Sprint HTC Hero :: Gumbo Custom Kernel - How To Put It On Fresh 1.1?
Feb 15, 2010I downloaded the custom gumbo kernel and I have no idea how to put it on my hero (fresh 1.1) I need a step by step on doing this.

I downloaded the custom gumbo kernel and I have no idea how to put it on my hero (fresh 1.1) I need a step by step on doing this.
Ive flashed with Fresh 2.1.1 and installed Systray monitor and off the bat the RAM memory was around 30 megs and otherwise performance was slower than what i was used to. I can tell its same or slightly faster than stock 1.5, but its way slower than Gumbo Kernel optimizations on fresh 1.1
When i reflashed fresh 1.1 and gumbo kernel, the available RAM went up to 86 megs and the phone became faster and usefull again.
Im afraid even when the official updates comes along, I wont be able to use it because I got used to Gumbo's speed. What are your opinions and pointers for Gumbo-like optimization of 2.1 roms?
So after a long debate of "to root" or "not to root", i decided to go ahead and root. I chose to manually root just so i could have the satisfaction of doing it myself.
I flashed Fresh 1.1 and Gumbo Kernel and LOVE the speed and the snappiness. But after a while i have been seeing some major issues.
1. Handcent does not seem to work. Everytime i get a message it either freezes up or it just automatically reboots. I just un-installed handcent and have been using the stock message app which is totally fine.
2. My phone randomly reboots to the Fresh screen.
3. NOW HERE LIES THE MAJOR PROBLEM. I try to open my browser and it says that "This applications requires network access. Enable mobile network or Wi-Fi to download data" Press "Settings" or "Cancel" First of all, my mobile network IS turned on. So i press cancel instead, and when i do, the page continues to load like normal. So i can surf the web, and everytime that box pops up, i press cancel, and i continue browsing with no problems. Now on occasion, i can open up the browser and not even get the pop-up box. So i have noticed that on the top of the screen next to where the time is on the upper right hand corner there's and icon that seems to appear when the network works fine and disappears when the network doesn't work. Now when i go to Settings>Wireless controls>Mobile Network it says, "Standby for connecting to mobile network". and when it works fine it just says, "Connected."
Why is my mobile network continuously going in and out of service?
My battery seems to be losing charge on its own im running fresh 1.1 gumbo kernel and overclock does anyone know why?
View 6 Replies View RelatedGumbo custom kernel is the best thing to happen to my hero since flashing Fresh. It has virtually eliminated all lag and my battery doesn't seem to be suffering. Check it out and try for yourself!
Does one exist? I haven't seen one available. Too scared to just flash a random one.
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best kernel for Fresh 2.4 that will allow overclocking?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMade this video to show a friend what this custom ROM was all about, figured i could share it with those that might be interested. Really shows off its speed and style. YouTube - HTC Hero ROOTED Fresh 1.1 ROM
View 48 Replies View Relatedis anyone having the same problem... I am running Fresh 2.1.1 and I am loving it... I have been trying to custom lockscreen on my phone. All the vanilla arent working... they cuase my phone to go in to error mode. then the rotary lockscreen isnt work either. tell me whatever one is using and how it is working for them?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI installed the latest version of fresh last week and im loving it... My battery life is amazing now. I was just wondering if there is a big difference in performance between Fresh with the stock kernel & fresh with a custom. Did i half-ass it by only installing the new rom with no kernel? what about that set cpu app that people were using with unrevocked when the evo came out... Anyone using that still with their custom roms or is it unnecessary?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to send emails out for the last few days and they are not sending out the emails are just sitting in my outbox. Does anyone know how to fix this? I am running Gumbo (Beta) with the new Gumbo Kernal.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI followed all the steps from [Guide] Root/ROM FAQ/Tutorial and installed Fresh. However, when the phone comes up everything is [OK] but in the bottom Initialize Fresh Rom [Wait] flashing.It keep on rebooting and comes to same point for past 30 minutes.Did I messed the rooting part or ROM installed?Is there anything can be done here? or do I wait?
