Samsung Vibrant :: Web Browser Goes Back To Home Screen
Jul 19, 2010Every time i go to using the stock web browser, once the page loads the phone goes back to the home screen,why?

Every time i go to using the stock web browser, once the page loads the phone goes back to the home screen,why?
I got a vibrant for 2 weeks now....really satisfied with it except it keep turning back to home screen by itself, when i try to access to google or some other websites like that......
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just bought a vibrant one week ago. I found no serious problem on mine, but it really gets hot.......while charging. One more problem i have is that it keeps turning back to home screen by itself, when i use app or internet......
View 4 Replies View RelatedBrowser keeps exiting, but I've only noticed it when I visit a certain page. Nothing comes up as in a force closing it just goes back to my phones home screen. I've tried clearing cache and that didn't work. Its really annoying, & I don't want to have to download another browser thats a last resort for me.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to get the icons in my home screens to show the entire name? There's plenty of room if it just goes to a second line.
View 8 Replies View RelatedRooted my replacement Vibrant but didn't wanna remove the bloatware right away in case future froyo required it. So, I tried just freezing the apps with Titanium. This makes sure they never start up when you turn your phone on and they are removed from the app drawer. You just unfreeze them whenever you want. Anyway, it makes the app drawer/homescreen scrolling a lot smoother.
View 2 Replies View Relatedevery now and then when im on the internet browser or txting the home screen will come up outa nowhere... ive had the epic for 12 days now should i return it or what?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSomething weird happens to my phone. At times when I am browsing through my apps in the applications window, the phone suddenly goes back to the home screen after about 10-15 secs of inactivity. It vibrates a little bit as if the back button is being pressed. I am 100% sure I am not pressing the back button.
Other times, when I start up an app (gmail, facebook, internet, music player, etc) it goes back after about 10 secs of inactivity. It seems to always want to go back to the home screen and it will keep going back till it arrives at the home screen.
I just got my phone two days ago and haven't done anything much on the phone yet.
using stock home screen: replacing the stock 4 icons on the bottom. Please help! Was using adw launcher but had to go back to stock home screen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to get back to your home screen on the stock browser. It seems like there should be a button for this. I know I can get to it on the bookmark page, but this is an extra step. Any shortcut keys somewhere?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhenever I am using any app and press the home button, the home screen blacks out for a few secs and it takes around 10 sec to get all the icons back and before I can start using my phone again. I am using a non rooted mytouch 3g.
This problem does not happen if I exit an app by pressing the back button. It becomes very annoying at times.
So I dropped my vibrant (with rubber SGP Silk case) about 4 feet from the ground and the screen is completely destroyed. There is no external damage, but functionality is completely gone. I got my vibrant about a month ago.
View 19 Replies View RelatedWhen i fire up my youtube app, i get a quick black screen flash and it goes back to home screen. The app doesnt launch at all. It was working just fine for several months, all of a sudden it started doing this.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI downloaded a kernal on ryans lag fix and then it made my phone get stuck on the VIBRANT SAMSUNG screen so i tried to fix it by using odin, but all it did was make it go to the Galaxy s sign now, any suggestions on how i can fix this? (and also, after the galaxy s sign shows up for about ten seconds or something like that it goes all black and all that stays lit are the home button, the back button, the search button, and the settings button), i need serious help.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just installed lock 2.0 and i was just adjusting the settings and now every time I'm in my phone and i touch the "Home" button it locks my phone instead of taking me back to my home screen! Is this normal? Did I accidental do it in the settings? HELP its driving me crazy
I'm on the new 2.1 leak if that matters
I don't know if I'm missing something in the settings or what, but every time I shake my Eris while running an app the screen automatically goes back th the home screen. This gets really annoying when using apps that require such actions. Anyone else having this issue or know what I'm doing wrong. Maybe an app that's causing it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I DL'd the GDE app, I accidentally set my stock droid "HOME" screen as the default screen when the popup box came up asking me to choose between stock Home and GDE. Now when I click on GDE and click the home button, it switches back to the stock Home screen. How to I switch the settings now to set the GDE app as the new home screen?
View 15 Replies View RelatedSpecifically, I wanted to know if I could set as a page on my home screen.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I recieve a sms/mms on my vibrant the screen comes on and wont go off until I check my phone, this kills my battery if I get a message while im sleeping and...well..its frustrating and annoying, any ideas how to fix this? I have been up and down every setting
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just got the vibrant 2 days ago and so far I love it. This is my first android phone and am not sure how to fix this problem. I woke up this morning and now my web browser wont work. It opens and starts loading my homepage which is only google and right when its about to fully load the web browser quits. And I know it quits because I have to reload when I open it again. I have tried turning the phone off and on and also making sure task killer isnt doing it.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I fire up my web browser, Google is my home screen. Just below the search field my browser says "location unavailable update". When I click update it tries to acquire location but can't. I think I've tried everything to get it to locate my location. I've turned it on through google settings. I've turned on GPS on my phone. I've got nothing. I'm at a loss at how to enable this feature because I used to have it and liked it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo my browser stopped working. I tryed changing some setting so that it would stop showing me the mobile view of websites and from then on it force closes and says:
The Application Web (proxess/ has stopped unexpectedly/ Please try again.
dumpstae_app_201009191206_com_android_browser.log has been saved. Use *#9900# to copu out log.
I'm using dolphin broswer!
how can i get my browser to go to the full site instead of jumping straight to mobile versions of the site?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a setting somewhere in the stock browser that will force pages to open in full version instead of the mobile version?
View 12 Replies View RelatedAny one else have their standard vibrant web page go missing? And if so who is providing tmobile web service in your area. Here in Salt Lake it is comcast.
More importantly how do I fix this.
I know no body wants another thread about 2.2 but I just thought i'd share with you what Talk Android has posted. Samsung UK has announced that 2.2 for Galaxy S will be delayed again.This is really pathetic, they should just tell us it's not coming so we don't wait and dump this device for something that actually works and runs the latest OS.
View 39 Replies View RelatedI'm still fairly new to the Android OS, switched over from an iPhone 3GS a few weeks ago. Trying to figure out what I did to delete my browser from the can see in the first picture what it looked like earlier today and then in the second picture what it looks like now. I've tried dragging the browser icon down but it just replaces the phone or vice versa. I can't get it to go back to 3 options.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I was personalizing my phone today, when I removed the "Add a Contact" bar from the second screen to the left. No problem. I'll go look in the "+" categories and find it. I can't. Any ideas how to get it back? If you haven't changed any of the screens, scroll to the one just left of the first home screen...that bar.
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy application is composed by several activities,I would like to give the user the option to go back to the home screen of my application by pressing a button on the screen.At the same time I can't call the finish() function on activities between the home screen and the currently visible activity because by pressing the back button the user will go back only one step and see the previous activity.Any idea on how to achieve this?Is it possible to access the activity stack and e.g. close all the activities it contains except the first one?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've been playing around with my Vibrant and just lowered the number of pages the Home screen has. Doing this, however, changed the page that comes up when I hit the actual "Home" button. It's becoming very annoying and switching the order of the pages around by dragging them in the Edit mode hasn't helped. It even sometimes chooses the very right-most, completely blank page to be the default home one. How can I assign which of the Home pages I want to pop up when that button is hit?
View 5 Replies View Related