into my settings and un clicked the mobile network and then clicked it again and it worked This has happened to me about 4 or 5 times since i owned the hero since December. Anyone have any similar stories or explanations? Also sometimes it seems that when my phone is sleeping, i wont get text messages until i unlock it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAfter updating to 2.1, I lose my data connection about once or twice a day. No visible notification but the EV symbol at the top of the screen will always be "lit up" w/ the upload/download arrows showing no activity. I always have to switch the airplane mode on for a second and turn it back off. I have bluetooth automatically connect to my car when I'm in it and don't know if that's what is causing it? Anyone else having this issue and finding a cure? I updated PRL as well as firmware, but no luck.
View 20 Replies View RelatedIs there a way, to go from Apps2SD to NOT using Apps2SD without losing apps or app settings?
The process as I understand it is:
Make a Nandroid Backup (or do you need Nandroid+ext?)
copy SD contents to PC
Wipe phone, Wipe and repartition SD card w/ no ext
replace contents of SD card (while in Recovery you can mount the card, correct?)
flash ROM
The question I have is, will all the apps and settings be in the restore, or will I need to reinstall and set everything up again?
Made this video to show a friend what this custom ROM was all about, figured i could share it with those that might be interested. Really shows off its speed and style. YouTube - HTC Hero ROOTED Fresh 1.1 ROM
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