Sprint HTC Hero :: Access To Delete Accidental / Misspelled Words?
Feb 17, 2010Sometimes it saves words for future predictive use. How can I access to delete accidental or misspelled words.

Sometimes it saves words for future predictive use. How can I access to delete accidental or misspelled words.
I want my DX to automatically correct misspelled words. Like when it sees "teh" I want it to go ahead and change it to "the." Is there a way to do this?
View 1 Replies View Relatedusing the pre-kitchen, i must have accidently deleted Sprint TV. how do i get it back now? Thanks.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI've got a few custom words in my text messaging dictionary (I'm using Handcent SMS) and some of them are accidental additions from the early days of my Hero when my on-screen keyboard skills were a bit epileptic! How can I delete individual words from my dictionary?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI've seen a few posts about this, but i wanted to ask again and see if anything new has come up.I'm happy with my USER dictionary, because i check it every couple days to make sure there's no crazy stuff in there that will pop up while typing.However, i would really like to be able to edit the dictionary that comes on the Hero. The biggest gripe i have is that EVERY time i type "the" it replaces it with "Tue"Wouldn't the dictionary be a file on the phone? Seems like you should be able to edit it after rooting, no?
View 10 Replies View RelatedJust wonderinf If this happens to other people as well. It only happens when the spellcheck/prediction/autocorrection is on, so I'm sure that is the culprit. It doesn't happen every time, but it Is frequent. I'll try a few words here and see what happens... if in inside is In If institute indirect is Inside If. If my count is right, It has happened 7 of 18 times in this post. Know Issue? Discussed before? Bugging others? Make that 8 of 19.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI use the TouchPal onscreen keyboard and there doesn't seem to be a way to add new words to the prediction list.
Now that the phone is rooted, I plan on really searching around, but before I do, maybe someone already has the answer.
Is there a sqllite database file somewhere in the system that contains the list of words that we can just easily add to?
When using the stock message app for texting, how do you clear or update the words that you have "saved".I accidently hit "saved" for het so everytime i try to type "her" it comes up Het.I hope i am making sense.Any help on how to reset all of the saved words or update them would be appreciated.
View 5 Replies View Relatedis there a way to delete threaded messages, similar to if you wanted to delete emails? like if i have 20 text threads, and only wanna delete 10.. but do all 10 at the same time..
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using the regular messaging app and I'm just wondering if there's a way to delete words from the dictionary. I tend to save words that aren't words, and it's gotten to the point where the phone picks the wrong words over the right words.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI connect to my works Exchange server using EAS (I think, it was the default) and it syncs with my mail automagically as stuff comes in. I'd really like to find a way to automatically delete stuff on the Hero as I delete stuff on the exchange server. Is there a way to do this without involving another program?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI guess I've saved a bunch of jumbled letters as a word does anyone know how to delete words you've saved?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI know that to delete words I've manually input into Swype is simply to highlight, hit the swype button and delete, but what about words that come in the Swype dictionary? For instance, I often mistakenly put in the word "Urea" when I want to say, "Yea." I don't see myself every needing the word "Urea," so I want to delete it from the Swype dictionary, but I can't seem to figure it out because it's not a word I made Swype learn, it's a word that came with Swype. Any way to fix this?
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhen I'm texting, often words popup that are nowhere near the word that I have typed or am working on typing out. I know that I can press that down arrow and add a word but how can I delete some of the words that are already there. For example, sometimes, I start a message with "I'm" and the phone types "Um" instead. I have no need for the word "Um" Thanks everyone. Great site btw, I have learned so much here. Also, is there an AutoText app similar to the BlackBerry where I can type a word or series of letters and have it automagically replaced with something else? For example:
View 16 Replies View RelatedOn the evo section on this site I found out how to delete words from texting dictionary settings/language & keyboard/touch input/user dictionary
View 4 Replies View RelatedI was having some fun swyping curse words and all of those words are now in the dictionary. My nieces play with the phone and I don't want them typing "fun" and "shine" and getting other words.. Any thoughts on where to do delete those unspeakables?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to delete words from the swype dictionary? I can add words just fine. For the life of me I can not figure out how to delete words.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe title is my question. I found out how to add stuff to the stock android dictionary, but I added stuff I meant as just a test and now I don't know how to delete them.I posted this on xda but haven't gotten an answer yet. Was wondering if anybody here had some insight.Keep in mind this is the STOCK ANDROID keyboard I'm talking about, not swype. For this phone there is no "Language and Keyboard" setting, which is the answer I came across when I tried to google for an answer.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am loving my Eris and looking forward to the Dec 11 update.
I am just wondering if the auto-suggest dictionary is user-modifiable. I use compact QWERTY (like SureType on BB). When I type "we", what comes out is "qe" which is the default word it wants to use. Perhaps I used it once and saved it? How can I delete the words I don't want popping up anymore (especially the ones I may have added)?
I just picked up a some blue-tooth headphones, and was wondering how I can delete the stock music app! It's not playing nice with Meridian! I am rooted and all that good stuff if that helps! I tried using pre-kitchen but did not see the app listed!
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow can i delete songs directly on my phone, without having to connect it to the pc to delete?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWell so I am trying to delete a massage thread and my hero goes crazy.After I press delete thread the message app is unresponsive then I get an error and I can't even get online. I have to reboot in order for the phone to go online. A.d guess what the messages I wanted to delete r still there. I was using handcent I uninstalled it and went back to stock app but the problem still there. Pls help I dnt wanna do a factory reset.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have removed the rcp program but the ringtones are still on the phone,I don't know if they are on the SD card or internal memory.need some help.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI added some bookmarks to the Bookmark Widget that i don't want any longer, but i can't figure out how to delete them. I found another post about the G1 where it said to long press, but that only allows the whole widget to be removed and not individual bookmarks.
I've tried changing the name/link of the bookmarks and all that does is add another bookmark. Please help, now i have too many bookmarks i don't want.
I just got my phone 2 weeks ago and only used one scene I checked that I had a social,play etc scenes with alot of widgets and stuff on the phone. I only use one my custom scene are these other scenes affecting battery life I just noticed these extra scenes and wondering if I should delete because I don't use them.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to remove pre-installed programs?
For example, the following programs were pre-installed:
Amazon MP3
And maybe some others.
I've just tried:
Settings | Applications | Manage Apps
And noticed there's not always an option to Uninstall on these and some others.
Is it possible to remove, delete, uninstall, or get them off the device?
Is there any way to remove the pre-installed Sprint programs?
Sprint TV
Are there some "core apps" or "core programs" that can't be removed?
A brief search on this matter on related threads seems to indicate only on "rooted" phones.
i have over 1000 msgs in one thread and im trying to delete it to speed up my phone, but my phone is freezing up. any solutions?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHas anyone figure out how to delete mail off the phone but keep it on the computer. with g mail.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to delete stock apps or at least hide the icons.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI use Handcent for my SMS text app. I have about 6k texts on my phone now. Haven't deleted any since 2.1 came out and I needed to format. Sometimes my phone CRAWLS when receiving or sending a text. I mean it'll take 2-3 minutes just to send or receive a text. Handcent will hang for that long. When I power down the phone it usually improves responsiveness in Handcent but I'm wondering if I should delete the threads? Will I notice an improvement in text speed? I have no idea how much space a text message uses but I'm also wondering if I'm wasting internal memory space too. I don't have many picture messages. They are mostly just text messages.
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