View 12 Replies View RelatedWe can now do partial flashes with the CL14 SBL.... If you have not had the CL14 official update yet, you can follow these steps to get it:
What you need:
Sprints Update Utility
1. Create a datatool back-up.
2. Download and install Sprints Update Utility found above.
3. Run the program (now called SWUpdater) and follow all the directions until it says "Flash Downloading Complete".
Once you have the official CL14 update on your phone, or if you already had it, and you would like to flash SDX/Joey's Kernel (and Max's Recovery), follow the steps below.
What you need:
CL14 official update
An SDX/Joey's Kernel
Max's Recovery
1. Create a datatool back-up... (Although you most likely wont need it if you are just flashing a kernel.... But JUST in case, you should create a datatool back-up if you aren't confident that you wont wipe your data!)
2. After downloading and installing Sprints Update Utility, go into the binary folder (C:Program FilesSamsung ElectronicsSWUpgradeModelsBinary) and move the CL14 file to a safe place, MAKE SURE IT IS NO LONGER IN THE BINARY FOLDER.
3. Find the Kernel you want to flash and put it in the binary folder.
Note: Now you should only have one file in the binary folder (the custom kernel). Also make sure that if the file you are putting into the binary folder says 7zip or winrar, extract it!! If you dont you will get the message "Cannot access bin folder!", and you will not be able to start the download.
4. On your desktop there should be a program named SWUpgrade. Run the program and follow all of the steps through the end. After every thing finishes successfully, you will end up with STOCK CL14, this includes the CL14 SBL, along with the custom kernel you put in the binary folder (you are root).
5. Double check that everything worked by going into Settings-About Phone, under BaseBand version you should see S:M900.8.0S.CL14, under Kernel version= 2.6.27 moment(at)momentdev, under Build number= Joey's name (or any other developer who's kernel you put in the binary folder).
6. Repeat steps 1-4, putting Max's recovery in the binary folder instead of the kernel.
7. You're all set.
(If you happen to want to flash one of Zefie's kernels, repeat steps 1-4 also.)
It wasn't a great thing to get the CL14 update before, because it was hard to obtain root. But now with Sprints Update Utility, and all the new kernels, we are able to get root with the CL14 SBL easily.
I have just rooted using unrevoked.com and my phone is now rooted I have fresh 2.1.2 and fresh 2.0d which one should I flash?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI haven't rooted or flashed a new ROM to my phone yet, but I'm thinking about it.After reading Fresh 2.0d seems like a good one, especially since it doesn't have all the bloatware with it.The only app that I want from the bloatware is the Sprint Navigation.I saw the file to reinstall all the applications back, but I only want the Navigation.Does anyone know how to flash just that app to the phone and skip the rest of the Sprint bloatware?
View 15 Replies View Relateda little background info, rooted my first hero no problem using fresh kitchen, but ended up bricking my phone. got my new hero today from sprint, came home connected it up to 2 different computers to try and root it but in both cases both htc sync and kitchen dont see my phone, but i can run the tests in kitchen and see my sd card if i mount it.my build number is 1.56.651.2 cl85027 release-key and it says my hardware version is 002 if that helps.
View 4 Replies View Relatedim new to this whole rooting thing.i was able to root my phone last night but im running into a problem trying to install fresh rom.Sorry if this has been answered before, but ive looked everywhere and cant find anything.Can anyone please help me out im probably having a blonde moment and hopefully its just something silly.Im working on a mac if that makes a difference.
View 6 Replies View RelatedA couple of weeks ago, frustrated by the lack of attention from Sprint, I took the plunge and rooted. I flashed the Fresh ROM and have not looked back. Now that 2.1 is out, is there anyone out there that has hands on with both that can compare the two? Basically, I'm looking to find out if I should swap over to Eclair.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best way to overclock Fresh 2.3.3? I am just looking for something I can flash once and be done with it. Want it to make the phone faster and get better battery life. Is 710 kernel/OC Widget combo best? Looking for links... Thanks! looking for something like gumbo custom kernel...
View 19 Replies View RelatedI know this has probably been discussed several places but I cant seem to decipher the information that I need. I use to use a "clear" lockscreen on fresh 1.5. I recently flashed to fresh 2.1.2 and I found that the grey arch is back on my lockscreen. what Im wondering is if there is anyway that I can get rid of that grey arch WITHOUT using a vanilla style lockscreen (I like the simplicity of just the clock and which ever picture I choose)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have Fresh 1.1 installed on my hero for the last few months and think its great. The problem is alot of apps i cannot get since i dont have 1.6 or higher and i guess some apps need higher than that.
View 2 Replies View Relatedthoughts on this ROM? I have yet to flash it.
Aloysius is my ROM. its so pretty
I have a Sprint HTC Hero, and I rooted my phone about a week ago. I flashed the Fresh 1.1 ROM, and since then I don't think I have been receiving all my text messages. Could the rooting and Fresh be the cause? If so should I go back to the factory settings?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI flashed from the old Fresh 1.1 to its latest ROM. I followed the instructions step by step. Now when my hero boots up i get "Sorry the process android.process.media has stopped unexpectedly please try again." and "Sorry the process com.google.process.gapps has stooped." Then i get the "Complete action using" screen HTC Sense or Launcher. It seems like if i click HTC Sense i keep getting the Force Quit but if i select Launcher i get to the home screen but cant place phone calls......
View 10 Replies View RelatedThis is for Rooted users with fresh rom using Pre-kitchen.Can someone tell me how to use kitchen?I have fresh 1.1, I downlaoded pre-kitchen to my PC and unzipped to it's own folder.I open the exe and the kitchen pops up. If I try to click "help" and send test message it says it's not connected. have I missed something?
View 8 Replies View RelatedIn a word, this combo is *awesome*. Very easy to install once I figured out the .NET issue with my windows pc (just needed to update the .NET stuff, @ windowsupdate.com, pretty easy), and very easy to use, though it sure would be nice if the "Kitchen Tutorial" section of geekforme.com was completed. I'm a clicker and tweaker by nature and I knew I couldn't screw up too badly (just flash it back to stock and start over if things turn sour) so away I went. There really is no need to fear with this (pre) Kitchen set up.The auto-root was FAST and very easy. Pulling unwanted applications and pushing files to the device, also simple. Even swapping the theme and lock screen was pretty easy. A good, solid tutorial on the site (which I understand is in progress) would have helped, but there are good people in this and other forums who are happy to help if one gets stuck.
I had rooted my phone previously and removed many stock applications, so I did not notice as large of a performance jump that most do coming from a stock device, but it seems a bit snappier, post Fresh.I have noticed that my battery seems to be draining quicker post Fresh. I charged fully before bed, placed the phone in Airplane Mode and set it on the table. When I woke up this morning, the device had dropped to 50% in 6-7 hours of no use. I don't recall seeing any threads talking about speedy drain post root/fresh, so I'm looking into it. There are no apps installed that I didn't have on the phone before I noticed faster battery drain, save for those installed with Fresh.I'd say it was due to me playing with it more, but I was sleeping... Unless I'm fiddling with it in my sleep... The phone shows an up time of 8hr 27min with an awake percentage of 81%. It seems I've missed something that's keeping the phone awake. Suggestions?
I am using fresh 2.1.2 - what do I need on my computer (drivers?) - to be able to do WIRED tether? I am trying to use the wired tether that is built into the Fresh Rom 2.1.2.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI did a wipe and clean install for Fresh 2.1.1 and have no speak phone on phone calls. I have nothing from the speaker.Tested it a few times, never works with a phone call.Speaker works for media - MP3 and custom ringers etc.Is the a known issue and or fix for this ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat's the difference? Do you have to overclock with Fresh Toast 2.1? It seems like Fresh Toast 2.1 is less stable than Fresh 2.1.1, so should I just stick with Fresh 2.1.1 if I want a stable system?
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